Sunday, March 11, 2018


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     I won't lower myself to Donald Trump's contemptible level and use profanities towards him.  That's not to say I haven't negatively written about him with harsh tones.  Any reader of The Controversy is well aware that I have raked Trump over the coals and identified him as a lying, narcissistic, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, racist who acts in a delusional manner....appears to be mentally ill...and thus is unfit to serve as President of the United States.  But for today...I will merely ask the following question.  When will Trump's supporters - be them his so-called "base"...other Republicans...and anybody else who voted for him on November 8th, 2016 - finally realize...that they made a monumental mistake by electing him to be President of our nation?

     Trump's verbal assault on NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd - calling the Meet The Press moderator "a sleeping son of a bitch" - was vicious, vile and vulgar. Such a reprehensible remark should not be tolerated by any decent matter what political party they associate with.  Still... Republicans - and others - are defending Trump and rooting him on.

     At a Pennsylvania rally on Saturday, March 10th, 2018...the crowd erupted with cheers of support when Trump re-told a story from nineteen years ago...when he apparently called for President Bill Clinton to order the U.S. military to take out North Korea.  "It's 1999, I'm on Meet The Press, a show now headed by sleepy eyes Chuck Todd.  He's a sleeping son of a bitch, I'll tell you.  And...they showed it this morning...1999, and I'm talking about North've got to take them out now."

     But on the Sunday morning, March 11th edition of Meet The Press...the Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin refused to chastise Trump...and he would not give Chuck Todd a straight answer.  Below is their word-for-word dialogue.

     Chuck Todd:  "Many people, including myself, raise their kids to respect the office of the presidency and the President of the United States.  When he uses vulgarity to talk about individuals...what are they suppose to tell their kids?"

     Secretary Mnuchin:  "I'll be with my kids this morning and I'll be focused on them on what the President is doing to protect the United States, its citizens, and more important the economy."

     Chuck Todd:  "So he's not immoral?  Don't worry about his values, don't worry about him as a role model?"

     Secretary Mnuchin:  "I've never said that whatsoever, so I don't know why you're putting these words in what I'm trying to say.  Okay?  So again, I am very comfortable with what we're doing.  Okay?  And again, I think you're trying to take this out of perspective in implying something I'm not saying."

     Out of perspective?  Are you serious, Mr. Secretary?  Why can't you...the rest of the Cabinet...and every single Republican in Congress...have the guts to speak out against the insults and the offensive rhetoric that Donald Trump continues to utter off his toxic tongue?  How can you not acknowledge that he is poisoning our country with unconscionable embarrassments?  You're all a bunch of yellow-bellied cowards.

     Chuck Todd gave Steven Mnuchin every chance to be a man and to not defend the most unpresidential person who has ever occupied The White House.  Yet the interview ended with a total lack of criticism towards Trump by Secretary Mnuchin.

     Secretary Mnuchin:  "He's using the vulgarities in the context of a campaign rally...and obviously there were a lot of funny moments on that rally."

     Chuck Todd (sarcastically):  "Yeah they were hilarious." 

     I can only hope that some of the former Trump aides - who Special Counsel Robert Mueller is questioning under oath - will not lie...but will - for the lack of a better phrase - "throw Donald Trump under the bus" and give Mueller the definitive, clear-cut evidence that Trump obstructed justice, that he has been involved in a cover-up and that he participated in a conspiracy to collude with Russia in an effort to affect the outcome of the 2016 presidential election so that he could win and so Hillary Clinton would lose.

     Until what I have described above happens...Trump calling Chuck Todd a "son of a bitch"...Trump allegedly having sex with a porn star...or performing in any other obscene or inappropriate way that discredits the Office of the President...won't matter one people who are willing to put scum on a pedestal...instead of condemning him.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2018 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Keep dreaming! Trump is in until 1-20-25. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!

