Sunday, May 20, 2018


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     Ponder this thought.  It's February 27th, 2019...and the only child of Bill and Hillary Clinton begins her 40th year of life.  And how should President and Secretary Clinton celebrate Chelsea's 39th birthday?  How about with the announcement that her mom will once again run for president of the United States? 

     Oh I’m fully aware that Mrs. Clinton – in September 2017 - told CBS News anchor Jane Pauley on a Sunday Morning broadcast…“I am done with being a candidate.”  But I don’t buy it.  After all, many politicians over the years have issued similar such statements and yet…when the time came to hit the campaign trail…they were back in the saddle again.

     Let us recall that in an interview with Barbara Walters on her 2012 ABC special, 10 Most Fascinating People, Mrs. Clinton was ambiguous with her thoughts when Barbara asked about a run for The White House in 2016.  “I’ve said I really don’t believe that that’s something I will do again.  I just want to see what else is out there.”  Of course…what was out there…was the brass ring…and Hillary Clinton was going to make every effort to grab it.

     Regular readers of The Controversy are well aware of my longtime support for the former Secretary of State…and, as part of my contribution to her campaign for president, I wrote dozens of editorials throughout 2015 and 2016 to promote the many reasons why she would make an outstanding leader for our country and for the free world.  My respect and admiration for Secretary Clinton are unwavering.  And although others will disagree with me…I trust Hillary Clinton implicitly.  

     I can hear my readers – especially Republicans – shouting…“If you trust her so much, how can you think that she’s not being honest about running again?”  Well, I’ll tell you.  I suppose faith overpowers trust…at least in this instance.  Think about it…when it comes to politics – in fact, when it comes to just about anything in life – one can never really say never.

     In her post-2016 election memoir, What Happened, I genuinely believe that Mrs. Clinton artfully composed the following words.  “That doesn’t mean I’ll ever run for office again.”  To my thinking, there is nothing definitive by that statement.  Furthermore, Secretary Clinton also writes in her book…“There were plenty of people hoping that I, too, would just disappear.  But here I am.”  So in no way do I believe that she has completely ruled out another run for president.  We need to read between the lines.

     Generally speaking, I take most people’s words at face value.  But in the case of Hillary Clinton – or anybody, for that matter, who has the desire to seek the highest office in our land - I recommend it's better to be cagey than to be totally straightforward.  But that's only prior to becoming a candidate.  After that...I want transparency and truth.

     The former First Lady and United States senator has been around the block a time or two and she knows how to answer a question by placing just the right words in her sentence.  In that interview with Jane Pauley on CBS, Secretary Clinton carefully followed up her response about not running for president again.  "But I am not done with politics...because I literally believe that our country's future is at stake."

     Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in 2016 by nearly three-million votes.  Nobody expected her to lose the electoral vote…not even Donald Trump.  After all…Mrs. Clinton hadn’t prepared a concession speech…and there was no victory speech hanging out of Donald Trump’s pocket.

     But when Secretary Clinton finally did concede formally, her speech never gave me the impression that she was tossing her goal in to the trash can.  I truly believe she still wants to be president.  "I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but someday, someone will, and hopefully sooner than we might think right now."  And Mrs. Clinton concluded her remarks by saying..."So my friends, let us have faith in each other...let us not grow weary...let us not lose heart...for there are more seasons to come.  And there is more work to do."  The end had clearly not come for Hillary Clinton.

     I’m an optimist, at heart.  So I quote British author Sir Michael Morpurgo.  “Wherever my story takes me – however dark and difficult the theme – there is always some hope and redemption.  Not because readers like happy endings, but because I am an optimist at heart.  I know the sun will rise in the morning…that there is a light at the end of every tunnel.”
     The United States needs Hillary Clinton as our president.  Mrs. Clinton represents the honest truth in doing what is right for Americans...especially concerning some of the most crucial issues facing our country today.  She supports universal health care so that every single U.S. citizen - man, woman, boy and girl - can receive the best health care at an affordable cost.  With twenty-three school shootings in just the first four-and-a-half months of 2018, Secretary Clinton cares about the children of our nation and their safety...not to mention the safety of all Americans at any age.  Therefore, she is engaged to properly target gun safety reform.  Mrs. Clinton is designed to give our youngest generation every opportunity to live full, productive lives.  But that begins with education.  So Secretary Clinton stands for public school funding that will give students from all walks of life a pathway toward success through good teachers and the necessary tools for kids to learn. And when money is on the mind, "Uncle Sam" cannot ignore that most people do not get paid what they're worth.  The federal government has to create laws so that everyone is compensated with a fair wage.  There is nothing fair when someone has to work two or even three jobs...merely to "get by."  Americans...that is all Americans...deserve to live and be happy...and to enjoy life.  As the old saying goes..."All work and no play..."  Well, you know the rest.  Finally, when the conversation focuses on fair wages...equal pay for men and women alike...cannot be overlooked.  It's time that people of both genders...who are employed to do the same tasks...are paid the same salary.   

