Tuesday, April 17, 2018


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     Query?  Does television executive producer Mark Burnett want a royalty from Donald Trump, as the current Oval Office occupant uses The Apprentice and The Celebrity Apprentice format - which Burnett created - to run his administration?  Of course I jest about any compensation from Trump to Burnett.  But since "The Donald" - about every other week, on average, since his inauguration - has been using his catch phrase, "You're fired"...which he made famous during the NBC reality shows...there's an obvious appearance that Trump is running the Executive Branch of our federal government as if he was still hosting his two TV series.  I wonder if he viciously snarls and points his finger at his White House victims when he terminates their employment, as he did when he fired contestants on his programs.

     Trump has got to be scared stiff that some of the people he fired are being questioned by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.  And I'm confident that many of those individuals are bound to spill the beans and throw Trump under the bus in order to save their own skins.

     On January 23rd, 2016...Donald Trump bragged - at a rally in Iowa - about his popularity during the presidential campaign.  Trump boasted that if he shot a person on a crowded New York City street, it wouldn't affect his support.  "I have the most loyal people...where I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters."

     But loyalty only goes so far.  Trump's approval rating is the lowest of any American president in U.S. history at this point in a first term.  And although Trump hasn't actually fired a gun at anyone on a Manhattan roadway, I can guarantee you...if he ever did shoot anyone...anywhere...he'd not only lose voters...he'd lose his presidency...and his life.

     Trump fans need to stop worshiping him.  They need to wake up, jump ship, and knock him off his pedestal.  Otherwise, they are going to be shocked to the core when Special Counsel Mueller and Congress take him down.  

     Donald Trump - because of an Electoral College system that should be abolished - is officially the President of the United States.  But he certainly does not, in any way, act like any American president in U.S. history.  One example...Trump slammed a former FBI Director on Friday, April 13th, 2018 by calling him a "slimeball."  Now I have no affection whatsoever for James Comey.  As do most Democrats, I blame him for Hillary Clinton not winning the 2016 election.  Comey's infamous letter to Congress - eleven days before voters went to the polls - unfairly jeopardized Mrs. Clinton's chance at being elected our nation's first woman president.  Without Comey's letter, there is no doubt in my mind that the former Secretary of State would be sitting behind The Oval Office desk.  Instead, we suffer day after day with a president who is incompetent and incapable of governing our country.  In an exclusive interview with ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos - which aired on Sunday, April 15th - Comey was blunt and to the point.  "Our president must embody respect and adhere to the values that are at the core of this country.  The most important being truth.  This president is not able to do that."  

     Long before the election, I wrote that Donald Trump would be "unfit to be president."  I later wrote that he is "mentally unfit to be president."  But in his interview on ABC...Comey went one step further and labeled Trump..."morally unfit to be president."  Anyone who could...and would...make the statements Trump made about women in the Access Hollywood video...anyone who could...and would...mock a disabled reporter, as Trump did during the presidential campaign...and anyone who could...and would...offend Gold Star parents...among venomous insults towards others...is indeed "morally unfit to be president."  But voters were fully aware of what I noted above BEFORE they pulled the levers to elect Trump.  So let's lay the cards on the table.  If a person agrees with a racist...then that person is also a racist. In the same vein...if an individual agrees with an immoral person...then that individual is also immoral.  About 63-million Americans cast their ballots for Donald Trump.  I guess our nation is jam-packed with about 63-million immoral people.

     As with his interview with George Stephanopoulos...James Comey, in his new autobiography A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership - did not mince words. "This president is unethical, and untethered to truth and institutional values." Despite all that being said...I never - in all my years - thought I would ever hear a U.S. president use the word "slimeball" in a public forum.  But then...Trump has tweeted and uttered other disparaging words that no other president would have ever dreamed of letting roll of his tongue...or off his fingers...so that everyone - including children - could hear or read.

     I certainly don't want anyone to think that I am painting a picture of praise for James Comey.  I will never forgive him for his destructive communication before the 2016 election.  However...that does not mean that I cannot agree with him when he speaks the truth about America's "Liar-In-Chief."  After all...Donald Trump wouldn't know how to be honest if Abe Lincoln himself told him he was lying.  So I do trust Comey about the conversations he claims to have had with Trump about "loyalty" and putting a stop to the Russia investigation.  In spite of that...I adamantly oppose Comey's decision to break from...and quite frankly, violate...Justice Department protocol by issuing the aforementioned letter to Congress...which became public. That unfounded demonstration before the election ultimately caused some Independents to vote for Trump instead of Hillary Clinton...and for some Democrats to simply stay home and not vote at all.

     Following George Stephanopoulos' interview with James Comey, I spoke with various Democrats who think Comey should have been charged with a crime for that letter to Congress.  What Comey did was not illegal...although his actions did go against the policies of the U.S. Justice Department.

     In August 2008, President George W. Bush's Attorney General, Michael Mukasey, issued an internal Justice Department memo that stated..."Simply put, politics must play no role in the decisions of federal investigators or prosecutors regarding any investigations or criminal charges.  Law enforcement officers and prosecutors may never select the timing of investigative steps or criminal charges for the purpose of affecting any election, or for the purpose of giving an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party."  Therefore...the Department of Justice - which oversees the FBI - explicitly prohibits its employees from either interfering with an election...or giving the appearance of interfering with an election.  In March 2012, President Barack Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder, sent the same memo to everyone who works at the Justice Department.  Thus...what then-FBI Director Comey did...in October 2016...was without question...wrong.  But he did not break any law.

     Meanwhile...a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll says that only 22 percent of Americans "strongly approve" of Donald Trump's performance.  So all other Trump voters need to come to the conclusion that he isn't ever going to be successful at the job he was elected to do.

     Throughout his campaign, Trump promised to achieve two primary goals if he became president...both of which, I have always written, he would never accomplish. First...Donald Trump will never be able to repeal and replace "Obamacare"...despite his insistence throughout the campaign that it is a "total disaster."  Oh sure...the Republican tax bill - which Congress passed in December 2017 and that Trump signed in to law - will unfortunately get rid of the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate and thus cause premiums to rise...but the ACA is the law of the land...and it will remain so forever.  All that aside...President Obama would be the first person to acknowledge that the Affordable Care Act needs certain improvements.  However...it has provided health insurance to millions of Americans who would otherwise not have it.  And in his first State of the Union Address - on January 30th, 2018 - Donald Trump never even mentioned any further efforts to do away with "Obamacare," as it is obvious that the GOP on Capitol Hill won't be moving forward with any additional attempts to repeal and replace it.  And why?  Because it cannot be done...and it shouldn't be.