    1. It's too bad that people like you need to hide under the blanket of "anonymous" because it would be quite satisfying to show you how wrong you will be...with your words above...when Donald Trump exits The White House for the last time...long before January 20th, 2025. It will definitely be no later than January 20th, 2021...but more than likely, it will be long before that. As I have written many times over the last year or more...Trump is following the Richard Nixon playbook...and therefore, like Nixon, Trump will resign the presidency as soon as Bob Mueller gets the evidence he needs so that the House of Representatives can begin impeachment hearings. And once the Democrats take control of the House - which I believe will happen in January 2019 following the November 2018 mid-term elections - then those impeachment proceedings will start. Trump, however, will never allow himself to go through such hearings, thus, instead, he will resign the presidency. America IS great. But not because of Donald Trump. GBD

    2. One down two to go, The House Intelligence Committee has concluded there is no evidence of collusion or coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russians and they are ending their investigation into it. Next the Senate will do the same. That will leave the Mueller investigation which as of today has found NO EVIDENCE of collusion that is per the briefings by DOJ to the US Senate; even Sen. Dianne Feinstein has said she has seen NO EVIDENCE of collusion. So what’s next from Democrats, will they push the fake claim of obstruction of justice. The President has the legal right to fire anyone in the executive branch for any reason, that is why they serve at the pleasure of the President. Don’t bring up Nixon, he was accused of obstruction for possibly destroying evidence, bribery, getting witnesses to lie, but not for firing the FBI director, that’s the Presidents right. If the Democrats take the House, which is possible, I believe they will with or without any evidence start impeachment proceeding, even if the Mueller investigation says there was NO collusion. They will waste the money, waste the time and embarrass America around the world because President Trump beat Hillary. That’s what it is all about at this point, you guys need to get over it. I don’t agree that he will leave office even if the mean spirited, revenge seeking Democrats go after him, President Trump is a fighter. He also knows that unless they find a “smoking gun” which I don’t believe there is; the Democrats will never get 67 votes in the Senate. If the Democrats went ahead with all of this, all they would be doing is hurting America, maybe they just don’t care!

    3. The following response to the above reader will be in three parts.


      You either are on drugs or you are in denial. Or perhaps both.

      First of all the House Intelligence Committee has "concluded" nothing. The Republicans on that committee have decided to ignore the truth. The ONLY investigation - AT THIS POINT - that truly the one headed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. It will be his investigation with the Department of Justice that will place Donald Trump in to his political coffin...nail the box closed...and bury Trump (metaphorically speaking) so deep in the ground that he'll be lucky - after he resigns - to build and sell a nest to a hummingbird, let alone any apartment buildings, hotels or golf courses to people. If you really think that the Senate is going to end THEIR investigation...I don't agree. But even if they's not important. Mueller's investigation WILL go on...and it will continue for as long as Mueller wants it to...and until he gets every morsel of evidence necessary to determine the truth. Remember what former Watergate Assistant Prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks said...(and I will paraphrase her quote)...Intent is all that is needed to prove obstruction of justice. Success is not necessary. Only intent.

      Also remember this...if Donald Trump did not "collude" in a conspiracy with Russia...but if his campaign aides and others who have been or still are part of The White House...if they did, in fact, "collude" in such a conspiracy to hurt Hillary get "dirt" on her, which Donald Trump, Jr. said he would "love"...and if Trump, Sr. did indeed participate in a cover-up...(remember the word "cover-up)...then the same will happen to Trump as it did to Richard Nixon. Trump will I have been writing about for more than a year. However, I believe that the handwriting is on the wall and that Robert Mueller will come up with clear-cut, definitive evidence that Trump knew of the meeting with Donald Trump, Jr., his brother-in-law Jared Kushner and the Russians. And that Trump fired James Comey as FBI Director in an effort to put a stop to the Russia probe. There is no "fake claim of obstruction of justice." And no...Trump did not have the "legal right to fire anyone" if there was an "intent" to "obstruct justice." I'm not a lawyer, but that information has been confirmed by numerous top-level attorneys and legal scholars throughout the country. Remember once again that the word "intent" all that is needed to prove obstruction of justice. As for your "Don't bring up Nixon" remark...what Trump is accused of doing is much, much worse than Nixon. You can live in denial all you want, but by doing so, you're going to be flabbergasted and shocked when Trump resigns the presidency.



