Friday, February 24, 2017


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     In a world where hate among political factions, religious groups, different races and ethnic heritages...seem to sadly be so is heartwarming that love is still the magic word...when people from one faith...lend a hand to help their fellow Americans...despite contrasting beliefs in Holy Scriptures.

     It took just over 24 hours for an on-line fundraiser - spearheaded by a pair of Muslim activists - to raise in excess of 100-thousand dollars, so that a vandalized, 124-year old Jewish cemetery can be repaired. encouraged help rebuild the historic Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery in University City, Missouri.  Within three hours - on Tuesday, February 21st, 2017 - a refreshing demonstration of solidarity...resulted in 20-thousand dollars in donations...which was the initial goal of the project organizers.  However, more than 110-thousand dollars has now been contributed to the fund.

     Sometime over the weekend of February 18th and 19th...154 headstones were toppled - with some fractured or damaged more severely - when anti-Semitism ran rampant throughout the suburban St. Louis graveyard.  But...with no suspects being identified...authorities refuse to tag the vandalism a hate crime...because, so far, there is no such evidence.  And although police have not ruled out the possibility... legally, officials must determine without doubt...that Jews were targeted before an incident of this type can be classified a hate crime.  It is, however, disturbing...that law enforcement officials could consider the brutality at Chesed Shel Emeth to be anything but a hate crime.  After does seem obvious...since the Missouri cemetery was invaded by vandals at a time when many Jewish community centers nationwide received bomb threats.

     Two magnanimous Muslims - who have undoubtedly experienced...or at least witnessed...prejudice and discrimination...because of who they themselves pray to - performed an unselfish act of affection and philanthropy.  Linda Sarsour - who describes herself on Twitter as a Palestinian-American Muslim - joined with Muslim American Tarek create a Website for the fund.

     Reportedly, El-Messida says about two-thirds of the money donated...appear to be from individuals who are Muslim...while the remaining contributions are mostly from Jews.  And the Anti-Defamation League says there has been additional support from Christians too.  Meanwhile...a statement by says the fundraiser will accept donations until March 21st...and any money not needed after the reconstruction efforts have been completed at Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery...will be used to aid numerous Jewish community centers and synagogues across the United States...that have been victims of bomb threats and/or vandalism.

     There is nothing better than when people unite in a meaningful cause to help others.  Author J. K. Rowling - who wrote the "Harry Potter" series of books - tweeted on Tuesday, February 21st..."This is such a beautiful thing."  Indeed it is. And others on social media have echoed similar expressions of care and concern.

     The attack on the Missouri cemetery is part of a wave of anti-Semitic hate crimes that has reportedly increased since Donald Trump moved in to The White House.  The New York Times says 53 Jewish community centers have received bomb threats since January.  And as long as Trump keeps certain senior advisers and Cabinet members in his Administration...who are reportedly known as either "white nationalists"...supporters of the Ku Klux Klan...and well as some who have a reported history of racism towards African-Americans and Latinos, plus bigotry against gays and other is impossible to trust Trump as genuinely sincere when he labels anti-Semitism..."horrible"...and "painful."  His remarks were long response to a significant amount of anti-Semitic vandalism...and threats against Jewish community centers...throughout the nation over the last month.

     Meanwhile...Missouri Republican Governor Eric Greitens - a multi-decorated, retired Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy, who received a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart - among other honorable medals - and who is also Jewish...wrote on his Facebook page..."We can choose to cower...or we can choose productive action and shared service.  We can turn a vile act in to a moment for resolve and a demonstration of our state's faith."  Governor Greitens went on to write..."There is a concept in Jewish teaching and thought, known as tikkun olam.  It translates literally in to 'repairing the world.'  But what it means more broadly, is that we all have an obligation to one another...and to be of service.  It is in moments like this...that the world is in most need of repair...and we must do our part."

     Steven Goldstein - executive director of The Anne Frank Center For Mutual Respect - says..."(Donald Trump's) sudden acknowledgement is a Band-Aid on the cancer of anti-Semitism that has infected his own Administration."  Goldstein also says..."(Trump's) statement is a pathetic asterisk of condescension after weeks in which he and his staff have committed grotesque acts and omissions reflecting anti-Semitism...yet day after day have refused to apologize and correct the record."

     Trump issued his response to the assault on the Missouri cemetery...but only after Hillary Clinton urged her opponent from last November's address the mayhem at Chesed Shel Emeth.  The former Secretary of State tweeted..."JCC (Jewish community center) threats, cemetery desecration and on-line attacks are so troubling and they need to be stopped.  Everyone must speak out...starting with (Donald Trump)."

     It's interesting that hours later...Trump spoke some of the identical words that Mrs. Clinton used...when he stated..."anti-Semitism...has to stop."

     I remind you - that in January - Trump never mentioned the Jewish people in The White House's Holocaust Remembrance Day statements.  Nor did Trump denounce and outright condemn anti-Semitic hate crimes...when he was asked by two reporters at his Thursday, February 16th press conference.  Instead, he rudely told one reporter - who is an Orthodox Jew - to "sit down" after Trump disrespectfully criticized him for asking an "insulting" question.

     Donald Trump must fight anti-Semitism.  He cannot use his Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner...his daughter, Ivanka Trump - who converted to Judaism - and Trump's three Jewish reasons he is "the least anti-Semitic person." Unless Trump's actions speak louder than his words...Jews in America...Jews in Israel...and Jews all around the globe...will never believe him.

     The year 2017 in the U.S.A. is in no way 1940s Nazi Germany.  And I pray that...never again...the world sees such an atrocity as The Holocaust.

     Hatred towards Jews...hatred towards Muslims...hatred towards never acceptable.  I abhor hate.  And until all Americans share my sentiments...our nation will remain divided.  And case you were asking...I too am Jewish.

     A cemetery is supposed to be a place for peace and tranquility.  It is supposed to be a solemn resting area for a family's loved ones.  It is not to be desecrated by the horrors of hatred and violence.

     The fundraising project is an exercise in pure human decency and compassion.  And it proves...that when in need...a generous and thoughtful heart...outweighs...a vicious and ignorant mind.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

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