Saturday, January 20, 2018


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     On the one-year anniversary of his inauguration, Donald Trump has once again shown our country - as he has all year - that he is unfit to serve as President of the United States.  With Republicans controlling both chambers of Congress, the man who claims to be the master at "the art of the deal"...failed at doing so on Friday, January 19th, 2018...when a crucial spending bill went down in flames in the U.S. Senate.  As a result, America's federal government closed its doors when the clock struck midnight in to Saturday, January 20th.  And why?  Largely because Trump and Senate Republicans preferred a shutdown instead of allowing immigrant families to stay together in the United States.  The House of Representatives had passed their spending measure on January 18th.

     In an official White House statement after the Senate vote, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders relayed a message from Trump that he refuses to negotiate any immigration deal until the government is open for business.  Sanders echoed Trump by calling Democrats "obstructionist losers."

     But Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer rightfully points the finger at Trump for the shutdown.  The New York Democrat was definitive that "the blame should crash entirely on (Donald) Trump's shoulders.  This will be called the Trump shutdown because there is no one who deserves the blame more than Trump."

     As this column is being published, the chaos with the government shutdown could go on for awhile as the Senate has adjourned until one o'clock on Sunday afternoon, January 21st.  So Day 2 of the shutdown will soon be here.  But what about Days 3, 4, 5 or more?

     Meanwhile, on Day 365 of his administration, Donald Trump proved again that he is a failure as president.  But he's been doing that all year long.  In what was supposed to be the beginning of a weekend celebration for Trump and his cronies, "The Donald" remains in Washington, DC instead of taking unjustifiable bows at a 100-thousand-dollar per couple gala at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida. He has got to be spitting blood today.  But it's all his fault.  To not side with the Democrats...and to not push Republican senators to do the same...Trump shows his colors as a racist.  And I am sick and tired of racism.

     Racism is what Republicans are practicing when they don't support DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals).  The program was created in 2012 under President Barack Obama.  It has provided protection to about 800-thousand undocumented immigrants who came to the United States when they were children. These kids...known as "Dreamers" - most of whom are now adults - were granted the temporary right to live, study and work in America.  But the majority of Dreamers hail from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.  And as we know...those countries - especially Mexico and El Salvador - are not Donald Trump's favorites.

     Every single Dreamer should be awarded American citizenship.  Not temporary or even permanent residence status, but all law abiding Dreamers who have graduated high school (or who are still attending)...or who have served in the U.S. military... deserve to be granted full U.S. citizenship as taxpaying Americans.  After all, Politifact confirms that undocumented immigrants - and please don't call them "illegal aliens" - pay 12-billion dollars in taxes every year.    

     As Congress continues to debate DACA, it's long overdue for Capitol Hill lawmakers to join forces and to pass legislation that protects Dreamers forever. Otherwise, come March 2018, these innocent individuals - some of whom are friends of yours...neighbors of of yours...and students in your local schools...will be hunted down by federal immigration agents and deported back to countries where they have no homes and no jobs.  Dreamers were brought to the United States by their parents.  Some Dreamers came to the U.S. when they were so young that they probably have no memory of their birthplace.  It would be totally unfair and un-American to send people...who have lived in our country nearly all their foreign lands that mean little or nothing to them. 

     But Donald Trump is a racist.  Plain and simple.  He really has no regard for the Dreamers.  Let's face it...nobody can forget that when Trump announced he was a Republican candidate for president on June 16th, 2015...he insulted Mexicans by calling them "rapists."  Trump then campaigned that he would stop Mexicans from crossing our border with their "drugs" by promising to erect a wall, which he insisted would be paid for by our southern neighbors.  I wrote during the campaign that there should not be a wall...and that Trump would never build such a barrier between the two countries.  I remain confident that no wall will ever be erected.

     A January 12th to 16th poll by Quinnipiac University shows that nearly 60 percent of U.S. voters think Donald Trump doesn't respect African-Americans, Latinos, Hispanics and other much as he does whites.  It disturbs me that there are nearly 40 percent of my neighbors nationwide who - after all the racist words Trump has uttered - still can state that he is not a racist.  It's disheartening to think that so many Americans can support a man who on January 11th hammered Haiti, El Salvador, and the nations of the African continent as "shithole countries"...but instead he would put out the welcome mat for more people from "Norway."  The 2017 edition of The World Factbook - prepared by the CIA - says about 83 percent of Norway's population is ethnic Norwegian.  In other words, they're blond, blue-eyed Caucasians.  There is a posting on Facebook from a young woman - answering the aforementioned description - who says, "I am from Norway and I would love to move to America if you have free healthcare, free colleges, a 30-hour work week, six weeks of yearly paid vacation, free child care, and a $16 per hour minimum wage.  Otherwise, you can keep your shithole country."  All Donald Trump does is embarrass America time and time again.  

