Thursday, February 2, 2017


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     The United States is swiftly shriveling in to a mere ball of yarn...or worse...a spool of thread...fearfully unraveling in to oblivion.

     Long before any armed conflict on a planetary battlefield...I dread a cataclysmic civil war is looming.  Our country is tragically divided in to so many factions that the green pastures of our beautiful landscape will someday - sooner, rather than later - be blanketed red with the blood of Americans.

     The input by racists, anti-Semites, homophobes, xenophobes, misogynists, and bigots of all kinds...who are providing an apparently welcomed voice to The Oval Office occupant's ears...are continuing to blemish the United States...and section it like a breakfast grapefruit.

     Chaos and combative rhetoric are already causing peaceful protests to evolve in to violent demonstrations.

     The lack of trust in each other...and in our leadership...combined with escalating tension among Americans across our republic...are ripping the fabric of our national tapestry at its seams.

     The political climate has heated up to temperatures that may burn us to a crisp...and rupture our nation until it crumbles and collapses.  We, as Americans, cannot allow our country to implode because of the ineffective, inexperienced and unfit White House wackjob...who has the irrational temperament and unpredictable, aggressive nature of a wild boar.

     It is the responsibility of the American people as a whole...including the entire U.S. hold Donald Trump's feet to the fire when he goes on a verbally rampant and rabid rampage against other nations who - for decades - have proudly befriended us as devoted partners.  Trump...his complicit cabinet...and the Republican-controlled Congress...must be willing to compromise with Democrats in a meeting of the minds and in solidarity of the souls.  If not...America will suffer gravely...and to such magnitude...that it could take multiple generations to mend...if ever.

     I customarily close my column with three words that I have used throughout the bulk of my career to also sign-off my radio news and talk show broadcasts.  Accordingly...if the citizens of our country do not come together and "talk"...not text...and not tweet...I shudder to imagine the results that will undoubtedly be influenced by polarization and divisiveness.  And the United States of America will then be nothing more than a morsel of civility.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.
Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. dont worry... the war will be over fast since we know which side is better armed.

    1. Puzzled by your response. Please clarify...and be specific. Thanks. GBD

    2. If there civil war you liberals are going to be on the losing side since you hate guns. Probably outgunned 100 to 1!!! reason i buy so many guns is to protect in case of something like that!

    3. You make an interesting observation. But either way...a U.S. civil war in 2017 would be a national bloodbath. Americans need to avoid any such that people on the left...and on the right... don't get hurt...or get killed. GBD

  2. Yes, our nation is divided; the first step to heal the divide is for the left and their friends in the mainstream to accept the legitimacy of the newly elected President, Donald Trump. As long as the Democrats and the left wing media keep lying and name calling the divide will only get worse. They need to stop falsely accusing people of being as you called them “racists, anti-Semites, homophobes, xenophobes, misogynists, and bigots of all kinds”, the President is none of them. You have had left wing entertainers calling for a military coup (Sarah Silverman), Madonna talks about blowing up the White House, Ashley Judd calling the President Hitler and many, many more, acts like this are UN-AMERICAN! Lighting fires, destroying private property and attacking the police will only make things worse. Violent demonstrations to stop people from speaking will only make the divide even bigger. The political climate will stay heated and get hotter if the left is unwilling to stop the hate filled rhetoric and give things a chance. I haven’t seen anything wrong with what the administration has done, sometimes you have to confront friends when they do you wrong, it is better to tell them and then work it out. It is the responsibility of the American people including the entire U.S. Congress to hold Donald Trump's feet to the fire when he does something wrong but more importantly it is everyone’s responsibility to hold the Democrats in Congress’s feet to the fire when they acting like spoiled children stomping their feet. They have to stop being disrupters for the sake of revenge; the Democrats need to be willing to compromise with the Republicans in Congress and the White House or America will suffer. We cannot have 8 more years of the Democrats saying it’s my way or we will take are ball and go home; they do not control Congress or the White House anymore. It is time to work for America, not party!

