Monday, February 12, 2018


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     Donald Trump's inflammatory remark on Monday, February 5th, 2018 - when he accused Congressional Democrats of "treason" for not applauding him at the Tuesday, January 30th State Of The Union Address - is not only hateful and despicable...but it sends a vile message to the world when the President of the United States attacks nearly half of America's national lawmakers by labeling them traitors.

     In a speech at a manufacturing plant in Cincinnati, Ohio, Trump appeared to speak in earnest when he expressed..."Can we call that treason?  Why not.  I mean they certainly didn't seem to love our country very much."  Trump also called Democrats "un-American."

     But White House officials, throughout the week, sluffed-off Trump's vulgar verbiage as merely his sense of humor.  Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley told NBC News on February 5th that Trump's incendiary insults were said "tongue in cheek."  And Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters at the White House Press Briefing that same day..."The President was clearly joking with his comments."

     Does Donald Trump even know what treason is...what the word means?  Random House Dictionary defines treason as "the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign."  It's "a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state."  Treason is "the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery."  According to the U.S. Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 115, Section 2381, someone who "is guilty of treason shall suffer death" or "shall be imprisoned and fined."  And a person who is convicted of treason "shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

     By Trump's thinking...if not giving a standing ovation to the President...or simply not clapping hands and cheering for him...are considered treason...then nearly every Republican Senator and Congressman who served during any part of President Barack Obama's two terms...should have gone before a firing squad or should have been put behind bars.  Time and time again, Republicans did not applaud or rise in support of President Obama.

     Some Americans have noted that branding Democrats as treasonous is clear-cut evidence that Donald Trump lacks the understanding of the word...and that he - without question - is brainless about the text of the U.S. Constitution.  But I think Trump is more so trying to undermine the definition of treason because he knows there's going to be a day when he himself might be implicated in such a federal criminal act.  I did say "might."  And not only by people in the general public...or by those on social media...but by Special Counsel Robert "Bob" Mueller... and/or by a prosecutor in a court of law.  Therefore, by making light of treason now...just may convince some uneducated Americans to not take treason too seriously if Trump is ever brought up on impeachment charges.

     Donald Trump's State Of The Union Address was nothing more than a continuation of the same divisive rhetoric and vicious venom that he has spewed since he announced his candidacy in 2015.  Trump's speech was jam-packed with lies.  But then...that's nothing new for "The Donald."

     As Trump did with his inauguration crowd - which he wrongly claimed was bigger than President Obama's first swearing-in ceremony - Trump insisted the viewership of his first State Of The Union Address was the largest in history.  Trump tweeted that "45.6 million people watched, the highest number in history."  The amount of viewers is correct, but Trump once again lied because his speech was not "the highest number in history"...far from it.

     The Nielsen Company confirms that the ratings for Trump's 2018 State Of The Union Address were actually lower than his 2017 speech to a Joint Session Of Congress, (which was not an official State Of The Union Address).  Nielsen says that for State Of The Union Addresses, President George W. Bush holds the record for attracting the biggest television audience for his 2003 speech...when 62.1 million Americans watched.  However, President Bill Clinton is on the next rung of the ladder - in second place - when he captured 53.1 million people who had their eyes on his 1998 State Of The Union message.

     But for all intents and purposes...a President's speech to a Joint Session Of Congress - about a few weeks after his first inauguration - is considered by most Americans as the same as a State Of The Union Address.  So when we include those speeches on the same list as the official State Of The Union Addresses...President Clinton beats out everybody.  Mr. Clinton's 1993 speech to a Joint Session Of Congress drew a TV crowd of 66.9 million people...thus making that speech the largest of its kind in history.  Donald Trump's 2018 State Of The Union Address falls in at ninth place on the total list or sixth place for just State Of The Union Addresses.

     Below is the "top ten list," as documented by Nielsen...(not by David Letterman).

