Friday, January 27, 2017


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     I wanted to use a different, more powerfully descriptive word in the title of this column...but I prudently decided it would not be appropriate.

     The media will bury Donald Trump - figuratively, not literally - if he does not stop his outrageous and chilling comments about the press.

     In 1789, our nation's Founders - in their inimitable wisdom - ensconced Freedom Of The Press as an essential part of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.  It was carefully and intelligently positioned in our First denote the importance of free speech as a right for all Americans.  More than a century-and-a-half was stated by the United the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights...that "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers."

     For Trump to belittle and insult the he did throughout his campaign for President...and as he continues to do from The White House...such demeaning action will be his political demise.  It will result in doomsday for his Administration.

     If Donald Trump thinks he can be successful over the next four years...sitting behind The Oval Office desk while fighting with America's print and broadcast journalists...then he might as well pack up his loud mouth today and move back to Trump Tower.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin. 

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. GBD, you just proved President Trump’s point by saying “The media will bury Donald Trump” you then said “if he does not stop his outrageous and chilling comments about the press” doesn’t he have a First Amendment Rights? It is not the press’s job to bury anyone; it is their job to report the news. It is not their job to conspire with Hillary Clinton and the DNC to defeat Bernie Sanders, it was not their job to conspire with the Clinton Campaign to discredit and try to defeat President Trump and get Hillary elected. It wasn’t their job but much of the mainstream media did all those things and more. Just this weekend the media attempted to make the President out to be a racist by claiming he had the MLK bust removed from the oval office, it was a lie and in my opinion done intentionally to discredit the President. He is not a racist no matter how much you and the left and the media keep telling those lies. You as one of the haters of President Trump will probably disagree with me and claim the reporter just made an honest mistake. If you look at photographs of the oval office, the reporter had to be a liar or blind; since he is not blind, he is a liar and did it intentionally. Thank God the President has his social media, Twitter and Facebook to get the truth out. According to a NBC/WSJ poll the news media has a 19% approval rating and that 59% say the media in many cases cannot be trusted. When you have the NYT printing copies of stolen partial tax forms, when NBC releases an Access Hollywood tape that they were holding so to release at the right time to do the most damage to President Trump, it proves his point. The list of lies and collusion by the press and the media against the President is disgusting. He is going to continue to call out the mainstream media until they decide to do their job, reporting the news not lying and trying to make themselves part of the news. The President will not be moving back to Trump Tower for at least 4 years maybe 8 and maybe you, the leftwing media and the rest of the haters should to paraphrase your words pack up your loud mouths and just do your jobs reporting the news and stop lying. Start acting like Americans and not the malcontents that you are.

    1. The following response to the reader's comments above will be in two parts.

      PART ONE

      No President should be fighting with the media. No President can survive politically if he makes the press an enemy. No President should have a senior adviser who tells the media to "shut up." The job of the press is to report the news...and to fact-check American leaders by proving them wrong...when they are...and that is how the press will bury Trump. His repeated lies - which have been proven over and over this last week by The New York Times, NBC News, CNN and other prestigious news organizations - are going to be Trump's demise. Certain actions by Trump, which are already being challenged - for example, not divesting himself of his foreign business ventures - may find him impeached. Let us go back to the campaign when he incited Vladimir Putin and the Russian government to hack Hillary Clinton's personal e-mails. That has been called by some Constitutional scholars and legal experts as "treasonous." And four of Trump's "comrades" are under an active investigation for allegations of being involved with Russia to affect the outcome of the 2016 election. So yes...the media can certainly bury any President. Donald Trump should make every effort to be the best friend he can to journalists nationwide - broadcast and print reporters alike.

      You do what other Republicans always do...try to put your own spin on an issue by bringing up the Democratic National Committee and private e-mails. Again...we go back to Russia's hacking and the possibility of Trump's cronies being in bed with Putin. And what Trump knew? That's the key.

      As for the bust of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - that was an honest mistake by a Time magazine reporter. And shortly after he tweeted that the bust was removed, the reporter corrected himself saying that the bust was blocked by a secret service agent who was standing in front of it. So was indeed an honest mistake. But of won't believe that.

