Tuesday, March 14, 2017


After reading this essay, please express your own thoughts.  At the bottom, please click on the word "Comments" below the copyright and type your remarks in the box.  When finished,  please click on the word "Publish."  Please also share a link to this column with others in your e-mail directory and on social media.  A special thanks to DavidCassidy.com and the Dr. Phil television show for most of the photographs below.     

     The year was 1979.  When exactly?  I cannot tell you.  The place was a San Fernando Valley bank in southern California.  The specific location?  I don't remember.  But I believe it was in Encino, Sherman Oaks or Studio City. The bank name?  That I don't recall either.  But what IS crystal clear...is meeting pop-rock superstar entertainer, songwriter and actor...David Cassidy.

     I was compelled to write about my accidental, but fortunate visit with David because - as many of you may already be aware - David recently revealed to People magazine that he is suffering from the early stages of dementia...for which he was diagnosed about two-and-a-half years ago.

     On a broadcast that aired on Wednesday, March 1st, 2017...on the nationally syndicated, daytime television talk show, Dr. Phil... David shared some very personal moments with Dr. Phil McGraw. David gave Dr. Phil and his viewers - including me - a peak inside his life as a performer...his life as an alcoholic...and his life with an illness that causes this vibrant showman to sometimes forget the lyrics of songs that he has been singing for nearly half a century.

     Thankfully, I am able to tell you - my readers - about this gracious and humble man...who stood on a line with me...in a bank...as we waited for a teller.

     The line was somewhat long.  In fact...it was quite long.  I recollect it being a Friday and one person after another was cashing or depositing their payroll check. Those were the days when there was no such thing as a "direct deposit."  There was no "on-line banking."  Being "on line" meant standing with about 20 or 30 other people...actually on a line.

     It was 38 years ago and I certainly didn't want David to think of me as a crazy fan.  And since I had changed my career direction from broadcast journalism to television production, I wasn't going to approach him as a reporter...looking to interview him for a story.  But he being 28...and I, 24...I surely couldn't insult him...and ignore him.  After all...it was a time when David Cassidy was one of the world's biggest music stars.

     We exchanged a few words...a mere greeting, but nothing too extensive.  But from that first moment...David Cassidy couldn't have been nicer.  He conveyed grace, charm and class.

     At that point in my own career, I had already had the pleasure - and the privilege - of working with hundreds of Hollywood's top celebrities through my employment on numerous network television shows.  And while some performers were grateful and flattered when fans - or even those of us who worked with them on a particular production - had complimented them...and had a longing to talk with them...there were others who insisted on keeping to themselves.  I could tell the difference without anyone saying so.

     But it was always fascinating when a star enjoyed reminiscing about their successes...and their failures too.  And when they simply desired to be just like you and me...a real person...and not a star...it set a relaxing, easy and fun tone for the conversation.

     With David and me...it was he who continued our chat, so I knew he didn't mind talking, even if it was just to pass the time of day.  In fact...we actually gabbed about the boredom of waiting on lines...in banks, post offices and grocery stores.  But I had an ardent curiosity to hear about David on The Partridge Family...about his concerts...and about a 1970 episode of Marcus Welby, M.D. starring Robert Young and James Brolin.  It was a series that was a favorite of mine...so that's where I began. And although others obviously recognized David too...they saw us talking and no one interrupted.

     I thought if David wasn't eager to..."chew the fat"...he would have just thanked me for the introductory compliment and not uttered another word.  But David's appetite to engage in dialogue was apparent...and - with much good humor - he joyfully talked with friendly enthusiasm.

     It had been nearly ten years since David had appeared on Marcus Welby, but it was obvious that he appreciated me acknowledging his consummate dramatic performance.  David was 19 when the show was filmed, but he barely looked 15 or 16. And if Emmys were awarded to guest stars...way back when - as they are now - David Cassidy would have undoubtedly been nominated...and I'm confident that he would have won.  I recommend any longtime fan of David's...or anyone who has a craving to see a masterful piece of acting...to get a copy of Marcus Welby, M.D., "Fun and Games and Michael Ambrose."  It featured David as a diabetic teenager who threatened to take his own life by ignoring his need for insulin shots...just to get back at his father because he blamed him for the heartache and misery that the youth's mother suffered before she died.

     My conversation with David branched off in to The Partridge Family and David's music.  And time flew by.  I could tell that behind the genuine smile... David Cassidy modestly appreciated my praise and my accolades.  I'm just sorry that by 1979...nobody had invented a "smart phone"...or any cell phone with a camera.  I couldn't take a selfie.  I couldn't shoot a video.  But then...we didn't even have cell phones of any kind.  They didn't exist.

     Fifteen years later, I was delighted and energized to see David Cassidy again...but in a different setting. David and his half-brother, Shaun Cassidy - a pop-rock superstar in his own right - appeared together on Broadway, as they starred in the smash hit musical, Blood Brothers.  The Cassidy boys were brilliant on stage in this flawless and captivating production.  They and their co-star, Petula Clark, undeniably deserved the spirited standing ovation that they received.
     I had hoped to meet David Cassidy again, but I was never able to make that connection.  But I want him to know that I wish him well, as he battles dementia. 

     I applaud David that he has opened up about the tragic disease that will eventually...and sadly ...destroy his memory altogether.  It was heartbreaking to see David on television as he talked about his declining health with Dr. Phil.  But the same David Cassidy...who - all those many years ago - came across to me...as a really nice person... was exactly who I observed on Dr. Phil.  

     I debated with myself whether I should compose and publish this essay today...as I pay tribute to the now 66-year old David Cassidy.  Regrettably, we Americans tend to honor and salute people who
have touched our lives...after they are gone.  And please God...David Cassidy...and all the David Cassidys of the world...will be saved from this dreadful affliction called dementia...and the more destructive disease of Alzheimer's.  However...should that not happen...it's important to me that David knows that our chance encounter meant so much to me.

     When David Cassidy answered Dr. Phil's final question - "What do you want to most be remembered for?" - David confirmed the feeling that I myself recognized when he and I talked in that bank nearly four decades ago.  "Spreading love," David replied to Dr. Phil.  "Bringing light in to people's lives.  Giving everything in my heart and soul.  Because I know...I'm a loving, caring human being."