     1 - Bill Clinton - 66.9 million - 1993 - Joint Session Of Congress
     2 - George W. Bush - 62.1 million - 2003 - State Of The Union
     3 - Bill Clinton - 53.1 million - 1998 - State Of The Union
     4 - Barack Obama - 52.4 million - 2009 - Joint Session Of Congress
     5 - George W. Bush - 51.8 million - 2002 - State Of The Union
     6 - Barack Obama - 48.0 million - 2010 - State Of The Union
     7 - Donald Trump - 47.7 million - 2017 - Joint Session Of Congress
     8 - Bill Clinton - 45.8 million - 1994 - State Of The Union
     9 - Donald Trump - 45.6 million - 2018 - State Of The Union
     10 - George W. Bush - 45.5 million - 2007 - State Of The Union

     Donald Trump is obsessed with in crowd sizes, television ratings, and the amount of electoral votes he received.  He frequently reminds us about the amount of people who attended his campaign rallies and his "landslide" victory over Hillary Clinton.  It was not even close to being a landslide...and Trump needs to remember that Secretary Clinton won the popular vote by about 3 million Americans. Plus, the former star of NBC's The Apprentice and The Celebrity Apprentice wants everyone to believe that his reality shows were number one.  They were not. Although he bragged that they were...even before he moved in to The White House. Once again...more false claims by Trump.  

     Wikipedia has published the Nielsen Ratings for the ten seasons of The Apprentice.  Only in its premiere season, 2003 - 2004, was the series ever in the top ten, ranking in at number seven for the TV year.  And the best that The Celebrity Apprentice did was landing in 46th place for all shows that appeared on television in the 2010 - 2011 season.  So whether it's from the boardroom or The Oval Office... Donald Trump lies.

     Trump has lied since the moment he entered the race for the Republican nomination.  The truth of the matter is that Trump vowed - throughout his campaign - to put America first.  Instead - now that he's in The White House - all Trump does is put himself first.  But that's what he's always done.  Trump has betrayed Americans and he makes every effort to divide our nation along racial, religious and ethnic lines.  Trump discriminates against so many millions of people.  His prejudices...his bigotry...and his racism...are not what America is about...and Trump's actions differ from the vast majority of our country's citizens. put the icing on the's obvious that Trump's goal is to destroy every ounce of success that was achieved by President Obama.  And most Republicans in Congress are backing Trump every step of the way. 

     Donald Trump's dangerous agenda for our country is one that needs to be stopped.  But Congressional Republicans are willing to decimate our nation, the Department of Justice, the FBI, and whatever else they order to keep Trump from having to face Bob Mueller's questions under oath.  It makes me wonder why so many Members of the GOP are bending over backwards to protect Trump and to not put the thumbscrews to the Russians.  Unknowingly to we have Russian spies who have been elected to the American Congress?  Trump needs to realize that if he refuses to meet face to face with Mueller...his presidency will be on a fast track to doomsday.  Hundreds of thousands of people - perhaps millions - will march up and down Pennsylvania Avenue from The White House to Capitol Hill...and like Richard Nixon...Donald Trump will be forced to resign.  If Trump is innocent of ties to Vladimir Putin and the Russians...then he should have no problem talking with Mueller.

     Most Republicans in the House of Representatives and the Senate have no "balls" face Trump head-on.  Why do Congressional Republicans fear this man who has proven over and over again that he has no business being President.  America is in a Constitutional crisis...and it's only going to get worse until Mueller concludes his investigation.

     When are Republicans going to stand up to Trump and show that they care more about our country than they do about him?  Or is it just the opposite?  I have to ask because it's shocking...and frankly, quite sad...that Republicans nationwide are not outraged by Donald Trump...especially after he has tagged Democrats as treasonous. Why do Republicans continue to support him?  The answer - after the election - was that voters who cast their ballots for Trump simply said..."We hate Hillary."  But the election is over and done with long ago.  To use their hatred towards Hillary Clinton...doesn't fly.  It's a cop-out.  Some Republicans have insisted that Trump was not their "first choice."  Many have admitted that "Trump was not even (their) second or third choice."  Nevertheless, they still voted for him.  But that was more than fifteen months ago.  How can my Republican neighbors throughout the nation - even those in Trump's so-called "base" - remain loyal to a lying, narcissistic, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, racist who acts in a delusional manner....appears to be mentally ill...and thus is unfit to serve as President of the United States?  My words have been proven to be true because of Trump's actions.