     Secondly, I am on the record - in column after column - since Trump initially proposed the idea nearly three years ago...that he will never build his border wall between the United States and Mexico.  It was a doomed project from the very start...and it will remain a failed plan for as long as Trump's name is on The White House letterhead.  I have been against such an insulting structure from day one.  It is not only cruel and heartless to Mexicans and Mexican-Americans...but it is disrespectful to everyone who's heritage is of a Latino or Hispanic ethnicity...or, for that matter...to everyone whose family is of a foreign background.  In other words... except for Native Americans...that's everybody.  Congress will never fund such an offensive monstrosity, which Trump insisted during the campaign would be paid for by Mexico.  But there'll be no pesos.  Still, Trump thinks he will, at some point, build such a wall.  For now, though, he wants National Guard troops to guard the border until a wall can be built.  But I repeat...the construction of such a project will never see the light of day.

     As for National Guard soldiers patrolling the border, the governors of all four bordering states needed to agree to such a plan.  A small contingent of National Guard troops have already begun their duties along the U.S./Mexico border.  The Republican governors of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas have deployed six-hundred-thirty military members to the border, so far, with another eight-hundred-seventy expected to receive similar orders.  But Donald Trump and Defense Secretary James Mattis want up to four-thousand troops to patrol our southern border. As for California...Democratic Governor Jerry Brown - who has butted heads with Trump over immigration - stated in an April 11th letter to Secretary Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen - that he "will accept federal funding to add approximately four hundred Guard members statewide to supplement the staffing of its ongoing program to combat transnational crime."  But Brown wants to be "crystal clear" that "this will not be a mission to build a new wall.  It will not be a mission to round up women and children or detain people escaping violence and seeking a better life.  And the California National Guard will not be enforcing federal immigration laws." Governor Brown already has fifty-five soldiers from his state's National Guard on the California-Mexico border to "target transnational criminal gangs, human traffickers, and illegal firearm and drug smugglers."  About one-hundred-ninety-five other Guard members "support operations" along "the coast and throughout the state" in an effort to accomplish the same objectives.  Brown says "combating these criminal threats are priorities for all Americans...Republicans and Democrats."  Federal law does not allow National Guard troops to arrest people who illegally cross the border.  Only the Border Patrol can do that.  National Guard members, from any state, will be limited to observing and reporting activity.

     As for actually building a wall...when are Donald Trump's cheerleaders going to realize that he is nothing but a phony who has pulled the wool over their eyes?  I think Trump knew from the get-go that he would never construct a wall.  But to those Americans who seemed to fall in line with Trump's racist thinking, a wall sounded like the perfect way, during the campaign, to persuade those voters to leap on to his xenophobic and bigoted bandwagon.  Let me remind everyone that Trump has tweeted over and over again...and he has talked a blue streak...that the American free press - except for Fox News Channel - reports nothing but "fake news."  Let's face it...the only thing "fake"...is Donald Trump.  If Republicans only realized that before they made him their nominee in July 2016...and then elected him president in November...our nation wouldn't be in turmoil today with a White House in chaos and a country on the verge of a constitutional crisis.

     Donald Trump only cares about Donald Trump.  His narcissism doesn't permit him to be loyal to anybody, but himself.  However, to those of you who did cast your ballots for Trump - nearly eighteen months ago - and who continue to root for him...he fooled all of you big time.  So I ask you...when are you going to stop letting him do that?

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Photo credit:  Mark Burnett Productions/NBC/LADbible (Donald Trump on The Celebrity Apprentice)

Copyright 2018 Gary B. Duglin and TheControversy.net.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Gary, your statements such as “Trump has got to be scared stiff” or “ I'm confident that many of those individuals are bound to spill the beans and throw Trump under the bus in order to save their own skins” all presuppose that the President did something illegal, there has been NO hard evidence of collusion by the President, no hard evidence obstruction of justice by the President, you have nothing. You have the tainted words of the former and disgruntled FBI director; we have a special counsel with an investigation in search of a crime. We have a woman who is a former exotic dancer and prostitute turned porn star who claims to have had a consensual sexual relationship a dozen years ago with the now President, what crime did the President commit?
    The Electoral College should be changed but not abolished; if you abolished it you would disenfranchise many states from presidential election. What democrat candidate would bother going to Utah or Iowa or dozens of other states when they could push for a higher total in NY or California. We are one country but with 50 states that have to have a say in the election. The system should be changed to grant 1 vote for each congressional district, most votes in the district gets that vote, the most districts in a state win the 2 votes for the senators. The Constitution grants that power to the States NOT the Federal Government.
    I won’t go into Comey a man who has been accused of lying to Congress and leaking Federal documents.
    As for the wall that we need to protect America, it is being built as we speak; $1.6 billion and they are using it to replace old 6-8 foot fences in California with 22 foot walls. Maybe what the President should do if Governor Brown keeps fighting, is declare Martial Law in the border towns, then Federalize the California National Guard and put them on the border with more power, the President has that power. It is not racist or bigoted or xenophobic or anything else you and your kind want to call it to want to protect America and Americans, I guess you don’t care about that. Al you care about is getting more liberal votes at any cost, liberals will destroy America!

    1. My response to the above reader will be in three parts.


      1 - Obviously you are a brainwashed conservative who is gluuuuuuuuuuuued to Fox News...or should I say "The Donald Trump/Sean Hannity White House Network." The Wall Street Journal tonight - known for being a conservative newspaper - is reporting that Trump's personal attorney, Michael Cohen, will probably "flip" once he is arrested and indicted - which is very likely. Cohen may have said, in the past - which he did - that he would "take a bullet for Trump." But if it's looking like Cohen could get 25, 30 or even 40 years in federal prison for all the charges that he may be indicted for...including bank fraud, election law violations, money laundering, etc....then Cohen is going to "spill the beans and throw Trump under the bus in order to save (his) skin." And I expect others will do the same. So yes...Trump is probably so "scared stiff" that The White House laundry must be washing a half-dozen pair of "The Donald's" underpants...every...single...day!!!

      2 - The hard evidence is coming. I am confident of that The Washington Post, The New York Times, and so many other reputable and renowned news organizations - with Pulitzer Prize winning journalists - are digging up evidence to prove that Trump obstructed justice and was involved in a conspiracy to collude with Russia in order to interfere with our 2016 presidential election, along with a subsequent cover-up. Such reporters are doing the same as Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein did when they found the evidence to bring down Richard Nixon after Watergate. I believe there are several "Deep Throats" meeting reporters in underground garages...all throughout our nation's capital. Add Special Counsel Robert Mueller...who is leading the federal investigation...and who will get the evidence needed to cause Donald Trump's resignation or an impeachment and removal from office...and you can say goodbye to "The Donald."

      3 - As I noted in my column, I have no affection for former FBI Director James Comey. I blame him for Hillary Clinton losing the election. However, respected people throughout Washington, DC from the past to the present have stated that you can say what you want about Jim Comey - and I have - but "he does not lie." And we know Donald Trump lies...and lies...and lies.