    1. Our nation cannot heal as long as Donald Trump and his staff continue to make the false comments that they do. Democrats and the media have not at all been lying. You Republicans have a thing about using the word "lying"...but there has been no proof of lying by the Democrats or the media, as we have not lied. But you are correct by saying - the lying and name calling continues the divide. However, that lying and name calling is coming from Trump and the Republicans. There is nothing false about my comment that "The input by racists, anti-Semites, homophobes, xenophobes, misogynists, and bigots of all kinds...who are providing an apparently welcomed voice to The Oval Office occupant's ears...are continuing to blemish the United States...and section it like a breakfast grapefruit." If you truly believe that Trump is "none of them" then you must have been living in a cave the last 20 months. I certainly don't agree with a "military coup" and I would NEVER, NEVER, NEVER agree with anyone suggesting what you stated about Madonna. Even though she stated afterwards that her comment was meant as a "metaphor" and, therefore, taken out of context...I don't think she should have - even jokingly - made such a remark. I certainly do NOT...condone any violence or destruction by protesters. That was my point in my column. It is not, however, the Democrats who are "hate filled." It is obvious that Republicans are the ones who continue to spew their venom of "hate filled rhetoric." If you haven't seen what Trump and his Administration have done wrong, then - as I said - you must be living in a cave. I could name numerous things, but one - in particular - was the so-called "Muslim ban"...or "Travel Ban" executive order. But I have written a couple of columns on that matter, so I'm not going to discuss it further here. You are welcome to read my past columns by going to the archives in the top right side of The Controversy. As for Democrats in Congress...they are simply giving back what Republicans did to President Obama for 8 years. Democrats do compromise. Republicans notoriously do not. You have it all wrong about the Democrats by saying "we will take our ball and go home." Democrats work for ALL Americans. Republicans work for the rich. And those Republicans who are poor and others who are in the so-called "middle-class"...have been hoodwinked in to believing that Trump is going to help them. They will quickly see that he will not. GBD

  3. I must disagree with you on your false comments from the media and the left. MLK’s bust being removed from the Oval Office is just one of many. As for name calling, you take the prize. You and the left must make up your own definitions to what racist, anti-Semites, homophobes etc are. The closet thing I’ve seen recently out of the White House that could be called anti-Semitic was from President Obama and his disgraceful action in the UN abstaining from a vote on Israel. I can believe you don’t feel that Madonna saying “I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House” is un-American. If that’s not un-American I don’t know what is! The only ones spewing hate are the Democrats, having a temporary pause in travel from seven countries that President Obama declared at risk for terrorist and terrorist acts, so that America can re-evaluate our vetting process is a good thing. There was NO hate there, only love for America and Americans. We need a wall and our boarders protected. We need to protect our people and our land. What the GOP did with President Obama was all based on policy, what the Democrats are doing is based on hate. What President Trump is doing will help all Americans; he is bringing and will bring more jobs back to America for all Americans. President Trump with the help of the GOP in Congress will get rid of the ACA and replace it with a better cheaper and fairer plan, that will cover pre-existing conditions and kids can stay on their parents plans if needed until 26, but allow people to choose the type coverage they want and can afford. He will not steal more from some to pay for it, we are over taxed enough already. The money will come from all the extra people that will be working good jobs that come back to America. Please get over that Clinton is not President your hate will destroy you.

    1. The response to the above reader's comments will be in three parts.


      You can disagree all day long, but you are flat out wrong. Republicans have lied so much about liberals and the media that you've brainwashed yourselves in to believing your own lies.

      As for the bust of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - that was an honest mistake by a Time magazine reporter. And shortly after he tweeted that the bust was removed, the reporter corrected himself saying that the bust was blocked by a secret service agent who was standing in front of it. So it was an honest mistake. But of won't believe that.

      If you don't think that Trump and some of his cronies haven't made racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, xenophobic and misogynistic remarks over the last 20 months then you must be living in a cave.

      As for President Obama abstaining from a vote on Israel...let me tell you something. I'm Jewish. And I agree 100 percent with President Obama. The United States' policy for decades has been to support a two-nation (or two-state, if you will) agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Settlement construction must cease along the West Bank and that is why President Obama decided not to vote. He was correct in his actions. And you're hearing that from a devout Jew who has always supported Israel. But the only way there will ever be peace in that region is to agree on a two-state solution.