     Parents have taught their children for decades that "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."  But words do matter...especially when they are spoken by the President of the United States.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2018 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Here you go taking words out of context, the full quote was “"They were like death and un-American. Un-American," he continued. "Somebody said 'treasonous.' I mean, yeah, I guess, why not? Can we call that treason? Why not? They certainly didn't seem to love our country very much." So he said somebody said “treasonous”. From the English Oxford dictionary: treasonous one of the definitions is “involving or guilty of the betrayal of someone or something”, not recognizing or applauding for many of the things the democrats sat on their hands for was a betrayal, such as lowest African- American unemployment, or help for veterans, offering 1.8 million illegal immigrants a chance to be legal and someday become American citizens and much more, you don’t call that a betrayal? I do, a betrayal of what’s good for America. Not to mention you could tell it was said in jest. I don’t think you know the definition which there is more than one, there is the “legal” definition and then a common definition once again “Involving or guilty of the betrayal of someone or something: it seems almost treasonous to criticize the film”. As for the so called lies, get over it. If you think anyone should talk to the FBI or Mueller your nuts, any good attorney will tell you if you’re the subject of any investigation say nothing, ask Martha Stewart, if she kept her mouth shut she never would have gone to jail. Ask people that were investigated by the FBI and were asked about something from a year ago and said that happened on a Thursday night and they screwed up that it was on Wednesday and they are charged with lying to the FBI. Mr. President, keep your mouth shut and don’t say anything to the FBI or Mueller. You made the statement “Some Republicans have insisted that Trump was not their "first choice." Many have admitted that "Trump was not even (their) second or third choice." Nevertheless, they still voted for him.” I am one of those that would tell you that President Trump wasn’t in my top 7 or 8 from the GOP primaries and yes I voted for him, Hillary Clinton wouldn’t have been in my top 100 or even top 1000. I don’t have any hatred for the Clintons they just stand for so much that I am against, it’s not personal like your hatred for President Trump. I have to laugh when you call him anti-Semitic, his daughter is Jewish, his grandkids and son-in-law are Jewish, you said he is a racist yet has worked and succeeded in getting the Black unemployment rate to its lowest level ever, he has put forward a plan to give 1.8 million illegals, legal status and a opportunity for US citizenship, not a racist. I don’t see where he has ever been homophobic. Is being xenophobic someone who want to protect his home and homeland from illegals and terrorist? I don’t think so, America is a country with boarders and you must obey our laws to come in, you can’t want to kill us or hate us, and sometimes the only way to stop the bad ones is to stop everyone until you can fully check them out. As for misogynistic Webster’s defines it as “having or showing a hatred and distrust of women” I don’t think President Trump has any hatred for women. Narcissistic, yeah maybe that one, but I think most if not all the people who have run for or won the Presidency have been a little narcissistic. You are a hater!

    1. The following response to the above reader will be in three parts.


      What the hell is the difference? I didn't take any words from Donald Trump's quote "out of context." You must either be a totally ignorant person - which if you are, then I would understand - or you are a moron (which I am not calling you because you will only accuse me of "name-calling," as is the norm for my Republican readers)...or you will do anything (like all the "Trumpers") to defend Donald Trump and accuse liberals, progressives and Democrats in general of being haters. The fact of the matter is that when the President of the United States says..."Somebody said treasonous" and then continues to say "I mean, yeah, I guess, why not? Can we call that treason? Why not? They certainly didn't seem to love our country very much"...then Trump is, in fact, accusing Democrats of treason. Plain and simple. No ifs, ands or buts about it. And NO...I - and millions of other people - could not "tell it was said in jest." You can try to spin your definitions all day long, but it just isn't going to work. Not on me...not on practically everybody in the media (whether television, print or anything else)...and not on a whole hell of a lot of people nationwide.

      You're actually going to compare Martha Stewart to the President of the United States? I have nothing more to say on that except you'll dig up anything to try to save Trump's skin.