    4. PART TWO OF THREE for the Democrats taking control of the House...yes, I believe they will...and yes, they will start impeachment hearings...but Trump - as I have said all along - will never put himself through such proceedings, so that is when he will resign. That is, of course, unless Robert Mueller proves his case before the November 2018 mid-term elections or before the Democrats actually take control (which I think they will) in January 2019.

      When you and other Republicans realize that none of this has anything to do with Trump beating Hillary Clinton in the electoral vote, then you and other Republicans will understand better. Donald Trump can be a "fighter" - as you call him - but his narcissism...his big fat ego...will not allow him to be raked over the coals in House impeachment hearings. And once he would be impeached, he would indeed be convicted in a Senate trial and removed from office. But Trump will quit long before any of that happens. I wrote long, long time ago for everyone to remember Richard Nixon and Watergate...and I continue to make that statement.

      Another always amazes me that my Republican readers will only focus on on the subtext of my column - which pertains to the ongoing Russia investigation - while you and others don't comment on the crux of the commentary...which - with my editorial above - has to do with Trump's offensive profanity towards NBC's Chuck Todd.




      Democrats are NOT the ones hurting America...and NOT the ones who will hurt America down the road. Democrats care about America. And you will see that enough Republicans in the House and Senate will eventually side with the Democrats and care about country over party...just as Richard Nixon knew that Republicans would have done the same during Watergate...and that's why he resigned first.



    6. Check the New York Times March 12, 2018 headline “Despite Mueller’s Push, House Republicans Declare No Evidence of Collusion.” In the first paragraph “House Intelligence Committee Republicans said on Monday that their investigation had found no evidence of collusion between Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia to sway the 2016 election.” You make me laugh, you quote Watergate Assistant Prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks, a leftwing Democrat Party operative who headlines fund raisers for the party with Christine Pelosi daughter of Nancy Pelosi, like anyone would believe she is non-partisan and unbiased, she also campaigned and fund raised for Hillary Clinton.
      The question is if anyone was looking for “dirt” on Hillary Clinton what law was broken, Clinton and the DNC on the other hand paid a former UK Spy to pay the Russians for a phony dossier on President Trump and then got the FBI and the Obama DOJ to use the phony report to get a FISA warrant to spy on a member of the Trump Campaign, people should be going to jail for that one, and maybe they will.
      If the Democrats take the house no matter what the evidence shows the Trump haters will start impeachment hearings, they don’t care about facts or laws or what it does to the country all they care about is getting their revenge for him beating Hillary.
      Yes, the Democrats are hurting this country, all they care about is power and control and of course their hatred for President Trump and all the good things he is doing!

    7. The New York Times was merely reporting what the House Intelligence Committee said. That doesn't mean what the Committee did was provide any truth. You can't get away with your right-wing spin with me. You seem to think that if you quote an article in The New York Times that I am going to agree with you. It doesn't work that way.

      Again you try to spin things to your liking when you criticize Jill Wine-Banks, a renowned attorney who is revered by both Democrats and Republicans alike. The following was published by Wikipedia via People magazine. "In 1980, at the behest of Albert E. Jenner, Jr., who had served on the staff of the Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee during Watergate and who had been impressed with her in-court performance, she became a partner at the Chicago law firm of Jenner & Block." So there have been...and there are... Republicans who clearly like Jill Wine-Banks...and respect her.

      Are you THAT clueless? Donald Trump, Jr. and Jared Kushner's meeting with the Russians - which no sane person can honestly think Donald Trump didn't know about - is all part of the conspiracy. But you can't see that.

      Once again, you try to spin things without providing all of the facts. It was Fusion GPS that hired Christopher Steele, who was a respected former British spy with wide-ranging experience in Russia. Steele was employed to conduct research into any possible ties between Donald Trump, his businesses, his campaign team and Russia. It has been confirmed by numerous sources that the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee were totally unaware that Fusion GPS had been hired to conduct such research. And if you honestly believe that the so-called "Steele Dossier" is "phony"...then you're in total denial of the truth.

      You continue to spew your venom that there's a hatred towards Trump because of the election. There is no "revenge" here. This has nothing to do with revenge. Bob Mueller will eventually discover every ounce of facts and he will either prove or not prove Donald Trump's involvement in at least a cover-up, but more than likely as a participant (or even a leader) in a obstruction of justice and conspiracy case. And Mueller is arguably one of the most respected lawyers/law enforcement officers America has ever seen. He served as FBI Director under Republican and Democratic Presidents and his honesty, and his integrity, is impeccable and unimpeachable.