      Obviously you did not read my comments where I responded to another reader. I clearly stated that "I would NEVER, NEVER, NEVER agree with anyone suggesting what was said by Madonna. Even though she stated afterwards that her comment was meant as a "metaphor" and, therefore, taken out of context...I don't think she should have - even jokingly - made such a remark. I certainly do NOT...condone any violence or destruction by protesters. That was my point in my column.

      Donald Trump's executive order "Travel Ban"...or let's call it what it is..."Muslim Ban" discrimination and hate. It is against the First Amendmend of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits any religious discrimination. The executive order has been blocked by a federal judge and it will be overturned by the courts...even the U.S. Supreme Court...if it goes that high...which it probably will. If you call that love for America and Americans, that is a shame.

      We do not need a wall on the U.S./Mexico border...and there will NEVER be one. Mexico will not pay for it and Congress will not authorize funding to pay for it. THERE WILL NEVER BE A WALL.

      You are proving to be...A HATER. The venom that you spew in your remarks proves your hatred. President Obama and the Democrats work for ALL Americans. Trump and Republicans work for the rich. President Obama created more jobs in his 8 years than any other President. Trump will lower taxes on the rich, but taxes will be increased for the middle-class and poor.




      The Affordable Care Act will never be repealed. There will be revisions, but nobody is going to be able to improve on it. It took decades to get a national healthcare program passed and a new one will never come to light during a Trump Administration. Furthermore, Congress will never repeal the ACA without it being replaced simultaneously so the 20 to 30 million Americans who have their health insurance through it will be able to continue with their insurance. No member of Congress will allow constituents to lose their insurance without replacing it with something else. As President Obama said before he left office...and I paraphrase...if Trump and the Republican Congress can come up with something better...Mr. Obama will be the first one to applaud them. Nobody, however, believes it can be done.

      You are a dreamer if you think that Trump is going to bring more jobs back to the United States. The proof is in the Carrier deal and others he has spoken about, which is more of the Republican spin doctors doing their thing. Fact-check what I am saying and you will see that I am correct.

      This has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton not being President. As I have stated over and over and over again...if any of the 16 other GOP candidates had been the nominee and had won the election, Democrats would not be saying a thing. If John McCain or Mitt Romney had won in 2008 or 2012, we would be disappointed, but not angry. When Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush were elected, Democrats were disappointed...perhaps even upset...for a few days, a week, or possibly two...but Reagan, Bush and Bush were/are decent, honorable gentlemen. Donald Trump is not in their league and never will be. I have no hate for Donald Trump. Quite frankly, I feel sorry for him. He's a mentally unbalanced individual who needs psychiatric help. He is unfit to be President of this great land - and yes, we are great and have always been great. He does not have the temperament to be President and he has proved that over and over and over again...during the campaign and throughout the last two weeks. As I have written in the past couple of months, Trump will not survive a full term. He will 1) be impeached, convicted and removed from office for something in the past or in the future...or, if not that, 2) resign in disgrace for something in the past or in the future...or, if not that, 3) resign due to poor health, as he will not be able to handle the stress...or, if not that, 4) and I don't wish number 4 because I don't wish Trump any harm, but stress of the job may cause his health to fail and stress may kill him. But no matter what...he won't last 4 years.



    4. I absolutely do not agree that President Obama's decision to abstain was anti-Semitic. A two-state solution has been America's policy for decades - through numerous Presidents - and that is the only way there will ever be peace in that region. There needs to be a way to have a two-state solution and to keep Israel from giving up the holy Western Wall area. I certainly understand that the Western Wall is in the Old Jerusalem area of the West Bank and I respect that Jews do not want...and should not...give up that land to the Palestinians...but if the Palestinians do not have a country of their own - somewhere, somehow - there will never be peace in that region of the world. The fighting will go on forever and ever through eternity...resulting in more and more people being killed. GBD

  4. How can you say “I certainly understand that the Western Wall is in the Old Jerusalem area of the West Bank and I respect that Jews do not want...and should not...give up that land to the Palestinians” when you agreed with abstaining from a vote that has now by UN Resolution given that land and the Western Wall to the Palestinians! Until the Palestinians give up terrorism and accept Israel’s rights there will never be peace. I think Israel has been more than fair to them. The UN is an anti-Semitic organization and backing any anti-Israel resolution is in my mind anti-Semitic.

