Saturday, March 25, 2017


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     By definition - according to the Mayo Clinic - "Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance." And Psychology Today says, "Individuals with NPD have difficulty tolerating criticism or defeat, and may be left feeling humiliated or empty when they experience an 'injury' in the form of criticism or rejection."

     When he took the Oath of Office on January 20th, 2017...Donald his mind...believed that as President of the United matter what he matter what he did...people would automatically say..."Yes sir, Mr. President." Donald Trump has had a taste - over the last two months or so - that Americans who did not vote for him will not do that...the media will not do that...and Congress - not only Democrats, but some Republicans too - will not do that.  Trump learned a painful lesson on Friday, March 24th that our government...that our country...does not work that way. 

     Donald Trump continues to live in The White House.  He continues to sit behind the desk in The Oval Office.  And he continues to hold the title for which he was elected on November 8th, 2016.  But any respect that was given to Donald Trump... by those who supported now in colossal decline after members of his own political party turned their backs on their Republican President.  Respect from his voters is now weakened...decayed...and even destroyed...following a monumental defeat to "repeal and replace Obamacare."

     For nearly seventeen months of his campaign for President, Donald Trump uttered those four words time and time again.  His repetitiveness to do away with former President Barack Obama's signature piece of legislation had become an obsession. But fortunately, there were enough House Republicans with a conscience...who would not join forces with colleagues on their side of the pass a bill that would have seen 24-million Americans lose their health insurance.  And, therefore... the GOP healthcare bill was pulled...without even making it to the House floor for a vote.

     Donald Trump has spent the bulk of his adult life...telling people what to do...and they did it.  His narcissistic ego was not bruised on March was not was not shattered.  Trump's ego was crushed in to tiny granules...and then blasted to smithereens.  

     It was a week that saw Trump under fire more than just once.  On Monday, March 20th, in nationally televised testimony before the House Intelligence Committee...FBI Director James Comey confirmed that there is "no information" to back-up Trump's March 4th tweets...when he claimed that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower before the election.  Comey went even further to say that "no President could" order any such wiretap.  On that same day...Comey revealed that since July 2016...the FBI has been investigating "any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government."  And who was at the very top of the Trump campaign?  Donald Trump.  How many blows to Trump's ego can such a narcissist handle in order to survive?

     Trump has always professed to be a winner.  Even when any part of his real estate empire underwent bankruptcy, Trump never accepted responsibility.  It was never his fault.  And throughout his Presidential campaign and the first 64 days of his Presidency...Trump has pointed the finger of blame at others...but never himself.

     The name Trump is plastered on every structure that he built...and the letters are enormous.  Trump bragged that his two television series, The Apprentice and The Celebrity Apprentice were number one...even when they weren't.  And this year...he accused motion picture superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger - the new host of the show - for causing The New Celebrity Apprentice to suffer poor ratings.  Trump would never accept the fact that because his name was still attached to the program as executive producer, people who oppose him would not watch a single episode.

     The collapse of Donald Trump's goal to "repeal and replace Obamacare" is one more nail in the coffin (metaphorically speaking) for Donald Trump's Presidency. Obviously the dirt hasn't been shoveled over it yet...but the hole has been dug.  And if the FBI investigation finds evidence that Trump participated with Russia in their meddling of our 2016 election...or that he is involved in a cover-up...then all bets are off.  Trump and his Presidency would then be doomed.  But I'm someone who strongly believes that a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.  Or in the case of a the United States Senate.  As for now...I don't think Trump will be able to personally overcome such an embarrassing setback as the Republican healthcare bill going up in smoke...without a vote...and knowing that it was GOP Members of the House of Representatives who lit the match.  The man who boasted that his "art of the deal" would never fail him...has met with disaster.

     Thanks to former President Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden, the Affordable Care Act is the law of the land.  According to a Quinnipiac University Poll - published on Thursday, March 23rd - only 17 percent of Americans supported the Republican legislation to "repeal and replace Obamacare."  Kudos and much gratitude to any American who - in his or her own way - did whatever they convince kill a bill that had no business being considered at all.  Friday, March 24th, 2017 was a great day for the United States of America.  It'll be an even greater day when Donald Trump moves out of The White House...and a Democrat moves in.

     Despite Donald Trump's make sure that every American would always be covered by health insurance...he was willing to let a bill pass...that would cause 24-million people to lose their insurance.  For the immediate future - if it was anybody but Donald Trump - I would suggest that person search deep in his soul... recognize his faults...and admit to himself...that he must change...that he acknowledge to himself and to the American people that he has been wrong...that he has made mistakes...and then apologize for them.  But I am sure that Donald Trump cannot do that.  So therefore...Trump will continue - at least, for now - to fly in Air Force One.  He will continue to be driven around in a bulletproof SUV as part of a motorcade of vehicles.  And he will continue to be surrounded by Secret Service Agents who have sworn to protect him with their lives. But with approval ratings that continue to drop below any other President in U.S. history...millions of Americans who voted for Trump...would not cast their ballots for him if the election was today.  And although there will still be those on The White House staff who will honor the Office of the President...I doubt there will be that many people - at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...or at addresses throughout the nation - who will honor the man.  

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

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