     Donald Trump can sing his “There Is No Collusion” song all day long.  He can tweet everyday that the Russia investigation is a “witch hunt.”  And his base of supporters can drink the Kool-Aid while they continue to put “The Donald” on a pedestal.  But Special Counsel Robert Mueller is going to learn the truth.  And when we know what he knows, then Americans need to accept his outcome.  But evidence without proof is not a solution…and Mueller needs to provide the proof.

     Long before the November 2020 election, the American people will have the answers that we seek…good or bad.  We will know whether Donald Trump resigns the presidency or is impeached and removed from office.  Or we will know if Mueller conclusively finds that Trump did nothing illegal with his 2016 campaign and that he has not participated in a cover-up of any crimes.  But we will also know if Trump decides that since he's already checked off being president of the United States from his bucket list...that he simply doesn’t want the stress of the job anymore.  Perhaps, after making one victory lap around The Oval Office...he doesn't want to bruise his narcissistic ego and exit a loser.

     So it doesn't matter whether Donald Trump's name is on the 2020 ballot or not, Hillary Clinton is not going to throw in the towel.  My confidence is strong that this special woman…this special lady…is going to be elected our nation’s first female president.  People attending the Democratic Party's 2018 Women's Leadership Forum in Washington, DC were treated on Friday, May 18th to a speech by Hillary Clinton. And as she expressed her thoughts, she finished by giving me another hint that she is going to run for president again.  "I will be there every step of the way...because we are going to take back the country we love."

     Hillary Clinton has a lot more to say...and it's well worth listening to her.  And as the 46th president of the United States, her words can be put in to action.  

     Now I know there are many Democrats who feel Mrs. Clinton will be too old to be seeking the presidency again.  But in 2020, she'll be 73 years young, while Donald Trump - if he's the Republican nominee - will be 74.  And other possible candidates - from both sides of the aisle - are also in their seventies and eighties.

     There's another old saying that perfectly applies to this column.  "If ifs and buts were candies and nuts, we'd all be at a party."  We human beings ask ourselves all the time..."But what if?"  Hillary Clinton does not want to wake up one morning...ten or twenty years from now...and say to herself..."But what if?"

     Call it her determination – or purely her love of country - to reverse the damage that Donald Trump has done since taking the oath of office…or – for the lack of a better reason – call it legitimate revenge for her 2016 loss as a result of Russian meddling, former FBI director James Comey’s meritless letter – eleven days before the election – that he sent to Congress…or call it anything else that you might want to call it…including any mistakes she herself might have made.  But when all is said and done…Hillary Clinton is not done.  Not yet.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Photo credits:  Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation (Chelsea Clinton, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton), The Capital Times/Michelle Stocker (former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #1) and Afterfeed (former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #2)

Copyright 2018 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.  This column may be freely shared among individuals, but it may not be reprinted or republished in any medium without the express written consent of Gary B. Duglin. Interested parties may contact The Controversy.  Broadcast, cable, satellite, and other forms of media are welcome to quote Gary B. Duglin by crediting him and The Controversy.


  1. Maybe we should wait until the DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report is released on how the FBI investigated Hillary Clinton's handling of classified information and her use of a “private email server.” AG Jeff Sessions has already said that if the Comey lead investigation was flawed he would reopen the investigation. Maybe in 2020 we could have a candidate that is not under federal investigation. How about a person with less baggage and some fresh ideas!

    1. Talk about a "witch hunt." The FBI/Comey investigation was not, as you say, "flawed." Former director James Comey, who I certainly am not a fan of because his letter to Congress, 11 days before the 2016 election, caused Hillary Clinton to lose The White House, was specific with his report that Mrs. Clinton did NOTHING "illegal." He did say the former Secretary of State and her team were "careless," but that "no prosecutor" would even attempt to take on such a case. I am, therefore, confident that the Department of Justice inspector general will come to the same conclusions that Comey did. The IG will probably not include his own personal opinion - which Comey should never have done - so Michael Horowitz will likely not enter a word like "careless" in his report. He will clear Mrs. Clinton and the Comey investigation and hopefully put an end to such a "matter."