      Donald Trump WILL end up speaking to Special Counsel Robert Mueller - and he will do so UNDER OATH - or he might as well say goodbye to his presidency as fast as he can say "Mar-a-lago." The country..yes, the country...will not put up with that. We didn't with Richard Nixon and we won't with Donald Trump. But remember that whether "under oath" or not, it's a distinction without a difference. Lying to a special counsel or a special prosecutor or an FBI agent is all the same as lying under oath in court or in any other venue. And remember this too...President Bill Clinton - who most of my readers know I admire wholeheartedly - testified under oath in 1998 for four hours. It was part of Ken Starr's witchhunt...and that was indeed a witchhunt. But I won't rehash everything about President Clinton's impeachment, because he was not convicted by the U.S. Senate as the Senators believed he was not guilty. The fact is that, to this day, President Clinton is beloved by not only the vast majority of Americans, but by people all around the world.

      I'm absolutely "rolling on the floor with laughter." Well...not really...but I find your comment so hilarious. You really want me to believe that you and so many other Trumpers are not Clinton haters...are not Obama haters...are not haters of liberals, progressives and Democrats in general. Since you hide under the anonymous blanket, I don't know who you are or if you have ever commented to one of my columns before, but when Trump...and others in his base...or anybody else who supports willing to call a Democrat "un-American"...then you and the rest are haters. And are a Trumper, even though "The Donald" was not on the top of your list during the primaries. The fact is that you voted for him and you still support him even with all his lies, all his offensive remarks and despicable insults, and even with all the other terrible things he wants to do based on race, ethnicity and religious beliefs. Most Independents and many Republicans who did vote for Trump would not vote for him again if the election was tomorrow. That's why two-thirds of the country does not approve of Trump.

      As for me, I do NOT hate Donald Trump. I do NOT hate ANYBODY. But Trump is truly mentally ill. And he is unfit to serve. He'd be unfit to serve a Happy Meal at McDonalds.




      Just because Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism...and just because her husband, Jared Kushner and their children are Jewish, doesn't mean "Daddy Donald" can't be anti-Semitic. When Donald Trump can authorize an ad during the campaign with a Star of David and basically calling Jews "cheap"...that's anti-Semitism. And when Trump can say that the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacists are "very fine people"...that's anti-Semitism because the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacists hate Jews and they wish that Adolf Hitler put every single Jew in the world to death so that there would not be any Jewish people alive today.

      The following is directly from Fact Check from NPR (National Public Radio). "Trump is right that African-American unemployment hit a record low in December. The unemployment rate for black Americans is currently 6.8 percent, the lowest level recorded since the government started keeping track in January 1972. And he's also right that the Hispanic unemployment rate is down a point over the last year — it was at 4.9 percent in December, down from 5.9 percent in December 2016. That is close to a record low, though it's also up 0.1 point from November. But still, fact check: true on Trump's numbers. However, that's not all Trump is doing in this tweet. He is implying that he caused these low African-American and Hispanic unemployment rates. And a big problem with that claim is that those rates had been falling for long before Trump took office, and their declines don't appear to have picked up speed. This implies that there's nothing specific that Trump did to change this rate. Indeed, both of these rates have been falling relatively steadily since around 2010, early in President Obama's tenure in the White House. So have the unemployment rates for all races and ethnic groups tracked by the Labor Department. In general, these unemployment rates tend to move together. So while Trump called out the African-American and Hispanic unemployment rates, they haven't changed in any remarkable way, relative to other groups' unemployment rates. This leads to the bigger question of how much Trump has to do with any of this job growth, regardless of race or ethnicity. By the jobs numbers themselves, it doesn't look like he has changed much here. In fact, the average job creation in Trump's first year is slightly lower than it has been in prior years. Employers added 171,000 new jobs each month, on average, in 2017. In 2016, that figure was 187,000, and in 2015, it was 226,000. Then again, a majority of economists polled by the University of Chicago predict that long term, the tax plan won't lead to higher economic growth.There's also a bigger problem with the idea that Trump has created all these jobs — presidents don't have much immediate control over the economy, period."