      4 - As for Stormy Daniels...she had no plans to come forward. She did because her name was being dragged through the mud earlier this year so she needed to rightfully defend herself. I believe - and the majority of the country believes - every word she is saying. As for the crime Trump committed, it had nothing to do with a one-night sexual encounter with Stormy Daniels. But if Special Counsel Robert Mueller can prove that Trump ordered Cohen to pay that $130,000 to keep Daniels' mouth shut, eleven days before the election...then that money - which Cohen admits to have paid - could...and would...be considered an campaign contribution. One person can only give 2,700 dollars to a candidate during a campaign. That's a whole hell of a lot less than 130-thousand bucks. Therefore, that's an election law violation...a crime...and not only Cohen would be guilty, but Donald Trump too. And I believe Mueller will get what he needs from the tapes and other documents that were found in Michael Cohen's office and home when the FBI raided those premises on April 9th, 2018.

      5 - I've written full columns on my thoughts about the Electoral College so I will not rehash my thoughts here. I will say that I don't at all agree with your thinking. You make no sense whatsoever. I will leave it at that.




      6 - Now...you need to stop listening to Fox News. Trump's wall is NOT being "built as we speak." The Associated Press reports that “a barrier built in the 1990s from recycled metal scraps and landing mat will be torn down for bollard-style posts that are 30 feet high, significantly taller than existing walls”. That merely is a replacement of a fence that was already on the border. It has NOTHING to do with "Trump's wall." Trump, in March, visited a location near San Diego, California, where eight prototypes for his wall had been erected. But Congress has so far said NO WAY to Trump. And they will NOT fund such a wall. So as the old saying goes..."stop drinking the Kool-Aid."

      7 - Federalizing the California National Guard cannot be done the way you envision it. As I wrote in my column, the National Guard - by federal law - can only be used in a support role to the U.S. Border Patrol. National Guard troops can provide surveillance and other assistance including equipment and training. However, the National Guard cannot search, cannot seize, cannot arrest. Should Trump federalize the National Guard of any state by declaring immigration as a national emergency, then the Posse Comitatus Act remains in effect and that law does not permit the National Guard to perform civil law enforcement duties.

      8 - And yes...such an "offensive monstrosity" - as I called it in my column - is indeed racist, xenophobic and bigoted. We don't need such a wall to protect America. Liberals, progressives and Democrats of all kinds will save America. As we always have.



  2. First, I am not brainwashed or glued to anything. Nobody knows if Cohen has anything to flip on the President. America under rule of Mueller has really gone down the rabbit hole taking the word of a whore, yes that is what she is a person taking money for sex is a whore.
    It has been a year and a half and no hard evidence, Congress says they were never shown any, maybe the democrats haven’t finished fabricating it yet. You talk about bank fraud, election law violations, money laundering, etc, over $5 million to Fusion GPS and the DNC and Hillary Campaign all lied on the FEC forms, laundered the money through two firms and then lied about it, why haven’t they been indicted? Comey lied to Congress, he stole Federal documents, yes his so called memos under federal law were FBI work product and the property of the Federal Government, he stole them and leaked them through a friend to the press, he needs to be indicted and tried. Lanny Davis, part of the Clinton crime family says Comey is a “liar”, a “renegade narcissist” who believes he is above the law and should have been fired long ago. Tell me how we ended up with a Clinton/George Soros Judge overseeing the Cohen case? Let’s see what we can railroad him into; these guys are one step away from beating witnesses with rubber hoses to get them to confess. Trap them into something they can call lying to the feds. They truly hate the President. They don’t care about the truth or the law, just if it makes good headlines. As for Stormy she is probably being paid by the left to stir all this up and maybe even paid by the Clintons. As for the wall if the Dems want DACA they will fund the wall. But the Dems don’t really care about DACA all they want is a campaign issue or they would have made the deal with the President. The wall is not racist, xenophobic and bigoted, it is a doorway to OUR country, do you have a front door on your house and a lock on it, is that racist, xenophobic or bigoted, I think not!

    1. My response to the above reader will be in three parts.


      1 - You MUST be brainwashed and GLUUUUUUUUUUUUUED to Fox News because you simply don't have the FACTS. Let me repeat that. You simply don't have the FACTS.

      2 - Michael Cohen knows where the proverbial bodies are buried. I don't know how old you are, but if you're older than 40 then you may remember when Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon did one of their "bits" at The Tonight Show desk and Johnny would, for instance, show legitimate pictures from a book, let's say to describe the city of Los Angeles. After showing to the camera all these very fine, beautiful pictures of L.A., Ed would say something like..."You know, Johnny...that's a terrific book. You've shown us some really wonderful photographs of this great "City of the Angels" that we live in and love. I will guess that...EVERYTHING YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT LOS ANGELES IS IN THAT BOOK." And Johnny would respond with something like..."You're wrong La Brea Tar Pits breath." And the audience would roar with laughter. Michael Cohen is THAT BOOK. EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT DONALD TRUMP IS IN THE BRAIN OF MICHAEL COHEN. And beyond Cohen's brain, he has documents that will corroborate what he will tell Special Counsel Robert Mueller under oath. Michael Cohen knows EVERYTHING about Trump because Cohen was Trump's "fixer." That's what he was known as. But Trump has treated him like dirt. He didn't even make this close, personal sidekick part of his White House Administration. The vultures and buzzards are starting to circle around Trump because they know that Cohen is not going to go to prison for 30 or 40 years to protect Donald Trump. That's not going to happen. Cohen will make a deal and tell Special Counsel Mueller EVERYTHING. That means everything about any Russian conspiracy, everything about firing James Comey as FBI Director in an effort to stop the Russia investigation, everything about Stormy Daniels, everything about an illegitimate child, everything about EVERYTHING.

      3 - Stormy Daniels is NOT a whore. There has been no proof whatsoever that she has ever been a prostitute. She was an adult film actress...a porn star, if you will. And there is NOTHING illegal about adult pornography or about performing in adult pornography. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled a long time ago that pornography is protected by the First Amendment. It's freedom of speech. A Christian organization research study shows that 64 percent - that's nearly two-thirds of all men in the United States - view pornography at least once a month. But a whopping 79 percent of men - that's nearly 8 of every 10 men - who are between 18 and 30 years old watch pornography at least once a month. However, 30 percent of men between 18 and 30 years of age get their "jollies" by watching porn...EVERY...SINGLE...DAY. Meanwhile, older men are in to pornography too. Two-thirds of men between 31 and 49 years of age - that's 67 percent - watch porn at least once monthly while 50 percent - a full half of men - who are age 50 to 68 watch porn on at least a monthly basis. So pornography of all kinds is viewed by men of all kinds and by men of all ages. And yes...women watch porn too. So just because Stormy Daniels gets paid to perform sex on camera in an entertainment forum - meaning a film being produced for entertainment value - then that does NOT...DOES NOT...make her a whore. And you're one hell of a prude if you think so. Therefore, labeling Stormy Daniels, as such, is not at all justified.