     Prior to Trump's most recent profanity, he - in 2017 - falsely tagged all Haitians as having he complained about admitting Haitian immigrants in to the United States.  If every American is not willing to chastise Trump for his vile and repugnant language...then it's obvious that racism is rampant in our republic.  God help us if we sink back into a hell hole when blacks couldn't eat in the same restaurants as whites...and when public bathrooms were labeled by race.  God help us if we ever return to a time when Caucasian people thought African-Americans were put on this Earth to be nothing but slaves.  Disgraceful.

     On this January 20th, to the day that Donald Trump took the oath of's - to say the least - unsettling...that the President of the United States is a mentally ill, narcissistic, lying racist.  His approval rating hovers around or below 33 percent.  A recent poll by Pew Research Center landed Trump at 32 percent...while there are other surveys that place him closer to the middle or upper thirties.  Nevertheless, Trump has earned the "award" for having the lowest approval rating of any elected U.S. president in history for his first year in office. Furthermore, other recent polls indicate - that which I have written in commentaries since long before the 2016 election - that Donald Trump is "unfit to serve our country as president."

     The Quinnipiac University poll has given Trump a report card that by anyone's measurement is not good.  In fact...Trump received mostly below average, poor and failing marks.  Nearly three-quarters of the country - 73 percent of Americans - say Trump is worth nothing better than a C grade.  But 56 percent of voters give him a D or an F...with 39 percent outright flunking him.  Only 16 percent of people give Trump an A or B grade.

     According to Quinnipiac...Americans frequently describe Trump's Freshmen year as president as a "disaster," "chaotic," "horrible," "terrible," and "embarrassing."  And although Trump wants to pat himself on the back for our nation's improving economy...nearly half of the U.S. population believe President Obama deserves the bulk of the credit.  Forty-nine percent of Americans feel Mr. Obama is responsible for America's booming economic conditions.  Only 40 percent give Trump any sort of an "attaboy."

     Donald Trump's White House is crumbling before our eyes.  Unfortunately it will not collapse in to rubble soon enough for most Americans.  But a government shutdown is one more step in the direction of total failure for Trump's presidency. However, it will be Special Counsel Robert Mueller who is the key player in discovering the absolute proof whether Trump was involved in a conspiracy to collude with Russia for the purpose of interfering with and affecting the outcome of our nation's 2016 election.  But if Donald Trump is not guilty of a conspiracy...not guilty of a cover-up...then why on May 11th, 2017 did he tell NBC News anchor Lester Holt - and the entire world - that he fired James Comey as FBI Director, in essence, because of the Russia probe?  Trump told Lester..."When I decided to do it, I said to myself, I said you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story, it's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won."  Comey later testified to Congress on June 8th, 2017 that he feels he lost his job because Trump wanted him to put an end to the inquiry of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and the entire Russia investigation.  Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee - in a live television broadcast - "I was fired in some change...or the endeavor was to change...the way the Russia investigation was being conducted."  And as the plot thickens, Congresswoman Jackie Speier - in a CNN interview on January 18th - accused Trump of money laundering.  "There is plenty of evidence to suggest that there has been money laundering going on in many of the real estate deals that were done by the Trump Organization."  The California Democrat believes there is "a connection" between Trump's company and money laundering in Russia.  Such suspicions are just a piece of the puzzle that may link Trump to a conspiracy with Russia.  But similar accusations are noted in the explosive dossier that was compiled by former British Intelligence officer Christopher Steele, who alleges the existence of a conspiracy between Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin's government.  Trump insists the dossier is "fake" and "made up."  

     But let us remember...Trump is the "liar-in-chief."  According to The Washington Post, Trump has lied more than two-thousand times since moving into The White House.  The newspaper has amazingly documented each and every misleading or false claim since January 20th, 2017.  I'll let you do the math on how many lies each day that Trump has told.  I'm surprised his nose isn't the size of Trump Tower.

     In a recent half-hour interview with The New York Times...The Washington Post reports they counted 24 falsehoods uttered by Trump.  He obviously doesn't care that he's a chronic liar.  But's also obvious that he doesn't care that he's a racist.