     I would have liked to have been friends with David Cassidy.  I'm sure he doesn't remember me...not because of the dementia, but because he's probably met tens of thousands of people throughout his exciting life.  But I...remember him. And I will always remember...my 35 minutes with David Cassidy.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Photo credits: davidcassidy.com (David Cassidy #1), drphil.com (David Cassidy and Dr. Phillip C. McGraw), Daily Mail, Allstar/Cinetext, ABC Television Network and Screen Gems/Columbia Pictures Television (David Cassidy #2), davidcassidy.com, TV Land, ABC Television Network and Universal Studios (David Cassidy #3), davidcassidy.com (David Cassidy #4), davidcassidy.com (David Cassidy #5), eonline.com and Dr. Phil (David Cassidy #6) and davidcassidy.com (David Cassidy #7)

Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and TheControversy.net.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. What a wonderful experience. Thank you for sharing it :-)

    1. Thank you very much for your kind response and for reading The Controversy. I'm glad you enjoyed my column about David Cassidy. GBD

    2. We are all so very sad over this I'm heartbreak I wish there was something I could do or all of us could do for him and others with this I'm going to miss him singing I just pray it's not as bad as he thinks it is love love you David and no I'm not a crazy but fan but I'm a fan but not nuts I would not do some of things I here that some of nut fans have done I just went to meet him with my grandsons and get a picture that's it and hope that will happen love

    3. Sandra, thank you very much for your response to my column on David Cassidy. I'm sure that if David reads my essay that he would be grateful for your warm sentiments. I appreciate you reading The Controversy. GBD

    4. "Thank You" so very much for sharing your awesome experience Gary B. Dublin. Through time I noticed that David Cassidy in interviews didn't mind sharing his life's experiences, the exciting, the good & personal. I have been a fan since 1970. I have always believed that David Cassidy is human like the rest of us. He is "terrific", & I mean that personally. My heart & prayers are with him now. It really means the world to me for David Cassidy to be "Happy".

    5. Patty, thank you very much for your kind words about my David Cassidy column. I have no doubt that David would greatly appreciate your warm and beautiful thoughts for him. I too hope that David will always be happy...and healthy. Many thanks for reading The Controversy. GBD

    6. I don't know when you think David wouldn't of remembered you, very nice article thankyou.

    7. Thank you very much, Antonina. I appreciate your kind words about my column. I'd like to think that David Cassidy remembered my conversation with him. I certainly hope so. GBD

    8. Thankyou so much for sharing this....you have confirmed what us fan's all knew....David was a great guy....and sadly missed x������

  2. Thanks for sharing this, Gary. Whenever I had an opportunity to meet David, I have always found him to be a loving, caring and appreciative human being. He is definitely one of a kind. His amazing heart I am certain was due to the amazing influence of his mother and grandparents. The world is defunitedly a better place because of David Cassidy. I am praying for and expecting a miraculous recovery for him. Lnda de Ambtosio

    1. I appreciate your kind response and your sentiments about David Cassidy. I'm sure he would be grateful to read your sweet and thoughtful words. Thank you very much for reading The Controversy. I'm glad you enjoyed my column. GBD

    2. Well I don't believe that my sweet David cassidy knows how much we love and turely care for him and how we pray that something will be done my to grands who is 6 & 4 who can sing his songs I just wished I could meet him it has been a dream of mine for years and I'm 58 now and would just like to meet him with my grandson's and get a picture love you David and just wish you well and God bless you love

    3. Thank you so much for reading The Controversy and for your response to my column. I bet that David Cassidy would be most appreciative of your kind and thoughtful words to him. GBD

    4. I have been a fan of David Cassidy since 1970. I am heart broken knowing what he is facing.
      He has always struck me as a kind softhearted man. And my prayers daily for him.
      I love this man with all my heart and I wish I could meet him and give him a hug and thank him for all the happiness he's brought into my life. Im 58 years old and I love David Cassidy

    5. Thank you very much, Linda for your comments and for reading The Controversy. I'm sure David Cassidy would appreciate your kind words. GBD

    6. This was so very nice to know he was able to do some normal things in his crazy life and that he was justlike anyone else.

  3. Fantastic Gary and, as I always knew, David is a very caring and loving person that is why we, his fans, have cared for him all these years. He is a genuinely loving person who has not been recognised for his songwriting and music contribution over many years. He should certainly be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

    1. Thank you so very much for your kind words about my column saluting David Cassidy. I'm sure David would be grateful to read your sweet and thoughtful sentiments to him. He is a true "Rock and Roll" legend. Many thanks for reading The Controversy. I do appreciate it. GBD

  4. There are times God gives us Blessings in our lives, Yours was standing in line with David Cassidy, His was being in line with someone who didn't act crazy, Thank you for sharing your moment in time with us.......peace Georgette

    1. The message in Frank Capra's IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE starring James Stewart is that each of us touches the lives of those we meet and that it does make a difference whether in the smallest of ways, the grandest of ways or anything in between. We see what happened to Jimmy Stewart's character George Bailey and the people he knew...if he had not been born. Not that my chance encounter with David Cassidy was a "life or death" situation, and therefore, it did not affect my life or his in such a manner. But my 35 minutes with David Cassidy was certainly a special memory for me. And for that reason - and to be able to share it with others - does make a difference to me and apparently has made a difference to you. Thank you very much, Georgette, for your kind words about my column. I appreciate your thoughtful response. GBD

  5. Lovely to hear this story.....you've confirmed what we always knew....David has always been a caring compassionate person....just great to have a natural blether...as we Scots say ...no cameras or media....David will appreciate this lovely compliment in this hard time thankyou again x

    1. Thank you very much, Gwen, for your kind words about my column saluting David Cassidy. I greatly appreciate your thoughtful response and I'm hoping that David will read my column and the many sweet comments that you and others have written. I'm sure he would be very grateful to you. Many thanks for reading The Controversy. GBD

  6. Thank you for sharing your story. I've never met David, but as a fan since I was 10 years old, it's always good to know the man I've admired from afar for 47 years is a good, caring person. As Maya Angelou said," people will never forget how you made them feel". We will never forget David Cassidy.