      You sound as if you are a Democrat by your words "maybe in 2020 we could have a candidate." Being "under federal investigation" does not equate to guilt. There should not have been any investigation of Hillary Clinton as she did nothing criminally illegal.

      As for your remark about "a person with less baggage and some fresh ideas"...the so-called "baggage" is filled with lots of "ideas" that Hillary Clinton can put in to practice as president, and I believe - as I wrote in my column - that "The United States needs Hillary Clinton as our president. Mrs. Clinton represents the honest truth in doing what is right for Americans... especially concerning some of the most crucial issues facing our country today." Implementing Secretary Clinton's "ideas" can only help our country, not hurt it, as the ideas of Donald Trump and the Republicans are doing.


  2. I didn’t say that the investigation was flawed, I said that Sessions said that if the IG finds that it was flawed he would reopen the investigation. I think that most open minded Americans that are informed must agree that some of the investigation was flawed. The FBI Director should not have made the decision; it should have been done by the DOJ, Deputy AG or a Grand Jury. No, I’m not a Democrat; I am an Independent and have been one for over 30 years. I don’t know how you can claim “there should not have been any investigation” we have a system of laws in this Country and we still don’t know why Comey did what he did when he said July 5, 2016 “there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information.” Whether she is ever charged or not, Comey stating that there was “evidence of potential violations of the statutes” that is potential evidence of a crime and is definitely baggage. I don’t believe that Secretary Clinton has any “fresh ideas” she and many of her contemporaries are just filled with old ideas that haven’t worked in the past. America doesn’t need a President on the left or one on the right, America needs a President in the center which is where most people are. We need a compassionate man or woman who can follow the Constitution and lead the Country and the world.

    1. My response to the above reader will be in three parts.


      Whether you said "flawed" or you say Attorney General Jeff Sessions said "flawed," the only "flaw" in the Comey investigation was that he decided to come back eleven days before the election and ruin Hillary Clinton's chances at winning the presidency. I believe that when former FBI director James Comey issued his report initially that Mrs. Clinton did nothing "illegal" and that she should not be "prosecuted," that his decision was correct. And I AM an "open-minded" American.

      The reason I insist "there should not have been any investigation" is because the Republicans have been out to get Bill and Hillary Clinton for about 25 years. The impeachment of President Clinton was truly a "witch hunt," as was the Benghazi situation and the e-mail "matter." Republicans seem to always want to get "dirt" on the Clintons, as Donald Trump, Jr. acknowledged in the e-mail before his June 2016 meeting with the Russians when he - I believe - conspired to collude with Russia at the direction of his father, Donald Trump. Therefore, no...there was no legitimate reason to formally open up an investigation against Mrs. Clinton.

      As for your quote from Comey, you did not complete it. The exact statement by Comey was...""Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case." The operative words in Comey's statement are..."potential violations"..."our judgment"...and "no reasonable prosecutor." But Republicans - and I suppose some Independents - want to drag on an investigation that has been thoroughly investigated. The Justice Department needs to focus on more important matters such as finding out if the current Oval Office occupant is a "crook." Remember that Richard Nixon claimed he was "not a crook." And yet he was. And we all know how that ended up.




      Everybody has "baggage." Nobody makes it through seven decades of life without having "some" baggage. But with Hillary Clinton, nothing has ever been proved that she has done anything illegal. She has made mistakes - as everyone does - and she has admitted her mistakes. It's time to move on.

      As for Mrs. Clinton's ideas, given the opportunity to put them in to action, I think those ideas will work perfectly for our country. And I outlined some of them in my column above.

      I believe you are going to see in the next number of years, a strong turn towards the "left" across our nation, as it is already happening. The younger generation - the Millennials or Generation Y Americans - have already indicated a passion for being more liberal and progressive. The proof of that came with Bernie Sanders' campaign for president in 2016. And with Sanders' strength, he moved Hillary Clinton further to the left, as she was not as liberal with her views as President Clinton has proved to be. That all being said, a Reason-Rupe survey shows that 60 percent of Millennials support liberal candidates...62 percent identify themselves as socially liberal...66 percent want to raise taxes on the wealthy...and a whopping 74 percent (nearly three quarters of Millennials) want government to provide food and housing to ALL Americans.

