Friday, March 16, 2018


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     Today's column is a bit out of the ordinary.  But I trust it should make for interesting reading by those of you who - like me - wish that guns were never invented...and by those of you who - for some strange reason - would like America to return to the days of the "Wild West."  It's a peculiar thought, but I'm convinced that many of you would like to emulate such fictional television characters as Marshal Matt Dillon or "The Rifleman" Lucas McCain...and live in an era where people wore handguns or carried rifles twenty-four hours a day.  But America has come a long way since Wyatt Earp and the famous Gunfight at the O.K. Corral.  So if nobody owned handguns...and nobody had any assault weapons...(military-style rifles and the like)...then gun violence in America would plummet to an extremely low number. Perhaps to nothing at all.

     On Thursday, March 1st, 2018 - in the aftermath of the February 14th Parkland, Florida massacre... where fourteen teenage students and three faculty members from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School were tragically shot to death by an evil sociopath - I shared an abbreviated, two-minute video on my Facebook page...part of a full video that had been originally posted by admitted gun enthusiast Scott Pappalardo of Scotchtown, New York.  Pappalardo is a devout supporter of the Second Amendment..."a firm believer"...which - as most everyone knows - protects Americans' right to bear arms. The video shows Pappalardo destroying - what he described as - his "pre-ban, legally-registered AR-15," which he purchased more than thirty years ago.  But Pappalardo asked himself a momentous question...and then answered it.  "Is the right to own this weapon more important than someone's life?  I don't think so." Therefore...Pappalardo used a high-powered electric saw to cut the weapon in to pieces.

     After the carnage - on December 14th, 2012 - at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut...where twenty first-graders and six educators were savagely murdered by a psychotic gunman...Pappalardo told his wife that he'd "gladly give this gun up if it would save the life of just one child."  But he admits those were nothing but "empty words."

     However...following the Parkland shootings...Pappalardo pondered once again... the possibility of selling his rifle.  But he was worried that the AR-15 would end up in the hands of someone who would use the gun in an act of violence.  "In the back of my head, I say, well...what if...whoever buys this weapon, their child gets hold of it...and brings it to school one day...and shoots a bunch of people...can I live with that?  I don't think I could.  So...I've decided today...I'm gonna make sure this weapon will never be able to take a life.  This barrel of this gun will never be pointed at someone."  

     On my Facebook page - accompanying the link to Pappalardo's video - I added my own short commentary.  It is what sparked a back-and-forth conversation among three of my high school friends and me.  It is this dialogue that I believe Democrats and Republicans alike will find fascinating.  Since my friends' names appear with their remarks on Facebook, I am publishing them with this column.  First is my debate with Joe Percevecz...a friend who is a school teacher.

     Gary B. Duglin...Thursday, March 1, 2018 at 7:55 p.m.:  Applause, applause and kudos to an American who cares more about saving lives than his "right" and his enjoyment.  Give this man - Scott Pappalardo - a standing ovation...and a great big thank you.  Now if more AR-15 gun owners...and if Donald Trump, the Republicans in Congress and every Republican governor...would feel the same way as this hero - and yes he is a hero - then more families will not, in the future, have to suffer the same pain that families in Parkland, Las Vegas, Orlando, Newtown and elsewhere have had to endure after their loved ones were murdered by a mentally deranged killer.  I hope anyone who is reading my words...who happens to own an AR-15 - or any so-called military-style assault weapon - will do as Scott Pappalardo did.  Or perhaps you care more about yourself and your own personal pleasures...than the safety and lives of others.

     Joseph Percevecz...Saturday, March 3, 2018 at 12:13 a.m.:  Applause for creating an illegal SBR?

     Gary B. Duglin...Saturday, March 3, 2018 at 12:24 a.m.: Joe, what you're not seeing in the video is the final destruction of Scott Pappalardo's AR-15.  Check out the photograph of his rifle...cut in pieces.  No short-barreled rifle there.  And Scott's name is posted on the original image.  You can Google it and see his name corresponding to it. (Additional note for The Controversy:  The original picture is also posted on Scott Pappalardo's Facebook page.)

