Friday, January 6, 2017


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     It was billed as a "victory rally" in Hershey, Pennsylvania when Donald Trump - on Thursday, December 15th, 2016 - casually ad-libbed to his supporters..."Just call me, Donald."

     Not since day one of his campaign for President, have I ever been a supporter of Donald Trump.  However...I've been calling him "Donald" all along the way...and I will continue - at least for now - to do so.  When I feel...if I feel...that he deserves to be addressed in a more respectful, formal fashion...then I will make that decision when and if the time comes.

     An interesting and blunt question was posed to me this week when someone asked me the following.  "If you received a telephone call from Donald Trump...and he told you that he had read all of your columns...each and every commentary...where you bashed him over and over again for more than a year...but nevertheless...he was inviting you - after January 20th, 2017 - to be his guest at The White meet with him in The Oval a genuine attempt to smooth out the waters with a staunch supporter of Hillary Clinton...would you go?"  My answer was...and is...very simple.  Yes.  But I don't expect to ever receive that invitation.

     I want Donald Trump to know that I want him to succeed.  Other Democrats have said - some telling me directly - that they hope Donald fails...and that he sinks to such depths...that neither his political life...nor his business life...can ever be saved.  But I am a full-fledged patriotic I would never want my country to suffer because of my personal opposition to Donald Trump.  I wholeheartedly hope that the United States flourishes over the next four years.  I pray - and swear this on all that is holy - that our nation thrives under Donald.  I don't want him to bury us.  I do not want my country to grieve as a suffering republic.  I love my country.  It is sacred and precious to me.  So it is my fervent wish...that Republicans...and Democrats...and Independents...can collectively be joyful - or, at the very least, be pleased - by Donald's actions and leadership.  But before that can happen...Donald Trump must convincingly my approval...and to the approval of other Americans on the well as those on the right...that he will continue to move our nation a positive direction.

     Donald Trump needs to prove to me that he is fit to be President of our country.  He cannot put Russian President Vladimir Putin and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on pedestals.  Donald must acknowledge...and embrace...that 17 U.S. intelligence agencies concluded correctly that Russia hacked American computer systems to meddle in and affect the outcome of our 2016 Presidential election.  Republicans in Congress certainly know it...and Donald must not question the "high confidence" judgment by the American intelligence network.  Instead, he must take the word of the CIA, the FBI and other government departments that Russia is responsible for the cyber attack on the United States.  In addition...according to a January 5th report by NBC News...the Russians did not only target the Democratic Party...but The White House and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

     Donald Trump needs to prove that he has the temperament to be sitting behind The Oval Office desk.  Too many Americans feel that Donald could eventually become the reason...and the cause...for World War III.

     And Donald needs to stop tweeting.  His off-the-cuff remarks could wind up being his demise.  If he is as I have stated since my December 19th, 2015 editorial...not even a GOP-controlled Congress will be on his side...should he cross the line in to an area that is Constitutionally inappropriate and unacceptable.  Donald Trump needs to remember that he has never had the full backing of Republicans in the Senate or the House of Representatives...and, therefore...the slightest notion - willfully or not - that infers treason...or any other impeachable offense...will find Donald up against Congress in the fight of his life. 

     But I want Donald Trump to know that if he grows our nation economically...if he is successful at destroying ISIS...if he prevents any terrorist groups - foreign or domestic - from attacking on our home soil...if he doesn't dismantle all the efforts of President Obama and his many achievements that have benefited our country over the last eight years...if he doesn't obliterate the Affordable Care Act...if he doesn't demolish marriage equality...if he tackles the problem of climate change and global warming...if he doesn't nominate Supreme Court Justices whose desire is to overturn Roe vs. Wade...and if he doesn't put the brave men and women of our armed forces in to harm's way by launching a war of any sort...then I will applaud him for his triumphs.  Is all of the above a pipe dream?  Perhaps.  But I surely hope not.

     As I wrote in my January 2nd commentary...I believe - once he takes office - Donald Trump will not be as most people expect.  I think he's played a game with all of us for 19 months.  Unfortunately, my prognostication cannot be confirmed by a crystal ball - and certainly not by least not yetI can only base my opinions on my pure intuition.  I want to have faith that Donald will do everything that I want him to do.  It's just too soon to know.   

     Therefore,'s up to you to every single Hillary Clinton voter... and to every other American who did not cast their ballot for you on November 8th, 2016...that you are worthy of putting your name on The White House letterheadAs of now...I have my doubts.  So Donald...for the sake of every American...for the sake of the United States of America...and for the sake of our planet...please prove me wrong.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  I also ask that you become a FOLLOWER by clicking on the little blue box with the word "Follow" on the top right side of this column.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.    

Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

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