Saturday, March 4, 2017


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     Donald Trump - on Saturday morning, March 4th, 2017 - blatantly accused former President Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower?  This fantastic fantasy is something I would expect to be created out of the mind of a Hollywood screenwriter. But's been invented...and a man who does not have the mental capacity to be our nation's Commander-In-Chief.  Trump is proving - more and more everyday - that he is not of sound mind...and, therefore, he must step down as President of the United States of America.    

     Throughout the last twenty-one months, I have called Donald Trump everything from mentally someone who does not have the temperament to be a person totally unfit to be sitting behind The Oval Office desk.  I was making those statements long before most other journalists or most other Americans were saying so...and - at the time - I was criticized...and chastised...for my remarks.  But now...the vast majority of people in our country...agree with my evaluation from 2015. 

     I have blamed Trump for being rude...offensive...disrespectful...and that he has acted in a despicable manner towards Americans that in no way deserve to be treated so horrendously.  I have also - on a number of occasions - labeled Trump just as paranoid as The Caine Mutiny's Captain Queeg.   But now...I am clearly stating that Donald Trump plain English...NUTS!  And therefore, I am calling for the 45th President of the United States to resign.

     How in the world is Trump thinking that President Obama bugged Trump Tower? There is reportedly no evidence proof of any kind...that the former President wiretapped Trump's telephones.  These are unfounded and unwarranted claims by a man who is a danger to our country...a danger to our citizens...and a danger to himself.

     Early Saturday morning, March 4th, Donald Trump began a firestorm of tweets.

     "Terrible!  Just found out that Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower just before the victory.  Nothing found.  This is McCarthyism!" DONALD TRUMP, 6:35 A.M.

     "Is it legal for a sitting President to be 'wiretapping' a race for president prior to an election?  Turned down by court earlier.  A NEW LOW!" DONALD TRUMP, 6:49 A.M.

     "I'll bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!" DONALD TRUMP, 6:52 A.M.

     "How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process.  This is Nixon/Watergate.  Bad (or sick) guy!" DONALD TRUMP, 7:02 A.M.

     With those four tweets noted above, Donald Trump has not offered any proof at all for his extremely serious allegations against President Obama.  Trump has not provided...and will not be able to provide...any evidence to support or corroborate his claims.

     Meanwhile a spokesman for Barack Obama says the former President strongly denies Trump's accusations.  A statement from Kevin Lewis reads as follows.  "A cardinal rule of the Obama Administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice.  As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen.  Any suggestion otherwise is simply false."

     A FISA warrant would've had to be issued by FISA Court judges...and - to this point - there is no credibility to a column published on Friday night, March 3rd by the right-wing news organization, Breitbart.  That article claims the Obama Administration obtained authorization to eavesdrop on Donald Trump and his campaign for President. Let me remind you that Trump's Chief White House Strategist is Stephen Bannon, who is the former executive chairman of Breitbart.  The FISA Court - officially the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court - was established and authorized under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.  Any warrant issued by the FISA Court is classified information...and, as this column is published, Trump's allegations are totally false.

     Democrats and most Republicans agree that Vladimir Putin and his Russian spies did indeed meddle in the November 8th, 2016 Presidential election...and that they did influence and affect the outcome so that Hillary Clinton would not win.  If there was collusion with Russia by Donald Trump's senior staff...or by Trump himself...or that Trump has covered-up by any means such illegal action...or that he or his campaign participated in the illegal disruption of our election process then - if proven true - the impeachment and conviction of Donald Trump...and his removal from office...would be justified.  There is no definitive evidence, to date, that Trump was involved...or "in cahoots"...with Putin and the Russians...but it is unquestionably imperative that an independent investigation be ordered so that Americans are fully informed of absolutely everything pertaining to this matter.  That being said... Trump's accusations on March 4th...whereby he points the finger at President Obama for criminal activity during the Presidential beyond the means of any sane individual...let alone the President of our country.  And therefore...Donald Trump must resign.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Gary, President Trump should not resign, none of us know if the Obama Administration did or did not spy on President Trump’s offices, his campaign or any of his people. The New York Times on January 20th on their front page reported: “WIRETAPPED DATA USED IN INQUIRY OF TRUMP AIDS”. Who wiretapped who, who requested the tap and was it with a court order (warrant)? That is what needs to be answered. As for Russia and Putin, the report by 17 US intelligent agencies stated there is NO evidence that there was any collusion between President Trump and or his campaign with the Russians or Putin. We now have WikiLeaks releasing CIA documents showing how you can hack into a server/email server using Russian malware that would lead any investigator to believe that the Russians had hacked the sever (even our best forensic experts), so with this new news do we even know if the Russians really hacked the DNC or was it someone else? I don’t like WikiLeaks but we all must admit their information does seem to be real. So I say again there is NO REASON for President Trump to resign and it is shown in the USA Today poll completed on March 5 (after his tweets about wiretaps) showing he has a 47% approval rating. Giving the President high marks for leadership amid growing economic optimism, why with 47% approval should he resign? Could it be the left doesn’t like what he is doing, I think so! What he is doing is what he promised to do during his campaign and is why he got elected.

    1. You do like to make up numbers. The Gallup Poll this week has Donald Trump's approval rating at 42 percent. Quinnipiac has him at 41 percent and Pew Research has Trump in the cellar with a 38 percent approval rating.

      NOBODY...not one Republican in Congress has come forward and stated that Trump was correct with his firestorm of tweets claiming that President Obama bugged Trump Tower. Therefore, my column above stands for itself.

