Friday, March 17, 2017


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     When are Donald Trump's "yes-men" going to get fed up with cleaning up his monumental messes?

     One person, in particular, is White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer who continually attempts - in briefings to the press - to support claims by Trump...that during the 2016 Presidential campaign...former President Barack Obama wiretapped the telephones of Trump Tower in New York City.  The allegation by Trump is pure fiction and a flat out falsehood.  Thus, it's one more lie by "The Donald"...which proves there is no credibility these days at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

     I have been writing for a very long time in previous columns that Donald Trump is a danger to the United States of America and he cannot be trusted.  I wouldn't trust him to be a municipal dog catcher, let alone the President of our country.  And tens of millions of Americans - Democrats and some Republicans too - are agreeing that Trump is someone who cannot be trusted with anything.

     For whatever the reasons, Trump's delusional mind targeted the 44th President by declaring that Mr. Obama committed a felony.  President Obama never bugged Trump Tower...and yet, Donald Trump will not back down on his accusation of surveillance, despite the fact that the leaders of the bi-partisan U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee - on Thursday, March 16th, 2017 - issued a statement that rejects Trump's assertion.  Republican Chairman Richard Burr and Democratic Vice Chairman Mark Warner say..."Based on the information available to us, we see no indication that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government, either before or after Election Day 2016."

      Furthermore...the bi-partisan Intelligence Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives also says there is no proof of any illegal wrongdoing by President Obama.  Republican Chairman Devin Nunes - who has been a longtime, loyal advocate of Donald Trump - says..."We don't have any evidence that took place.  I don't think there was a tapping of Trump Tower."  And the committee's top Democrat - Congressman Adam Schiff - is in full agreement saying..."To date, I see no evidence. No basis for that whatsoever."

     But Sean Spicer and other Trump cronies continue to stand by Trump, as The Oval Office occupant remains firm with his allegations that President Obama - in one form or another - eavesdropped on Trump in his Manhattan skyscraper.

     On Wednesday, March 15th - the day before the Senate and House Intelligence Committees concluded that Trump's claim is unfounded - Trump told Fox News that "very soon" he will provide evidence of Mr. Obama's actions.

     Sure you will, Donald.  Just like you had evidence that Barack Obama was not an American citizen who was born in the United States.  No proof!

     Just like you had evidence that between three-million and five-million votes in the November 8th, 2016 election were illegally cast.  No proof there!

     Just like you had photographic evidence that showed your Inauguration had a much larger crowd than any other Inauguration in U.S. history.  A complete and utter fabrication.  So proof there either!

     Donald Trump is the biggest conspiracy theorist since those individuals who thought President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by somebody other than Lee Harvey Oswald.

     Trump goes on and on with his pronouncement of "fake news."  The only fake news in America today is when Donald Trump opens up his mouth and spews venom off his maliciously lying tongue.

     I have noted, time and time again, in earlier commentaries...that Trump cannot admit fault or take responsibility for his mistakes.  He thinks he's always right.  But there certainly is no proof of that.  Trump wants the American people to now believe that he "meant surveillance" when he said "wiretapping" by President Obama.  Putting the word "wiretapping" in quotes is meaningless...especially when two of that firestorm of four tweets...from the early morning hours of March 4th...did not have the word in quotes.

     "Terrible!  Just found out that Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower just before the victory.  Nothing found.  This is McCarthyism!" DONALD TRUMP, 6:35 A.M.

     "Is it legal for a sitting President to be 'wiretapping' a race for president prior to an election?  Turned down by court earlier.  A NEW LOW!" DONALD TRUMP, 6:49 A.M.

     "I'll bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!" DONALD TRUMP, 6:52 A.M.

     "How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process.  This is Nixon/Watergate.  Bad (or sick) guy!" DONALD TRUMP, 7:02 A.M.

     With those four tweets, Donald Trump has not offered any evidence to corroborate his extremely serious allegations against President Obama.  Instead, Trump has acknowledged that Fox News was one source of his wiretapping fantasy. But let us remember that - as a candidate - Trump shared his secret of how he got his "military advice."  On an NBC News Meet The Press broadcast in August 2015, Trump told moderator Chuck Todd that he obtained that information by "watch(ing) the (Sunday morning talk) shows."  Trump said he watches "the generals" on "the shows." President...Trump sends untruthful tweets after watching another national news broadcast...instead of relying on the federal intelligence agencies that are at his fingertips.  And this is supposed to be our nation's President?

     Although Sean Spicer serves at the pleasure of Donald Trump...will he continue to lie for him to a press room that is packed with experienced reporters...who are doing their jobs...and who are not going to let up on him?  Does Spicer actually believe that he is "working for a boss who is never wrong?"

     Spicer speaks on behalf of Trump.  And that's...what he's hired to do.  But how much longer is Spicer going to spar with reporters and back up untruthful accusations by Trump?  The combative Spicer's blood pressure must skyrocket every time he enters the White House Briefing Room.  His anxiety must be higher than a kite...and Spicer must be as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.  But Sean Spicer needs to stop his double-talk and his own spin - or the Trump spin - on matters that the press...and the majority of the nation - know are lies.

