Friday, February 17, 2017


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     According to a new poll by the Pew Research Center...Donald Trump's approval rating is at 39 percent.  Let's compare that pitifully low figure to former President Barack Obama's approval rating after he had begun his first term.  In mid-February 2009, President Obama enjoyed an impressive 64 percent approval rating.

     Meanwhile, a recent survey by Public Policy Polling says 46 percent of registered voters want Trump impeached.  And it's only 28 days since he took the oath of office.  The PPP report also shows that 52 percent of Americans would prefer President Obama living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue than Donald Trump.

     Historically, when a new President moves in to The White House...he is at the top of his popularity because of winning the election just ten weeks earlier.  But on Inauguration Day 2017, a Gallup Poll indicated that Trump entered "the west wing" with only 37 percent of the country approving of him.  That was the lowest approval rating in U.S. history for any President on day one.  And let me remind you that 54 percent of Americans didn't vote for Donald Trump.

     The Pew Poll was conducted between February 7th and 12th...before Trump fired retired Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn as National Security Adviser...and four days before the most bizarre Presidential news conference in modern history.  I will bet that upcoming poll numbers will dip dramatically.  As for that press conference... unless you've been camping in an underground bunker with no access to television, radio or the either saw or heard Trump's off-the-wall spectacle...or you have seen or listened to highlights of it.  Therefore, I will keep my remarks about the Thursday afternoon, February 16th gathering...focused on my observations... rather than rehashing every detail expressed by Trump.

     It was a marathon news conference that lasted one-hour and seventeen minutes.  And it showed an out-of-control and combative Donald Trump...who categorically fits the bill...of being a danger to every single long as he sits behind The Oval Office desk.

     On his MSNBC program, The 11th Hour...Brian Williams - on Thursday night - started his broadcast by saying..."Earlier today, our country went through one of those...'Are you watching this' moments."  I note Brian's words because they are so appropriate.  My own mother called me on my cell phone...about 15 minutes or so in to Trump's rambling.  And my mom's exact words were..."Are you watching this?"

     As regular readers of The Controversy are well aware...I have been writing for roughly a year-and-a-half that Donald Trump is someone who cannot be trusted with the nuclear codes.  He has undoubtedly gone off the deep end, as he continues to lie and convey false statements.  And when he's caught doing so...Trump tries to get out of a jam by claiming..."I was given that information."

     If you're the President of the United'd better be sure of what comes off your tongue.  And you'd better be able to back up your remarks with facts. Because if you don't tell the this age of technology...reporters - and the average person with a smart phone - are going to prove you wrong in less than a New York minute.

     Plus...Trump refused to acknowledge any validity about Vladimir Putin and the Russians...affecting the outcome of our 2016 hacking in to the Democratic National Committee's computers...and their illegal meddling in an effort to cause former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to lose.  Trump doesn't just call that..."fake news" - as he has in the past - but "very fake news."  And he insists that "the whole Russian thing...that's a ruse."

     Furthermore...Trump felt it was necessary to once again ramble on about his electoral vote win against Secretary Clinton.  As I wrote in my commentary of Tuesday, January 24th, titled "CAPTAIN QUEEG" IS LIVING IN THE WHITE HOUSE... "Trump's compulsive fascination with voter and crowd numbers is like Captain Queeg in The Caine Mutiny counting strawberries.  And - if you saw the movie...or read the book - we all know what happened to Captain Queeg."

     Trump happened to state - about halfway in to his bombastic diatribe - that he was "not ranting and raving."  That just may be the understatement of the decade... since "ranting and raving" is precisely what Trump did.  As usual, he attacked the media...Democrats...and Hillary Clinton, among he blamed President Obama for leaving him with "a mess."  That, of course, is absolutely untrue.

     In my Thursday, February 16th commentary - published several hours before Trump's erratic behavior from The East Room of The White House - I noted that "Donald Trump will never take responsibility for his mistakes - no matter what they are - but instead...he accuses others for his own missteps and blunders. Trump is not capable of admitting that he was wrong.  In his mind...he never is."

     Donald Trump's press conference was disturbing.  It was a blatant example of narcissism and much denial of the truth.  His Administration is not - as he believes it to be - "a fine-tuned machine."  And Trump himself may be having "a good time"...but most people in the United States are not.  Although I have witnessed his irrational demeanor over the last 20 months...this time Trump exhibited a demonstration where he was unequivocally unhinged.  And if we Americans don't watch out...his delusions are going to destroy our country.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.
Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Why don’t you reference the Rasmussen Poll that shows President Trump’s approval rating at 55%? Do you have a bias against the President? I think you do. As for the question on impeachment, can you name a single thing he has done in his first month that meets the Constitutional standard for impeachment, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors? You can’t because he hasn’t! I saw his press conference on the 16th and thought he did great; he put much of the left wing anti-Trump media in their place. One of his best comments was what a mess he inherited, which is absolutely true. ISIS, the Middle East, Russia, North Korea, the ACA falling apart, illegal immigration, the Iranian deal, turning our back on Israel, low American wages, high taxes, the list goes on and on, what a giant mess! So much of it caused by the Obama Administration. You make comments about what comes off your tongue, when President Obama was running in 2008 he told a group at a Memorial Day event that basically he saw dead people in the audience “on this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes--and I see many of them in the audience here today” fallen heroes are men and women who have died in action. His answer when questioned was the speech writer wrote it for Veteran’s Day by mistake, over the eight years there were dozens of these type mistakes and maybe more plus maybe hundreds by VP Biden. Please get off his case. I don’t know what you were watching, I didn’t see him "ranting and raving", I saw him in full control and putting the media and their masters in the left wing in their place. I believe the left is unhinged not the President and if the left keeps trying to undermine the President and his agenda you could be right and the left could destroy our country.

    1. 1) Because the Rasmussen Poll is an outlier. In fact, the most recent Gallup Poll from today, February 18th, 2017 - after the Michael Flynn debacle and after Donald Trump's bizarre press conference - takes Trump down, down, down to a 38 percent approval rating. And don't tell me that you don't trust Gallup. It's the most prestigious polling outfit in the world and is always respected as being non-partisan.

      2)If you really have to ask me why anyone would want to have Trump impeached then you must be living on another planet. The man is a loon. Just read my column and you'll realize that he's out of his gourd. And don't worry...proof is coming that he was either in cahoots with Vladimir Putin and the Russians before the election or that he at least knew about what certain members of his campaign staff were doing. Therefore, the reason for impeachment will be the mighty "T" word. Treason.

      3) My column speaks for itself regarding Trump's comment that he was left "a mess" by President Obama. I won't even debate the issue, but President Obama left office with the United States 100-percent better than when he inherited it from George W. Bush, who left our country in the worst mess since the Great Depression and in two wars. Your list above is nonsense.

      4)I won't even comment on your ludicrous remarks about President Obama's speeches. Barack Obama is perhaps the most articulate President in history. He is an orator of perfection. Donald Trump can't speak for beans.

      5) As for your comment to "get off his case"...Trump asked for all he's now getting. And not just from Democrats, but from some Republicans in Congress and Republicans all over the country. Remember what I said...Trump has only a 38-percent approval rating. He's on his way to the booby-hatch.

      6)If you thought that Trump was "in full control" at that press conference then you must not be "in full control" either. The man is definitely unhinged and ready for a rubber room. And he'll be headed there long before his term is up.

      7) Democrats - especially liberal progressives - will prevail. You'll see.


  2. The traitor just may be the looney-tune sitting behind The Office Office desk. And those of you who don't realize that he is destroying our country...need to wake up. Your leader is going to end up in a rubber room...and he's going to take you with him. GBD