      It is obvious that you don't even know what you're writing as it is your words that express hatred...not mine. And if you can truly believe that Trump is doing "good things" then you fall in the same category as he is. And what is that? Well, just re-read the first paragraph of my column above.

      As for "power and control"...that's a given for every politician in our country...whether a Democrat, a Republican or an Independent. Everybody in politics wants "power and control." If they didn't...they wouldn't run for office. Everybody who works for a company - in any position - wants to be promoted to a higher level so they can have certain "powers" and certain "control." If you don't realize that...then you don't know anything about human beings. Even a little kid on the playground wants "power and control."


  2. I didn’t try to spin anything you made the statement “First of all the House Intelligence Committee has "concluded" nothing.” The NYT article proves your statement to be incorrect, you can disagree with their conclusion but that doesn’t change the fact that they concluded there was no collusion. As for Jill Wine-Banks my statements are facts, she is a fundraiser for the DNC, fundraises with Nancy Pelosi’s daughter and campaigned for Hillary Clinton. If you or anyone believes that Clinton and the DNC didn’t know what Fusion GPS was up to I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might want to buy. The Clinton campaign and the DNC were looking for “dirt” on President Trump, the same thing that the Trump campaign is accused of doing, that’s politics, what law was broken? Jim Comey said the dossier was “salacious and unverified”. When I said someone should maybe go to jail is for using it, it was using it for a FISA court. When I talked about power and control I said “all they care about is power and control,” the word “all” is the key word, without regard for what it does to the American people or the country, all they care about is power and control.

    1. You simply cannot read. All The New York Times did was report what the House Intelligence Committee had decided - wrongly as it may be. The Times did not prove my statement to be incorrect. The House Intelligence Committee can SAY they have concluded whatever they want, but there has been no "conclusion"...because there are too many in Congress that believe there was "collusion." Note the play on words. And as I noted, none of what the Republicans in the House committee have decided is of much concern...or for that matter, of any concern. Robert Mueller's investigation is ALL that counts RIGHT NOW. Plus, Congressman Adam Schiff and the Democrats are not going to let any of this go away anyway...and rightfully so.

      Spin away, "Anonymous" can try to belittle Jill Wine-Banks, but you'd be wrong in doing so. And as noted in my earlier response to you, there is overwhelming confirmation from reputable sources that Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee were totally unaware that Fusion GPS had been hired to conduct the research discussed.

      You keep asking a question that makes no sense. "What law was broken?" A conspiracy with Russia...obstruction of justice...a cover-up...those are the laws that have more than likely been broken. But let me tell you something else - which I have discussed in other columns - it very well might be the "The Lady and the Trump" that will bring down "The Donald's" presidency. Trump and the porn star is what is likely to be what forces Trump to resign. Watch and see.

      You can make every attempt at being a "spin-master," but you are failing miserably. Your "power and control" remarks are ludicrous. But appears to be that everything you want to ludicrous.

      Once again, though, you have gone off topic from the main crux of my column. And therefore, you - like Secretary Steven Mnuchin - refuse to criticize Trump for being offensive towards Chuck Todd. But are a Trump supporter who voted for him following the Access Hollywood video...after his despicable insult about Senator John McCain...his disgusting and offensive words about Mexicans, about Muslims, about a Gold Star Family, about a Miss Universe contestant, and on and on and on. Plus, you continue to support Trump after his "shithole countries" slur, his "Haitians" have "AIDS" remark, his anti-Semitic and racist remark after the Charlottesville protest and riot where he stated "You had people that were very fine people on both sides" which offended Jews and African-Americans, plus so much more over this last year that he's been in The White House and this last nearly three years since the campaign began.

      If you continue to support Donald Trump you will eventually be one of not too many who will remain his cheerleader. Because sooner rather than later, Donald Trump will have only a handful of people applauding him...and you can be one of those on the sidelines giving him that ovation when he's exiting The White House for the last time as he heads back to Trump Tower or Mar-a-Lago as a private citizen.