     Trump can think - as he told a reporter earlier this month - that he's "the least racist person you have ever interviewed."  But like most everything else that leaps through Trump's lips...that too is a lie.

     To think that four in ten Americans won't condemn Donald Trump for his vulgar vocabulary makes me want to throw up.  But Trump's toxic tongue has been spewing offensive and venomous verbiage for a very long time.  From atrocious claims that America's first African-American president - Barack Obama - was not born in the United States, but in Kenya, to ridiculing Nigerians that they live in "huts"...from explicitly defending Neo-Nazis, white supremacists and Ku Klux Klansmen as having some "very fine people" among them, to wanting to ban Muslims from entering the United States...and for an abundance of bigoted behavior, unbecoming of any president...Trump is the poster boy of obscenities who defends discrimination.  

     Racism is disgusting.  If you don't believe - as I do - that all of the above evidence equates to racism...then America is on its way to regressing more than half a century...and we're in big, big trouble.  Some Americans need to open their eyes and ears...because as long as Donald Trump sits behind The Oval Office desk...we're in even more trouble than that.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2018 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Gary, how many false stories can you tell? It is Chuck Schumer and the Democrats that shut down the government. Largely because Schumer and the Democrats preferred a shutdown instead of paying our brave Americans in uniform, protecting Americans, the Chip program giving insurance to children in need and so much more, they care less for Americans then they do illegal aliens. Yes, Gary illegal aliens, that is what the US Federal Law classifies them as! So it is Schumer’s shutdown, not President Trumps. There you go throwing the “race card” again, it is not racist to support the US laws. The President and then Republicans have been supporting a DACA fix, (remember DACA is an un-Constitutional executive order by then President Obama). President Trump gave Congress 6 months to pass a law to fix this program the way it should have been done under President Obama. If President Trump didn’t act when he did, the next day the Texas Attorney General along with 9 other State AG’s were going to file a Federal Laws Suit showing that DACA was un-Constitutional. If the Courts agreed, the 800,000 DACA recipients may have had no recourse but to leave the country or go back into hiding. America is a country of laws not executive orders that violate the Constitution. Executive orders are meant only to inforce the Executive Branch’s power not to overturn or violate the Legislative Branches power. You said that President Trump has no regard for the “Dreamers”, you are wrong his action if Schumer and the Democrats will allow, it will give the Dreamers the security of knowing they can stay and maybe one day become US citizens. Senator Schumer has claimed he will support funding the boarder wall and will need to agree on getting rid of or revising chain migration and the Visa Lottery to make all this happen. You need to stop making statements that are not true, such as “four in ten Americans won't condemn Donald Trump for his vulgar vocabulary” most of the republicans I know and myself don’t agree with the way he says a lot of things but we support what he has done, there is a difference. We support the Federal Judges he has appointed, the appointment of Neil Gorsuch, the new tax law; the way the US military has handled ISIS, the getting rid of so many federal regulations, the boom in the economy thanks to President Trump (NOT OBAMA) and much more. Racism is disgusting, I don’t believe the President is a racist, I believe the left and the media has done everything they can to portray him as a racist because of their hatred of him and of the “right”. The government is being reopened and the GOP and President Trump won this battle and I believe they will win the fight between right and left and the fight between the GOP and the DNC.

    1. My response to the above reader will be in two parts.


      Wayne, Wayne, Wayne...why must you act like Donald Trump? Aren't you better than that? I certainly hope so. But it is YOU who tell "false stories." So not lie like Trump. It is unbecoming of you.

      Donald Trump and the Republicans in the U.S. Senate were responsible for the government shutdown. They preferred closing the doors to the government because they did not want to give the Dreamers the protection that they deserve. I refuse to argue the point any more about undocumented immigrants, but you really need to stop calling them "aliens." They do not have pointed ears and their home is not Vulcan.

      As for the "race card"...I don't need to "throw the race card." Donald Trump's actions prove to nearly two-thirds of the country that he is indeed a racist. Just read the Quinnipiac University poll and the statistics I quoted in the column above.