    1. President Obama is not anti-Semitic. I certainly am not anti-Semitic. The United States of America for decades - through Presidents Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43 and Obama - have supported a two-nation (or, as it's more commonly called, a two-state) solution. It's the only way for peace in that region. Somehow, someway, America, the United Nations, Israel and the Palestinians need to come together and figure out a way to bring peace to that area of the world. But without a two-state solution, that will never happen. Are you suggesting deporting all Palestinians from Israel and giving the world more refugees with no place to go? That would be criminal. What's your answer? If you have one that works fairly for all concerned, my recommendation to you is to run for political office. GBD

  5. First let me say there is NO Muslim Ban, it is a lawful travel ban. The US Supreme Court has ruled in 1993 that The Immigration and Nationality Act clearly gives the President alone the authority to use his discretion to restrict or "suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants." 8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens. It was an 8-1 decision with Justice Kennedy with the Majority. If the 9th upholds the lower court’s ruling it will go to Justice Kennedy who oversees the 9th Circuit and can overturn that ruling on his own or send it to the full court. The US Supreme Court has also ruled that US Constitutional rights do not transcend our boarder to non US citizens. This is all a show from the left without any legal or Constitutional justification.

    1. It is a Muslim Ban. And it is NOT lawful, according to multiple federal judges, all Democrats in Congress, and even some Republicans in Congress - not to mention most, if not all, Democrats nationwide. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution prohibits religious discrimination and that is what Donald Trump intended to do since his campaign began - to lock out Muslims from our country. The executive order will indeed go to the entire U.S. Supreme Court and it (Trump's executive order "ban") will be overturned. I am done discussing this matter with you. As I have stated in responses to other readers who insist on using my forum to spew their venom on subjects that have nothing directly related to the topic of my commentary, you are doing the same thing. In the future, if you're going to express your views at The Controversy, make sure your comments are directly in response to what I have written in my column. Don't use The Controversy as an outlet just to bash liberal progressive Democrats...or Democrats in general...when your comments have nothing to do with my column. The issue of my column above concerned the possibility of a civil war in the United States because of our nation's polarization, but not about the Muslim ban. As I said...I am done talking with you on this subject. GBD

  6. Since my readers - for the most part - insist on being "anonymous"...I just figured you were the same person who wrote the above comments where it included the following.

    "I will only reply to your part one of three. I am also Jewish and cannot understand how any Jew can condone the abstaining in the UN a resolution that would prevent all Jews from access to the Wailing Wall also known as the Western Wall. This was a disgrace and anti-Semitic act by the Obama Administration."

    Was that you? If so, you did say that President Obama was anti-Semitic. If that was not you, I wish readers would at least use a made-up name so at least I would be able to refer to a particular person rather than everybody being "anonymous."

    I'm not an international diplomat. But somebody needs to figure out something, otherwise, there will never be peace in that region...and eventually there could be such a war that death will overpower life in Israel. And THAT...would be tragic. GBD

  7. You are an arrogant ass, which does not care about this country, if you don’t like it here why don’t you pack up your un-American agenda and leave. America would be better off without you and your socialist un-American friends. America doesn’t need haters like you! Please leave and see if you like it better anywhere else. There are countries that would put you to death for writing things like you do about the President. Your words disgrace the memory of all who died for this country. One of the ways to make America great again would be for you to leave. Every little bit helps!

    1. You seem to forget that the majority of the people who live in the United States voted for Hillary Clinton and not Donald Trump. I guess that means I'm in good company - including every Democrat in Congress (present and past) and including most Independents and many Republicans.

      So what do you think my "agenda" is? All you did in your response was express vicious venomous vulgarities.

      YOU are the one who is "un-American." YOU are the one who is a "hater." You call me a "socialist." So be it. America IS a socialist country, in many regards. I will wait for another column to fully explain the validity of that statement.

      YOU are the disgrace. To tell another American to "leave" is a dispicable, reprehensible, comtemptible and deplorable statement. You make a remark like..."Please leave and see if you like it better anywhere else. There are countries that would put you to death for writing things like you do about the President." You know NOTHING about the United States of America. You know NOTHING about the United States Constitution. You know NOTHING about the FIRST AMENDMENT.

