Tuesday, January 31, 2017


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     A number of American civil servants deserve praise today for their patriotic performances on Monday, January 30th, 2017.

     Kudos to Sally Yates...who refused to be an accomplice to an executive order by Donald Trump...that Yates isn't "convinced (to be) lawful."

     Yates served admirably for President Barack Obama as Deputy Attorney General... and because of her obvious love of country...she agreed to stay on the job in an upgraded capacity as Acting Attorney General for Trump.  But on Monday...Yates ordered lawyers at the Department of Justice...not to defend Trump's so-called "Muslim ban" that restricted immigration.

     Yates is a courageous and honorable stateswoman...who follows the rule of law with dignity and integrity...and she should be applauded for her decision.

     Shortly thereafter...the acting head of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was removed from his post.  Daniel Ragsdale was another holdover from the Obama Administration.  He had been ICE's deputy director...and like Yates... graciously remained to work for Donald Trump and to step up his responsibilities.  However...with no public explanation...Ragsdale was returned to his previous position.

     As I wrote in my Monday, January 2nd column...I noted that it wouldn't take long before Trump would mimic his famous phrase from his television show, The Apprentice.  But...I didn't think he would have the urge to say it after only ten days behind The Oval Office desk.  That being said..."You're fired!"...to Sally Yates... apparently came easy.

     What Donald Trump has done is, without question, cruel and unusual punishment for people who are human beings...and the Muslim community should not in any way be treated with such humiliation and horror.

     Trump's ban aims prejudice and bigotry towards Muslims.  And America cannot target an ethnically religious group of peace-loving people...just because a fraction of their worshiping congregation...are not.  Shooting an arrow through the heart of any faith...is criminal and unconstitutional.  And it is bad for all religions.

     Along with numerous other Democrats - who faced a crowd of several hundred supporters that protested Trump's executive order on Monday - Congressman Jerry Nadler called Trump's order..."dangerously stupid."  And the New York Democrat insisted..."We must overcome this little man in The White House, who is disgracing our history."  Harsh words by a member of the U.S. House of Representatives...but after Trump's heinous and abominable actions...Congressman Nadler hit the nail on the head with his remarks.

     A day earlier...on Sunday, January 29th...Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer - a distinguished and proud veteran of Congress - poured his heart out with genuine emotion.  Choked up...Senator Schumer labeled Donald Trump's executive order banning Muslims..."mean-spirited and un-American"...which is the exact word I used in my Saturday, January 28th commentary...titled, TO DONALD TRUMP: THE WELCOME MAT TO AMERICA IS FOR EVERYONE!  But Trump accused Schumer of crying "fake tears"...and he despicably chastised the New York Democrat...of "acting."  I, however...raise my glass to Senator Schumer...and I toast him for his sensitivity towards Muslims and anyone else who is demeaned, belittled and offended...because of their religious beliefs...the color of their skin...or their country of origin.

     And cheers to Senator Cory Booker - Democrat from New Jersey - who, also on Monday, emphatically shouted..."When someone attacks Muslim Americans...they attack all of us.  We must be determined to stand up against hate."

     And that's what Trump's executive order is.  It is hate.  And hate...should never be tolerated.  It's a tragic shame that Donald Trump never learned that.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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