Tuesday, March 21, 2017


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     "Practice."  The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word practice as "to do or perform often, customarily, or habitually."

     In nationally televised testimony before the House Intelligence Committee on Monday, March 20th, 2017, FBI Director James Comey confirmed to Congress and the American people that the FBI has been investigating links between Donald Trump and Russia since July 2016.  

     In his opening statement, Comey revealed the following.  "As you know, our practice is not to confirm the existence of ongoing investigations that involve classified matters, but in unusual circumstances where it is in the public interest, it may be appropriate to do so as Justice Department policies recognize.  This is one of those circumstances.  I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election and that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia's efforts."

     Please note Comey's words about "interfere(nce) in the 2016 Presidential election" that the FBI is investigating "any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government."  And who was at the very top of the Trump campaign?  Donald Trump.

     Although Comey did not use the word...protocol...in his statement...but instead, "practice"...it is indeed, protocol...which he broke with when he testified before Congress.  So let us all pause for a moment and think...if Comey had dismissed protocol or "practice"...during the summer before the November 8th, 2016 Presidential election...as he has now done...it is not only likely...but very likely...in fact, it is most probable...if not nearly certain...that Hillary Clinton would be President of the United States today.

     Do we give Director Comey the benefit of the doubt that - before the election - it was not his decision to not...spill the beans - for the lack of a better phrase - about an investigation of Trump and his Republican campaign?  Why then do it now with an Attorney General - the ultimate boss of the Department of Justice - in Trump's Republican Presidential Administration?  What...or who...stopped Comey before the election...with an Attorney General who was part of Barack Obama's Democratic Presidential Administration?  Who's fault was it to not give American voters every tool we needed...before entering the polling booths to cast our ballots for President?  We don't know whose decision it was to not provide us that information...and although it may have been James Comey himself, it would be wrong of me to simply point the finger at him, so therefore, I won't.  But for total transparency...we...the American people...have the right to know. 

     I will, however, lay blame on Director Comey for partly causing some voters to abandon Hillary Clinton.  Arguably, the former Secretary of State did not win the electoral vote for two reasons...one - because of Russia meddling in our election... and two - because of Comey's letter to Congress, eleven days before the election. It was in that letter that the FBI chief noted that his Bureau and the Department of Justice were investigating new information which allegedly pertained to the e-mail controversy and Mrs. Clinton.  

     The bottom line is...there was no credible reason for the FBI to resume any such probe in to Secretary Clinton, as Comey basically stated two days before the Presidential election.  But the damage was already done and certain voters - who had been "on the fence" (so to speak) - decided they would cast their ballot for Donald Trump instead of Hillary Clinton...or they would just stay home and not vote at all.  That being said, it was Trump and his campaign team who were under investigation on Election Day...not Secretary Clinton.  It was Trump and his associates who were being probed by the FBI for alleged ties with Vladimir Putin and Russia.

     Again...I recognize protocol...or, if FBI Director Comey prefers the word, "practice."  But what a shame that Comey was apparently not "authorized by the Department of Justice"...to be up front with the American people before the election. Or was it Comey himself...who had decided not to tell voters?  Will we ever know the answer for sure?  I do know this for sure.  If Americans had been provided the full truth back in July, August, September or even October of 2016...I am virtually certain that - on November 8th - Hillary Clinton would have easily been elected the 45th President of the United States.  Instead...people actually voted for Donald Trump...when it is he and some of his staff...who are - to this day - being investigated by federal law enforcement officers for possible criminal activity.  As for Hillary Clinton...she was completely free of any such investigation.

     Before the election, there were some Americans who did not want to vote for Hillary Clinton because Donald Trump and other Republicans were spewing venom off their tongues that Mrs. Clinton may eventually be indicted.  That was something that was never going to happen because Secretary Clinton never committed any illegal wrongdoing, which Comey stated in his testimony before Congress in July of 2016. But now...Trump - as he sits behind The Oval Office desk - could...and I did say could...face indictment...or impeachment...if...and I will once again be repetitive... if...evidence shows that he was in cahoots with Russia...to influence the Presidential election.

     There are allegations that numerous individuals...closely connected to Donald Trump and his campaign...were allegedly involved in some way with Vladimir Putin, Russian diplomats and/or even KGB agents.  One of those Trump cronies who is suspected of allegedly having questionable ties with Russia is Trump's former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort.  So for White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer - in a Press Briefing on Monday, March 20th - to say that Manafort had "played a very limited role for a very limited amount of time"...is blatantly bogus.  Manafort joined the Trump campaign in March 2016...became Campaign Manager in April 2016...and then National Campaign Chairman and Chief Strategist in mid-August 2016...until his so-called "resignation" shortly thereafter.  The fact of the matter is...Manafort had Trump's ear for about six of the last eight months of the campaign...which is certainly not a "limited time" in a "limited role."