  2. Just a few corrections to the stories you tell (I’m being nice, I should say lies). I didn’t compare Martha Stewart to the President, I was using her as an example that you never ever talk to investigators if you are the target of the investigation, unless you are compelled to do so. Bill Clinton only testifies after being compelled to by a Federal Court and by receiving a subpoena. Just to set the record straight 50 of 55 Republicans voted to convict Clinton and 4 of the other 5 have said they felt he was guilty but that it did rise to the level to remove him from office, and no Democrats had the guts to stand up for the law, but the world knows he was guilty of lying. To correct another one of your lies, President Trump never said that the “Ku Klux Klan and white supremacists are "very fine people", he said there were very fine people on both sides, not everyone there was a Nazi or KKK or white supremacists, once again you lie. I’ll only cover one more point, if the so called “Dreamers” don’t get legal status it is because the Democrats prefer to have a campaign issue then helping out 1.8 million illegals. By the way you are a name-calling hater and all anyone has to do is read your column to know it, that is a FACT!

    1. Just by your original comment, you do make a comparison between Donald Trump and Martha Stewart with regards to lying. The bottom line is...if Trump has nothing to hide then he has no reason to not talk to Bob Mueller. The fact of the matter is...if Trump refuses to sit down with Mueller, then the special counsel will have Trump subpoenaed and if he lies to a grand jury..Trump will be doomed.

      You can try to spin President Clinton's impeachment any way you want, but the fact is...he was NOT convicted because the U.S. Senate did not believe that lying about having oral sex was grounds for removal from office. Plain and simple. And remember, "sex" by most people's definition is intercourse...NOT...a blowjob. Therefore...Mr. Clinton did NOT lie. So when you and other Republicans want to compare any kind of sexual contact between two consenting adults with that of lying about obstruction of justice for firing the FBI Director who was leading the Russia investigation and for conspiracy to collude with Vladimir Putin and Russia...well...that's apples and oranges.

      I'm sorry...truly sorry to have to ask this...but are you an idiot? Really. Are you an idiot? Trump said that there were "very fine people on both sides" in Charlottesville. One side was jampacked with Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klansmen and white supremacists. That's a fact. You can't dispute the issue. So by doing so...makes you sound like an idiot...even if you aren't one.

      Your remark about the Democrats and the Dreamers is pure hate.

      And no...I am NOT a hater. THAT is a fact. But YOU certainly are a BIG HATER. You claim that "all anyone has to do is read (my) column to know (that I'm a hater)." If you detest me so much, then why the hell do you continue to read my commentaries? After all...just like most other Republicans who read my hide under the anonymous blanket. Grow some balls and publish your name. GBD

  3. Mr. GBD if you or anyone is the subject of a FBI investigation and you are asked the following question: a year ago in January you met with a former business associate Mr. X for dinner, do you remember the day and date of that meeting? You think about it and say, yes, it was a Wednesday and they show you a calendar and ask you would have been January 11, you say yes. But they know from a restaurant receipt it was Tuesday January 10, you just lied to the FBI and can be charged, they then show that on Wednesday Mr. X is accused of committing a crime, you now can be charged with obstruction because your “lie” they claim was intentional to give Mr. X an alibi. All because you didn’t remember whether it was a Tuesday or Wednesday a year ago when you went to dinner, you get indicted. You can’t afford the legal bills to fight it so you take the deal and say whatever they want you to about Mr.X. That’s why do don’t talk to the FBI, period. That’s Mr. Mueller’s investigation in a nut shell.
    I don’t want to rehash President Clinton; the legal definition of sex and sexual relations is any physical contact between two or more persons on one or more person’s genitals for the purpose of sexual gratification. That is what Federal Law along with the American Bar Association defines it as. We all know he lied, let’s put it behind us.
    As for Charlottesville, you researched every person there on that side and they all were Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klansmen or white supremacists, and you know that for a fact. I don’t think so. There were people there that wanted to protest the removal of historical items, people who should have left when they saw the Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klansmen and white supremacists that were there. But that doesn’t make them racist and many of those few could have been very fine people. But you do as the left loves to do, paint everyone that you disagree with, with the same brush, playing the hate card, claiming racism etc, etc.
    My comments about the “Dreamers” are not hate, it is fact. If the Democrats would vote yes on the four pillars of the President’s plan: 1 boarder security (the wall), 2 fix chain migration down to immediate family, 3 eliminate the visa lottery, 4 legal status with future citizenship for 1.8 million “Dreamers” one vote and it would be done, but the Democrats are unwilling to compromise, they rather have a 2018 campaign issue instead then help the Dreamers.
    As for who is the hater, I have shown your column to many people and two of the most comments I hear is boy he is a hater or why does he name call so much, my only answer is he is a left wing Democrat. Even my Democrat friends, yes I have normal Democrat friends, they say boy he is a hater. So I guess you’re the hater. All you have to do is look at the violence on college campuses against conservatives to see why I don’t give my name. When Ben Shapiro and others goes on campuses liberal’s riot they burn thing down and threaten conservatives with physical harm. That’s why sometimes we need to stay anonymous.