      At MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida...President Barack Obama noted in his final national security address on December 6th, 2016...that we are a nation that gives its citizens "the right to speak your mind and to protest against live in a society that's open and free...that can criticize a President without retribution." Did you carefully read what President Obama said? "The RIGHT...the speak your mind." "The RIGHT...the protest against authority." "The RIGHT...the criticize a President without retribution." You cannot debate President Obama's words. If you go against the Constitution of the United States of America...which, as I know NOTHING about.

      For you to say that my "words disgrace the memory of all who died for this country"...makes YOU the disgrace. For you to assume that all those Americans who have worn the uniform of our nation would agree with the policies of Donald Trump...makes YOU the "arrogant ass." America has ALWAYS been GREAT. For you and Donald Trump to ever think differently...makes me want to throw-up.


    2. I correct myself. It was not the majority of people in the United States, but the majority of people who cast their ballots in the 2016 Presidential election who voted for Hillary Clinton not Donald Trump. Remember that Mrs. Clinton received nearly 3-million more votes than Trump. GBD

    3. Please forgive a couple of typos in my February 8th, 1:23 p.m. response. GBD

  8. This site should be called "post a comment and watch a jagoff tell you why he's a know-it-all and is always right". God, have a little humility Gary Duglin... you come off as somebody who thinks they have it all figured out but in reality doesn't have a clue about what they're talking about. No research. No facts. Just regurgitate what you see on TV. Pathetic.

    1. I debated with myself whether to allow the above comment to be published or not. But I decided that I would have it published and then blast the reader as someone who has no clue what the hell he or she is talking about.

      To use derogatory language, as you did above, makes you an arrogant ass. I could defend myself with my career credentials and my award-winning resume as a journalist, but I won't stoop to your pompous level.

      My column is designed for me to express my "opinions"...and to include factual information when necessary. It is also designed to allow my readers to express their "opinions"...and to include factual information when necessary. It is not designed for anyone to "state as fact" something that clearly can be debunked. Again, that does not mean you or I cannot express our opinions on an issue.

      I know that my commentaries are justifiable and when I note factual information...they are facts. For you to use an offensive insult as "jagoff"...tells me that you are the one who is inept...and incompetent.

      My column and the comments I write in response to readers' remarks are again my personal some cases. My opinions are not there for you to insult...for that is rude. I welcome disagreement, but not viciousness and vulgarity. There are also thoughts that I express, which are based on absolute for you or anybody else to criticize is again...arrogant. Humility has nothing to do with the matter when expressing opinions on a particular subject. I provide my views the way I see it. My readers are welcome to give their views the way they see it. But for you or anybody else to acknowledge as fact...something that is clearly not true at unworthy of me taking the time to read...and is not an asset to this forum.

      I know exactly what I am talking about when I write my commentaries. When research is necessary, the facts are there. Truth. Not falsehoods that Donald Trump and certain Republicans want the rest of the country to believe. I do not - as you say - "regurgitate" what I see on TV. My thoughts are my own and based on absolute factual information - when facts are in play. When expressing a viewpoint...that is my opinion. I have that right. It doesn't take a genius to be a "put-down" artist. I could turn the tables around and call YOU "pathetic"...but you hide in the shadows of the name "anonymous." My name and my face are front and center.

      As an ultra-liberal progressive Democrat, I have intelligent conversations with conservative Republicans all the time...and the despicable language that you used in your comment...never enters in to the discussion. You need to present yourself in a more respectful and credible fashion than coming across like a juvenile jerk. You're not deserving to even read my column. So, therefore...don't.


  9. I believe your agenda based on reading your column is to make America like many European countries. Democratic Socialism is not the American way. As you can see in Europe democratic socialism is a failure, look at Greece look at Italy the list goes on and on financial ruin. That is what your party has done to America with its hand outs and give always. Next to your lie, I did not tell you to leave I said if you don’t like it here why don’t you leave. I am more American than anyone who would say America “IS” a socialist country. We do have some socialist program in this country, most if not all have been financial failures and have been major contributors to our financial problems, $19,000,000,000,000 in debt. America was built on hard work, self reliance and communities not on federal handouts and federal control. I am not the disgrace, those like you are the disgrace treating the President of the United States the way you do. From reading your columns I can tell you I know more about the Constitution and the First Amendment then you do. The only ones trying to stop free speech is the left, look at what happened at Berkeley and at NYU, the list goes on and on, the left trying to stop free speech, with violence and hate. It is the left that doesn’t believe in Free Speech! Once again you try to twist the truth, I never said those who gave their lives for this country had agreed with President Trump or the right, but I believe they all believed in and honored the US Constitution, more then I can say for most of those on the left. If anyone is a disgrace it is you after reading your column it shows how you wish for the President to be impeached or get ill or worse, that is just plain UN-AMERICAN! Please stop saying things about the popular vote it means NOTHING! We have 51 elections in this country not 1 and President Trump won more of the elections then Clinton so get over it she is a loser and so are you!