    1. I am so very glad that you enjoyed my column and I thank you very much for your kind words. I'm sure David Cassidy would appreciate your warm thoughts and sentiments. Many thanks for reading The Controversy. GBD

    2. ....our heart's are still broken....loved David for over 48 years....his legacy will never be forgotten x💋💔💔

  7. I remember that Marcus Welby, MD show very well! ("On or off??") Thank you for bringing up that memory. And thank you also for sharing a very private and special event. Like so many others at that time, I had such a mad pash on Mr. Cassidy and I love learning, as I continue to do, that he is every bit as wonderful and special as I've always thought.

    1. I'm delighted to know that you liked my column on David Cassidy. I appreciate your kind words and I'm sure that David would be grateful to hear your sweet sentiments about him. Thank you very much for your response and for reading The Controversy. GBD

  8. That was an interesting story. Life-long story, actually. I would like to get more materials on his private life, dreams and plans for the future.

    1. Thank you very much for your response. I am glad you feel my column is interesting and I am delighted to have written about such a special memory as MY 35 MINUTES WITH DAVID CASSIDY. Many thanks for reading The Controversy. GBD

  9. what a wonderful memory for you, Mr. Duglin! and in turn, a wonderful experience for fans, like me, of David Cassidy! i love to hear of experiences like this, so your telling us about your meeting with him is much appreciated, and i don't imagine David would mind a bit that you wrote about it! i do want to tell you that i found your article by way of google news alerts about David, and also that i have shared your article with my facebook fans of David. i'm certain they will all thoroughly enjoy reading about your experience! thank you! :)

    1. Thank you very much, Kellie for your kind and thoughtful response to my column about David Cassidy. I'm confident that David would be most grateful too. Many thanks to you, Kellie for your kind words and for sharing my column with your friends on Facebook. I welcome their responses here, as well, and hope they will also share a link to The Controversy with others. Thanks again. GBD

  10. It would have been Encino as he lived there on White Oak for years. I knew David for many, many years and really only lost touch when he moved to Florida or was traveling around doing the Broadway stuff - but he was/is and has always been a wonderful, caring, heartfelt guy. He helped me with much over the years. I will always carry him in my heart. It doesn't surprise me he spoke to you - he was very open to talking to people who didn't want to rip at him in any way. (I once asked him to sign a photo to me and to only sign it with his name as David, not to put his last name on it - as I wanted the guy I knew to sign it - not the guy who was up on the stage.) I only saw him be kind to people and never heard him utter a bad word to anyone... he really does appreciate the fans, friends, and life and the world in general... he has his faults as we all do - but you tell what is in a person's heart....

    1. Thank you, Cheryl, for your most thoughtful response to my column on David Cassidy. There's no doubt in my mind that David would greatly appreciate your warm and sweet sentiments for him. You are probably correct that the bank was in Encino. As I wrote in my essay, I hadn't remembered if it was Encino, Sherman Oaks or Studio City, as I too lived in that area of "the Valley" and could have gone to a bank in any one of those Los Angeles suburbs. Many thanks again for reading The Controversy. I do appreciate it. GBD

  11. Sarah Patricia PasquarelloMarch 15, 2017 at 9:30 PM

    Thanks for sharing.I too have talked to David Cassidy when David Cassidy was in nyc almost 35 years ago.David Cassidy is the nice man around.Glad bless you

    1. Thank you very much, Sarah for your response to my column on David Cassidy. I'm glad you enjoyed my essay and I'm sure David would appreciate your warm thoughts. Many thanks for reading The Controversy. GBD

    2. I met him briefly on the street outside on Broadway near a theatre I think it was the musicbox or something,,,anyway he was by himself an i went up to him and we talked for about 20 minutes just shooting the breeze, told him one of my first tv gigs was working on a show called police story manundercover his show the pilot,,in california and told him maybe one day we could do a stage reading,,I had an ABC package with me that day, and he bent down and said ABC TV whats that?and I said these are pictures of the series THE GREEN HORNET and showed him pictures of Bruce Lee, and he looked at them and said he watched the show too,,,,he signed my ABC package and I wished him well,,,,then 5 years later me and my ex-roomate run into patrick cassidy on 23 st and broadway and we have a professional conversation about the business,,acting teachers casting directors stage readings etc; to sum it up,meeting a CASSIDY was as delightful and inspiring to me and I will never forget those experiences

    3. Thank you very much, James, for reading The Controversy and for sharing your story about meeting David Cassidy too and your chat with Patrick Cassidy. There seems to be three actors with the name James Lawrence. Were you in Vendetta? Or were you in A Packing Suburbia, State Property 2 and The Sopranos? Or were you in The Switchman, Charlie's Place and Boy Minus Girl? I'm sure the two Cassidy brothers that you met would be delighted to know that your visits with them were inspiring. Thanks again. GBD

  12. This is really a wonderful tribute and look into a more simple time. David Cassidy's legacy is long lasting. I so wanted a meet and greet. I got to see him 4 times in Time, The Musical. He was amazing. Once I got on the front row, directly in front of him. He looked at me several times! He sang It's in every one of us; he was amazing. His CD with Treat me like you used to is great. He deserves the best for the legacy he's left us. Thank you for a great article!

    1. Thank you so very much, Carrie, for your kind words about my column on David Cassidy. I truly appreciate your thoughtful response to my essay. I'm sure David will be happy to see your sweet sentiments to him if he should read my column and all the comments from his fans. Thank you again and thanks for reading The Controversy. GBD

  13. What a lovely story. I'm glad that David had at least some times during those younger years when he could experience normal life, even if it did involve standing in a long line at a bank. He apparently enjoyed talking to you too. And I think he must have been more of a Partridge than he ever wanted to admit to! Lol. I do respectfully disagree with the statement that David is destined to decline mentally, as I have found from research that there are natural things like organic coconut oil that have the power to reverse his current level of mental decline within just a few weeks. For full recovery, he could work on obtaining proper nerve supply, regular exercise, proper nutrition, sufficient rest (which the oil would facilitate), and prayers/meditation on top of thorough detoxification and cessation of all forms of toxins. Several of us have posted such "alternative" things on both his site and on Facebook. I think traditional drugs would keep him on the traditional downward trend while lining the pockets of big pharma and others (4 x the rate of even cancer patients). So as an early birthday present, I just want that wonderful man to know he doesn't have to take the dementia route. I love him so much!