     Recently, someone I know personally had commented to me that "all politicians lie."  The President of the United States is not just another politician.  He is the President.  He is supposed to be a role model...for children...and for adults.  The President of the United States should NEVER lie.

     Meanwhile, Donald Trump must be spitting blood and fuming like a live volcano. As the saying goes..."I wish I was a fly on the wall" in The Oval Office.  I can just picture Trump screaming and yelling so loud that one day The West Wing may quake in to crumbling ashes.

     Apparently, Trump still believes he's the boss of The Trump Organization...where whatever he the law of his company.  It's not that way in our country.  And nearly two months in to his appears obvious that Trump thinks he's in the board room of The Celebrity Apprentice.  

     Donald Trump's insides must be ripping apart...since everything around him is doing the same.  After addition to his wiretapping claims that have been debunked by both parties in Congress...Trump's second "Travel" Executive Order - which, in reality, remains a Muslim ban - has been blocked by two federal court judges.  A U.S. District Court judge in Hawaii and a U.S. District Court judge in Maryland...both have declared that Trump's ban discriminates against Muslims. Plus...lawmakers in both Congressional chambers have made it clear that Trump's budget proposal will be "dead on arrival." days go by...the House of Representatives' healthcare bill is facing roadblock after roadblock...and Senators from both sides of the aisle have stated...that it too will be dead when it arrives to them.  That is...if it even passes in the House...which it very well might not.

     The bottom line is...Donald Trump is a pathological liar who is reckless and unfit to be President of the United States.  But then...I have been saying that for 21 months.  He was reckless along the campaign trail...and he will continue to be reckless until he is either removed from office through House impeachment and Senate conviction...or by voters in 2020.  Hopefully, we don't have to wait that long.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. I feel very sorry for you. You must truly hate President Trump. Do you hate all conservatives? Do you hate everyone who doesn’t agree with your leftwing anti-constitutional progressive agenda? How do you live with such hate in your heart? Your name-calling is disgusting and boarders on un-American. I do not know whether President Trump’s claim that he and or his campaign was spied on by the Obama Administration but it is very possible. We must remember that the Obama Justice Department spied on James Rosen of Fox; they spied on over 20 Associated Press reporters in 2013 the list goes on and on. We had James Clapper lie to Senate, the Obama Administration’s Director of National Intelligence lying that the NSA did not collect data on American telephone conversations. Why should anyone believe him that the Obama Administration didn’t have surveillance on then candidate Trump? He is a proven liar! It is now reported that in June 2016 there was a FISA request by the Obama Administration (FBI) for surveillance that named President Trump and or his campaign which was denied, and then in October 2016 a broader request that didn’t include the name Trump was approved. Those facts and other stories make it very possible that the Obama Administration did have in some way President Trump and his campaign under surveillance. Just because the proof isn’t out there yet doesn’t mean something didn’t happen, and sometimes when there is so called proof it doesn’t always mean it did happen. For decades America was shown proof that the Gulf of Tonkin attack happened during Viet Nam but now we know it was a lie by the Johnson administration! I will not discuss the un-Constitutional actions by the Judges in Hawaii and Maryland. The budget will be amended and get passed with many changes but the military will get the money it needs after 8 years of Obama cuts and many programs will get cuts or even eliminated. As for President Trump leaving office if the Democrats don’t keep screwing things up and his polices are put in place and work he will be there until the 2024 election (January 20, 2025).

    1. Your opening line is unbecoming of someone who certainly does not mean it. But then...there is no need to feel sorry for me because my entire column is accurate.

      I have no hate in my heart and I have refrained from any "name calling."

      My facts are just that...facts. Bi-partisan committees in both the House and Senate have stated that there is no evidence that President Obama bugged Trump Tower. The Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan agrees and in the coming week, FBI Director James Comey will confirm that there is no proof whatsoever that President Obama wiretapped or performed any surveillance on Donald Trump in his New York City skyscraper. So all your drivel above is pointless. You can add all sorts of nonsense you want, but when it comes to President Obama tapping Trump's phones - and that is the topic here - it was never done.

      Your further comments are not worth me commenting on, but I will stick to my column. The federal judges know that Trump's second travel ban order remains a Muslim ban, which is unconstitutional as it still bans people based on their religion. The Trump budget - in its form now - will be dead on arrival in the Senate. And so will the House healthcare bill...and it will likely not even pass the House since there are probably enough Republicans who will not say "yay."

      Donald Trump has lied over and over and over again. You cannot dispute any of my facts above where I note his falsehoods. And the continuation of lying about President Obama tapping his phones is the most despicable, as he has accused a former President - while a sitting President - of a felony. For Trump to do that makes him the liar, liar that he has always been.

      You must be on drugs if you really believe that Donald Trump - at this point - could ever get re-elected in 2020. As for this term...more and more Senators and House members are already talking impeachment. And it's something that Trump himself is going to do himself. He's going to bury himself by doing or saying something that he will not be able to get out of...and his goose will be cooked. You wait and see because it is going to happen.

