Saturday, January 21, 2017


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     "I did try and f--k her.  She was married.  I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there.  And she was married.  Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything.  She's totally changed her look.  I better use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her.  You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful...I just start kissing them.  It's like a magnet.  Just kiss.  I don't even wait.  And when you're a star, they let you do it.  You can do anything.  Grab 'em by the p--sy.  You can do anything."

     Those are the exact words spoken by Donald Trump on the unedited, infamous Access Hollywood video from 2005.

     And some Americans actually voted for this man?  And now...they want to call him President of the United States?

     I have nothing more to say.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin. 

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. First let me say HE IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! That is a fact! It wasn’t just “some Americans actually voted for this man” almost 63,000,000 Americans voted for him! I find your hypocrisy sad and laughable you crucify President Trump for what he said yet you put former President Bill Clinton on a pedestal with what he did, Clinton is a serial cheater and a man that got a 22 year old intern to perform sex acts on him many times in the oval office, even using his cigar as a sex toy! Acts are worse than words! I say to all Americans whether you voted for President Trump or not, give him a chance. I will also say if you are an American he is your President like it or not!

    1. As usual, you're one of those Republicans who insists on putting your own spin on a topic when the issue pertains to something else or something more critical.

      The crux of my commentary was not whether Donald Trump is President or not President. The column's focus - as is evident by the three question marks (???) - is that Americans are asking...and are puzzled...baffled, in fact...that a man who uttered the words above...could ever become President.

      Yes 62-million Americans voted for Trump...including numerous women. How could they? Why would they?

      Republicans insist on bringing up President Bill Clinton as your defense for Donald Trump. I refuse to make this a "back-and-forth" with you so do not reply with any nonsense regarding President Clinton. Do I agree with what President Clinton - who is married to Hillary Clinton - did with Monica Lewinsky? Of course not. But the "non-sexual" (it wasn't intercourse) playtime between Mr. Clinton and Ms.Lewinsky was consensual. Ms. Lewinsky was a willing participant. And anything wrong with it is between Mr. Clinton and Mrs. Clinton. What Donald Trump did was to brag about an act of - as former Vice President Joe Biden called it - "sexual assault". And - according to former Senator Harry numerous other government officials and political bigwigs - Trump is a "sexual predator."

      As I have written in several columns and responses to readers' comments, over the last two-and-a-half months, it's not a matter that a Republican beat my Democratic candidate. If it had been any of the other GOP candidates running for President in 2016...or Mitt Romney...or John McCain...or even Paul Ryan...then I - and millions of other Democrats - would have been disappointed and upset that Hillary Clinton didn't win The White House...but, as with any other election when the Democrat hasn't won...we get over the loss, after a week or so, and we move on in a unified fashion. But with Trump...this is a man who has personal issues...and - based on his campaign - he has political issues that are damning to our country. Plus, we still are not certain that he...or, at least his senior staff members, were not involved with Russia in affecting the outcome of the election. These are just some of the reasons why we oppose him. was evident by millions of Americans marching yesterday...Trump wants to take away certain civil rights, women's rights, human rights, gay rights and other rights...not to mention much more that I am not going to dwell on.

      You and other Republicans can spit out your words all day long that..."if you are an American, he is your it or not" but that is not the issue. And when Republicans...and Donald Trump...realize what the issues are...then and only then will the United States of America...become united again.


  2. First let me say I don’t think you will publish my response because you have shown in the past you don’t care about facts. You just prefer to be the hater that you are. You quote an off color remark that in no way did he ever state that he did anything that would be sexual assault. You take comments from a proven liar, partisan and hater Harry Reid and from a left wing buffoon and hater in former Vice President Biden mean nothing. As for Bill Clinton, United States Federal statute defines oral sex as a sexual act, you can quote all the dictionaries you want but Federal Law overrules it. In the real world any corporate President found receiving oral sex from an intern would be fired and maybe sued. As for why 63,000,000 Americans voted for President Trump, I believe most did it for his policies, immigration, taxes, refugees, trade, terrorism, healthcare and many others and put America First. Those that didn’t vote for those reasons did it because of their fear of Hillary Clinton and 4 more years of left wing policies. You seem to have it backwards until the Democrats realize what the issues are and that they have to deal with him we will not be a united country.