      So I disagree with you that "America needs a president in the center, which is where most people are." We are quickly - and I believe rightfully so - moving more and more towards the left and to a belief of liberal, progressive views.




      I have written columns in the past about what I'm about to say so I'm not going to dwell on it now. However, the U.S. Constitution was written more than two centuries ago. Our founding fathers were question about it...but they were not...and could clairvoyant. They had no crystal ball to see what the future would be like in the 21st century. As such - if they did have that crystal ball - I'm confident that our Constitution would be somewhat different. That is why certain laws today must be open for interpretation.

      I do agree with you that America "need(s) a compassionate man or woman" to lead our country and the world. But I still believe that Hillary Clinton is that person.



  3. From ready your past columns I would never say that you are a "open-minded" American when it comes to the Clintons. I don’t believe he should have been impeached but he did lie to a Federal Court. It was not a witch hunt but it was an overreach. Hillary did lie about Benghazi and about her emails; she was smart enough not to do it to Federal agents. There is nothing illegal about getting “dirt” on your political opponent, Gore did it to George W Bush, getting CBS/Dan Rather or someone to forge letters about Bush’s military service and it is part of the game. My Comey comments were correct, first evidence of potential violations of the statutes is a fact, his opinion was “that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” it should have gone to a grand jury to decide. Comey is a leaker and a liar and should be prosecuted. No evidence has been shown that President Trump is as you put a “crook” but for 25 years or more we have seen proof that both Hillary and Bill Clinton are crooks! As for young people in America all I can do is hope that a quote attributed to Winston Churchill is correct “If You Are Not a Liberal When You Are Young, You Have No Heart, and If You Are Not a Conservative When Old, You Have No Brain” hopefully their brains will take over sooner than later. To many of todays “Millennials or Generation Y” don’t understand what our Country is based on, we are a Representative Republic based on capitalism, what you describe is socialism and in many ways is un-American. As for the US Constitution it is the greatest governmental document ever written and it has a provision to amend it when need. It should not be interpreted it should be applied or amended. As for Hillary Clinton being a compassionate woman, I believe she is a calculating conniving person that feels she is entitled to the White House and is power hungry, hopefully will never run for office again.

    1. My response to the above reader will be in FIVE parts.


      As I was reading your previous comments, I thought to myself, "Wow! This guy (or gal) can conduct himself (or herself) in a civil manner that is void of hatred. First - as I noted earlier - I thought perhaps you were a Democrat. But then, you identified yourself as an Independent. I can see now, though, that IF you are indeed an Independent, then you are an Independent who leans towards or would even caucus with the Republicans. And your hatred has finally seeped through on to page.

      First of all, I am a very open-minded person. But when I've come to the conclusion that someone is being persecuted - as Republicans and some Independents have done with the Clintons - and I believe those being persecuted to be telling the truth, then that doesn't make me close-minded, it makes me someone who has weighed the facts and find that the Clintons are, in fact, honest, trusting people who have made our country better by their service.

      I'm pleased to see that you don't believe President Clinton should have been impeached. Remember, the Democrats in the Senate didn't agree with the House of Representatives so, therefore, Mr. Clinton was not convicted or subsequently removed from office.

      It was all a Ken Starr witch hunt that wasted millions and millions of taxpayers' dollars.

      I do not believe that Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi and there's credible evidence that she did indeed tell the truth. And she did not lie about her e-mails. She spent 11 hours testifying before Congress and between Congress and the FBI, she has been cleared of any illegal wrongdoing.

      If you believe that Al Gore got CBS News to "forge letters about (George W.) Bush's military service" then you're nothing more than a gossipmonger and a rumormonger. And there is ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF WHATSOEVER that Dan Rather participated in what turned out to be a scandal which basically lost him the anchor chair. Dan was a scapegoat and what CBS did to him was totally disgraceful.




      Comey is not a leaker. You and others - including Donald Trump - do not know the legal definition of "leak." I am not a lawyer, but in preparation for certain commentaries I have both researched and consulted with legal professionals for their expertise. In order for something to legally be leaked, it has to be "classified." James Comey - if he wanted to - had the power to de-classify any documents. However, the information that he provided to his professor friend, who then shared such information with The New York Times, was NOT classified. In fact, the FBI signed off on allowing his e-mails to be published in his new book. These are facts, so there is no debating it. Comey "leaked' nothing.