      The more you speak (or, in this case, write)...the more you show that either you actually agree with Donald Trump or that you are a mere puppet. When you make a statement like "America is a country of laws not executive orders that violate the Constitution" then you sound so very foolish. Point of fact...according to Wikipedia, "Executive orders are issued by Presidents of the United States to help officers and agencies of the executive branch manage operations within the government. At the federal level of government in the United States, laws are made almost exclusively by legislation. Such legislation originates as an Act of Congress passed by the United States Congress; such acts were either signed into law by thePresident or passed by Congress after a presidential veto. However, legislation is not the only source of regulations. There is also judge-made common law and constitutional law. The President can issue executive orders pursuant to a grant of discretion from Congress, or under the inherent powers that office holds to deal with certain matters which have the force of law." President Bush 43 issued 291 executive orders in his 8 years in The White House, while President Barack Obama issued 276 over his two terms. President Bill Clinton - throughout his 8 years behind The Oval Office desk - issued more than both at 364...but President Ronald Reagan issued even more than that with 381 executive orders over his two terms. Donald Trump is on course to sign more executive orders than any U.S. president in the last half century. That is if Trump were to serve two terms in The White House - which I can tell you that he will not. Trump is lucky if he makes it through two years as president. The numbers above are from The American Presidency Project at The APP is non-profit and non-partisan.




      I will believe that Donald Trump has regard for the Dreamers when a law is passed to protect each one of the 800,000 people and give them the right to stay in the United States forever. I then want to see each one made a U.S. citizen.

      I will be very disappointed with Senator Chuck Schumer and the Democrats if they agree to any funding whatsoever for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. If the United States were to ever erect such a wall, we might as well paint in big letters on it...WE, THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, ARE RACISTS. SO MEXICANS AND OTHER LATINOS...STAY OUT. That is what a wall would stand for. That is what a wall would mean.

      The statement I made that "four in ten Americans won't condemn Donald Trump for his vulgar vocabulary" is a fact...based on the Quinnipiac poll. So the statement is, in fact, true. With all the examples I give in my column - plus numerous more - Trump has proven time and time again that he is indeed a racist. You cannot say that you "don't agree with the way (Trump) says a lot of things" and then say that you "support what he has done." That just doesn't work. If a man - a husband and father -supported his family...and gave his wife...and his children...a life filled with love...filled with a magnificent home...filled with anything and everything they could ever want...but he got all his money because he was a murderer who was involved in extortion, blackmail, kidnapping and rape...would you in any way support the man? By not allowing 800,000 people to stay in the only home they know...and send them to a foreign land with no home and no tantamount to murder.

      You are going off base with a number of your examples so I will not respond further if you bring up the tax law - as all it does is help the rich and hurt the so-called middle class and poor. I will not comment further on the economy since every reputable economist in the United States...along with the majority of Americans...say that President Barack Obama is responsible and deserves credit for the economy improving...not Donald Trump. FACT.

      "The Left and the media" don't need to do anything to portray Donald Trump as a racist. He does that all by himself.



  2. Gary, I was not acting like President Trump, Chuck Schumer and the Democrats in the U.S. Senate were responsible for the government shutdown. The House passed a CR and then the Senate required 60 votes and Schumer blocked his party from voting yes and therefore we had a shutdown. Most of the Republican do want to help the “Dreamers” we just want to make sure we don’t go through this again in the future. The President has made it clear; it has to cover 4 points: 1. permanent status for DACA (with possibly a path to citizenship), 2. Boarder security (the Wall, it is not racist to protect your boarder, ask Israel), 3. Revise or eliminate chain migration, 4. Eliminate the Visa lottery system for a new immigration system (setup a merit based system). It is real easy, if Schumer and the Dems really want to help the “Dreamers” just agree to 4 sensible items and it would be done. Why you brought up Presidents Bush, Reagan and Clinton about executive orders I don’t know. I never said executive orders weren’t legal, I said the DACA order in many peoples thinking was illegal and un-Constitutional. The courts had already put an injunction against DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents) and the USSC was split 4-4 which left the injunction in place. Today with Justice Gorsuch it would be 5-4 and would be the same for DACA. Executive orders cannot violate or circumvent federal law. Federal immigration “LAW” passed by both Houses of Congress and signed by the President states you cannot get legal status and green cards if you came into the country illegally. Once again executive orders cannot violate federal law! As I said before which you failed to respond to: “If President Trump didn’t act when he did, the next day the Texas Attorney General along with 9 other State AG’s were going to file a Federal Laws Suit showing that DACA was un-Constitutional. If the Courts agreed, the 800,000 DACA recipients may have had no recourse but to leave the country or go back into hiding.” So what President Trump did protected the “Dreamers” for 6 months and put it in the hands of the Congress to fix what President Obama broke. President Obama if he had truly cared when the Democrats had the House and a 60 vote majority in the Senate he could have done it by law instead he waited until June of 2012 so he could use it for political gain while running for re-election. Your comment about if we build the wall are laughable “we might as well paint in big letters on it...WE, THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, ARE RACISTS. SO MEXICANS AND OTHER LATINOS...STAY OUT” , the wall would say, drug cartels stay out (keep your drugs out), terrorist stay out and illegal immigrants stay out, it would also say all who are legal and doing it the right way you are welcome to come in through the door! I won’t even address you apples to oranges analogy about President Trump, all I said was I and many Republicans are pleased with what he has done (not everything he has said or tweeted) but done to get us past the Hell cause by President Obama and the left over the previous 8 years.