    1. The response to the above reader's comments will be in two parts.


      My "agenda" - to use your word - is based on the belief that the Democratic Party's policies are what have made the United States of America move forward in to the 21st Century. Despite what Republicans may think - or do think - America was built on the rich helping the poor. It is the way it has been. It is the way it should be.

      Are you totally out of your mind? How can you say that you "did not tell (me) to leave." The following are your exact words...published in your earlier comment. "You are an arrogant ass, which does not care about this country, if you don’t like it here why don’t you pack up your un-American agenda and leave. America would be better off without you and your socialist un-American friends. America doesn’t need haters like you! Please leave and see if you like it better anywhere else."

      You clearly say..."America would be better off without you...Please leave and see if you like it better anywhere else." Not only do you make a disgracefull comment, but you then lie and say you never said it. Despicable.

      I did not say that "America IS a socialist country" you have wrongly noted. I said, "America IS a socialist country, in many regards." And that is a fact. America IS a socialist country, in many regards. What do you think Social Security is? What do you think Medicare and Medicaid are? The United States Veterans Health Administrations and the medical departments of the United States Army, Air Force and Navy also fit the bill as examples of socialism. I could go on and on, but I won't. But would call them all failures. And would be wrong.

      I am not going to even respond to your remarks concerning Donald Trump because I have expressed myself on that issue 'til I'm blue in the face in my earlier response to you, my responses to other readers and my writings in other columns.




      I am going to repeat myself, which I certainly do not care to do, but apparently I need to, in order to get through your thick skull. So, in response to your statement, "I know more about the Constitution and the First Amendment then you do"...and your statement, " If anyone is a disgrace it is you"...I respond as follows. "YOU are the disgrace. To tell another American to "leave" is a dispicable, reprehensible, comtemptible and deplorable statement. You make a remark like..."Please leave and see if you like it better anywhere else. There are countries that would put you to death for writing things like you do about the President." You know NOTHING about the United States of America. You know NOTHING about the United States Constitution. You know NOTHING about the FIRST AMENDMENT. At MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida...President Barack Obama noted in his final national security address on December 6th, 2016...that we are a nation that gives its citizens "the right to speak your mind and to protest against live in a society that's open and free...that can criticize a President without retribution." Did you carefully read what President Obama said? "The RIGHT...the speak your mind." "The RIGHT...the protest against authority." "The RIGHT...the criticize a President without retribution." You cannot debate President Obama's words. If you go against the Constitution of the United States of America...which, as I know NOTHING about."

      I will respond to your flat-out lie where you accuse me of wanting Donald Trump to "get ill or worse." I never said such a thing. In fact, I said quite the contrary. If you read what I wrote in response to another reader (or perhaps you, since all of you Republicans want to remain in the shadows of the name "anonymous")...I said the following. "As I have written in the past couple of months, Trump will not survive a full term. He will 1) be impeached, convicted and removed from office for something in the past or in the future...or, if not that, 2) resign in disgrace for something in the past or in the future...or, if not that, 3) resign due to poor health, as he will not be able to handle the stress...or, if not that, 4) and I don't wish number 4 because I don't wish Trump any harm, but stress of the job may cause his health to fail and stress may kill him. But no matter what...he won't last 4 years." So again, you do what most of my Republican readers do...and that categorically lie.

      When I include Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote, that is to prove that more people in our country wanted Mrs. Clinton to be President than Donald Trump. That is a fact. You cannot dispute that. There is one Presidential election...for which a winner is determined based on an 18th Century process that should be abolished. That of course being the Electoral College. For you to say that "(Hillary Clinton) is a loser...and so are you!"...makes you a hater. There is no other word for you. You're a hater...plain and simple.