      Day after day, Donald Trump proves that he is dangerous. As I have written in the past, Trump WILL resign...or he will be impeached, convicted and removed from office. It's happening. It will happen. Watch and see.


  2. Gary, I am not a Democrat, I DO NOT MAKE UP NUMBERS! From the new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll published March 7, 2017: “The survey, taken Wednesday through Sunday, shows Trump getting little bounce from his well-received address to Congress last week or from a brightening view of the country's direction. Instead, 47% approve of the job he's doing and 44% disapprove, a bit better than some other recent polls.” As for the wiretapping please explain the Democrats favorite source’s January 20, 2017 front page story: “WIRETAPPED DATA USED IN INQUIRY OF TRUMP AIDS”. Who wiretapped who, who requested the tap and was it with a court order (warrant)? Until we get those questions answered none of us knows the truth and none of us should judge. As for your comment : “Therefore, my column above stands for itself” but it stands without facts. I don’t believe he will resign or be impeached, your comments are proof of your (I’ll be nice)dislike for the Republicans and for President Trump!

    1. No numbers have been "made up." The USA Today poll is an outlier. The polls noted above are more accurate.

      If you really believe that Donald Trump's address to Congress was "well-received" and that it showed "a brightening view of the country's direction" then you must not have your finger on the pulse of the majority of Americans.

      Republicans in Congress have come forward and denounced Trump's claims that President Obama had Trump Tower bugged. FBI Director James Comey has said this did not happen. I certainly am not a fan of Comey after what he did to destroy Hillary Clinton's chances at winning the Presidency, but at least he has had the balls to come forward and tell the truth that no wiretapping was done. And if you believe that the President of the United States performed such action illegally, then you're just as bad as Trump. There is a good possibility that President Obama could file legal action against Trump for both libel and slander. You want questions answered, then Trump needs to get off his ass and tell the people of our country about any evidence he has to prove his claim against President Obama. Trump cannot do that because there is no evidence. And why? Because it never happened. Trump is a delusional, pathological liar who has no business sitting behind The Oval Office desk. This man should not have access to the nuclear codes. He is a danger to our nation.

      Yes, my column above stands for itself. And if Donald Trump does not change - which he likely will not - he will not survive his term as President. He will be impeached, convicted and removed from office...or...he will be forced to resign.


  3. Every poll you don’t like is an outlier, maybe your left wing polls are wrong, they were wrong on November 8th, which had nothing to do with Comey! Comey has not publicly said it didn’t happen, an unnamed source claims that Comey asked the Justice Dept. to publicly reject President Trump’s assertions, there is NO proof that he did. The Justice Department has not rejected it. You still didn’t answer the question about the favorite news source for the left, the New York Times which said on January 20,2017 on a front page story: WIRETAPPED DATA USED IN INQUIRY OF TRUMP AIDS”. We go back to the unanswered questions. Who wiretapped who, who requested the tap and was it with a court order (warrant)? Please answer the question since you claim to know so much!

    1. I personally do not label certain polls "outliers." But such surveys that stand alone from all the others or are apart from other such polls...are designated outliers by the experts who actually deal with polls professionally.

      FBI Director James Comey asked the Justice Department on Saturday, March 4th, 2017 to publicly reject Donald Trump's claims that President Obama ordered wiretapping at Trump Tower. Comey has stated - in fact, he has argued - that the accusations are false and must be corrected. Comey says he is concerned because Trump's assertion that President Obama bugged Trump's telephones is a lie...and it insinuates that the FBI broke the law.

      As for your question about The New York Times front page story from January 20th, 2017, once again, you and other Republicans have put one hell of a wild spin on something that isn't exactly true. The following has been confirmed by SNOPES fact-checking operation.

      The front page of The New York Times - on the aforementioned date - did read WIRETAPPED DATA USED IN INQUIRY OF TRUMP AIDS. That is a fact. It is also a fact that on March 4th, 2017, The New York Times reported that TRUMP, OFFERING NO EVIDENCE, SAYS OBAMA TAPPED HIS PHONES. Now...a direct quote from SNOPES. "Although the Janaury article did use the words “wiretapped” and “Trump” in its title, it did not state that Trump Tower telephones were specifically targeted by a wiretap initiated by the Obama administration. Rather, the article stated that intelligence agencies were monitoring Russian officials, and that some of the conversations they intercepted in the course of their investigations may have also involved Trump aides."

      This is the exact text from The New York Times - "Counterintelligence investigations examine the connections between American citizens and foreign governments. Those connections can involve efforts to steal state or corporate secrets, curry favor with American government leaders or influence policy. It is unclear which Russian officials are under investigation, or what particular conversations caught the attention of American eavesdroppers. The legal standard for opening these investigations is low, and prosecutions are rare.

      Furthermore, as SNOPES confirms, "the article stated that it was still unclear if the intercepted communications were linked to the Trump campaign, or Trump himself, at all."

      And The New York Times article says, "It is not clear whether the intercepted communications had anything to do with Mr. Trump’s campaign, or Mr. Trump himself. It is also unclear whether the inquiry has anything to do with an investigation into the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s computers and other attempts to disrupt the elections in November. The American government has concluded that the Russian government was responsible for a broad computer hacking campaign, including the operation against the D.N.C."

      You cannot debate SNOPES. They are respected by Democrats and Republicans fact. They are totally non-partisan.

      So's not that I "claim to know so much"'s that I base my writings on fact...and you don't.