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words about my column on David Cassidy. I appreciate your thoughtful remarks. I certainly hope that you'll be right about David's dementia and that he will not decline as badly as others do. Unfortunately, I have observed two people who were close to me that suffered from that dreadful disease. And as I indicated in my column, hopefully a cure will come so David and everyone who suffers from dementia will be saved from the tragedies of this affliction. I'm sure David would be most grateful to read your sweet sentiments. And thank you for reading The Controversy. GBD

  14. Gail Cooper VavRoskyMarch 17, 2017 at 8:55 PM

    Thank you for sharing this. I enjoyed it very much. I also remember the Marcus Welby, M.D. episode vividly. What a remarkable acting job he portrayed. Sending and wishing David love, and prayers as he continues this next journey.

    1. Gail, thank you so very much for your kind words about my column on David Cassidy. I know that David would be very happy to read your thoughtful and sweet sentiments. And thank you for reading The Controversy. GBD

  15. The following comment was posted on a David Cassidy fan page on Facebook at 12:24 p.m. on March 17th, 2017. My column is posted on that page and since the writer's full name appeared on Facebook, it will be posted here too.

    "Thank you for sharing. David Cassidy is a beautiful soul. God blessed him with such talent that he shared with the world and we are all better for it. He has stayed humble and loving. Sending Prayers, love and good thoughts for David Cassidy." - Julie Napier Howell

    1. The following response by Gary B. Duglin was posted on a David Cassidy fan page in response to the comment made above. It was posted at 3:20 p.m. on March 17th, 2017.

      Thank you so very much for your response to my column on David Cassidy. I'm sure David would appreciate very much your sweet sentiments. And thank you again. GBD

  16. The following comment was posted on a David Cassidy fan page on Facebook at 3:14 p.m. on March 17th, 2017. My column is posted on that page and since the writer's full name appeared on Facebook, it will be posted here too.

    "Thank you for sharing. I've met David just once but he was the sweetest and nicest person to me. Hugs from your Spanish fan." - Araceli Ramirez

    1. The following response by Gary B. Duglin was posted on a David Cassidy fan page in response to the comment made above. It was posted at 3:23 p.m. on March 17th, 2017.

      Thank you very much for your response to my column about David Cassidy. I'm sure David would be most grateful to read your sweet and kind words. And thanks again. GBD

  17. The following comment was posted on a David Cassidy fan page on Facebook at 8:35 p.m. on March 17th, 2017. My column is posted on that page and since the writer's full name appeared on Facebook, it will be posted here too.

    "Mr. Gary B. Duglin, thank you so much for your column! I really enjoyed reading every line!! You spoke in such a marvelous way about a special gracious unique human being, the one & only David Cassidy who I've loved for 45 years!!" - Leda Mantia

    1. The following response by Gary B. Duglin was posted on a David Cassidy fan page in response to the comment made above. It was posted at 9:40 p.m. on March 17th, 2017.

      Thank you very much for your wonderfully kind words about my column on David Cassidy. I greatly appreciate your special thoughts and I'm sure David would be grateful to read your sweet sentiments about him. Many thanks for reading The Controversy.

  18. The following comment was posted on a David Cassidy fan page on Facebook at 6:02 a.m. on March 15th, 2017. My column is posted on that page - the Preserve and Cherish David Cassidy's Music - Induct Into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame page - and it is that organization that posted the following comment.

    "This story will give you the Feel Good Factor and further evidence that David is one of the good guys. He always had time for everyone and melted millions with just a wink and a smile - what was YOUR brief encounter with David?" (They then included a link to my column above, as they asked their members and readers to share any encounters they had with David Cassidy).

    1. The following response by Gary B. Duglin was posted on a David Cassidy fan page in response to the comment made above. It was posted at 3:47 p.m. on March 21st, 2017.

      I want to thank the good people at Preserve and Cherish David Cassidy's music - Induct into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for their beautiful response to my column at The Controversy where I salute David Cassidy. And I thank them very much for sharing my column with others. I do appreciate it. I'm sure David would be most grateful for your sweet sentiments about him. Many thanks again. GBD

  19. The following comment was posted on a David Cassidy fan page on Facebook at 12:06 p.m. on March 15th, 2017. My column is posted on that page and since the writer's full name appeared on Facebook, it will be posted here too.

    "I so loved this essay!! So often we only hear negative remarks about such well known beloved people like David Cassidy. I am so glad he is just as lovely as I always imagined him to be. I know at the several concerts I've been to he was most gracious and warm to us all." - Karen Kingrey

    1. The following response by Gary B. Duglin was posted on a David Cassidy fan page in response to the comment made above. It was posted at 3:55 p.m. on March 21st, 2017.

      Karen, thank you so very much for your kind words about my column on David Cassidy. I greatly appreciate that you enjoyed my essay with such affection. I am sure that David would be most grateful to you for your thoughtful and sweet comments about him. Many thanks for reading The Controversy. GBD

  20. The following comment was posted on a David Cassidy fan page on Facebook at 3:06 p.m. on March 15th, 2017. My column is posted on that page and since the writer's full name appeared on Facebook, it will be posted here too.

    "Sensational story!!!!!!!" - Jim Salamanis

    1. The following response by Gary B. Duglin was posted on a David Cassidy fan page in response to the comment made above. It was posted at 3:58 p.m. on March 21st, 2017.

      Thank you very much, Jim, for your rave review of my column on David Cassidy. I appreciate your enthusiasm towards my writing and thank you again for reading The Controversy. GBD

  21. The following comment was posted on a David Cassidy fan page on Facebook at 6:18 p.m. on March 15th, 2017. My column is posted on that page and since the writer's full name appeared on Facebook, it will be posted here too.

