Thursday, March 30, 2017


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     You just read the words in my title above.  And you're hearing them...or seeing first.  Or maybe not.  After all...some of you may be thinking the same as me.  

     The United States needs Hillary Clinton. We cannot allow Donald Trump - or any Republican - to deprive America...from benefiting from someone...who would be a phenomenal President and an outstanding Commander-In-Chief.  

     Unfortunately, there are Democrats... there are liberals and progressives...who abandoned Mrs. Clinton in 2016...and who still do not want to include her in their comfort zone.  But I am enthusiastically confident...that after Donald Trump...those Democrats - along with a large percentage of Independents - would jump on the "Hillary Clinton in 2020" bandwagon. And if Bernie Sanders is her running mate...the "Bernie Backers" of last year...would run with the rest of us Democrats...all the way across the finish line. 

     Oh I can just imagine some of my readers...and other Americans saying...that by the time the 2020 general election comes along, Hillary Clinton will be 73 years old...and Bernie Sanders will be one year shy of being classified an octogenarian.  But as the saying goes..."70 is the new 50."  So when you think about it...73 for the former Secretary of State... and 79 for the U.S. Senator from Vermont...really shouldn't enter in to the equation when factoring in the amount of experience, background, knowledge, wisdom, leadership ability and compassion for people that are excelled by both these statespersons.  A Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders partnership would be a political punch that would pummel the Republican Presidential nominees in 2020...whether they are Donald Trump and Mike Pence...or no matter what pair the GOP chooses to head their ticket.

     Nearly 66-million Americans voted for Hillary Clinton in give her a popular vote victory.  There were millions of other Democrats...and Independents... who selfishly stayed home on November 8th of last year...and who - with self-centered minds - didn't want to make the effort to go to the polls to cast their ballots.  There were others who simply decided to vote for a variety of so-called... "third-party candidates"...even though they knew their vote was being thrown away. But after Donald Trump...I don't think anybody will be ignoring the ballot box on Election Day 2020.  All those Democrats and Independents who didn't vote in 2016... will not make that same mistake...the next time around.  And no matter who the Democratic nominee is...he or she will be supported by all Democrats.

     According to the national Gallup Poll of Wednesday, March 29th, 2017... Donald Trump's approval rating has dropped to 35 percent.  And in the tenth week of his Administration, it's the worst number for any President in modern U.S. history. As such...Trump's polling has sunk to the depths of a Texas oil well.  

     Americans are already looking towards the 2020 election...and to what Democrat can defeat "The Donald" - (that is if he's even still President throughout his entire current term).  And if he's not...then voters are thinking this early in the what Democrat can beat whomever the Republicans pit to face their opposition.

     Americans still crave Hillary Clinton.  Americans still deserve Hillary Clinton.  And I think Hillary Clinton can still be elected the first woman President of the United States.  Yes I know there are those of you who will insist that Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders would never get the Democratic nomination, let alone win The White House.  My answer to that is this.  Nobody really thought Donald Trump could ever win.

     There is, however, the possibility that Secretary Clinton will not want to go through it all again. And if another campaign for President is not in her.. well...I'll be disappointed, but I'll certainly respect her decision.  Who knows?  Come Election Day 2020...former Vice President Joe Biden's age will be 77...and still able to meet the challenge.    

     The year 1386 is credited for being the year when the proverb "Better late than never" was supposedly first spoken.  And 2016 was the year that staunch supporters of Hillary Clinton campaigned their hearts put her behind The Oval Office desk...but without success.  Still...strong advocates of this former Secretary of State...this former U.S. Senator...and this former First Lady...unequivocally believe that Mrs. Clinton is the best choice to lead our country.  And that with Senator Bernie Sanders at her side...Secretary Clinton would skyrocket the United States of America to heights of economic prosperity...never before seen in our nation's history. That with a President Hillary Clinton...peace on Earth...and happiness for each and every American...would be achieved.

     It may be more than three-and-a-half years before the next Presidential election in November 2020...but for a winning combination of Hillary Clinton and Bernie's better late...than never.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Photo credits: National Review (Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton), The Huffington Post (Senator Bernie Sanders), Politico (Former Vice President Joe Biden) and CNN (Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders)

Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. You want an unindicted criminal and a socialist to be President and Vice President? Just bring out a paper shredder and shred the Constitution. Then tear down all the monuments and memorials to the founders in DC, they would be turning in their graves. Tear down the memorials for all those who died defending our country and the US Constitution, if this came to pass they may have died in vain. That would truly be the end of the United States of America. Schools could start teaching “The Communist Manifesto” instead of the Bill of Rights. You showed your true colors with this one.

    1. 1) There is no such thing as an "unindicted criminal." There has never been any proof, not a shred of evidence that Hillary Clinton ever committed a crime.

      2) Our nation's founders would be proud if these two great statespersons - Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders - were our President and Vice President. Hillary and Bernie would uphold the U.S. Constitution.

      3) Your comment that if they were in office it "would truly be the end of the United States of America" is total nonsense.

      4) You really don't have a clue as to what America is all about. "The Communist Manifesto instead of the Bill of Rights?" Shame on you.

      5) When Republicans realize that the United States in many ways is a socialist country, you and your friends will be better off.

      6) My "true colors" are bright with Democratic, liberal, progressive ideals. And that's what makes the United States of America, the great nation that it is and will always be.