      4 - Democrats are not "fabricating" any evidence against Donald Trump. The evidence is THERE. Bob Mueller...along with journalists and Congress...are discovering more and more evidence everyday. Wait until the volcano erupts when Trump is buried in the lava of proof. You and other Republicans need to be prepared for the worst to happen.

      5 - James Comey's memos that he wrote on a HOME laptop computer - not an FBI computer...that has been proven - were NOT CLASSIFIED. Again...that has been proven. He stole nothing. Plus...he did not "leak" anything. In 2017, the Congressional Research Service ruled that..."As long as the disclosure does not involve classified information, it is not a crime." So using the word "leak" - as a legal term - only applies to "classified information."

      6 - You and other Republicans always seem to use the "H" word. No...not Hillary. But you do that too...in a vicious way. But in this case the "H" words is "Hate." Democrats do NOT "hate" Donald Trump. We just think he is unfit to be president...mentally...and yes...morally. And therefore, he is wrong for our country. Plus...we think Donald Trump is a crook. Let me remind you that it was Richard Nixon - while president - who said..."I am NOT a crook." And yet...he was. And it was proven that he was. Donald Trump IS A CROOK. And it will be proven that he is.




      7 - You are a true hater if you think that the Clintons are paying Stormy Daniels. Why can't you, Donald Trump and other Republicans get away from the 2016 election. It's over. Yet all of you continue to feel that you're being threatened by Hillary Clinton. Wait 'til the Democrats take control of the House...and possibly the Senate too...after this November's mid-term elections. Wait 'til next year when the 2020 campaign begins and watch what Democratic candidates for president will do on the campaign trail. THEN...you can be threatened. But...as I've said for more than a year...Donald Trump will never finish out his term of office...as he will resign or be impeached and removed from office long before November 2020. There's already talk about John Kasich, Nikki Haley, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, Ben Sasse, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and others who are likely to oppose Trump in the primaries...IF...IF...he is able to survive his presidency until then. But I don't think he can.

      8 - Democrats DO care about DACA. The "Dreamers" need to stay and they need to be made citizens. But Trump wants to use these wonderful individuals - who deserve to be in America - as a bargaining chip to build his wall. THERE WILL BE NO WALL!!! I have said it for nearly 3 years. NO WALL WILL EVER BE BUILT ON THE U.S./MEXICO BORDER. Face the facts. You'll sleep better. And yes, a wall is racist, xenophobic and bigoted. America has always had an "open door" policy.

      9 - You must think that I pay no attention to the pot that Fox News and Sean Hannity are stirring up. But some of your drivel isn't even worth responding to, as it's recycled garbage from Fox, Hannity and the like. So I won't even comment further.



  3. You may be right that Michael Cohen knows a lot about President Trump, but your statement “where the proverbial bodies are buried”, there has been NO PROOF that there are any illegal bodies pertaining to the President, that is a FACT!
    Stormy Daniels is a whore, I never said what she did is not legal but she is a whore. Webster’s dictionary defines whore as “a woman who engages in sexual acts for money” that is what she did as a porn star.
    The Comey memos by Federal Law are work product, ALL notes, memos, transcripts etc of an official meeting is deemed to be “work product” and is the property of the Federal Government, that’s the law. It doesn’t matter if he typed them at home or hand wrote them, they are work product. Now that the memos are out, any honest person can see there was no obstruction of justice over Flynn, the President was just saying this is a good guy that served our country for 30 years, made a mistake, no harm no foul, maybe you can go easy. No descent, honest person can claim that is obstruction.
    You always ask why the Republicans bring up Hillary, that the election is done and over, the problem is she won’t go away. Every week she blames someone else for HER loss. Not to mention all of the investigations going on and about to go on about her and her campaign’s illegal acts. FEC violations, colluding with the Russians, her illegal email server the list is growing.
    If the Democrats truly cared about the illegal aliens known as “Dreamers” they would have worked with the President, they didn’t because they don’t care.
    Just to correct you again, since the mid 1800 America has NOT had an “OPEN DOOR” policy. We have had out right bands from some countries, limitations and quotas and always laws against “illegal immigration”. You are the “BIGOT” against Americans who care about America and against those who protect her! Don’t bother commenting it would just be a continuation of your hatred and your lies.

    1. My response to the above reader will be in three parts.


      Oh yes I will indeed comment because you are so very, very wrong.

      Oh yes I will indeed comment because you are so very, very wrong.

      1 - You must be someone who clearly does not have an open mind, but who is listening to the lies that Sean Hannity and the people at Fox News are wanting you to believe, which are clearly not true. If you have any integrity whatsoever - which by your comments throughout the last few days prove to me that you don't - then you would realize that the evidence is mounting day after day that Donald Trump is on his way to "Nixonland." If you truly don't think that Trump has done anything illegal with regards to ANY of the following then you are lying to yourself as well as to me. There is so much circumstantial evidence - and I believe Special Counsel Robert Mueller is going to prove through definitive direct evidence - that Trump performed illegal activities during the presidential campaign and throughout his presidential term. Mueller will prove a conspiracy to collude with Russia and/or a cover-up - at the very least - involving a conspiracy to collude with Russia...that Trump ordered his attorney, Michael Cohen, to make a payment of 130-thousand dollars to Stormy Daniels (and payments to others) as hush money before the election...that Trump obstructed justice by firing James Comey as FBI Director to put an end to the Russia probe...and I'm sure Mueller will discover through his investigation other wrongdoings by Trump. If you can believe that Trump has done absolutely NOTHING illegal with all that has come out over the last year then you're in total denial. Just don't go jumping out a skyscraper window when you see Trump resign - which is what I have always said he will do - or when he is impeached and removed from office. Since I don't wish any harm to Donald Trump...or anybody for that matter, I say the same about you.

      2 - Michael Cohen knows ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that Trump has illegally done - whatever it is - over the last year...over the last three years...and over many, many years before. Cohen is going to make a deal with Bob Mueller to avoid prison by flipping on Trump. Cohen is NOT going to spend 30 or 40 years behind bars to protect Donald Trump. So yes, yes, yes...Cohen will tell Mueller where the bodies are buried. And when I say that, I don't mean that Trump has actually killed anyone. The "bodies" are a metaphor. The phrase "where the bodies are buried" simply means that Cohen knows what illegal activities that Trump has performed - whether it's activities with Russia...the whole Stormy Daniels situation...the Comey firing to end the Russia investigation...or whatever else.




      Please ignore the repeated line at the top of my comments above. It was merely a "copy and paste" error.