      No President should be tweeting. Donald Trump needs to stop his tweeting, as I - and many others have stated - because one day Trump is going to bury himself with one of his overnight tweets.




      Since you mentioned polls...three polls were released in the last couple of days that show Trump has gone down in popularity since Inauguration Day. On January 20th, 2017, Trump's approval rating was 37 percent. It is now 36 percent...and dropping. Millions of Americans who voted for Trump are now sorry that they did. These are facts.

      The Access Hollywood video should have been the end of Trump's run for The White House. As I wrote, at the time, no woman should have voted for Donald Trump. And if I live to be a thousand years old, I will never understand how any woman in America cast her ballot for him. For that matter, any man who cares at all for women, should have voted for Trump.

      You want to accuse the "mainstream media" - which I assume you mean The New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News/MSNBC and CNN...among others - of lies and collusion. Quite the opposite.

      Donald Trump must change his tune and his tone. The American people...and the U.S. Congress (Senators and Representatives...including many Republicans like Senator John McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham)...are not going to put up with Trump's actions. And the U.S. House of Representatives will not fund Trump's nonsense if he doesn't - for the lack of a better phrase - "play nice." Trump must "play nice" with Congress...and he must "play nice" with the media. And he better "play nice" with the American people.

      The press is not lying. But Trump and his "loud mouth"...along with the loud mouths of those who work for him...are the liars. The New York Times, NBC News and CNN have already this week actually stated...on the record...that Trump lies. This has nothing to do with being a "malcontent." As I have written over and over again since November 9th...Trump in The White House has nothing to do with our not being satisfied with him or his Administration. I and other Democrats were disappointed when Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush were President, but they were still honorable and respectful individuals. And despite disagreeing with their politics, Presidents Reagan, Bush and Bush were still gentlemen. Donald Trump is not.



  2. GBD, you have it backwards, the press have made President Trump the enemy, he has responded to their unwarranted attacks. The job of the press is to report the news, not to judge through the lens of the far left what is fact and what is not. These are the same leftwing so called news media that claimed President Bush (43) lied at the State of the Union which is outright false. Next he will never be impeached for not selling off his business. Once again you and the left lie about that President Trump that he “incited Vladimir Putin and the Russian government to hack Hillary Clinton's personal e-mails”, read the text. After it had been reported that Clinton’s illegal email server may have been hacked he said “I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.” To prove my point when President Trump made this statement after the Clinton server had already been de-installed and was in the hands of the FBI. There is no evidence that any of who you disgracefully call “comrades" had anything to do with the Russian hack of the DNC. Even if the Time magazine reported didn’t see the MLK bust (which I don’t believe) his reason for reporting it without fact checking it was to claim President Trump is a racist, once again a left wing lie. You did the leftwing spin again about the Access Hollywood video, whether you think what was said was disgusting or not, whether you believe he did those things or not wasn’t the point, the point was that NBC held the tape until they felt it would do the most harm to the Trump campaign, that is what makes them dishonest. You can spin it all you want but you, the DNC, the Clintons, leftist and all the haters around the country are malcontents because you were sure nobody could beat Hillary.

    1. The following response to the reader's comments above will be in two parts.


      I have nothing "backwards." You have it all wrong. But I am sick and tired of responding to readers who make up stories and tell lies. It was Donald Trump who was rude and disrespectful to Jim Acosta of CNN. It has been Donald Trump who has bashed the media for a year-and-a-half. It's Donald Trump who has told network anchors that the press lies. And it's Donald Trump's henchman - Steve Bannon - who told the media to "shut up." I could go on and on...but I refuse to take the time to do it.'re trying to put a spin on something from ancient history. Republicans love to bring up the past. This has nothing to do with George W. Bush.

      There are allegations against Trump for so many illegal activities that it's quite possible that something will eventually stick. Trump is not Ronald Reagan. He is not "the teflon President." Trump may or may not get impeached, but unless he is willing to "play nice" - as I noted earlier - he will get nothing accomplished.

      And the quote you noted above is indeed inciting Vladimir Putin and the Russians to perform illegal activites...which can be interpreted as "treason." You spelled it out...By Trump saying, "I hope you're able to find the 30-thousand e-mails that are missing" is, in fact, inciting Putin to hack in to Hillary Clinton's computers/servers. Whether that equipment was in the hands of The FBI or irrelevant. The fact is...Trump said what he said.