      Now I have already stated to you, and in responses to other readers who commented to other editorials that I have written, plus I have included the following thoughts in actual columns, but I will repeat myself again here. I have no love for James Comey. I am in no way a fan of his because I blame him for destroying Hillary Clinton's chance at winning the 2016 presidential election. Comey's meritless letter to Congress was uncalled for and should never have been written. Mrs. Clinton would be president today if Comey had kept his mouth shut about something that turned out to be false anyway. There were no more e-mails. All that being said, though, I will still defend Comey by saying that Democrats and Republicans alike have vouched for him by saying that there's a lot that can be said, good or bad, about Jim Comey...but one thing most people have said, who have known him throughout his career, "Jim Comey is not a liar." Did he break Justice Department protocol by interfering with an election soon before said election? Yes he did. The following is confirmed by PolitiFact. "In August 2008, President George W. Bush’s attorney general, Michael Mukasey, sent an internal memo entitled 'election year sensitivities' to employees on the department’s policies on political activities. Part of it reads: 'Simply put, politics must play no role in the decisions of federal investigators or prosecutors regarding any investigations or criminal charges. Law enforcement officers and prosecutors may never select the timing of investigative steps or criminal charges for the purpose of affecting any election, or for the purpose of giving an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party. Such a purpose is inconsistent with the Department's mission and with the Principles of Federal Prosecution.' President Barack Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder resent the memo in March 2012." Therefore, should Comey have been reprimanded? Yes. Should Comey have lost his job. Yes. But did Comey break the law? No.




      There is plenty of evidence that Donald Trump is a crook. Is there proof, though? That's a whole different ballgame. It will be up to Robert Mueller to determine whether Trump is indeed a crook. There is, however, no proof, that Hillary and Bill Clinton are crooks. Thus, whenever I read or hear anybody make statements, as you have done, then my only conclusion is...your're a hater. It pains me to use that truly does...because I hate nobody. Despite what some of my Republican readers want to bash me over the head with...I do not even hate Donald Trump. I hate no one. But your words indicate differently about President and Secretary Clinton.

      As for your quote that you claim was said by Winston Churchill...I suppose you didn't check your facts. Churchill never said it. The quote has been fact-checked and "there is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this." That comes directly from Furthermore, as Churchill historians have also stated...the quote "makes for good storytelling but popular myth has falsely attributed it to Winston Churchill." It's a disgusting quote, and not something that Churchill would have ever made.

      So you can "hope" all you want, but it's becoming more and more apparent that Americans are moving more to the left, and with between two-thirds and three-quarters of Millennials either identifying themselves as liberals, or just their beliefs to being liberal and progressive, then all I can say to you is...stand by for liberal progressive Democrats to take over our government. And I am thrilled!!!




      America is, in part, a socialistic country. Social Security, Medicare, the VA and the entire United States armed forces...all represent socialism. Republicans don't seem to understand that. You claim to be an Independent, but everything you wrote in your last full response clearly defines you as a Republican...not an Independent. But if you want to call yourself an Independent, go for it. That's your right. I'm for anybody thinking any way they want to think. I'm for anybody doing anything they want to long as they don't hurt themselves or hurt others.

      I stand by my thoughts earlier about the U.S. Constitution. But I will agree that it is, of course, the greatest governmental document ever written. However...that doesn't mean that's it's perfect.




      I had hoped that when I got to the end of your comments above that you would have somehow concluded with something more decent, as you had in your earlier remarks. But when I saw more and more of your hatred towards Hillary Clinton, by calling her "a calculating, conniving person" and "power hungry" - none of which she is because none of that is true - then I decided that perhaps YOU are not the same person who wrote the earlier comments. That person was much more civil. Perhaps you fooled me and you are the same person. But then, if that is true, you've got some very serious issues.

      It's a shame that so many readers who disagree with me, refuse identify themselves. Instead - like you - the majority of my readers who write comments, hide behind the blanket of the "anonymous" banner. My name and face are smack dab in front of everybody. I hide nothing. But since others who respond to me...are a don't have the backbone to present yourself by name and photo. poisoning our country. Perhaps, though, when the Democrats regain control of Congress after the 2018 mid-term elections - which I'm confident they will - and after a Democrat moves into The White House on January 20th, 2021 - which I'm confident she...or he...will - then hopefully they can rid our country of some of the hate that is strangling us today.