      3 - Stormy Daniels is NOT a whore. Random House Dictionary says a whore is "a person who engages in promiscuous sex for money." Note the word "promiscuous." And "promiscuous" is defined as "characterized by or involving indiscriminate mingling or association, especially having sexual relations with a number of partners on a casual basis." An adult film actress - a porn star - is not engaged in promiscuous sex or casual sex. She is going to a job - just like anybody else - to perform the duties for which she is being paid to do, and to perform those duties for entertainment purposes, just as any other actor or actress in any other type of film. Now you may not agree with the work that she does, but that does not make her a whore. There have been many proven stories about adult film stars - females and males - who are just like your next door neighbors. They go to work everyday to do the job they are paid to do, but they are also the Little League baseball coach...the soccer "mom"...they go to school board meetings...have barbecues in their backyards with their friends...and they are regular everyday people. They are NOT whores. You could have friends who have such a job...and you may not even know it. But because you happen to know Stormy Daniels' history, you want to wrongfully and disgracefully call her a "whore." She - or anybody in her legal and legitimate profession - is NOT a whore. So stop with your bigoted and prudish remarks.

      4 - Once again you don't the facts. There is no "federal law" that prevented James Comey from releasing his PERSONAL memos. What the Trump Administration wrongly refers to is the federal Privacy Act. BUT...BUT...the Privacy Act ONLY pertains to CLASSIFIED information. Comey was very, very careful that nothing in his memos were deemed "classified." I can't believe I'm defending a man who caused Hillary Clinton to lose the election, but I have intellectual integrity, which you obviously do not. As for violating the Employment Agreement that Comey had with the FBI and the federal government...once Trump fired Comey then he is no longer an employee and that Employment Agreement becomes null and void. I am not a lawyer, but legal scholars nationwide have categorically stated that once Trump terminated Comey's employment, he had the right to release ANY unclassified memos. When FBI Director Louis J. Freeh wrote his memoir, he trashed President Bill Clinton. And that was a book. Any violations that you may think Comey is guilty of that had to do with his job are tossed out the window once Trump fired Comey. The memos were NOT CLASSIFIED. The contents of Comey's book had to be approved by the FBI before it was published to make sure there was no classified information in it. And like his memos...there is not.

      5 - You obviously have not read the memos that the Justice Department gave to Congressional Republicans on April 19th, 2018 and that they "leaked" to the press. The GOP's actions were not at all smart. Comey's memos are proving EVERYTHING that Comey stated in testimony to Congress...and EVERYTHING that he has written in his new book. Comey’s memos indicate in great detail that Trump demanded his loyalty. The memos show that Trump pressed him to put an end to the investigation into Michael Flynn, who at the time was National Security Adviser. These memos are more nails in Trump's presidential and political coffin. So your comment that "any honest person can see there was no obstruction of justice over Flynn" is simply an untrue statement. These memos - along with everything else that Bob Mueller has in his hands - especially when Michael Cohen - and others - spill their beans and throw Donald Trump under the bus...will put an end to the Trump presidency.




      6 - Hillary Clinton is NOT going away. But SHE is not the one who continues to bring up the election. It is Donald Trump and the Republicans. It is people like YOU. Do you really expect Mrs. Clinton to not defend herself? I think not. Plus...there were no "illegal acts" by her campaign. The FBI investigation - as testified before Congress by James Comey - proved that there was no justification for any prosecution, as Hillary Clinton did NOT break the law. Was she "careless" - to use Comey's word? That is a matter of interpretation. Should Mrs. Clinton have known better? She has said over and over again that she made a mistake by having her own e-mail server. But as Comey stated to Congress, there was no "intent" and therefore lawyers throughout the country have stated that no prosecutor worth his salt would even put such a case in a courtroom.

      7 - Democrats DO INDEED CARE about the "Dreamers." But Democrats in Congress are NOT going to build a racist and xenophobic wall as a trade. The United States of America has always been and we will ALWAYS be a nation of immigrants. And the welcome mat should and will always be at the front door.

      8 - I know who you are...oh yes I do. And it's disappointing to me that you always seem to get personal with me at some point in your comments. You show your hatred time and time again. YOU are the "BIGOT." Our country can certainly be protected WITHOUT having to build a wall. I have proven repeatedly that nothing I have written is a lie. And I certainly have no hatred. If you read any of my columns since Donald Trump became a candidate, you will see that I am relentless in always saying that I have NO HATRED WHATSOEVER towards Donald Trump. Do I believe he is unfit to serve as America's president? Yes, of course. Do I believe Trump is mentally - and yes, morally - unfit to be our president? Yes, no question about it. But do I "hate" Donald Trump? NO. And that is an UNEQUIVOCAL...NO. I do not have a hate-bone in my body. Apparently though...you do.



  4. Fake news. Gary, you must not have anything better to do than write this garbage. This blog is a disgrace and clearly shows how much you disrespect our country. We all know you are upset that your savior Hillary didn't win but it's really getting old. I guess you only care about the country if your person wins... otherwise you tell everybody we should treat our leader like a criminal even though there's zero evidence that he has done anything wrong. Shame on you.

    1. Yet you and tens of thousands of other people continue to read my columns.

      No fake news here. No garbage. Not a disgrace. I totally respect our country. I just don't respect the man who pretends to be our nation's president.

      Nothing that I write - and nothing that any Democrat says or writes - has anything to do with Hillary Clinton not winning the Electoral College vote. You and other Republicans want to continue to use that drivel as an excuse for complaining about us.

      If you truly and honestly believe that Donald Trump has not participated in at least ONE of the illegal activities that I outlined in a response to another reader earlier (see above), then you're in denial...and you've been brainwashed by the folks at Fox News. Trust me...you're going to be so shocked when Trump is unable to complete his term of office because he will be forced to resign in disgrace or he will be impeached and removed from office. The time is nearing...and it's going to happen. You can count on it.

      Love it that you're still reading my commentaries. You can spew your venom at me, but yet...you keep coming back to read what I have to say.


  5. Brother why do you have to be so mean? Donald Trump is not “the man who pretends to be our nation's president” he is the President of the United States! I disagree with you, I truly believe a lot of the “hatred” the democrats have for President Trump is based on that he beat Hillary Clinton. She has never accepted responsibility for her loss; every week on her book tour she blamed someone or something else, it was never her fault. Yes, I truly and honestly believe that President Trump did not participate in anything illegal that should constitute a reason for his removal from office by impeachment or force him to resign. You still have not shown any PROOF of any federal statute that the President has violated. Don’t say obstruction for firing Comey, I agree with Alan Dershowitz the far left Democrat Constitutional expert from Harvard, Jonathan Turley the conservative Constitutional expert from George Washington University Law and many other Constitutional experts on both sides of the isle that say it is not obstruction when the President is exercising his Constitutionally granted power. Just to correct some of your incorrect statements you said above. The Comey memos were not “PERSONAL memos” they were produced on a FBI owned computer per an NBC news reports while he was in the employ of the FBI which under Federal Labor Law makes them “work product” and the property of the Federal Government even if they were not produced on a FBI owned PC any notes or transcripts of any business meeting is by law and court president deemed work product and owned by the employer. Comey leaked government owned memos! Anything I put on my company computer, email, text anything, the company owns, that’s the law. The IG is now looking into if anything in those memos was classified. The President should have fired Comey on January 20th. The President is not above the law but he is also not below it, he can say what he wants, he can tweet what he wants, as long as what he does is within his power as President and is good for the country I will back him, the left should shut-up, give up the witch hunt, go after Russia for what they did, go after the FBI for their possible illegal acts and let the President do the job he was fairly elected to do!