  3. wah wah wah... cry baby cry... i remember when you cried and cried about how there was no way trump could win. now that you were wrong about that you just cry cry cry about how it can't be and how it will end any minute now. its not ending. i guess you'll never accept the trump is the leader of the country and you should respect him.. but you don't respect anybody who doesn't share your clueless views. every one of these posts is the same recycled garbage that you have been brain washed with. i hope you don't have a heart attack when trump wins again in 2020 because i want to see what excuses you'll have then.

    1. I waited until today, Wednesday, January 20th, 2021, to acknowledge the reader above. I doubt the reader - after nearly 3 years - will even see this comment, but I respond to him or her this way, "Wah wah wah...cry baby cry." You and other Trumpers are the ones who have been "brainwashed." And what was it you wrote above? Am I reading it correctly? Oh yeah. No heart attack here. But I hope you didn't have one on November 7th, 2020 when Joe Biden won the presidency, and I hope you didn't have a heart attack today when it was President Joe Biden who moved in to The White House and Donald Trump who was evicted by the American people. The United States of America is on its way back to normalcy. GBD

  4. No, Mr. GBD, YOU simply cannot read! All I said was the House Intel Committee had concluded (DECIDED) there was NO collusion, you said the “House Intelligence Committee has "concluded" nothing”, yes they did and the NYT has reported that they did, so you are wrong. You don’t have to agree with the House Committee but you need to accept they made that conclusion. As for Jill Wine-Banks, I stand by the facts. If you think the Clinton campaign and DNC didn’t know about Fusion GPS and the Steel e lies, what did they think they were paying $9,000,000.00 for? I have that bridge for sale for anyone who believes that!
    My question makes a lot of sense, you have gone from collusion to conspiracy, conspiracy is only a crime when you are conspiring to commit a crime, so I ask again what Federal Crime are you claiming the President and his or his campaign conspired to commit? Attempting to get “dirt” on an opponent is not a crime. We can go back and forth on obstruction of justice; I can name just as many legal scholars that have said that it is the Presidents Constitutional Power to fire Comey for any reason with no obstruction of justice as you can quote the other way. Cover-up, I ask again what Federal Crime are you claiming he has or tried to cover-up? Right now I don’t care as much for what he says, as I care about what he is doing and what he is doing has been great for America, I do not agree a lot of the time with what he says or how he says it but most of his policies are what I agree with and in my opinion they are working!!

    1. The following response to the above reader will be in three parts.


      I can read quite well, but you just don't get what the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee were saying when they claim to have "concluded" their investigation. The fact is...they have concluded nothing since they have not COMPLETED what should have been done for a thorough investigation. And that's why their "conclusion" means nothing.

      You can think what you want about Jill Wine-Banks, but all you do is show your ignorance about a stellar American attorney who rightfully helped to bring down Richard Nixon's presidency, based on the facts...and that's what Special Counsel Robert Mueller will do with Donald Trump.

      You can be selling bridges all day long, but as I noted earlier, it was Fusion GPS that hired Christopher Steele to conduct research into any possible ties between Donald Trump, his businesses, his campaign team and Russia. You don't seem to understand that "Russia" is the operative and key word. And as I also noted earlier, it has been confirmed by numerous reputable sources that the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee were totally unaware that Fusion GPS had employed Steele to conduct such research. But the so-called "Steele Dossier" does provide facts.




      You will be amazed as to what Robert Mueller will be able to prove when all the people who a grand jury has already indicted - and others it will further indict - will spill the beans and provide the truth about Donald Trump's involvement in a conspiracy to collude with Russia, to cover-up such a Russia conspiracy, and to obstruct justice by trying to end the Russia probe by firing James Comey as FBI Director. It's all going to happen, so face the facts and get ready for it.