    1. My response to the above reader will be in two parts.


      Wayne, you just don't get it...and you never will. That being said...when you lie, lie, lie...then you do, do, do...act like Donald Trump.

      It was the Trump shutdown because Donald Trump was responsible for for it. If Trump had done what he had said he was going to do and agree to protect the Dreamers then the government would never have shut down. That's the bottom line.

      As for Trump's wall...THERE...WILL...NEVER...NEVER...EVER...BE...A BORDER WALL. When are you and other Republicans - including and especially Donald Trump - going to get it through your thick heads that a wall will never be built on the United States/Mexico border? Such a wall is racist...and the mere discussion...the mere thought...of a border wall...shows racism by anyone who insists that we should have it.

      All law abiding immigrants should be welcome in to America, just as they always were. As Lady Liberty proudly stands in New York Harbor in New Jersey, she cries more tears everyday when she hears people like you and Donald Trump talk about a border wall. I wrote a whole column on this issue a couple of years ago that included the Emma Lazarus' words that are written on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Why won't you, other Republicans and Donald Trump understand that?




      President Barack Obama's executive order for DACA was just as legal as any other executive order signed by Mr. Obama, and any executive orders signed by President George W. Bush, President Bill Clinton, President Ronald Reagan or any other president.

      I'm always amazed when Republicans think that they can get a 5 to 4 vote in their favor with the U.S. Supreme Court. Remember...Republicans thought they'd win with the Affordable Care Act, but the high court voted in a way that made Democrats happy, not Republicans. And the high court did it twice. Remember that Republicans thought they'd win with same-sex marriage. But the Supreme Court voted in a way that made Democrats and, according to most polls, the vast majority of Americans happy.

      All undocumented immigrants...yes I said ALL...who have - within reason - followed the laws of our country...should be allowed to stay here and they should be made citizens of the United States of America.

      The Courts would never agree with any lawsuit. DACA would not be ruled unconstitutional.

      I won't even dignify an answer to your hateful statements about President Obama. You're a hater...through and through...when it comes to President Obama, President Clinton, and Hillary Clinton. But then is your hero, Donald Trump.

      I will I have for the past two-and-a-half years...and probably for the future...continue to say that Donald Trump is a racist. His actions...the vulgar language that pours out of his mouth...proves beyond the shadow of a doubt...that Trump is a racist. And any other American who can support him...after Trump called Mexico, El Salvador and the nations of the African continent..."shithole countries"...then those Americans are racists too. Anyone who can support Trump after he said there were "very fine people" among the Ku Klux Klan, the white supremacists and the Neo-Nazis...then those Americans are racists and anti-Semites too. We cannot allow racism in America...not ever again. Any American who can agree with any of the disgusting, repugnant and venomous words that have been spewed off the toxic tongue of Donald Trump...then I'm sorry to say...those individuals are also racists. And if any American can support Trump after he has made such vile statements...then by association...those Americans are racists too.



  3. Gary, I do not lie. Even much of your party now blame Schumer for the shut down and for “caving” the Indivisible Project, and many more are saying it was Schumer and the Democrats and they surrendered. It is not up to President Trump to get a law on DACA it is up to the Congress and it is easy for the Dems to help get permanent status for DACA (with possibly a path to citizenship), approve Boarder security (the Wall, it is not racist to protect your boarder, ask Israel), revise or eliminate chain migration, eliminate the Visa lottery system for a new immigration system (setup a merit based system) and the President will sign it and the Dreamers get their amnesty. You made the following statement “All law abiding immigrants should be welcome in to America, just as they always were,” you need to go back to school and get your facts straight, in 1882 the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed the act was renewed in 1892 by the Geary Act for another ten years, and in 1902 with no terminal date, it wasn’t repealed until 1943. In 1921 the United States Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act. In 1939 the FDR administration refused to allow in 937 Jews from Germany and sent the SS St. Louis back. The list of laws restricting immigration go on and on throughout our history. Go back to school and learn some facts! As I have said you and the left don’t believe or respect the US Constitution, President Obama himself said he didn’t have the authority to do DACA. Responding in October 2010 to demands that he implement immigration reforms unilaterally, Obama declared, "I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself." In March 2011, he said that with "respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case." In May 2011, he acknowledged that he couldn't "just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. ... That's not how a democracy works." I guess he changed his mind and crowned himself King. There was no hateful statement about President Obama, you and the left are the hateful ones. The left hate everything that has made this country great, they hate the Constitution and many of them hate America. Your statement “any American can support Trump after he has made such vile statements...then by association...those Americans are racists too” is un-American and proves you are the hater!