  4. Comey is a leaker, he violated Executive Branch policy all meeting and conversations with the President are considered privileged and is considered leaking if not approved by the White House. It may not be criminal but it was still a leak! We know he is a liar. When Comey was asked about Flynn, Comey testified that the FBI interviewers “saw nothing that indicated to them that (Flynn) knew he was lying to them.” Then on FOX he said “I didn’t believe that and didn’t say that,” Comey told Fox News’ Bret Baier. Comey told lawmakers “that the FBI agents who interviewed General Flynn did not detect any deception.” The transcripts have been released was he lying to Congress or the American people on TV and in his book, which is the lie both statements can’t be true!
    America has been shown NO EVIDENCE that the President is a crook. I don’t hate the Clintons I just wish they would go away and retire and spend their ill-gotten wealth from all the play for pay done while she was Secretary of State and leave the rest of the Country alone. Once again you misquote people, I did not say I was quoting Churchill I said “a quote attributed to Winston Churchill” the statement is a great statement and very true, most liberals over 35 have no brain, but it is attributed to Winston Churchill yet there is no proof he ever said it.
    America is not a socialist country, we unfortunately have some socialist policies, Social Security, Medicare are socialistic and failing do to that, both going broke do to their socialist foundations, the VA and the Military are not socialist.
    I never said the US Constitution was perfect, that is why there is a procedure to amend it.
    One thing I will agree with you is there is a lot of division and hate strangling our country; my hope is that the Democrats/ Liberals with stop fermenting this hate and start working for the good of America and for Americans. Liberals need to stop being haters!

    1. You are a vicious, vindictive, vengeful hater who needs your mommy to give you an old-fashioned spanking.

      James Comey did NOT violate Executive Branch policy. And why? Because when he provided the information about his e-mails to his professor friend, which was then provided to The New York Times, Comey was no longer a government employee. He had already been fired. And prior to his firing, Comey had authorization as the FBI director to declassify any documents that had been classified. However, as you are too thick-headed to understand, the e-mails were NOT classified. The FBI even signed off on them to be published in Comey's book. You can NOT spin this to your liking just because your head is firmly pushed up Donald Trump's fat butt. The legal definition for a "leak" has to involve "classified" documents. The e-mails were not classified, therefore, there was no leak. Period. These are facts...and they cannot be disputed.

      Comey has admitted providing the e-mails in order to get the Justice Department to order a special counsel, and Comey was right in doing what he did. Again, as I've said in the past, I'm not a fan of Jim Comey because of what he did to hurt Hillary Clinton, but in this case, he was 100 percent correct.

      I've stated my case about Comey NOT lying. I stand by it.

      There is plenty of evidence, as I noted earlier, that Donald Trump is a crook. Special counsel Robert Mueller now has to provide the American people with the proof...which I am confident he will do.

      You are a hater. HATER, HATER, HATER. You hate Bill and Hillary Clinton and it's absolutely disgraceful the way you express your meritless views. Neither President or Secretary Clinton is guilty of receiving "ill-gotten wealth." They have deserved every penny they have legally earned. No pay to play. Every fact-checker has confirmed there has been NO pay to play.

      Once again, you cannot spin things to your liking when I prove you wrong. When you make a statement like "all I can do is hope that a quote attributed to Winston Churchill is correct" that is the same thing as you actually quoting it. You're adding the quote to the conversation, which is the same thing. And when you say that it's "a great statement and very true" then you agree with it even more. The fact is that you are - as I have said over and over again - a vicious hater. To make such a remark that "most liberals over 35 have no brain" is reprehensible and despicable.

      Your statement that the quote "is attributed to Winston Churchill, yet there is no proof he ever said it" is a moronic comeback on your part. It's a myth. Churchill never said, “If You Are Not a Liberal When You Are Young, You Have No Heart, and If You Are Not a Conservative When Old, You Have No Brain.” It cannot be "attributed" to him when it's purely a false accusation.

      America IS indeed a socialist country - in many, many ways. As I noted, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and yes even the VA and the U.S armed forces.

      Liberals are in NO WAY haters. And I myself am certainly not a hater, as I have spelled out in my columns, time and time again. But people like you, who spew your venom from your toxic tongue are responsible for the hate in our country. You and Donald Trump. You will all be so very, very shocked when the Democrats regain control of Congress come January 2019 and a Democrat is in The White House on January 20th, 2021. And as I've written many times in the past...if Bob Mueller can prove that Mike Pence has been involved in a Trump cover-up, then both Trump and Pence will resign, and the new Democratic speaker of the house will become president in 2019. Wait for it...wait for it...there's the thud of all Republicans in disbelief.