      Here's the exact wording of one of the statutes. "If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both." Therefore, when someone is charged with collaborating with a foreign government (such as Russia) to influence an American election...that is a crime. When Donald Trump Jr. sought to get “dirt” on Hillary Clinton from the Russians, he can be charged with conspiring to violate the election laws of the United States, which prohibit foreign nationals from contributing any “thing of value” to an electoral campaign. But his father, Donald Trump - if he participated...or is involved with a cover-up, which I believe he is - then there is criminal activity there too. But what Robert Mueller will do is make deals with some of Trump's former aides so that they provide Mueller with all the facts and throw Trump under the bus. That way those aides will be given reduced prison sentences or even no sentences by providing the evidence needed to show obstruction of justice and conspiracy by Donald Trump. I don't know why you don't seem to understand all of this.




      You sound so foolish by your last statements above. You claim to not "care" about "much" of what Donald Trump says...and you claim that you "do not agree a lot of the time what he says or how he says it" but you agree with his policies because you think "they are working." So in other words, let's say you work for a construction developer and you're an "innocent" employee. But each month, your boss - the owner of the company - gives you a bonus of, let's say, ten-thousand dollars. He tells you that the company had a great month and he wants to spread the wealth to his employees. You think he's a great boss...a hell of a nice guy. But what you don't realize is that in order for you to get that order for the owner to get perhaps millions of dollars for his development...he had to blackmail city officials and even murder one or two people so he could get his project completed. The people of the city are thrilled with the new development. To build the project, it gives 500 new jobs to local citizens. And when completed, the new development strengthens the local economy because so many more people are spending money at stores and other local businesses. So everybody is happy...right? But nobody knows what the company owner had to do in order to make it all happen. Nobody knows that he had to kill a couple of innocent individuals and blackmail others. If you worked for this man...could you actually support his illegal activities? I certainly hope not.

      Now don't get me wrong. I am in no way accusing construction developers of any such scenarios that I described above. Has there been talk of such activity over the years? Sure. But I certainly don't believe that to be the norm. I want to believe that the "vast majority" of Americans...with any business...are honest. I did say the "vast majority." That does, however, leave room for certain others who are not. But that's an issue for a whole other debate. And I certainly am NOT...repeat NOT...accusing Donald Trump of murdering someone, so let me be clear about that so you don't throw it back at me. But if Trump did commit a crime...any order for YOU...and others in his so-called "base" "agree" with "most of his policies" because you see "they are working"...then how can you support his actions? Day after day, Robert Mueller - and yes, also the working free press of our nation - are coming up with more and more evidence that will eventually bring to a "conclusion" - that will "conclude" the investigation, so there's the word "conclude" - that Donald Trump has participated in some way - if not spearheaded - a conspiracy to collude with Russia...a subsequent cover-up...with a result of obstruction of justice too. I think if you follow my thought process...and if you have any intellectual integrity at will agree that I'm correct.



  5. Just because you don’t like the results doesn’t mean they didn’t do their jobs. Many people don’t buy the idea the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee would spend $9,000,000 and not know what it was for, it is not how the world works with that kind of money! You say face the facts, nobody has been shown any facts to back up your theories. I will wait and see and do not believe there was any “collusion” between the Trump campaign and the Russian. Did the Russians meddle, without a doubt. They may have even made offers to the campaign some “dirt” on Hillary that were not accepted but that’s not illegal or collusion or conspiracy. Once again you twist words ( I’m being nice) when you said “ Donald Trump Jr. sought to get “dirt” on Hillary Clinton from the Russians” the email trail shows that the lawyer that happens to be Russian sought them out and may have offer them dirt on Clinton, they were offered it they didn’t seek it out. That’s a very big legal difference. I understand it completely and don’t believe the President or his campaign was involved in any conspiracy, cover-up or obstruction of justice and will not unless I see hard evidence that proves it. Your analogy to what I said verses your construction developer is laughable, I never said I did care if he blackmailed people and even murder one or two people, I said “I do not agree a lot of the time with what he says or how he says it”, I don’t care if he calls someone an idiot, or little rocket-man, or a jerk, I care about making America safe, destroying ISIS, keeping Israel safe, building a wall, cutting taxes, my pay check and much more, I don’t care if he calls people names if he does all that. He may not have made America great but in one year he has made it a lot better than it was over the eight years before him! You and most of the far left are truly haters and can’t see what makes America Great! Not progressive liberalism, that is what brings us down!