  4. Gary, a couple last things: I never said or claimed President Trump was as you put it “your hero, Donald Trump”, more twisted words made by you! President Trump was not my 1st choice in 2016, not in my top 5 but when my choice was down to Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton the final choice was clear. So don’t put words in my mouth. As for your statement from U.S. News & World Report "Welcoming immigrants is a grand American tradition", that is true for LEGAL immigrants, the ones we are talking about are ILLEGAL immigrants, there is a big difference! You have joined the ranks of “fake” news, trying to insinuate things never said by the President, he has said some wrong things and tweeted them but he never said there were very fine people in the KKK or Neo-Nazis or in the white supremacist. He said there were some very fine people in the groups that was protesting on both sides, which there were people there just protesting the removal of historic sites and landmarks. Should the US be pushing Egypt to tear down the pyramids because they were built by Jewish slaves? History is what it is, let’s try and learn from it, not hide it. As for your vile and despicable name calling, I hate nobody and am not a racist, for anyone to paint everyone who supports the President of the United States for what he has done for this country as a racist in my opinion is acting un-American and shows that person as a hate filled person!

    1. My response to the above reader will be in three parts.


      Wayne, you still don't get it.

      I never said you called Donald Trump your hero. But you and so many Republicans have their noses so far up Donald Trump's ass me...that certainly tells me that Trump is your hero.

      You and other Republicans always go back to the 2016 election and the choice between Trump and Hillary Clinton. Again, you just don't seem to get it. So let me take you back to Richard Nixon. The 1968 race between Nixon and Hubert Humphrey was one of the closest elections in American history. In 1972, Nixon smothered George McGovern in a landslide. Yet when Nixon was going through the Watergate scandal, very few Nixon supporters said they still loved him because they didn't want Humphrey or McGovern. You have got to stop bringing up the 2016 election. That's over and done with. It's the past. There is one person who we are dealing with today...not two. Just one. Donald Trump. And if you continue to support Trump TODAY...forget about 2016 and comparing him to Hillary Clinton...but just today...then you - and others like you - fall in to the same boat with him.

      As for the article in U.S. News & World Report...what you don't seem to understand is my belief...and the belief of most liberals. There are NO "ILLEGAL immigrants." And that is what U.S. News was referring to as well. It has been an American tradition to welcome ALL immigrants...just as it was years ago when most Americans' great-grandparents (or perhaps even grandparents) came to Ellis Island. So there is NO "big difference."




      Donald Trump has done NOTHING good for America. He has embarrassed us and caused many of our allies to loathe him because of the venom that pours off his tongue. As for name-calling...I have done no such thing. The lies you and Trump tell about Democrats including - but not limited to - Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and despicable and disgraceful. And yes...I will say it again...if any American can support a man who attacks African-Americans and Latinos by calling the nations of their ethnic heritage..."shithole countries"...then those people who support Donald Trump and his racist ideas...then they too show to me and two thirds of the country (based on at least one reputable poll) that those who support Trump are also racists. It shows a lack of respect for people of color. You can't have it both ways. If you liked a president...any president...voted for that person...but disagree with some of his policies...that would be fine. There are many Democrats who I love politically, but I don't necessarily agree with absolutely everything they do or say. But they're not vicious liars who are hateful, repugnant and vulgar with their language. If Donald Trump was like George H. W. an example...and I disagreed with something Mr. Bush said, but you thought what he did was great...then that would be different because President Bush is an honorable man who has served our country with integrity. Donald Trump is an admitted sexual predator who never should have been elected president. He is a narcissistic maniac who cares about nobody but himself and uses profanity in public. The words he shouts out are racist...which make him a racist.

      As I said earlier...I am done with you on this I REALLY don't want to continue discussing these particular issues because it is obvious that we are never going to see eye to eye...even eyelash to eyelash...about Donald Trump.


