Friday, January 12, 2018


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     For more than two-and-a-half years, I have been calling Donald Trump a racist. And when labeling him in my column, I have been chastised by numerous Republican readers who found my comments to be hateful.  Well now...after the despicable slur that Trump reportedly uttered on Thursday, January 11th, 2018...and by doing so at an Oval Office meeting with Congressional lawmakers including Democratic Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Congressman Kevin McCarthy of California, among others...any conservative Americans - or, for that matter, any U.S. citizen whatsoever - who can defend Trump...I now tag you as well, a racist.  If you can support a man who spews the following venomous question..."Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?"...then you too are a racist.  There is no excuse to use such vulgar vocabulary about anybody's homeland.  Such profanity is not only offensive to the nations...but to the people of those countries and anyone whose skin color is black or brown who live in the United States or elsewhere around the world.

     According to sources with direct knowledge of Trump's toxic-tongued phraseology...reporter Josh Dawsey of The Washington Post - who first broke the story - writes that Trump "grew frustrated with lawmakers when they discussed protecting immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal."  The mention of Haiti seemed to strike a nerve with Trump.  "Why do we need more Haitians?  Take them out."  That repugnant order brings back a horrid reminder of a 2017 story by The New York Times that reported Trump - while in a meeting with Cabinet officials and members of The White House staff - complaining about admitting Haitians to America because "they all had AIDS" Nigerians, who if we let in to our country "would never go back to their huts."  The White House denied that Trump made those disparaging comments last year, which were told to The New York Times by "officials who heard the statements in person or were briefed on the remarks by people who had."  As for the alarming profanity of January 11th, White House officials have not denied Trump's shocking expletive.  But could they...with the witnesses who heard him? Meanwhile, The Washington Post's Josh Dawsey reports that Trump "suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries such as Norway."

     It is generally perceived that most people from Norway - who are categorized as "Scandinavian" - are not from a dark-skinned race.  The 2017 edition of The World Factbook - prepared by the CIA - says about 83 percent of Norway's population is ethnic Norwegian.  But more than a century ago, American economist and sociologist, William Z. Ripley - in his 1899 book, The Races Of Europe - scientifically classified Scandinavians as members of the Teutonic race...and described these people with such distinctive characteristics as "light hair, light skin and blue eyes." In other words...Donald Trump is willing to put out the welcome mat for immigrants whose skin color is white, but not if the skin color is black.

     Louisiana Democratic Congressman Cedric Richmond - who is the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus - reacted to Trump's obscene language by saying it is "yet another confirmation of his racially insensitive and ignorant views.  It also reinforces the concerns that we hear every day...that the President's slogan, 'Make America Great Again' is really code for 'Make America White Again."    

     But despite its overwhelmingly white population...what Trump doesn't realize is that Norway is also a melting pot.  According to Statistics Norway..."Diversity is an appropriate word to describe the composition of the Norwegian population.  As of January 1st, 2013, Norway was home to persons who, through their own, their parents', or their grandparents' country of birth...had a background from a total of 223 countries and autonomous regions."  Statistics Norway also says that nations in "Africa account for 11 percent of all immigrants in Norway" and that "29 percent of all immigrants in Norway have a refugee background" including Muslim immigrants who are largely from Iraq and Somalia.  We, of course, know of Trump's lack of affection towards Muslims.  Therefore, I would imagine that the prime minister of Norway - Erna Solberg - who Trump met with in The Oval Office on Wednesday, January 10th - would not be pleased by the American President's racist remark.

     Since his presidential candidacy began, Trump has proven - time and time again - that he is an arrogant, ignorant bigot.  He has insulted Mexicans...Muslims...African-Americans...Native Americans...and Jews...just to highlight a few.  And let us not forget that Trump spearheaded the so-called "birther movement" which wrongfully and disgracefully questioned the validity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate.  Thus...Trump, for years, claimed that Mr. Obama was not born in the United States...which certainly he was.  Still, nearly 63-million Americans overlooked Trump's prejudices and, nevertheless, cast their ballots for him in the 2016 election. It would be too much to expect...that each and every one of those Trump supporters would like to take back their votes.  But I certainly hope that the majority of them do not agree with Trump's aforementioned reprehensible comment.  For anyone to speak such words is unacceptable...but especially by the President of the United States.  It has become more and more apparent that Donald Trump is no better than a white better than a Ku Klux Klansman.  In private, does Trump cover his hair with a white hood?

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Copyright 2018 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

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