    1. My response to the above reader will be in three parts.


      Wayne, I am not being mean. I'm being truthful, honest and factual.

      When I responded to the above "anonymous" reader that Trump is "the man who pretends to be our nation's president"...it was as a follow-up to what I wrote in my column that "Donald Trump - because of an Electoral College system that should be abolished - is officially the President of the United States. But he certainly does not, in any way, act like any American president in U.S. history." My remarks cannot be disputed...or even debated...because Trump does NOT act like any other U.S. president.

      You and other Republicans continue to bring up the two "H" words. "Hate" and "Hillary." First of all - as I have stated over and over and over again...I hate NOBODY. I DO NOT HATE DONALD TRUMP. And I believe that MOST Democrats do not HATE him. We feel he is mentally and morally unfit to serve as President of the United States. That is NOT...hatred. Secondly...you and other Republicans continue to bring up Hillary Clinton. Secretary Clinton is certainly going to defend herself, as you or anybody else would. And as long as Trump and other Republicans continue to attack her...as long as Trump and other Republicans continue to label her "crooked Hillary"...as long as Trump and other Republicans continue to tell lies about Mrs. Clinton...then she is going to defend herself. And YOU would do the same thing. Furthermore... Secretary Clinton has time and time again admitted that she made mistakes. She said it during her 11-hour testimony before Congress and she has said it in practically every interview. So stop saying that she's never admitted to fault over her private e-mail server.

      As for the election, Hillary Clinton has acknowledged mistakes that she made during her campaign. However, but she should not have to accept "responsibility for her loss." Prior to James Comey's letter to Congress on October 28th, 2016...an ABC News poll showed that Mrs. Clinton was ahead of Donald Trump by 12 points...50 percent to 38 percent. She was on track to win the election in a landslide. The fault for Secretary Clinton's loss MUST be directed at the former FBI Director.




      If you can "truly and honestly believe that Trump did not participate in anything illegal"...then you sound like some "Nixonites" who said the same thing. And, of course, Nixon was guilty, guilty, guilty.

      I am not the one who needs to show any "PROOF" that Trump violated any laws. THAT will be up to Robert Mueller...and he will do that. Wait, watch and see...because it's going to happen. There is so much circumstantial evidence, so far, and the direct evidence is coming.

      Wayne, you always want to bring up Alan Dershowitz by calling him a "far left Democrat." But he's a hack. And he's a turncoat. Dershowitz went from being a Hillary Clinton donor to being an attack dog for Donald Trump. And most other legal experts and Constitutional scholars have stated that when Trump fired James Comey to put an end to the Russia probe...which involved investigating Trump's campaign and Trump himself...then THAT...IS...OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. And Trump admitted to NBC's Lester Holt that he got rid of Comey because of "that Russia thing." You cannot argue that fact.

      I've already responded - several times - that Comey did NOT break the law by releasing his "PERSONAL" memos so read my comments above. Comey's e-mails were NOT classified. And legal experts have stated that even if they WERE classified - which they were not - Comey, as FBI Director, could have at any time - prior to being fired - declassified such e-mails. But again...they were NOT classified documents. Your remarks are clearly untrue.

      One more thought regarding Comey's memos. He did NOT "leak" anything. Once again, read my comments above regarding the legal definition of a "leak." There was NO LEAK.




      It's disturbing to me that you can actually think that everything Trump says and tweets is "good for the country." Furthermore, there is NO "witch-hunt." There's too much circumstantial proof that Trump - along with his son, Donald Trump, Jr. and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner - were involved in a conspiracy to collude with Russia. The June 2016 meeting with Russians at Trump Tower indicates that. And Michael Cohen meeting with Russians in Prague in 2016 indicates that too. Oh you're going to say there is no proof, but Robert Mueller will get that definitive direct evidence from Cohen, from Michael Flynn and from others. You're going to freak out when you read my next column.

      As for your comment that Trump should be allowed "to do the job he was fairly elected to do"...if Americans actually let him do what he wants...the United States would no longer be a democracy, but a dictatorship.



  6. Just to correct you on a few things. I didn’t say you hated President Trump, I said “I truly believe a lot of the “hatred” the democrats have for President Trump” that doesn’t mean every democrat. As for Alan Dershowitz many Democrats for years claimed him to be one of the top Constitutional experts alive today, if not in history, now that he disagrees with you and them he is a “hack” and a “turncoat” all because he believes in the rule of law and the US Constitution! As for the Comey memo, I stand by what I said and the law; we will all see what the Justice Department and the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) have to say, now that they are investigating Comey’s actions. As for the witch hunt, being offered dirt on your opponent is not conspiracy or collusion, the only one that colluded with a foreign agent is the DNC and the Hillary Campaign who paid a former MI6 agent who paid the Russians for a phony dossier and lied to the FEC about it. Now for the main thing you need correction on, I NEVER SAID “everything Trump says and tweets is "good for the country” don’t put words in my mouth! I said “he can say what he wants, he can tweet what he wants, as long as what he does is within his power as President and is good for the country” so I don’t really care what he tweets as long as what does is within his power and good for the Country. You make me laugh after your support for President Obama you have the gall to try and claim that President Trump would make us a dictatorship! I have to stop laughing so I can post this.

    1. Wayne, don't try to spin out of what you really mean. Saying "I truly believe a lot of the 'hatred' the Democrats have for Trump is based on that he beat Hillary Clinton" is saying that Democrats are haters. And when you say Democrats are haters...you say I am a hater. And that is clearly not true.

      Other Constitutional lawyers have said that Alan Dershowitz doesn't know what he's talking about and that his comments are not accurate.

      Day after day, more and more evidence is being discovered to prove that Christopher Steele's dossier on Donald Trump is truthful and correct.

      Wayne, you do like to try to spin out of things when you know that I am right. But you will never admit that I am right...and, of course, you will never admit that you are wrong. I, on the other hand, recognize when I am wrong about something. That being said, however...I understand that I am a wordsmith...and you are not. That's not being critical. There are things that you and others do that I cannot do. But when you say Trump "can say what he wants, he can tweet what he wants, as long as what he does is within his power as President and is good for the country"...that's the same thing as saying..."everything Trump says and tweets is good for the country." And that's dictatorship...not democracy.

      Wayne, your final comment proves to me once again that you are a hater - through and through - of liberals, progressives and all Democrats in general. President Obama was in NO WAY a dictator. And he will probably go down in history as one of the top ten presidents our nation has ever had the good fortune and the privilege to have lead us. What a shame that you have such support for a man like Donald Trump...who is a lying, narcissistic, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, racist bully who acts in a delusional manner.... appears to be mentally unfit...but is without question morally unfit...thus he is totally unfit to serve as President of the United States. Maybe you'll realize all of the above when Trump resigns or is impeached and removed from office. I'm sure you are once again laughing. So be it.