    "Very interesting story. I love reading about David." - Norlene Kay Hopkins

    1. The following response by Gary B. Duglin was posted on a David Cassidy fan page in response to the comment made above. It was posted at 4:01 p.m. on March 21st, 2017.

      Norlene, thank you so much for your kind words about my column on David Cassidy. I greatly appreciate your response and I am glad you enjoyed my commentary. Thank you for reading The Controversy. GBD

  22. The following comment was posted on a David Cassidy fan page on Facebook at 5:02 a.m. on March 16th, 2017. My column is posted on that page and since the writer's full name appeared on Facebook, it will be posted here too.

    "Love this essay and doesn't surprise me at all...real character, warmth and genuine consideration for people...all class and awesomeness!!xxxooo" - Heather Stevens

    1. The following response by Gary B. Duglin was posted on a David Cassidy fan page in response to the comment made above. It was posted at 3:51 p.m. on March 21st, 2017.

      Thank you, Heather, for your kind words about my column on David Cassidy. I appreciate your comments with much gratitude. I know that David would be very happy with your sweet sentiments. Thank you for reading The Controversy. GBD

  23. Thanks for sharing your memory! I truly wish the best for David!

    1. Thank you very much for reading The Controversy and for responding to my column on David Cassidy. I'm sure David would appreciate your best wishes. Thanks again. GBD

  24. I loved your Essay about meeting David Cassidy,I was never lucky enough to meet him myself but from watching videos of him, he really does seem a very gentle loving human being.Thank you for sharing your encounters.I was very touched by them .��

    1. Thank you so very much, Lynda, for your beautiful response to my column on David Cassidy. I greatly appreciate your kind words about my essay. I would bet that David would be grateful for your sweet sentiments about him. Many thanks for reading The Controversy. GBD

  25. The following comment was posted on a David Cassidy fan page on Facebook at 8:20 p.m. on March 28th, 2017. My column is posted on that page and since the writer's full name appeared on Facebook, it will be posted here too.

    "Is it still dementia or is it Alzheimer's related dementia? I would like to think that there is new and effective medication out there so that he can avoid much of the suffering that his mother and grandfather had." - Diane Saks

    1. The following response by Gary B. Duglin was posted on a David Cassidy fan page in response to the comment made above. It was posted at 9:17 p.m. on March 28th, 2017.

      Diane, I'm not a doctor (and - to quote an old television commercial - I don't play one on TV), but from what David Cassidy has advised People magazine, plus Dr. Phil and his viewers, it's dementia. I certainly hope that David will not suffer from this terrible disease. My column, though, was merely to wish David well, to let him know that he is being thought of in a special way and to share with my readers a memorable period of time that I enjoyed with David 38 years ago. I hope you found my essay of interest to you and I thank you for reading The Controversy. GBD

    2. The following comment was posted on a David Cassidy fan page on Facebook at 2:19 a.m. on March 29th, 2017. It is from the same reader as above, as she replied to my earlier response to her. My column is posted on the aforementioned David Cassidy fan page and since the writer's full name appeared on Facebook, it will be posted here too.

      "I did like the story. I hope he reads it. According to what I read about how to talk to celebrities, you did fine. It is advised to only talk about career. I would like to help him through this dementia. If it is alcohol related dementia, it is reversible through proper diet, medication, and exercise." - Diane Saks

    3. The following response by Gary B. Duglin was posted on a David Cassidy fan page in response to the comment made above. It was posted at 11:44 p.m. on April 3rd, 2017.

      Diane, thank you for your kind words. When I bumped in to David Cassidy on a line in a bank 38 years ago, I had already had some experience - albeit not much - interviewing celebrities. That, of course, was not my intention when David and I chatted. Since then, however, I spent many years in local radio hosting shows whereby I interviewed famous people from all walks of life and later hosted - for 7 years - the nationally syndicated radio program, Gary B. Duglin Talks With The Stars; a program where I interviewed television, motion picture, music and Broadway performers. I mention all of this just to give you a bit of my background since you happened to compliment me about my chat with David. But, as I noted, my conversation with David was when I was only 24 years old and working in the production area of network television shows and, therefore, I was not trying to be a reporter with him, but merely a friendly person, who happened to be standing on a line at a bank with him, and who wanted to praise him for his work in show business. David made it a pleasurable experience for me and I hope I made it one for him. As for now, I thank you again for reading The Controversy. GBD

  26. The following comment was posted on a David Cassidy fan page on Facebook at 7:04 a.m. on May 26th, 2017. My column is posted on that page and since the writer's full name appeared on Facebook, it will be posted here too.

    "Lovely story." - Angela Price

    1. The following response by Gary B. Duglin was posted on a David Cassidy fan page in response to the comment made above. It was posted at 11:23 p.m. on May 26th, 2017.

      Thank you very much, Angela, for your kind sentiment. I truly appreciate your words and I'm sure that David Cassidy will too. GBD

  27. I really enjoyed reading your story. I also met David in 1979 and got to have a conversation with him. He was just as nice and sweet as he could be. I was lucky and had a camera with me, I have a great picture of him and his then-wife Kay with me standing between them. I've always thought that his acting talent was vastly underrated, and I love that episode of Marcus Welby too!

    1. Thank you so very much for your kind words about my column. I'm sure that David Cassidy would be most grateful for your warm sentiments about him. I appreciate you reading The Controversy. GBD

  28. The following comment was posted on a David Cassidy fan page on Facebook at 3:47 a.m. on June 26th, 2017. My column is posted on that page and since the writer's full name appeared on Facebook, it will be posted here too.

    "Thank you Gary for sharing your lovely story....think meeting at a natural base helps the conversation flow.... wish a cure for this devastating illness....wish David nothing but the best and love you shared this heartfelt story....so wish it had been me!....love n kisses, Gwen Mitchell xx"

    1. The following response by Gary B. Duglin was posted on a David Cassidy fan page in response to the comment made above. It was posted at 7:20 p.m. on June 26th, 2017.