     FBI Director Comey articulated to Congress that "(Vladimir) Putin hated Secretary Clinton so much" and Russia "wanted to hurt our democracy."  Comey definitively agreed that Russia wanted to help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton.  As Comey stated to the House Intelligence Committee, Putin had a "clear preference" for any person running against Mrs. Clinton...and that it was a "fairly easy judgment" to see Putin's preference.  Therefore, knowing that Putin was going to do whatever he could to make sure Donald Trump would be elected - and not Hillary Clinton - Americans deserved to know...before the election...that the FBI was investigating Trump and/or members of his campaign...for possible collusion with Russia...in an effort to affect the outcome of our Presidential election.  Furthermore, there is one question I always ask...as do so many Americans throughout our nation.  Why has Donald Trump never uttered a bad word...not one negative syllable...about Vladimir Putin and Russia?

     Comey has told Congress that there is "no way to give" a timetable for when a U.S. government investigation of Russia and any alleged link to the "Trump For President" campaign will be completed.  In the meantime, however...if evidence is discovered - yes, I did again say if...that Donald Trump supervised...or participated - in even the smallest of ways - with Russia...to mastermind a plot so that he would win the election...the United States will be looking at our first President to be impeached by the House of Representatives...convicted by the Senate...and then removed from office.

     But I don't want my Republican readers to jump down my throat, so I reiterate and re-emphasize words such as "if" and "could."  I am not a Congressman...nor a Senator.  I am not a judge...nor am I currently sitting on a jury.  And no charges against Donald Trump have yet to be filed.  They may never be.  After all...it is possible that he had absolutely nothing to do with Russia and their rigging of our election.  However...let us remember that on November 17th, 1973 - at a nationally televised press conference - Richard Nixon...while our 37th President...seventeen months after the Watergate break-in and nine months before he resigned in disgrace...told the country that he "never obstructed justice."  And then - with those four now-infamous words - emphatically assured Americans..."I'm not a crook." And yet...he was.  I leave you with that thought.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and TheControversy.net.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Why didn't James Comey tell us that he was investigating the Trump campaign before he ruined Hillary's chances to win? He was wrong to reveal information that greatly affected the election but he was not honest about Trump being investigated too. Comey has blackened his reputation by what he did then. I have great difficulty believing he will do a complete investigation on Russian/Trump ties now. But, he does have a chance at redeeming his historically bad decision with Hillary if he can take Trump down. But do it fast James Comey before more damage is done by Trump. You've had plenty of time!

    1. Thank you very much, Nina, for your insightful comment and your astute analysis of this critical issue in our country. Let's hope that FBI Director James Comey acts accordingly to - as you say - "take Trump down." Thank you for reading The Controversy. GBD

  2. Let me start by saying that you and your other reader Nana are both disgraceful for your comment "take Trump down." Shouldn’t it be if and that is a BIG IF President Trump did something illegal? Isn’t that that way the law works? As for why Director Comey didn’t tell the American people that President Trump then Candidate Trump was being investigated is that Trump personally was not under investigation, the FBI was and still is investigating possible ties between the Trump Campaign and Russia. The investigation into the Trump Campaign has never been classified by the FBI as a “criminal investigation”. The investigation as of now has turned up nothing illegal. Hillary Clinton on the other hand was personally under CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION and was also under investigation by the US Congress. For some reason unknown to any of us Director Comey let Hillary Clinton off the hook for all her illegal acts, which there were many. You can claim all you want she did nothing wrong but anyone with an eighth grade education that reads either “18 USC §793 or 18 U.S. Code § 1924” and a list others, knows she broke the law. Comey protected her for some reason that we may never know, was by orders of the AG, the Justice Department, the Administration or maybe the President himself, another Clinton cover-up.

    1. First of all, the other reader above - that you criticized - is Nina...not Nana.

      As for your comments...

      Donald Trump was elected by an election that was tampered with by Vladimir Putin and the Russians. And it is looking more and more likely - albeit not yet proven - but more and more likely that Trump was perhaps involved - in some way - with such illegal activity. But yes, I am willing to let the FBI investigation proceed. However, if I was a betting man, I think we're close to a 60 percent, maybe even 70 percent that Trump had "something" to do with the election meddling...or, at least, the cover-up. Remember...Richard Nixon was NOT guilty of the planning or break-in of the Democratic headquarters at the Watergate Hotel. Nixon was guilty of the cover-up and obstruction of justice. By definition, the nature of a federal investigation by the FBI constitutes the possibility that the person or persons who agents are investigating have perhaps performed an illegal act. Therefore, the FBI's probe of Donald Trump and his campaign is indeed a "criminal investigation."

      STOP, STOP, STOP!!! You and other Republicans CANNOT continue to bring up Hillary Clinton. This has nothing to do with Mrs. Clinton. Even Republicans in Washington have stopped bringing up the former Secretary of State and her e-mail controversy. That issue is done and over. Secretary Clinton was found by at least two FBI investigations of being innocent of anything illegal. So STOP ALREADY. You sound so foolish to bring up Mrs. Clinton. This has nothing to do with her. Based on your ludicrous comment above, FBI Director James Comey must not have anything more than a 7th grade education. Comey clearly stated under oath to Congress that Hillary Clinton DID NOT BREAK THE LAW. Period. End of discussion. So STOP. The FBI Director did not "protect" Secretary Clinton "for some reason that we may never know" (to use your words). There was no Clinton cover-up, no cover-up by President Obama. If you are that much of a hater to continue your nonsensical drivel, four-and-a-half months after the election...then shame on you. GBD