  5. I'm a lifelong democrat and voted for every democrat running for president starting with Carter. I voted for Trump. I will never vote for Hillary and I'm sure the democrats know she is a loser and won't let her even try to screw up their chances again. Like the other reader said - you are not objective. You are a Clinton lover and refuse to see her MANY flaws as a candidate. I'm not in love with Trump but given who we had to choose from I would vote for him again and again versus anybody like Clinton. Unless the dems come up with a good candidate and quick we'll see Trump win in 2020. I hope that's not true but with people like you not realizing what happened in the last election we're going to end up in the exact same place in the next one. The candidate was flawed badly. Doesn't matter what you cry about how she was treated. A good candidate could have weathered any storm. She simply was a bad choice. The democrats need a good candidate or else history will be repeating itself whether you want to believe it or not.

    1. My response to the above reader will be in three parts.


      It's truly a shame that "a lifelong Democrat" actually "voted for Trump." If the 10,704 Michigan Democrats who voted for President Obama in 2012 hadn't voted either for Trump, somebody else, or stayed at home in 2016...and if the 44,292 Pennsylvania Democrats who voted for President Obama in 2012 hadn't voted either for Trump, somebody else, or stayed at home in 2016...and if the 22,748 Wisconsin Democrats who voted for President Obama in 2012 hadn't voted either for Trump, somebody else, or stayed at home in 2016...then Hillary Clinton would have won the electoral votes in each of those three states and, thus, she would have won the presidency. A total of 77,744 Democrats who voted for President Obama in 2012 voted instead for Donald Trump, or somebody else, or they stayed home and didn't vote at all in 2016, and that cost Hillary Clinton the election. Now I don't know what state you live in, but if you're from Michigan, Pennsylvania or Wisconsin, then you're one of those Democrats who are responsible for Mrs. Clinton losing the presidency. I guess that makes you happy. As I said...what a shame.

      It's baffling that a self-proclaimed "lifelong Democrat" would actually write that he (or she) would vote for Trump "again and again." Do you not realize what Trump has done to harm our country over the last 16 months? I don't know how old you are, so I don't know if you lived through Richard Nixon and Watergate...but even if you're too young to remember Nixon and Watergate, or perhaps you weren't born yet, you more than likely know all about the history of Watergate. I think when special counsel Robert Mueller concludes his investigation, he is going to prove that Donald Trump (and possibly Mike Pence as part of a cover-up) will make Richard Nixon's crimes look like shoplifting. It truly boggles the mind to think that a Democrat could actually support someone like Donald Trump.




      Yes, yes, yes. I admit...and I'm proud to admit...I am indeed a "Clinton lover." And that goes for both Hillary and Bill Clinton. And although she does have flaws...we ALL do. Nobody on this planet we call perfect. But certainly, Hillary Clinton's pluses outweigh her minuses. With Donald's just the opposite.

      I truly believe that when push comes to shove - as I indicated in my column - Hillary Clinton will run again for president. But if she doesn't...I have written other columns over the last year where I have suggested other candidates for the Democratic Party, any of whom would wipe the floor with Donald Trump's hair. First on my list would be Joe Biden. Others I have suggested include Joe Kennedy, Adam Schiff, Andrew Cuomo, Terry McAuliffe, Sherrod Brown and Cory Booker. But then...others have made similar suggestions.

      As for Trump...I have written in past columns that he in no way will even be on the ballot for the Republicans in 2020. More than likely, he will resign the presidency in disgrace, or he will be impeached by the House and convicted/removed from office by the Senate. But let's say, for argument's sake, that Bob Mueller proves that Trump is rotten to the core, but he did nothing illegal or impeachable...I have said in the past that Trump is not going to want to put himself through the stress of another four years in The White House. Being president for Trump has been a checkmark on his bucket list. He's done it...he won't do it again. Sources tell me that Trump can be a raving lunatic in The West Wing as he cannot deal with the media, the Democrats, and anybody who disagrees with him...including people in his own administration. Hence all the firings and "resignations." Furthermore, as a narcissist and an egotist, Trump cannot stand people not doing what he tells them. But the United States is not The Trump Organization. And if he survives the Mueller probe, Trump is going to want to go back to Trump Tower in New York City where he can be "the boss."




      I totally disagree with you that "a good candidate could have weathered any storm." I believe Hillary Clinton was a great candidate, and she would have won the presidency if former FBI director James Comey hadn't given that letter to Congress, 11 days before the election. I'm convinced that Comey's letter is what did her in and what caused those 77,744 Democrats to either stay home and not vote at all, or vote for Trump or others.