     Joseph Percevecz...Saturday, March 3, 2018 at 12:36 a.m.:  Poor, innocent, rifle, never did anything to anyone.

     Gary B. Duglin...Saturday, March 3, 2018 at 12:38 a.m.:  And now, thanks to Scott can't anytime in the future.

     Joseph Percevecz...Saturday, March 3, 2018 at 12:51 a.m.:  He must have been really concerned about his own mental state.  No firearm has ever climbed out of a safe, loaded itself and killed anyone alone.

     Gary B. Duglin...Saturday, March 3, 2018 at 1:25 a.m.:  If you watched the video, he wanted to be sure that whomever wound up with his gun, wouldn't use it for killing people.  The destruction of his rifle had nothing to do with his own mental state.

     Joseph Percevecz...Saturday, March 3, 2018 at 1:42 a.m.:  Only 300,000,000 to go!

     Gary B. Duglin...Saturday, March 3, 2018 at 11:30 a.m.:  Joe, as I say to other Republicans, you can't spin this YOUR way.  There are NOT 300-million AR-15 assault weapons.  The National Shooting Sports Foundation estimates there are approximately between 5 million and 10 million AR-15 rifles owned in the United States.  So let's - for argument sake - say there are seven-and-a-half-million AR-15 guns...NOWHERE NEAR 300-MILLION.  (Additional note for The Controversy: According to the Congressional Research Service, there is a total of about 300-million guns, of all types, in America.  And says the U.S. population is approaching 328-million people.)

     Joseph Percevecz...Saturday, March 3, 2018 at 1:12 p.m.:  OK, let's use your guesstimate.  Only 7,499,999 more to go!  But if you think H.R. 5087 is going anywhere at all, there are quite a few more weapons on that list!  But that bill was only written for political posturing, not reality.

     Gary B. Duglin...Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 12:49 a.m.:  Joe, you're doing as most of my readers at The Controversy do...and that's to go off topic.  The issue we were discussing was ONLY the AR-15 rifles - the one that Scott Pappalardo cut in to pieces.  That is why I gave the numbers I noted above. However, I don't believe H.R. 5087 - THE ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN OF 2018 - goes far enough. It is true that bill, if passed, would ban all semi-automatic "repeating" pistols, all semi-automatic "repeating" shotguns, all semi-automatic "repeating" rifles - all of the above including detachable and fixed magazines - plus a variety of other weapons, so there are a hell of a lot more of those weapons than the 5-million to 10-million estimated AR-15 guns.  But that's NOT what we were discussing.  As I wrote to a reader at The Controversy the other day, following the announcement by Dick's Sporting Goods that they will no longer sell AR-15 assault weapons in any of their stores to the announcement by Walmart that they will not sell any guns to anybody under the age of 21, I then wrote..."Watch and wait when big companies like Walmart and others stop selling guns altogether.  It's going to happen.  When?  I can't tell you.  But it's going to happen.  The bottom line is...guns have got to go. The question can America legally do it?"  As I also wrote to a reader recently, "In a perfect world - which we don't live in - every gun on the planet would be placed in a rocketship and launched in to deep space.  But that's never going to happen, so we must have better gun control laws.  Otherwise, more and more people are going to tragically and unfortunately die."  But I will add this - as I have written in other columns about gun control, over the last six years - the Second Amendment needs to be changed, or better yet, abolished.  It probably won't happen in my lifetime, but it IS going to happen at some point. I just hope it happens sooner... versus later.

     Joseph Percevecz...Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 1:02 a.m.:  Not going to happen GBD.  H.R. 5087 is politicians playing politics.  It won't pass because it is unconstitutional, goes too far and only has "D" sponsors hoping to win the "outraged" voters.  That way they can thump their chest and scream, "We tried, but those evil "R" and demonic NRA monsters..."  Then voters line up just exactly like your worst nightmare again.  Keep believing the lie GBD.  Your politicians always have YOUR best interest at heart.

     Gary B. Duglin...Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 1:15 a.m.:  Joe, I will leave you with this thought. A new common sense gun control law has to be passed. If not, we are sadly and tragically going to witness school shootings...and other mass murders by guns...on a weekly, if not daily, basis...not to mention that there are already about 96 people in the United States killed everyday by guns.  As for my statement above, though, about school shootings and other mass murders...I just hope to God that I'm proved wrong.

