Thursday, April 27, 2017


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     Is Ivanka Trump being groomed for The Oval Office?  Is Donald Trump's Presidency a plot to position his older daughter to run for The White House...with his hope that she becomes America's first woman President?

     The election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States was undoubtedly a harrowing experience for Hillary Clinton.  But she and her spirits have bounced back.  Mrs. Clinton is a fighter who will never give up.  I'm not saying she will make another try for The White House - perhaps yes, perhaps no - but I am confident we have not heard the last from the former Secretary of State.  Maybe that's why Mr. Trump - every so often - has to fire a vicious verbal shot at his 2016 opponent. 

     Donald Trump has an evil streak a mile wide when it comes to doing whatever he can to belittle Secretary Clinton.  Hillary Clinton is one of America's - if not one of the world's - strongest people...mentally and emotionally.  After all...she has endured the trials and tribulations of political campaigns...of life as a public servant...and with matters of controversy that tested her marriage and the love she has for her husband - former President Bill Clinton.  The 2016 Democratic Nominee for President reportedly remarked - after her electoral vote loss to Donald Trump last November 8th - that she was "heartbroken" and "devastated" by Trump's victory.  But as thick-skinned as she is...Hillary Clinton is still human.  Therefore, just imagine what it would do to her should "The Donald" decide not to seek re-election in 2020, but hand the baton off to Ivanka.  Secretary Clinton may be tough, but such action might rip out her heart...that the daughter of her arch nemesis could succeed at doing what she longed for "break the glass ceiling" and be the first female to sit behind The Oval Office desk.  Personally...I believe Hillary Clinton could still do it if she ran again three years from now.

     Ivanka Trump is 35 years old.  She will turn 39, just a few days before the 2020 election.  And if she won, Ms. Trump would not only be elected the first woman President of the United States...but the youngest President.

     So did Donald Trump really want to be President...for himself...or did he want to be President merely as a way to help promote his daughter to Commander-In-Chief of our country and the leader of the free world?

     It had been thought that the federal anti-nepotism law would have prevented either Ivanka Trump or her husband, Jared Kushner - Donald Trump's son-in-law - from serving in an official capacity in The Trump Administration.  But that, obviously, did not happen.  And there's a good reason why it didn't.

     When Lyndon B. Johnson was Vice President under President John F. Kennedy, he was not at all happy that Mr. Kennedy had appointed his brother - Robert F. Kennedy - as Attorney General.  So when Mr. Johnson was sworn in as President following the assassination of President Kennedy...President Johnson made it his goal to push an anti-nepotism law through Congress.  And when the former U.S. Senate Majority Leader was elected to his own term, the Texas Democrat fulfilled his objective and the anti-nepotism law made it through Capitol Hill and on to Mr. Johnson's desk for signature.  

     The law was never challenged until President Bill Clinton tapped First Lady Hillary Clinton to be Chairperson of the 42nd President's Task Force on National Health Care Reform.  Mr. Clinton's move was controversial and it was challenged in court.  But a federal judge ruled that the anti-nepotism law restricts Presidents from hiring relatives to Cabinet or agency posts, but that it does not apply to positions in The West Wing.

     The Department of Justice made it very clear that Donald Trump could give White House senior staff assignments to Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner because by doing so would not violate the anti-nepotism law.  There is, of course, concerns by some people that it's unethical for Mr. Trump's daughter and son-in-law to act in formal roles at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  But the bottom line is...since The White House is not considered a Cabinet Department or a federal agency, it is totally legal for POTUS to offer jobs to his kids. 

     Ivanka Trump - as Assistant to the President - is involved with...or is, at least, aware of...practically every aspect of The White House operation.  She has security clearances that members of The First Family generally do not hold.  She sits in on classified meetings.  And Ms. Trump speaks on behalf of her father.

     So Ivanka Trump is the real-life "Apprentice" to Donald Trump.  But unlike Mr. Trump's television show...Ivanka didn't have to perform rigorous tasks with a team of contestants on the streets of New York City before she won the prize.  She was handed the trophy when her father took the oath of office on January 20th, 2017. Oh I realize it wasn't announced until March 29th that Ms. Trump would actually become an official adviser to the President...but I think this has been the intent all along.  First...the Kushner family packs up and moves from Manhattan to Washington, DC.  Second...Jared Kushner is given the okay to be a Senior Adviser to the President.  And third...Ivanka Trump - Mrs. Jared Kushner - is at her daddy's side as Donald Trump's Assistant.  Neither one may have the title of White House Chief of Staff, but it's Ivanka and Jared who Mr. Trump listens to over anybody else in the Administration.

     And what about Melania Trump?  Is their envy...or perhaps even jealousy...under the roof of the Presidential mansion?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  I believe Mrs. Trump knew...going in to the marriage to Donald Trump...that his kids come before anybody else...even his wife.

     So is Ivanka Trump preparing herself to run for President in 2020?  Regular readers of The Controversy are mindful of the fact that I am an ultra-liberal, progressive Democrat.  And in order for America to move in a direction that is best for our will be vital for our nation's voters - on November 3rd, 2020 - to elect a Democrat as the 46th President of the United States.  Naturally it's too soon to tell who that Democrat will be.  But candidates are sure to pop up before you know it.

     As for the Republicans...will a nearly two-year campaign and four years as President (if he remains in office that long) be enough politics for Donald Trump?  I hope so.  But if it is...will he spend one-hundred-million dollars or more of his own an attempt to buy The Oval Office for Ivanka?  I certainly hope not.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

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