      Thank you very much, Gwen for your kind words about my column. I'm sure David Cassidy would greatly appreciate your warm sentiments and I am grateful for your sweet thoughts about my essay. Thank you for reading The Controversy. GBD

  29. The following comment was posted on a David Cassidy fan page on Facebook at 7:06 p.m. on June 26th, 2017. My column is posted on that page and since the writer's full name appeared on Facebook, it will be posted here too.

    "Your story about David, Gary, is heartwarming to read. Thank you for writing your thoughts and feelings down about David and thank you for sharing them." - Fran Brennan

    1. The following response by Gary B. Duglin was posted on a David Cassidy fan page in response to the comment made above. It was posted at 7:30 p.m. on June 26th, 2017.

      Thank you very much, Fran, for your kind words about my column on David Cassidy. I'm sure David would appreciate your warm thoughts. I am grateful to you for your sweet sentiments and thank you for reading The Controversy. GBD

  30. How super lucky you were to have met and talked to David. He has been in many hearts through several decades, and now we all face the pain of what David is going through now.
    Prayers aren't much but right now that's all we can do. I believe God has lifted David up in his loving arms and will do what he feels is right. We have to believe that. With that said, God speed to David and much love to the rest of the Cassidy family. Your all in our prayers.

    1. Patricia, thank you so very much for your sweet sentiments. I'm sure that David would appreciate your heartfelt thoughts and prayers. Thank you for taking the time to express your comments and thank you for reading The Controversy. GBD

  31. The comment below by Jennifer V. Aiken was tweeted to Gary B. Duglin at his Twitter feed on November 19th, 2017 at 1:36 a.m. in response to Gary's tweet at 6:59 p.m. on November 18th, 2017 to David Cassidy's brother, Shaun Cassidy. Gary had responded to a 3:00 p.m., November 18th, 2017 tweet from Shaun to David's fans.

    Shaun Cassidy‏

    Thank you for all your love and good wishes for David. It means the world to all of us.

    3:00 PM - 18 Nov 2017

    Gary B. Duglin‏

    Replying to @shaunpcassidy

    David's fans, if you didn't read my column, MY 35 MINUTES WITH DAVID CASSIDY, published at The Controversy on 3/14/17, pls read it. Pls click on the following link. Thank you. http://www.thecontroversy.net/2017/03/my-35-minutes-with-david-cassidy.html … Shaun, pls share with David & relay to him my prayers.

    6:59 PM - 18 Nov 2017

    Jennifer V. Aiken

    Replying to @GaryBDuglin @shaunpcassidy

    Beautiful story Gary and I have had my own such experience with a man I will always call friend. #DavidCassidy #GodBlessYou

    1:36 AM - 19 Nov 2017

    1. The following is Gary B. Duglin's response to Jennifer V. Aiken's comment above, which Gary tweeted at 9:20 a.m. on November 19th, 2017. The tweet was also sent to Shaun Cassidy.

      Gary B. Duglin‏

      Replying to @LadyJ5569 @shaunpcassidy

      Jennifer, thank you so much for your sweet sentiments. I have posted your comment below my column about David at The Controversy. And thank you, Shaun for retweeting my original message so that more of David's fans are able to read my story about your warm & thoughtful brother.

      9:20 AM - 19 Nov 2017

  32. The comment below was tweeted to Gary B. Duglin at his Twitter feed on November 19th, 2017 at the time noted in response to Gary's earlier tweet, also below.

    Denise Bathory‏

    Denise Bathory Retweeted Gary B. Duglin

    Thanks for sharing, I thoroughly enjoyed the read! Denise Bathory

    11:35 AM - 19 Nov 2017

    Gary B. Duglin

    Replying to @CassidyUnited

    If you didn't read my column, MY 35 MINUTES WITH DAVID CASSIDY, published at The Controversy on 3/14/17, I hope you will pls read it now as David Cassidy is in a Florida hospital with liver and kidney failure. Pls click on http://www.thecontroversy.net/2017/03/my-35-minutes-with-david-cassidy.html … Pls retweet.

    1. The following is Gary B. Duglin's response to the comment above, which Gary tweeted at 11:38 a.m. on November 19th, 2017.

      Gary B. Duglin‏

      Replying to @DeniseBathory

      Thank you so very much, Denise, for your kind words about my column about David Cassidy. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. Do appreciate.

      11:38 AM - 19 Nov 2017

  33. The comment below was tweeted to Gary B. Duglin at his Twitter feed on November 19th, 2017 at the time noted in response to an earlier tweet by Gary.

    Annie Rich‏

    Replying to @GaryBDuglin @CassidyUnited

    What a chance meeting. thank you for sharing. think I'd have pinched David to make sure he was real and I wasn't Day Dreaming. such a sweet loveable caring person. I pray David recovers. he's too young to be taken away from us. Memories last forever; stories in our minds no one can steal.

    11:44 AM - 19 Nov 2017

    1. The following is Gary B. Duglin's response to the comment above, which Gary tweeted at 11:53 a.m. on November 19th, 2017.

      Gary B. Duglin‏

      Replying to @ANNIERICH589 @CassidyUnited

      Thank you so very much, Annie, for your sweet sentiments and your kind words. I do appreciate it.

      11:53 AM - 19 Nov 2017

    2. The comment below was tweeted to Gary B. Duglin at his Twitter feed on November 19th, 2017 at the time noted in response to Gary's tweet above.

      Annie Rich‏

      Replying to @GaryBDuglin @CassidyUnited

      I've shared you meeting with David on my Facebook page. hope that's OK. forgot to ask you first.

      11:58 AM - 19 Nov 2017

    3. The following is Gary B. Duglin's response to the comment above, which Gary tweeted at the time noted.

      Gary B. Duglin‏

      Replying to @ANNIERICH589 @CassidyUnited

      Perfectly fine. That's wonderful of you to do that, Annie. I appreciate it. Please, though, include a link to The Controversy. I hope others will enjoy reading my column as much as you. Thanks very much. http://www.thecontroversy.net/2017/03/my-35-minutes-with-david-cassidy.html

      12:01 PM - 19 Nov 2017

  34. Gary, Thanks for sharing your story. It is truly heartbreaking to know David is suffering with this illness. My whole music career began as I watched the Partridge Family in Canada as a youngster, following in his songsteps. Writing and singing and becoming a musician. I was truly blessed for his voice and music. God bless David always.