     Joseph Percevecz...Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 2:32 a.m.:  Just as soon as the zealots on both sides of this debate arrive at a valid understanding of "common sense" then the conversation can begin.  As long as each side is determined to "win," nothing will happen because each side has to prove the other wrong.  I will leave you with that thought.  And we will see who is closer to reality.

     Gary B. Duglin...Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 1:17 p.m.:  I'm not that cynical, Joe.  I guess you are. 

     Joseph Percevecz...Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 1:35 p.m.:  GBD, I'm an optimist with realistic tendencies and an observer of the human condition.  I want success in making schools as safe as possible without undermining the very freedoms that make the world want to move to America.  That will require many more difficult conversations beyond "please make all the bad guns go away."  That is not a solution.  That is fear in action.  I prefer actionable, common sense solutions that ACTUALLY make school kids (and teachers!) safe.

      Gary B. Duglin...Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 6:29 p.m.:  The only "common sense solution that (WILL) ACTUALLY make school kids (and teachers) safe" is to GET RID OF THE ASSAULT WEAPONS.  And if I had my GET RID OF ALL GUNS.

     Joseph Percevecz...Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 6:40 p.m.:  And when one side of the argument begins and ends on that perspective, we have nothing more to discuss.

      Gary B. Duglin...Monday, March 5, 2018 at 1:54 a.m.:  As I always say...if the Founding Fathers had a crystal ball in the late 1700s...and they knew how guns would be used by certain people...many years in the future...the Second Amendment would not have been written as it is...and there would be no "right" for Americans to own guns.  What a shame there was no crystal ball. 

     Joseph Percevecz...Monday, March 5, 2018 at 6:52 a.m.:  Then you need to go back and study your history of America and read the writings and letters of Jefferson, Washington and the rest.  By your logic the First Amendment would only apply to the printing machines of the day.

      Gary B. Duglin...Monday, March 5, 2018 at 11:19 a.m.:  You just don't get it, Joe...and you never will.  I'm done here.

     Joseph Percevecz...Monday, March 5, 2018 at 3:36 p.m.:  Bye-bye, GBD.  I get that you don't support the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the rule of Law.

      Gary B. Duglin...Monday, March 5, 2018 at 3:48 p.m.:  Joe, I'm amazed to hear you express those words. I've had Republican readers at The Controversy who accuse me - and other liberals, progressives, Democrats - of not supporting the U.S. Constitution. To make such a hateful remark is like saying we are un-American... which we are not.  Shame on you, Joe.  Shame on you.  Perhaps you should take a lesson from Debbi Johnson Sands.  She and I disagree on the issue of guns and gun control, but we exchanged thoughts in a civil manner.  Debbi didn't call me un-American. And I certainly didn't offend her...or you...with the heinous words..."you don't support the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the rule of Law."  As Debbi said..."Everyone is entitled to their opinions...though they may not always be the same."

     Joseph Percevecz...Monday, March 5, 2018 at 5:40 p.m.:  GBD, you know I don't hate you, and I said nothing hateful to you.  And I never said you were un-American. Don't put words in my mouth.  I was only pointing out what you have already said in this very thread.  You don't support the Second Amendment because you don't agree with it.  There is a method of making changes spelled out in the Constitution. But don't deny me my rights without due process. 

      Gary B. Duglin...Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 12:06 a.m.:  Joe, I never said that you hate me.  I said you made a "hateful remark."  By you saying that I "don't support the Constitution (and) the Bill of Rights"...or anyone who claims that any liberal, progressive, or Democrat in general does not support the U.S. Constitution... that is hateful...and is the same as calling us un-American.  So I don't need to "put words in (your) mouth," Joe.  You put the words there yourself by making the statement you made.  It is the SAME as calling me un-American.  I don't deny you your rights.  You do have the right to own a gun, as per the Second Amendment.  I don't agree with it, but you have that right.  As I have the right, as per the First Amendment, to, in fact, disagree with you...and to disagree with part of the Constitution, should I so desire.  The Constitution is a piece of paper...a piece of parchment, if you will.  We...that's every American...are living beings. And we have the right to debate issues.  And although Donald Trump doesn't seem to believe it...America IS great.  And our Constitution is one of the chief reasons why it is.  