      You have your right to vote for whomever you do I. That's one of our freedoms in this "GREAT" country...despite that Donald Trump didn't think it was great, but that only HE could "make America great again." But I certainly hope that when all is said and done, that your allegiance will go back to the matter who the 2020 nominee will be. And that includes Hillary Clinton.



    4. I will always be a fan of Hillary's. She did not lose the election. It was stolen from her. My fear is that if she even hints at running again that she will become the story and it will take the focus off of Trump and the investigation into crooked Trump. Everything he accuses Hillary of he is guilty of himself. I worry the press will again try to crucify Hillary and I really think right now it's important to keep Trump and all of the disgusting criminal acts in the forefront everyday. I don't know if Hillary would get a fair shake in the press right now. If the story becomes about her and all the pathetic lies Trump would blab all day on Twitter about her, and not focused on despicable, crooked Trump then I really wonder if it wouldn't hurt Hillary even more than Trump. I think it's something she, as well as her fans really have to consider.

    5. Excellent points made by you, JW. That is why it is so crucial for special counsel Robert Mueller to conclude his investigation by no later than early 2019. Once Mueller has proven - which I believe he will - that Donald Trump was not only involved from the beginning with a conspiracy to collude with Russia, but in a subsequent cover-up (a cover-up that also could involve Mike Pence), and that Trump obstructed justice by firing James Comey as FBI director in an effort to put a stop to the Russia probe, then Hillary Clinton would be free and clear to announce her candidacy again for 2020. Hopefully, Democrats will get out in full force nationwide to vote in the mid-term elections this November so that the Democrats re-gain control of both the House and the Senate beginning January 2019. If that happens - which I believe it will - and if Mueller can prove that Pence too has been involved in a cover-up, then both Trump and Pence will be forced to resign. By doing so, the new Democratic speaker of the house would become president of the United States. I know all of this is a huge stretch of my imagination, but it may become reality depending on what evidence Mueller has on both Trump and Pence. In addition, Trump's former personal attorney and "fixer," Michael Cohen is not going to want to go to prison for the next 30 or 40 years, so he is going to flip and provide Mueller with every morsel of dirt that he knows about Trump. Of course this is all conjecture on my part, but ALL Americans need to be aware that my theory is quite possible.

      Thank you so very much, JW, for your insightful remarks. So many liberals, progressives and Democrats in general who read The Controversy do not comment, therefore most responses to my columns are from right-wing Republicans who are so conservative and so loyal to Trump that it's a refreshing pleasure to hear from someone like you. I do appreciate.


    6. Gary I think you are spot on about Mueller. I don't listen to the talk about the polls and how Trump's numbers are going up. Don't buy it. But if they are we just have to fight harder and not let up. I totally agree with you "Hopefully, Democrats will get out in full force nationwide to vote in the mid-term elections this November so that the Democrats re-gain control of both the House and the Senate beginning January 2019" I think the press loves to stir things up but I just feel there is a change coming and we are witnessing a destructive force in Trump unlike our country has never seen before. Just unbelievable that the Repugs don't step up to the plate. It's so obvious that they believe in party over country. I believe those who really care about this country have had enough and will vote like never before. Hopefully there will never be another Trump to reach the WH again. He did not win! The election was stolen and when the press says he won it's wrong. Just amazing what has taken place with the Justice department sharing information like it has. I guess in a way I understand but it's still unbelievable. I have to believe there is a reason for a greater good but I guess time will tell. It really is up to "We the People" to turn this mess around and flip the House and Senate to the Democrats. Glad to see you again Gary. Always loved your columns and hope they get more exposure. Was hoping to see you more after the disastrous election. What a depressing time. But now it's time to fight and take our country back. Please keep your voice out there. Thank you for speaking up and as a Hillary fan so appreciative of your writings. If you have a mailing list please add me on.

    7. Thank you so very much, JW, for you comments and your kind words. I greatly appreciate your compliments - "Always loved your columns and hope they get more exposure." I write once, sometimes twice a week and have been doing so for nearly six years, so I look forward to future comments from you. Please feel free to share a link to The Controversy ( to all your friends and family on social media and in your e-mail directory. Many thanks again. GBD

  6. Gary meant to say thank you for your kind words. Just glad to see you again and your writings. Keep up the great work.

    1. Thank you very much again, JW. I truly appreciate your lovely sentiments. GBD