    1. agree with above person. i am left wing democrat. found this site one day and occasionally i check back in but its always the same garbage from the obviously clueless author. site should just be called "i'll post stuff that's not true and hateful and then everybody else can argue with me". stupid.

    2. The following response to the above reader will be in three parts.


      Your entire debate about Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation is bogus. Nobody is asking the difference between a Tuesday or a Wednesday. Mueller - and everyone in the United States of America - need to know if Donald Trump obstructed justice by firing James Comey as FBI Director because Trump didn't want the Russia probe to continue. Plain and simple. And we need to know if Trump colluded with Russia in a conspiracy to interfere with the 2016 presidential election so that Hillary Clinton would lose. Plain and simple. If you don't want to know the truth, then what kind of an American are you?

      You and the Republicans will re-hash President Clinton's impeachment forever. Facts are facts. Mr. Clinton was NOT convicted and the vast majority of Americans don't believe he should have ever been impeached. Also, since most people do not believe that oral sex is "having sex" or having "sexual relations" then President Clinton did NOT lie. Remember the quote..."I did not have sexual relations with that woman - Miss Lewinsky." That statement was not stated "under oath" as it was given at a press conference on January 26th, 1998. As for your earlier claim that "Bill Clinton only testified after being compelled to by a Federal Court and by receiving a subpoena" - the truth is that it was July 27th, 1998 that President Clinton agreed to testify "voluntarily" so the subpoena was withdrawn by Ken Starr's witchhunt investigation. Plus, that was six months after Mr. Clinton made the above statement, that again was NOT under oath and not to any federal agent. On August 17th, 1998, Mr. Clinton testified under oath before a grand jury. After that testimony, he went before the American people on national television and stated that he had an "inappropriate relationship" with Monica Lewinsky. Not a sexual relationship but an "inappropriate relationship." Certainly... no grounds for impeachment. Perhaps divorce...but not impeachment. But that was between Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. They worked all that out...and so did the vast majority of Americans. I just wanted to set the record straight. THOSE are the FACTS.




      I'm amazed that any decent person would try to spin and twist around for the better, Donald Trump's words after the Charlottesville protest and subsequent riot. By Trump stating that there were "very fine people" on "both sides" CLEARLY STATES that Trump considers Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klansmen and white supremacists as "very fine people." Nobody has to count the people or research them. Trump's statement was evil, racist and anti-Semitic. So I suppose that since you too feel that there were "very fine people" on both sides that day then you too must be racist and anti-Semitic too. If you support Trump's actions and statements then that makes you just as evil as he is. The picture has to be "painted" with the "same brush" because you agree with Trump. It's not "the hate card." It is a fact by YOUR OWN STATEMENTS.