     Joseph Percevecz...Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 4:11 a.m.:  On that we agree.

     During my debate with Joe, you will have read that I referenced another high school friend, Debbi Johnson Sands.  That's because a separate, but much briefer conversation began with Debbi and me when she responded to my remarks and those expressed by Joe.

     Debbi Johnson Sands...Saturday, March 3, 2018 at 1:36 p.m.:  Everyone is entitled to their opinions...though they may not always be the same.  I don’t feel someone is a hero for cutting up a weapon. The heroes are our men and women defending us in the streets and overseas.  My my hero...and he can bring as many guns as he wants into my home.  He has taught me how to shoot them and to defend myself as well.  I am a proud carrier of a concealed weapon license.

      Gary B. Duglin...Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 1:06 a.m.:  Debbi, I do agree with you that "everyone is entitled to their opinions."  Our most important Amendment in the U.S. Constitution is the First one, which gives each and every American "freedom of speech."  But I do disagree with you that Scott Pappalardo is not a hero because he cut up his gun.  He has perhaps saved lives because he did not want his AR-15 to someday end up in the hands of a mentally deranged killer who would want to murder other men, women and children.  As for those Americans who serve our country - either wearing the uniforms of the Air Force, the Army, the Coast Guard, the Marines, the National Guard and the well as those first responders such as police officers, firefighters and paramedics...they are without question, American heroes. Your son, Debbi, is definitely a hero, as he serves our nation in the United States Marine Corps...and I thank him for his service and I wish him safe return to you and his other loved ones.  But...I do not support any law...that allows anybody - besides the military or law enforcement - to carry a gun or to have a concealed weapon license.  I do understand you have that right based on the laws of your state, but I do not agree with it or support it at all...and I never will.  But you said...we are all "entitled" to our own opinion.

     Debbi Johnson Sands...Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 10:43 a.m.:  Gary, love you my friend and appreciate your views.  The areas I work in at times are like the back streets of Newark.  If it is them or me, I choose my life over theirs.  Just saying.

      Gary B. Duglin...Monday, March 5, 2018 at 2:27 a.m.:  Debbi, I wish you much safety in those areas you need to travel for work.

     And then there was another short chat I had on Facebook with high school friend, Mark a doctor.

      Doc Mark Hatton...Monday, March 5, 2018 at 11:07 p.m.:  Gary, not looking to open a whole debate, but do you really think schools will be “safe” and there will be no more mass killings if we get rid of assault rifles (which, by the way, I’m in favor of) [or even “all guns”...which, by the way, I am not in favor of]?  I think that's naive at best.  There are multiple issues intersecting here.

      Gary B. Duglin...Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 12:39 a.m.:  Mark, I provide you with the following from a February 20th, 2018 article in Fortune magazine.  After a 1996 mass shooting in Australia, which resulted in the murders of thirty-five people, along with eighteen others wounded..."within just weeks of that tragedy, elected officials in each of Australia's six states and two mainland territories - pressed forward by police chiefs across the continent and by the then newly-elected prime minister - banned semi-automatic and other military-style weapons across the country.  The federal government of Australia prohibited their import, and lawmakers introduced a generous nationwide gun buyback program, funded with a Medicare tax, to encourage Australians to freely give up their assault-style weapons.  Amazingly, many of them did."  Fortune continued..."So what happened after the assault weapon ban?  Well therein lies the other half of the story.  Nothing.  Nothing, that is, in a good way.  Australian independence didn't end.  Tyranny didn't come. Australians still hunted and explored; and they big-wave surfed to their hearts' content.  Their economy didn't crash.  Invaders never arrived.  Violence, in many forms, went down across the country, not up.  Somehow lawmakers on either side of the gun debate managed to get along and legislate.  As for mass killings, there were no more.  Not one in the past twenty-two years.  In 2002, a mentally impaired student at Monash University in Melbourne shot two people dead and injured five others.  He came to his rampage with six handguns, not an assault rifle.  Had he been carrying an AR-15, the toll would have been far worse.  But even so, Australian lawmakers added a new National Handgun Agreement, a separate buyback act, and a reformulated gun trafficking policy to their legislative arsenal.  There has been no similar shooting spree since.  But it wasn't just the murderous rampages that faded away.  Gun violence in general declined over the following two decades to a nearly unimaginable degree.  In 2014, the latest year for which final statistics are available, Australia's murder rate fell to less than one killing per one-hundred-thousand people - a murder rate one-fifth the size of America's.  Just thirty-two of those homicides - in a nation of twenty-four-million people - were committed with guns."  If Australia can do it, Mark...there's no reason the United States of America can't.  So no, Mark... with regards to my thoughts on guns and gun control...I am not at all naive.  And another proof of that.