    1. Suzanne, thank you very much for your kind remarks about my column and your thoughtful sentiments about David. I'm sure he would appreciate your sweet words. GBD

  35. The comment below was tweeted to Gary B. Duglin at his Twitter feed on November 20th, 2017 at the time noted in response to a tweet from Gary on November 19th, 2017.

    Ebony Angel‏

    Replying to @GaryBDuglin @CassidyUnited

    Thank you. A wonderful lovely article & I'm going to keep it forever. http://www.thecontroversy.net/2017/03/my-35-minutes-with-david-cassidy.html

    2:32 AM - 20 Nov 2017

    1. The following is Gary B. Duglin's response to the comment above, which Gary tweeted at the time noted.

      Gary B. Duglin‏

      Replying to @E80NYANGEL @CassidyUnited

      Thank you so very much for your kind thoughts, Ebony Angel. I truly appreciate your sweet and generous words.

      10:19 AM - 20 Nov 2017

    2. The comment below was tweeted to Gary B. Duglin at his Twitter feed on November 20th, 2017 at the time noted in response to his tweet above.

      Ebony Angel‏

      Replying to @GaryBDuglin @CassidyUnited

      It's you who wrote the article - your brilliant words!

      4:59 PM - 20 Nov 2017

    3. The following is Gary B. Duglin's response to the comment above, which Gary tweeted at the time noted.

      Gary B. Duglin‏

      Replying to @E80NYANGEL @CassidyUnited

      Most kind of you, Ebony. I truly thank you very much.

      5:49 PM - 20 Nov 2017

  36. The comment below was tweeted to Gary B. Duglin at his Twitter feed on November 20th, 2017 at the time noted in response to a tweet from Gary on November 18th, 2017.

    Suzanne Hundric‏

    Replying to @GaryBDuglin @shaunpcassidy

    Beautiful article, thanks so much for sharing with David's fans. I had a feeling in my heart that he is a nice person and now I know I'm right. I have been praying for him. Peace & God bless you.

    8:05 AM - 20 Nov 2017

    1. The following is Gary B. Duglin's response to the comment above, which Gary tweeted at the time noted.

      Gary B. Duglin‏

      Replying to @SuzanneHundric @shaunpcassidy

      Suzanne, thank you so very much for your kind words about my column on David Cassidy. I had hoped that David's fans would enjoy my story and I'm glad that you did. I'm sure David would appreciate your sweet sentiments for him. Thanks again for your lovely thoughts.

      11:10 AM - 20 Nov 2017

  37. The comment below was tweeted to Gary B. Duglin at his Twitter feed on November 20th, 2017 at the time noted in response to a tweet from Gary on November 18th, 2017.

    Dianne Hamlin‏

    Replying to @GaryBDuglin @shaunpcassidy

    Thanks for sharing your memory with David's many fans. I didn't know of it until now. It's very comforting at this difficult time. #Prayers

    4:15 PM - 20 Nov 2017

    1. The following is Gary B. Duglin's response to the comment above, which Gary tweeted at the time noted.

      Gary B. Duglin‏

      Replying to @dhhamlin01 @shaunpcassidy

      Thank you so much, Dianne for your kind words and sweet sentiments. I do appreciate it.

      4:36 PM - 20 Nov 2017

  38. The comment below by Lori Milburn was tweeted to Gary B. Duglin at his Twitter feed on November 20th, 2017, at the time noted, in response to Gary's tweet at 6:59 p.m. on November 18th, 2017 to David Cassidy's brother, Shaun Cassidy. Gary had responded to a 3:00 p.m., November 18th, 2017 tweet from Shaun to David's fans.

    Shaun Cassidy‏

    Thank you for all your love and good wishes for David. It means the world to all of us.

    3:00 PM - 18 Nov 2017

    Gary B. Duglin‏

    Replying to @shaunpcassidy

    David's fans, if you didn't read my column, MY 35 MINUTES WITH DAVID CASSIDY, published at The Controversy on 3/14/17, pls read it. Pls click on the following link. Thank you. http://www.thecontroversy.net/2017/03/my-35-minutes-with-david-cassidy.html … Shaun, pls share with David & relay to him my prayers.

    6:59 PM - 18 Nov 2017

    Lori Milburn‏

    Replying to @GaryBDuglin @shaunpcassidy

    I read your story. What a great memory for you whether it was 35 minutes or 35 hours! Thank you for sharing.

    8:21 PM - 20 Nov 2017

    1. The following is Gary B. Duglin's response to Lori Milburn's comment above, which Gary tweeted at the time noted. The tweet was also sent to Shaun Cassidy.

      Gary B. Duglin‏

      Replying to @milburn1964 @shaunpcassidy

      Thank you so very much, Lori, for your kind words about my column. It is my pleasure to share with you my memorable experience of the gracious and thoughtful David Cassidy. Thanks again.

      9:07 PM - 20 Nov 2017

  39. The comment below was tweeted to Gary B. Duglin at his Twitter feed on November 20th, 2017 - at the time noted - in response to an earlier tweet from Gary.


    Replying to @GaryBDuglin @shaunpcassidy

    Enjoyed reading your story about chatting with David Cassidy. I am sincerely praying that in this time, he's aware of how very much he did achieve that goal of spreading love. He's brought a lot of joy to people.

    9:18 PM - 20 Nov 2017

    1. The following is Gary B. Duglin's response to the comment above, which Gary tweeted at the time noted.

      Gary B. Duglin‏

      Replying to @rjames1928 @shaunpcassidy

      Thanks very much, RJ, for your kind words about my column. I had hoped that since 3/14/17 when I first published the piece that it got to David. Hopefully Shaun will do that now. I think David would appreciate reading it & all the beautiful comments from other fans such as you.