  2. 1) Director Comey stated on July 5th “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information” a crime. Not to mention everything that Comey was told not to find or say by the AG, the White House or maybe the President.
    2) Our Founder aren’t just turning they are spinning in their graves for someone to think these two are great statespersons. These two have never show any respect or honoring of the Constitution why would you think they would uphold it they never have before.
    3) I’ll rephrase my statement “it would be the end of the United States of America as we know it”!
    4) "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" from the Communist Manifesto by Marx and is what the Democrats, Obama, Clinton, Sanders and the rest of them have been pushing on America for years “redistribution of wealth” it the same as Marx! The words may be different but the meaning is the same.
    5) Much of those socialist programs are what is killing this country, right down the drain that President Obama and the Democrats aimed for.
    6) Those ideals are killing this country; they are filled with envy, jealousy, resentfulness and sometimes even outright hate. Your way is killing America!

    1. 1) What a shame that you are such a hater. I think I know who you are because I get a sense of the style of writing from certain regular readers of The Controversy. And you must stop already about what FBI Director James Comey said in his testimony to Congress. The bottom line is...Comey stated that Hillary Clinton did not commit any illegal action while Secretary of State with regards to e-mails or e-mail servers. Comey was very, very clear that no prosecutor would ever take to court any case that deals with Mrs. Clinton and the e-mails or servers, as she did absolutely nothing that was criminal or prosecutorial. Secretary Clinton is innocent of any wrongdoing whatsoever. She did nothing inappropriate at all, and nothing illegal. If she had, then the FBI would have presented evidence to the Attorney General. There is no evidence, no proof at all that Mrs. Clinton did anything wrong. Your remarks that the Attorney General, The White House or President Obama ever "told" Comey not to indict Mrs. Clinton is so despicable on your part that it only proves your hatred towards Hillary Clinton. So STOP already with your hating. It makes you look very, very foolish. Even Republicans in Congress have stopped their accusations about Secretary Clinton. So you need to stop too.

      2) Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders both respect and honor the U.S. Constitution. My column and my previous response to you speak for themselves.

      3) My answer previously speaks for itself.

      4) America was built on the wealthy helping the middle class and poor. That's the way it should always be.

      5) Social Security is socialism. Medicare is socialism. Medicaid is socialism. The VA is socialism. But you probably know that. But how 'bout these? Highways and roads are socialism. We have a taxpayer funded national highway system. The military is socialism - perhaps the largest form of socialism, paid mostly by American tax dollars. A library is socialism. You get a library card and then you can read for free - 1 book...or 1-million books. Forever. All your life. Your police and fire departments are socialism programs. Taxpayer funded and you pay nothing as you need them. Do you really want to pay a fee every time you need a cop or a firefighter? I can just see you turning to a police officer for help and the cop turns and says..."Will that be Visa, Master Card, American Express or Discover?" The post office is socialism. If you never pay for a stamp, you can receive mail...for free. Tax payers pay for you to get your mail. I could go on and on and on, but America IS a socialist country.

      6) My response to you earlier speaks for itself. The liberal progressive way is the only way. It makes America great and continues to make it great. It will always keep America great.


  3. 1) I am not a hater; just because someone believes differently then you, doesn’t make them a hater. I believe she broke the law and should have gone before a grand-jury, that doesn’t make me a hater. I also believe that the Administration protected her and pressured Comey not to request an indictment, still doesn’t make me a hater. You and the left love to try and make anyone who disagrees with you into the bad guy or as you put it a “hater”. Your words show who the real hater is and it’s not me.
    2) In my opinion Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders both have never shown me that they respect or honor the U.S. Constitution. All I have to do is see the bills they supported in the Senate and the actions they have taken, both show me their disrespect for the founding laws of this Country.
    3)I stand by my phrase “as we know it.”
    4) I stand by my statement that the left is more in favor of the Communist Manifesto then the Bill of Rights.
    5) Social Security is socialist program that people paid into as is Medicare, both in financial trouble. Medicaid is welfare and people never paid directly into it. The VA is NOT socialism it is a benefit given to those who have served our country. Just because something is taxpayer funded doesn’t make it socialism. What the Communist Manifesto is about is the transfer of wealth directly from one person to another by the government, as Democrats and former President Obama had called for “the redistribution of wealth”. The US Government should not be playing Robin Hood! Your statement that “America IS a socialist country” is what will cause the demise of America as we know it.
    6) Capitalism, hard work, personal-responsibility, pride in what you do, love of Country and of the Constitution is what makes America great and will make it great or greater if we stick to those simple ways.

    1. 1) Believing in something when a matter of opinion is justified then that doesn't make you a hater. Believing in something when no opinion is justified, because of facts in a case, makes you a hater. The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has stated that Hillary Clinton has not committed any crime, no illegal activity of any kind, and therefore there is no reason for any indictment. There is no reason for anyone to think that she could be prosecuted because she did absolutely nothing wrong. A grand jury cannot indict when there is no evidence of wrongdoing. So for you to continue to use Hillary Clinton as a punching bag makes you a hater. Period. My words do not make me a hater. My words makes me understand FACTS.

      2) Now that is your opinion. I disagree - as per my column and earlier answers to you.

      3) Again, my column and earlier answers stand for themselves.

      4) You are disgraceful, disgraceful, disgraceful by making such a comment.

      5) My column and answers to you previously stand. And yes - in many ways - America IS a socialist country.

      6) My column and answers to you previously stand. Liberals, progressives, Democrats believe in working, believe in personal responsibility, believe in pride in what we do, certainly love our country and the U.S. Constitution, and the Democratic, liberal, progressive way is what makes America great.

      I think I'm done with you here.