      Doc Mark Hatton...Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 10:01 a.m.:  The United States, its' citizens, and the issues surrounding mass violence are quite different than Australia.

      Gary B. Duglin...Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 10:29 a.m.:  You just don't get it, Mark.  And as I've said to never will.

      Doc Mark Hatton...Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 11:01 a.m.:  As always... "getting it" is in the mind of the beholder.  Most times we agree.  This time we don't.

      Gary B. Duglin...Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 12:31 p.m.:  And as Debbi Johnson Sands noted above..."Everyone is entitled to their opinions...though they may not always be the same."  I will agree with you on this, Mark.  This time...we don't agree.

     No doubt I will be disagreeing with many of my Republican readers...and perhaps others.  So liberals...progressives...and Democrats in general...who are as opposed to guns as much as I's up to speak your mind too.

     Meanwhile...several days after my above Facebook conversation...tens of thousands of students - on Wednesday morning, March 14th - followed the lead of survivors from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School... and participated in a nationwide walkout to protest gun violence in the United States and to demand action from state and national politicians for better gun control laws.  It was a month earlier...on February 14th, 2018...when the fourteen students and three teachers - who I mentioned at the outset of this column - were shot to death in a tragic massacre by a homicidal maniac who had recently been expelled from the Parkland, Florida school because of disciplinary reasons.  At exactly 10 o'clock a.m. local each time zone...students from across the country walked out of their schools for seventeen minute for each of the seventeen people who were murdered at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.  Reportedly, there were an estimated 185-thousand people from about 3,100 schools in our 50 states and the District of Columbia who joined the National Student Walkout. 

     I know that people throughout our nation have been saying it for nearly a month...and I expressed similar sentiments in my February 24th column...but it's worth echoing such words again...especially after the national walkout.  "These students have a tremendous drive that is being fueled by their passion...their peaceful anger...and their tears. These are intelligent and creative youngsters with wisdom far beyond their years. It's incredibly inspirational to watch them...and it just may take these 'kids' do what adults have never been able to do."

     I am so very proud of the youth of America.  These young people are joining together...and standing solidarity...and I am totally impressed.  But

it's not enough to just admire and respect them.  This is not just their battle.  This is everyone's war.  At least it should be.  And, therefore, it is a fight that we must all engage in so that no sick-minded son of a bitch is able to steal the lives of another person by shooting bullets from a gun. Nevermore can we allow such tragedies in America.  Adults can certainly learn a lesson from our country's children.  And although they are performing in adult ways...let us remember that they are still children.

     A link to Scott Pappalardo's complete six-minute video is printed at the bottom of this is a link to the shorter version, which was edited and aired by ABC News.  But it's going to take more than just one person to give up one assault weapon.  And it's going to take much more than seventeen minutes to force the President...the Congress...and the governors and state legislators from our entire end this war.  Because if they don't...more and more people are in all likelihood - dare I say, definitely - going to die.  And the next of the persons killed might be someone YOU love.  Or one of the dead...might be you.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Scott Pappalardo's complete six-minute video:

Scott Pappalardo's video (two-minute edited version):

Scott Pappalardo's Facebook page:

Photo credits: Scott Pappalardo and Huffington Post (Scott Pappalardo)...Scott Pappalardo (Scott Pappalardo's destroyed AR-15)...Time (National Student Walkout Day at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Florida)... Thomas R. Cordova/Daily Breeze and Long Beach Press-Telegram (National Student Walkout Day at Woodrow Wilson High School, Long Beach, California)...and Timothy A. Clary/AFP and VOA News (National Student Walkout Day at Harvest High School, New York City, New York)

Copyright 2018 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. The following comment was posted on Gary B. Duglin's Facebook page on Friday, March 16, 2018 at 8:58 p.m. Since the reader's name appears on Facebook, it will be published here.