      Your remark about the Democrats and the Dreamers is lunacy. Democrats - in fact the vast majority of Americans - DO NOT WANT THE WALL. The American Immigration Lawyers Association says the use of the term "chain migration" is derogatory, disparaging and belittling. The AILA says..."Chain migration is a pejorative term used to describe family-based migration" and such a term carries with it "negative myths" about the family-based immigration system. According to the AILA, this family-based system "allows U.S. citizens to petition for their immediate relatives who are not subject to numerical limitations.” Citizens may also petition for other family members, but relatives outside of the immediate family “are subject to a quota or numerical limitation.” Lawful permanent residents can petition for spouses, unmarried children under the age of 21, and unmarried sons and daughters (of any age), but they are all subject to numerical limitations. But Fox News wants to disparage the system by calling it "chain migration." So does Breitbart, who - in 2017 - used "chain migration in more than 70 articles. "Chain migration" is simply derogatory code that is used to discredit the family-based immigration system. As for the visa lottery, I will quote The Washington Post. "The visa lottery wins America goodwill. Ending it is a mistake." The Post goes on to say..."Abruptly ending the lottery would raise the possibility that many people worldwide would no longer consider the United States a beacon of opportunity." The newspaper continues by writing..."Congress should resist Trump's misguided impulse. Ending the lottery would harm aspiring immigrants, their communities, as as U.S. interests at home and abroad. For millions of people worldwide, if the president gets his way, it would be the end of the American Dream." I quote The Washington Post because their editors state the facts perfectly and eloquently. I agree wholeheartedly. The Dreamer issue won't be - as you insist - "a 2018 campaign issue" unless Donald Trump and the Republicans don't do what is appropriate and fair for these young people who deserve to become American citizens.




      Donald Trump is the "name caller-in-chief." I do NOT "name-call." I state FACTS by using certain words that are INDEED truthful. You can show my column to anyone you want. And I thank you for that. The more readers I have, the better. But as I have stated time and time again...over and over again...I AM NOT A HATER. I DO NOT HATE DONALD TRUMP. I DO NOT HATE ANYONE. Plain and simple. Donald Trump is, however - as I stated in my column..."a lying, narcissistic, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, racist who acts in a delusional manner...appears to be mentally ill...and thus is unfit to serve as President of the United States. My words have been proven to be true because of Trump's actions." No Democrat - who is truly a Democrat - would say I'm a hater. So don't lie. I am not a hater.

      As for your claim of remaining "anonymous" when you submit your comments to The Controversy...besides NOT being a hater...I do NOT condone violence. I am perhaps one of the most non-violent persons in the world. In fact - as full disclosure - except for maybe a minor scuffle with one of my siblings when we were kids, I have never...ever been in any sort of a physical altercation with anybody. I will discuss...I will debate...I will even argue...but I do not enter in to physical fights or physical violence.

      As for conservative commentator and activist Ben Shapiro - who happens to be Jewish...the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, says..."Ben Shapior is as Alt-right as a Jew can get. Shapiro's views and tones are the closest a Jew can get to membership of the vicious alt-right whose media platform he helped build. He's not worthy of being a free speech warrior-martyr for liberals...or conservatives."

      But your accusation about liberals threatening violence against conservatives is exactly what I would expect from someone who supports Donald Trump and his "very fine people" on "both sides" remark. So go ahead...stay in the dark...don't give your name...but I have exhausted the above issues with YOU.



    5. The following comment is not from Mr. Duglin, but from the Editorial Board of The Controversy. It is directed towards the anonymous reader above who wrote on February 16, 2018 at 8:44 AM:

      "agree with above person. i am left wing democrat. found this site one day and occasionally i check back in but its always the same garbage from the obviously clueless author. site should just be called "i'll post stuff that's not true and hateful and then everybody else can argue with me". stupid."

      If you are a true Democrat. A liberal. A progressive. Then we believe it is you who is "clueless" as a true liberal is not going to find Mr. Duglin's column to be "garbage" or "hateful." And therefore, we doubt that you are, in fact, a true supporter of the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates. All of the information provided by The Controversy is fact-checked and is true. Opinions are those of Mr. Duglin, and are based on in-depth analysis of the issue. Your allegations of our columns as being "stupid" shows your ignorance. But we are always amazed by the great amount of people who read The Controversy who will criticize and complain about Mr. Duglin's commentaries, yet they continue to come back over and over again. So we thank you. By the way, Mr. Duglin is an award-winning journalist with more than four decades of professional experience.

      Editorial Board, The Controversy