  7. Gary, I say what I mean, I don’t spin it. When it comes to President Trump I believe “most” Democrats are haters and yes that is because he beat the anointed one, their queen.
    As I said as soon as Dershowitz disagreed with you, the Democrats through him under the bus. I don’t believe that any of the Steele dossier has been “proven” to be truthful or correct. See the word “PROVEN”. The only thing proven about the Steele dossier is that the DNC and Hillary Campaign paid for it and didn’t disclose it to the FEC.
    How you can spin what I said about his tweets is unbelievable, nobody that’s not a cool-aid drinking lefty would say, that because I said I don’t care what he tweets means I think everything he tweets is good for the country. You must have you own language, that’s right you do “Democrat English”, remember “It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is” and of course “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” after having sexual relations with that woman. Yes, you guys have your own language. Now you claim that doing good for the country makes it a dictatorship “everything Trump says and tweets is good for the country." And that's dictatorship...not democracy”. You must be on something to believe that one.
    I don’t hate liberals, progressives and all Democrats in general, I just know they are wrong about most things. Yes, President Obama was more of a dictator his illegal and unconstitutional executive orders make it so. I know every President does executive order but they need to be within the powers granted to the President, not those that require the Congress.
    You won’t even give President Trump credit for anything, his changes in the middle-east military policy has taken back most of the territory taken by ISIS during the Obama years, his actions with Israel, getting rid of thousands of regulations, the tax cuts, getting North Korea to be willing to talk, the list goes on and on. All with the hateful Democrats conspiring everyday against him, give the man some credit!
    I am very worried about the left and that their unfair actions, lies and maybe illegal acts that could push this country to the brink of civil war.

    1. My response to the above reader will be in three parts.


      What are we going to do with you, Wayne? Why must you be such a hater? Democrats are NOT haters. And we certainly do not look at Hillary Clinton as "the anointed one" or our "queen."

      I was never much of a fan of Alan Dershowitz before he became a turncoat, so your comment doesn't apply to me.

      I think you would need to bashed over the head with the PROOF in order for you to believe it. Everything The New York Times and The Washington Post have written about has been fact-checked as proof.

      You obviously don't seem to understand what you are actually writing. Again, I'm not being critical because you're not one who is good with words, but your comment about Trump's tweets is exactly what I interpreted it to be...and that's a dictatorship not a democracy.

      It amazes me that you and other Republicans like you want to always attack one of the Clintons just out of hate. Why on God's green Earth would you even bring up President Clinton's remarks about Monica Lewinsky in your comment above? I won't remark further as the vast majority of Americans do not believe that Mr. Clinton had "sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky." "Sexual relations" - in the minds of most Americans...in fact, most people around the world...is intercourse. Anything short of intercourse is NOT "sexual relations." And don't go quoting dictionary definitions. Nobody cares about definitions when it concerns sex.




      You obviously did not read my reply to you correctly. Either that or again you are trying to spin like a top. So let's review. You said that Donald Trump "can say what he wants, he can tweet what he wants, as long as what he does is within his power as President and is good for the country." So the way your words read...you're agreeing with Trump's tweets and his spoken remarks as being good for the country. That is a dictatorship...not a democracy.

      Once again, you're a hater...but this time not just towards Bill and Hillary Clinton, but Barack Obama. The fact of the matter is, though..."President Obama averaged fewer executive orders per year in office than any U.S. president in 120 years." That's according to FactTank and Pew Research Center. Mr. Obama issued 277 executive orders during his eight years in office, or less than 35 per year. Donald Trump has called most of President Obama's executive orders "illegal." But Trump - and anyone who agrees with him - would be wrong with such a characterization.

      Most Democrats - in fact, most Americans - disagree with Trump's actions with Israel. A poll in December showed that less than half of Americans support Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, with an even smaller number who approve of moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv in to Jerusalem. The so-called tax cuts will only help the wealthy...not the poor...not the middle-class. You can buy in to the Republican rhetoric, but economic geniuses across America say Trump and the GOP plan will kill the most vulnerable people. Getting in bed with Kim Jung-un, the way Trump wants to...is not the way to go. As for Trump's military policies...Democrats are demanding that he get approval from Congress before acting like a warmonger. And I would agree. So yes...I am against everything Donald Trump is doing...so, therefore, he does not deserve ANY credit.




      I will respond, as follows, to your comment that you are "very worried about the left" "push(ing) this country to the brink of civil war." On February 2nd, 2017, I wrote and published a column titled...BE CAREFUL AMERICA...OR ELSE CIVIL WAR II. It was a short commentary, so here it is. I wrote..."The United States is swiftly shriveling in to a mere ball of yarn...or worse...a spool of thread...fearfully unraveling in to oblivion. Long before any armed conflict on a planetary battlefield...I dread a cataclysmic civil war is looming. Our country is tragically divided in to so many factions that the green pastures of our beautiful landscape will someday - sooner, rather than later - be blanketed red with the blood of Americans. The input by racists, anti-Semites, homophobes, xenophobes, misogynists, and bigots of all kinds...who are providing an apparently welcomed voice to The Oval Office occupant's ears...are continuing to blemish the United States...and section it like a breakfast grapefruit. Chaos and combative rhetoric are already causing peaceful protests to evolve in to violent demonstrations. The lack of trust in each other...and in our leadership...combined with escalating tension among Americans across our republic...are ripping the fabric of our national tapestry at its seams. The political climate has heated up to temperatures that may burn us to a crisp...and rupture our nation until it crumbles and collapses. We, as Americans, cannot allow our country to implode because of the ineffective, inexperienced and unfit White House wackjob...who has the irrational temperament and unpredictable, aggressive nature of a wild boar. It is the responsibility of the American people as a whole... including the entire U.S. Congress...to hold Donald Trump's feet to the fire when he goes on a verbally rampant and rabid rampage against other nations who - for decades - have proudly befriended us as devoted partners. Trump...his complicit cabinet... and the Republican-controlled Congress...must be willing to compromise with Democrats in a meeting of the minds and in solidarity of the souls. If not...America will suffer gravely...and to such magnitude...that it could take multiple generations to mend...if ever. I customarily close my column with three words that I have used throughout the bulk of my career to also sign-off my radio news and talk show broadcasts. Accordingly...if the citizens of our country do not come together and "talk"...not text...and not tweet...I shudder to imagine the results that will undoubtedly be influenced by polarization and divisiveness. And the United States of America will then be nothing more than a morsel of civility."

      It's not the liberals, the progressives, and the Democrats in general who could cause a second U.S. Civil War. It's not even the majority of Republicans. It's just one man...and one man only. It's Donald Trump.