    "Gary, I’m disappointed at your divisiveness. First, your zealousness seems to have missed that I personally AGREE with limits/banning of assault style firearms, a la the central comparable issue from the 'Australian solution.' Yet, since I don’t agree with your personal view that ALL firearms should never have been invented, and should be banned...I’m positioned by you as being 'on the other side.' This issue of making our children and our schools safer is far more important that being myopic. Since you took the liberty of including my statements in this column, let me clarify one racist comment you make. After quoting Joseph and myself, you state in opposition, 'So liberals... progressives...and Democrats in general...who are as opposed to guns as much as I's up to speak your mind too.' For your information, I am a registered Democrat, a liberal and a progressive. Not all white men who support aspects of the second amendment are Republicans. If you - and most the country on both polarized sides - would LISTEN, I believe there exists a reasonableness in many Americans (sans labels!) where effective change can move forward. I, for one, believe divisiveness and sanctimonious one-sweeping-solution-fits-all undermines an intelligent populace. In fact, it stokes fanaticism - which in blue or red sheep’s clothing will not help this country. Be part of a realistic solution dialogue or you’re no better than Trump, the NRA, or other SPECIAL interest groups." - Doc Mark Hatton

    1. The following comment was posted on Gary B. Duglin's Facebook page on Friday, March 16, 2018 at 9:16 p.m. Since the reader's name appears on Facebook, it will be published here.

      "Well said, Mark. The problem is that GBD needs a boogie man, without 'the Republicans' or the 'NRA' to blame for the failure of their argument based on the merits, history or law, so it just must be those stubborn old racist Republicans. GBD only supports the First Amendment for those that agree with him." - Joseph Percevecz

    2. Gary B. Duglin's comments, responding to Doc Mark Hatton's response above, were originally posted on his Facebook page on Friday, March 16, 2018 at 9:22 p.m.

      Mark, not one time during our earlier Facebook conversation did you mention that you are a Democrat. However, you wrongly define my comment as "racist." I have never made a racist remark in my life. That I can promise you. This has nothing to do with race. Although I receive a great amount of readership of my columns at The Controversy, unfortunately I rarely get Democrats to comment. Usually people don't comment on a subject if they agree with the writer. It's generally those who DISAGREE with me...who I have found to ONLY be Republicans. That is why I made the statement - one that is NOT "racist" - encouraging "liberals...progressives...and Democrats in general"...most of which, statistically who are opposed to "speak (their) mind(s) too." I merely was appealing to Democrats - who, for years, are the ones that have been fighting for better gun control laws - to comment. There is no racism when dealing with Democrats and Republicans. I am delighted that you are a voting Democrat. And obviously I understood long before your comments that not all Democrats agree on all political issues. But Americans must realize the problem in our country when it comes to guns and gun control is NOT JUST mental illness...but the guns themselves. GBD

    3. Gary B. Duglin's comments, responding to Joseph Percevecz's response above, were originally posted on his Facebook page on Friday, March 16, 2018 at 9:34 p.m.

      Joe, you sound so foolish. There's no "boogie man." Obviously you don't read my columns carefully - which has been proven to be par for the course by most of my Republican readers - because I clearly support the "right" of any American to own a gun based on the Second Amendment. If you re-read my commentary and have any intellectual integrity, you will acknowledge that to be true. If you also read my conversation with Debbi Johnson Sands, I clearly agree with her that we are all entitled to our own opinions, thus your remark above that "GBD only supports the First Amendment for those that agree with him" is not only a boldface lie, but offensive. I entirely support your First Amendment right to speak out about guns. I just don't agree with the concept of the Second Amendment, which gives you the right to own them. And according to the First Amendment...I have that right too. GBD

    4. The following comment by Doc Mark Hatton was posted on Gary B. Duglin's Facebook page on Friday, March 16, 2018 at 9:37 p.m. Since the reader's name appears on Facebook, it is published here.