      9:28 PM - 20 Nov 2017

  40. What a great story. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. It is my pleasure to share with you - and other David Cassidy fans - the genuine warmth and friendliness of a gracious and thoughtful celebrity. Of course - last March - when I wrote my column above, I never thought we would lose David so soon. And when you - last night - expressed your comment above, it was before David passed away. He is now at peace...and we can remember him through his music, his acting and - as David said - through the "love" he "spread" during his life. GBD

  41. Rest in peace, David Cassidy. Thank you very much again for those 35 minutes back in 1979. I will always remember your kindness. I will always remember you.

    David had been battling dementia, but died Tuesday night, November 21st, 2017 after being hospitalized the week before because of liver and kidney failure. He was 67.

    I wrote the column above - published on March 14th, 2017 - to share with other fans...the genuine warmth and friendliness of a gracious and thoughtful celebrity. MY 35 MINUTES WITH DAVID CASSIDY paints a picture about a hell of a nice guy. I hope my words put smiles on the faces of all of you who are today sad by the death of David Cassidy.

    Gary B. Duglin

    1. Thank you, Gary. I am sad today, but your column did make me smile. You are a kind and gracious man.

    2. Thank you so very much for your kind and generous words. I am truly grateful for...and do appreciate... your sweet sentiments. GBD

  42. The comment below was tweeted to Gary B. Duglin at his Twitter feed on November 21st, 2017 - at the time noted, which was prior to the death of David Cassidy - in response to an earlier tweet from Gary.

    The Partridge Family‏

    Replying to @GaryBDuglin

    Thank you (with four hearts).

    7:33 PM - 21 Nov 2017

    1. The following is Gary B. Duglin's response to the comment above, which Gary tweeted at the time noted.

      Gary B. Duglin‏

      Replying to @RetroPartridge

      You're welcome.

      9:26 PM - 21 Nov 2017

    2. The following is an additional response by Gary B. Duglin to @RetroPartridge's comment above, which Gary tweeted at the time noted.

      Gary B. Duglin‏

      Replying to @RetroPartridge

      P.S. to my earlier reply to you, RetroPartridge. Thank you for the four hearts. I'm sure David would appreciate them too.

      8:21 AM - 22 Nov 2017

  43. Wow! I loved your article! I imagine him to be just as you say....if only it were me in line next to him at the bank! Swoon....I would’ve liked more details....like every word of your conversation..what he smelled like and if he was really as gorgeous as his photos! Haha! Thanks for sharing!.

    1. I appreciate your thoughts, Leslie. Thank you so very much for your kind words about my column. Thanks to the Internet you read my commentary more than a year after it was published and, as you know, David Cassidy is sadly no longer with us. However, I'm sure that he would have been most grateful to read your sweet sentiments too. GBD

  44. I also had a chance meeting with David Cassidy. He was my teen idol. To meet him in my twenties was wonderful. When I was twelve and he would have been twenty two I would have been an annoying tween! In my twenties and he being eleven years older we could have an adult conversation! He was pleasant, kind , and so sweet! I continued to follow his career up to his death. What a sad day for my heart. I enjoyed your article.

    1. Thank you so very much, Debbie, for your thoughts about David Cassidy and your kind words about my column. Indeed David was "pleasant, kind, and so sweet" when he and I talked. He was charming and it is sad that he passed so soon. I'm glad you had the opportunity to meet David too. I appreciate that you enjoyed my commentary. Thanks to the Internet you read my column more than a year after it was published and unfortunately David is no longer with us. But I'm sure he would have been most grateful to read your lovely remarks too. GBD

  45. Thanks so much for sharing your story. It was so lovely to read as being a David Cassidy fan myself in Australia in the early 70s. Unfortunately we can not live forever in our own flesh. David Casdidy touched my life and billions of others. He has definitely been remembered in the way he wanted. He will never be forgotten by his fans and his music will live on. Thanks again for sharing I have enjoyed reading.
    Regards Therese

    1. Thank you so very much, Therese, for your sweet sentiments about my column. I appreciate your kind words. Thanks to the Internet you read my commentary more than a year after it was published. Sadly David Cassidy passed away too soon, but I'm sure he would have been grateful to read your lovely thoughts about him. I'm glad you enjoyed my tribute to him. GBD

  46. What a wonderful experience for you both. I am sure that David enjoyed just been able to chat to someone in a bank queue as if he was not a famous person. It must have been like a breathe of fresh air for him to just chat away to someone who was not declaring undying love for him or who was tongue tied. Bless you for giving him 35 minutes where he could just be himself. You say he would not remember you - he probably didn't but I would bet that he would remember the experience with as much pleasure as you do. So happy that you shared this with all of us x x x

    1. Leigh, thank you so very much for your beautiful words. I greatly appreciate your kindness and your sweet sentiments about my column and about my visit with David Cassidy. I'm truly grateful for your lovely comments. I certainly hope that my 35 minutes with David was as much a pleasure to him, as it was to me. I tried to get my column with the dozens of reader remarks to David before he passed away, but I'm not sure he ever got a chance to read everything. But many thanks again to you for your warmth. All the best to you. GBD

  47. i always saw the Patridge family from young one and i dont know how old i was watching it everyday from school, i refound David again when he diagnosed himself with dementia, i was shocked to hear this on Dr Phil, i been following him again since, he has touched so many lives with music, song he is a great person missed by many may he rest in peace. Thanks for your kind words Leigh.

  48. Loved your article and kind words about David. He always seemed like a warm, loving individual who just wanted to be validated. I loved him in concert, his music and TPF. He made an impact on me that I will never forget.

    We all just want to feel connected. You made a difference to him that day by y talking to him. He just wanted to thought of as a "normal" guy and not Keith. Great that you were able to share this with your readers. THANK YOU so much!

  49. Hello Mr. Duglin,
    Your experience with David Cassidy only confirms my own impression of him. I always thought he was a sensitive, caring human being who just wanted to share his talent with the world and be loved for who he really was--not the made-up icon the press invented. I don't judge him for his alcoholism nor for the dementia that set in right before he died. I could never have anything but warm feelings toward him, even despite his flaws. And I believe all David really wanted was our acceptance of him for who he really was. David wanted our 'true love'--the kind that can see through and withstand the ugly side of our human nature. And I think he wanted that because he truly loved his fans. Thank you for sharing your experience with David. It has enriched my memories of him!