  8. Gary, I am not the hater, all anyone has to do is read “the Controversy” to see the venomous hatred in your heart for the President and Conservatives. I don’t know what you interpreted but it wasn’t what I wrote, you must be from another planet, by saying the President has the right to tweet whatever he wants makes America a dictatorship not a democracy, you must be on something. My comments about Bill Clinton was just to show how the liberal left has their own language I called it “Democrat English”, a way to lie and twist the truth with a smile. As for President Obama’s executive orders, it’s not how many you do it’s whether they are legal or not, that’s what makes a Dictator! As for Jerusalem on October 23, 1995 the House and Senate passed “the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995” the Act recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel and called for Jerusalem to remain an undivided city. Every 6 month since the sitting President signed a waiver, on February 23, 2018 President Trump stopped the waivers. Every Country has the right to choose its own Capital and the USA should recognize our allies Capital. I will not even comment on your hateful statements about the President and about Conservatives. The input by racists, anti-Semites, homophobes, xenophobes, misogynists, and bigots of all kinds...are not welcome in the Oval Office or by Conservatives, just more lies and hate by the left who are the biggest bigots against Conservatives. It is time for Democrats to be willing to compromise with Republicans in a meeting of the minds and for once it is time for the Democrats to work on behalf of the American people and not just for their own power and glory. If a second Civil War were to happen it will be because the liberals, the progressives, and the Democrats don’t honor and in some cases don’t accept the US Constitution and don’t care about what is good for America, they only care about what is good for themselves. We are done, I can't waste my time with your hate.

    1. Wayne, you're getting too personal for my liking so I'm not going to continue this conversation after my remarks below.

      None of my columns show any hatred towards Donald Trump or towards any conservatives/Republicans. My dislike and my opposition is towards conservative and Republican policies. It's obvious, however, that YOU are a hater of liberals/progressives/Democrats...and not just of our policies, but of us as people. Your remarks about President and Secretary Clinton, and about President Obama, are disgraceful.

      All I have to say is this. If Person A is a racist...and Person B is his friend who doesn't object to Person A...then Person B is also a racist. The same applies regarding anti-Semites, homophobes, xenophobes, misogynists and bigots of all kinds. Therefore, any person - I'll call him "Mr. X." - who supports and does not object to the racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic and bigoted actions by Donald Trump...makes "Mr. X." a racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic bigot. It's as simple and as clear-cut as that. Any man who has any respect for women...cannot in any way, shape, matter or form support Donald Trump. How can you support a man who treats women like dirt? I could not in good conscience support a man like Trump who will brag out groping women and getting away with it because he's a star. 63-million Americans should never have voted for such a man who is a disgusting piece of slime. I've opposed many Republicans in my life, but never before have I opposed them as a person...only as a politician. And then there's Trump.

      Democrats will win the House and probably the Senate in November and then Donald Trump will have to work with the Democrats. But come the early part of 2019 - if not before - Trump will be forced to resign and Mike Pence will be president. That is unless Robert Mueller finds evidence that Pence was also involved in the Russia conspiracy and/or cover-up. Then - as I have written in the past - the Democratic Speaker of the House will become president.

      Wayne, for years you have insulted Democrats - including me - when you spew the venom off your toxic tongue by labeling us un-American. Yes...that's what you are calling us when you make such a despicable remark that "liberals, progressives and Democrats don't honor and in some cases don't accept the U.S. Constitution." Democrats certainly do care about what is good for America...not what is good only for ourselves. Your vicious hatred is appalling, vindictive and heinous. Quite frankly, I'm shocked that you would even make such reprehensible remarks and post your name to correspond with them.

      Yes...we are indeed done. Your hatred is making me sick.


  9. i don't know either of you but "wayne" is right. this site is all about democrat hate for republicans. plain and simple. i'm a libertarian and am pretty centered on most issues but I can definitely tell "gary" truly hates all republicans. for him to say otherwise while at the same time writing a new post about hating republicans just shows that he doesn't even understand his own feelings. likely he has some kind of mental health issues.... kind of scary actually.

    1. I am fully convinced that SOME...and I did same SOME...of my Republican readers are nothing more than individuals who are in denial and who merely want to chastise Democrats for our efforts so that the United States of America is better and better. Throughout most of President Barack Obama's time in The White House I wrote commentaries that sometimes included my criticism of Republicans in Congress who would not compromise with Democrats on Capitol Hill. My words were always directed towards the misguided thinking and the disgraceful policies that most Republicans supported. I never PERSONALLY attacked any member of the GOP with vicious language. However, over the last 15 months since he moved in to The Oval Office - and actually over the last almost three years since Donald Trump became a candidate - he has insulted, offended and verbally attacked millions of people. I, however, have stated time and time again that I have NO HATRED WHATSOEVER for Donald Trump. I despise his thinking and what he is doing to destroy our great nation. But I DO NOT HATE HIM. Some of my Republican readers throw around the word "hate" like a baseball at Yankee Stadium. They seem to have selective amnesia...as they remember only what they want to remember. They seem to forget that they - voters, as well as Trump himself and many other Republican politicians - spent more than a year shouting "Lock her up." They seem to forget the hatred they had...and still have...for Hillary Clinton. They seem to forget the venom they would spew off their toxic tongues towards President Obama. The 2016 Democratic Convention was a lovefest for America and for Americans. There were very few, if any, harsh tones towards Donald Trump and the Republicans during the platform speeches at the Democratic Convention. But the 2016 Republican Convention was nothing more than a hatefest towards Democrats. It was four days of vindictive, vengeful vocalization towards Secretary Clinton and all Democrats. My columns at The Controversy have NEVER supported hate. I do not condone hate and I DO NOT HATE ANYBODY. But my readers who continue to bash me and blame me for being a "hater"...are nothing more than HATERS themselves. My Republican readers - like many other Republicans throughout our country - tend to personalize their attacks. Wayne - in his remarks above - got personal with me, so I needed to respond in ways that I don't at all enjoy doing. But the "Anonymous" reader above, who hides behind the blanket of the anonymous banner, who does not have the balls to show his (or her) name...crossed the line by the words "likely he has some kind of mental health issues...kind of scary actually." I am always amazed when some of my Republican readers act in such reprehensible fashion as the readers above. Yet they continue to come back to The Controversy and read what I write. Is it because they simply want to blast their oral bullet of hate towards me...towards all liberals, progressives and Democrats in general? Well..whatever their reason, they need to realize that it is THEIR hate...and the hate of THEIR LYING LEADER who is dividing our nation. I can only hope and pray that the efforts of Robert Mueller...of Democrats and some Republicans in Congress...and of some top-notch reporters from The Washington Post, The New York Times, the Associated Press, NBC News and other first-rate organizations...are able to do what Congress plus Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein and The Washington Post were able to accomplish in 1974. I shudder to think what condition the United States of America will be in...come January 20th, 2021...if they don't.


    2. Please forgive the typo in the first line in my response above. It should read..."I am fully convinced that SOME...and I did say SOME..."