      "Maybe with a little self reflection you can one day do a column on racism. Here’s a start to think about, if you can let go of your self-image. 'If you see a black guy wearing a hoodie and assume he is dangerous, it’s racist. If a middle aged white guy disagrees with your position on eliminating all guns, you conclude he must be Republican and conservative.' You have proactively, negatively, acted upon a biased mindset combining the situation and stereotypical racial information." - Doc Mark Hatton

    5. Gary B. Duglin's comments, responding to Doc Mark Hatton's response above, were originally posted on his Facebook page on Friday, March 16, 2018 at 9:49 p.m.

      Mark, obviously you are not a regular reader of The Controversy. If you were, you would know that I have written numerous columns over the last six years on racism. That's number one. Number two...I NEVER assume that "a black guy wearing a hoodie" is dangerous. Not any more or less than a white guy wearing a hoodie. Number three...I merely stated that statistically...most people who disagree with the Democratic stand on gun control are, in fact, Republicans. I have not based such information on race, but on politics. I have no "biased mindset" when it comes to race. But there are certain boilerplate issues that generally define well as Democrats. And guns and gun control fall smack dab in there. GBD

  2. The following comment was posted on Gary B. Duglin's Facebook page on Sunday, March 25, 2018 at 11:33 p.m. Since the reader's name appears on Facebook, it will be published here.

    "Gary B. Duglin, even worse, your boogie man is now become an inanimate object. You make far to many assumptions and generalizations about things you do not understand. GBD, until you manage to repeal the Second Amendment, it is the law of the land, whether you like it or not. Nor do you have any understanding of my position on what that actually means because you have never bothered to ask, only assumed, based upon your warped view of all Republicans and gun owners." - Joseph Percevecz

    1. Gary B. Duglin's comments, responding to Joseph Percevecz's response above, were originally posted on his Facebook page on Monday, March 26, 2018 at 12:50 a.m.

      Joe, this conversation was concluded more than a week ago. I had nothing further to discuss. But since you continue to be insulting instead of having an intelligent and civil discussion, I will make this final statement about the issue. I do indeed understand everything that needs to be understood when it comes to gun control and saving lives. If you read any of my comments above, or in any of my columns at The Controversy with regards to gun control, you would know that I respect the fact that gun owners have the "right" to own guns, as per the Second Amendment. I noted earlier...I have the "right" - as per the First Amendment - to not agree with the Second Amendment...and, therefore, not to agree with you or any other gun owners. Since you and I were involved in the dialogue above - as well as other conversations in the past about gun control - I do know your position. However...whether it's you or anybody else who feels the way you do...I will never understand such a position, as I am totally opposed to anyone having guns. If it was up to me, I would outlaw them and do away with the Second Amendment. But it's not up to me. At least not alone. I do not believe my view of Republicans and gun owners is "warped. I am fully aware of your stance. I just don't agree with it...and never will. And after a million people marched in Washington, DC...along with hundreds of thousands of more people in 800 cities and towns across America in the March For Our Lives on Saturday, March are most certainly going to see a CHANGE in gun laws. It's going to happen. Just watch enough Republicans on Capitol Hill join with Democrats. But once the Democrats regain control of both the House and the Senate, the gun laws are going to change even more...even if Donald Trump is still in The White House. But once Americans elect a Democrat for President - which I believe will happen in 2020 - a Democratic Congress will change gun laws even more than that. And I'll be thrilled. I just hope that thousands more people don't get killed before it all happens. My advice is this, Joe. Let's end this conversation now, which is what I figured it already was about ten days ago. GBD

    2. The following comment by Joseph Percevecz was posted on Gary B. Duglin's Facebook page on Monday, March 26, 2018 at 9:41 a.m. Since the reader's name appears on Facebook, it is published here.

      "GBD...only time will tell." - Joseph Percevecz