    1. The following response to the above reader will be in three parts.


      Obviously you're not going to believe the truth unless it bit you in the butt, so there's no use continuing this conversation. But I have to set you straight. Or at least try, on behalf of all Democrats, liberals and progressives throughout America.

      Do you not know what "reputable sources" means? There is too much proof that Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee did not know that Fusion GPS had employed Christopher Steele to conduct the research that he did.

      You're not going to believe that Donald Trump was involved in a conspiracy to collude with Russia...or that he obstructed justice...or that he has participated in the biggest American cover-up since Watergate...until you see Trump exiting The White House for the last time. So be it. You'll soon see the light.

      I did not "twist words." Did you not read Donald Trump, Jr.'s e-mails where he said "I love it" when responding to the fact that the Russians would get "dirt" on Hillary Clinton? That is the "intent" for a conspiracy that I discussed in an earlier response. And THAT...IS...ILLEGAL. And if you think that Donald Trump, Jr. and Jared Kushner didn't tell their father and father-in-law respectively then you're in plain English...nuts.

      Let me give you a scenario. Your friend comes to you and says that he has a way for you to make 100-thousand dollars. Now you did not seek him out. He sought you out. But you agree to listen to his illegal scheme that will net you all that money. You realize that what he is telling you is a crime, if you participate, but you decide to go along with his illegal act because you think that he and you will get away with it and not be arrested for a felony. Now remember didn't seek him out. He sought you out. When the police come knocking down his door with an arrest warrant...they're going to do the same for you. Are you really that naive to think that just because the "Russians sought out" Trump, Jr. that he is not culpable? There is no "very big legal difference." You are so wrong. And by Trump, Jr. agreeing to the meeting at Trump Tower...and saying "I love it" when wanting the Russians to provide "dirt" on Hillary Clinton...that is INTENT. And THAT...IS...A CRIME. And with Jared Kushner attending the meeting, he too is part of the illegal activity. And Donald Trump, Sr. - I am sure - knew all about it.




      You're not going to believe all the evidence so far, but stayed tuned as the Trump reality show will soon be cancelled by low ratings and charges of conspiracy, obstruction of justice and perhaps treason.

      My analogy above is not at all "laughable." Read it again and you'll see it's very serious...and it's a very accurate comparison.

      There is absolutely nothing that Donald Trump has accomplished - except for his Supreme Court pick - that Republicans are happy with overall. For you to say that you "don't care" that the President of the United States calls someone "an idiot, or little rocket-man, or a jerk" amazes me...but it's disgusting when the President of the United States calls a respected network television anchor "a sleeping son of a bitch"...or tells the world that he thinks a United States Congresswoman is a "low I.Q. individual"...or he calls African nations, Mexico and El Salvador "shithole countries." And that's just a few of his despicable remarks. And for you...or support him...makes you and others just as bad as he is.

      Donald Trump has not "destroyed ISIS." ISIS never attacked the United States for eight years during the two terms of President Barack Obama. And where has Trump "destroyed ISIS" now? As for the "wall"...well...I wrote this nearly three years ago when candidate Trump first mentioned a wall that there will NEVER be a wall. And I continue to tell you and everyone...THERE WILL NEVER...EVER...BE A WALL on the border of the United States and Mexico. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.

      Cut taxes? All his tax reform plan has done is raise taxes on the middle class and cut taxes for the very rich.

      The fact that you "don't care" that the President of the United States "calls people names" is disgraceful and hateful.

      And if you really think that Donald Trump has "made it a lot better" in one year than President Obama did in eight years then you must be on drugs.




      You and many other Republican readers always fall back on saying that liberals are "haters." Democrats, liberals, progressives...we do not hate. We just know what is best for America. And you'll see it again when the Democrats take control of the House...and probably the Senate too...following the 2018 mid-term elections...and when a Democrat wins The White House in 2020. But long before then, Donald Trump will have said goodbye to Washington, DC...and hello to New York City. But then...nobody wants him there either.

      Look and see what happened today. Donald Trump, Jr.'s wife filed for divorce. She doesn't want to have anything to do with Trump, Jr. or with that whole family. She's smart to get out now. I think if Melania didn't fear losing Barron...she'd tell Donald, Sr. to go to hell. Who knows? That still might come down the road.