      Time (not the magazine) will tell if Trump and/or his "comrades" have been in bed with the Russians.

      The Time magazine reporter made an honest mistake and he apologized. Get over it. However...that being said...after all the bigoted, prejudiced remarks that Trump made over the course of his campaign, how can you say that he is not a racist? You Republicans just don't want to face facts because you're haters. You hated Hillary Clinton from the get-go. You hated Bill Clinton. And you refuse to accept the truth.




      Your opinions - not facts - about the Access Hollywood video are all wrong. This is exactly what happened. These are the facts. The video was recorded in 2005. On Monday, October 3rd, 2016, an Access Hollywood producer remembered the conversation from 11 years earlier between Donald Trump and Billy Bush. That producer went searching through their archives in order to prove Trump wrong. Trump had denied claims in an earlier Associated Press report in which 20 former employees of Trump's television show, The Apprentice, had described Trump's behavior toward women as "lewd and inappropriate." When the producer discovered the tape, it was taken to NBC's lawyers. NBC owns Access Hollywood, which is nationally syndicated. Network lawyers frequently are involved in reviewing a video to be certain that it has not been edited or tampered with in any way and, therefore, it would be legal to air. On Tuesday, October 4th, NBC News had prepared a story for broadcast, but network executives decided not to run it. Not yet. But on Friday, October 7th - at approximately 11 o'clock in the morning - a copy of the video was given to The Washington Post reporter David Fahrenthold. As to who gave the tape to Fahrenthold is still unknown. Perhaps someone directly working for Access Hollywood...perhaps an NBC executive...nobody knows for certain. Be that as it may...Fahrenthold contacted NBC for a response, but there was no comment made by the network. Fahrenthold then contacted the Trump campaign...advising Trump's senior staff that The Washington Post was in possession of the video. Fahrenthold, shortly thereafter, confirmed the video's authenticity and it was Fahrenthold and The Washington Post who released the video - via their Web site - at 4 p.m. on October 7th. Within minutes after The Washington Post released their story...with the video...NBC News also released it. And THAT is what happened. There was nothing "dishonest" done by Access Hollywood...or by the NBC television network...or by The Washington Post...or by NBC News. They did EXACTLY what you and other Republicans insist the media do. They were reporting a story where they had factual information...credible sources...and authentic evidence that confirmed that the video was real and truthful. The media organizations involved did NOTHING wrong. And you and other Republicans cannot say that they did. But, of course, you will continue to do so anyway. That video SHOULD HAVE destroyed Donald Trump's run for the Presidency. As I noted above...I will never understand how any anybody...ever voted for Trump after seeing that video. malcontents. If Donald Trump had the decency of former candidates like Senator John McCain, Governor Mitt Romney, or any of Trump's GOP challengers who ran for the nomination in 2016...then Democrats would not be angry by Trump being in The White House. We'd be disappointed that Hillary Clinton didn't win, but we would not be angry. But Donald Trump isn't decent like the others. And I fear...he never will be.

      We are done here.



  3. Replies
    1. For those of my readers who are unfamiliar with Twitter and hashtags, the response to my column from the reader above - #MAGA - means "Make America Great Again." What the reader doesn't understand - which Donald Trump doesn't understand - is that America IS great. America has always been great. And President Barack Obama made it even greater over the last 8 years. Unfortunately, Trump is an embarrassment to the United States of America, to The White House and to The Oval Office. Trump is NOT doing anything to move America forward and, as such, he is destroying what makes America great...and with his approval ratings dropping - (Gallup says he's now down to 36 percent) - we may see it plummet in to the twenties.

      I have written in the past couple of months that Trump will not last a full four-year term. His actions will either result in an impeachment by the House, conviction by the Senate and removal from office...or he will resign either in disgrace or because of health reasons - as I don't think he can survive all the stress he is obviously under. I don't agree with Donald Trump and I don't respect him as a President or as a man, but I do NOT wish him any personal harm. He should live and be well and have the best of health, but I don't think he can handle the job for four years. But as I said...I think his actions - either from the past...or in the future...will be the demise of his political career and his Presidency.