    1. Since you Republicans, who read my columns, continue to hide in the shadows of the name "Anonymous" - I don't know if you're the same person who posted the earlier remarks above. But whether you are or are not, here are my thoughts again because obviously you do not understand.

      1 - I am not a hater. YOU and others like you ARE the haters.

      2 - The words in my column above are the EXACT words uttered by Donald Trump. You CANNOT make a statement that "in no way did he ever state" them. I have a copy of the raw, completely unedited video. The quote above was transcribed from the tape and they are the exact words that Trump used...exactly his words.

      3 - Your opinions on Vice President Biden show that you are indeed a hater. To call Mr. Biden "a left-wing buffoon" makes YOU a hater. And Senator Reid is not "a proven liar." Anyway, despite what either Vice President Biden or Senator Reid said, numerous other people have remarked in the same fashion about Trump.

      4 - I told the person above that I refuse to comment on any other nonsense regarding President Bill Clinton. However, again, you guys want to put your own spin on things. I never said anything about "oral sex as a sexual act." Your operative words "sexual act" are not part of the statement by President Clinton about 20 years ago. He was referring to "sex." Just that three-letter word. There "IS" a difference. But, for argument's sake, let's say Mr. Clinton and Monica Lewinsky actually had "sex" - which they did not - but let's say they did...they were two adults who jointly consented to performing the act that was performed. Nobody can fire an "intern" - unless that "intern" is under the age of 18 - JUST because he or she is an intern. Employer rules have been challenged in court when company handbooks say two employees cannot date or have any intimate relationships...and the same applies to managers and associates...when both parties have consented to the relationship. It is not Constitutional - by laws of privacy - that a company can fire someone for such intimate behavior. As for suing someone - Ms. Lewinsky consented, as an adult. She could NOT sue Mr. Clinton or anybody else. And, as I have stated earlier, and in other columns, I don't think what President Clinton did was right, but that's because he is married to Hillary Clinton. Therefore, the only person who has anything to say about this matter is Mrs. Clinton herself. And now - 20 years or so later - Mr. and Mrs. Clinton are still together. So stop, stop, stop, bringing up President Bill Clinton by comparing him to Donald Trump who admitted to an act of "sexual assault"...not "sex"...not any "sexual act"...but the legal definition of "sexual assault" when he spoke on the Access Hollywood video.

      5 - Your comments on 62-million Americans who voted for Trump? That's politics. That's done and over with.

      6 - You still don't understand the reasons why Democrats - and others - are angry about Trump. And you never will.


  3. Yes I am the same person and no I am not a hater. Apparently you can’t read or you just try to twist what has been said, just like the mainstream media. I never said the intern would be fired I said the president of a company would be fired; trust me the board would through his butt out. Second I said sexual act and yes oral sex is a sexual act! As for Ms Lewinsky if she felt coerced in any way or pressured, she could have sued. Harry Reid is a proven liar, he stated on the floor of the United States Senate that he had proof from an anonymous source that Mitt Romney hadn’t paid taxes for years, he didn’t have proof it was a lie! As for former VP Biden he stuck his foot in his mouth more times than I can count! As for President Trump I never said he didn’t say the quote, he did, it’s on tape, but nowhere did he say he assaulted anyone, he never said he did any of it, and if he did do it he said” when you’re a star, they let you do it” since you like to quote the law that is CONSENT! I understand why the Democrats are angry, they lost and they HATE as you do President Trump for beating them and beating Hillary! As for why many of us stay anonymous it is because the leftist like you attack and demean people that don’t agree with them!

    1. 1 - With everything you have ARE a hater.

      2 - The way your sentence reads, in your earlier remarks, gives the impression you meant that the "intern" would be fired. Be that as it may, the same would apply with the boss versus the intern. Again, we are not talking about someone under the age of consent. And, as I stated, company handbook rules have been challenged in court and no company can fire ANYONE - be it a manager or an associate (or intern) - because of consensual dating, intimate relationship or any such consenting "hanky-panky." By "board" can "throw his butt out."

      3 - You didn't read what I wrote. I said that oral sex is a sexual is NOT "sex." And President Clinton said he did not have sex or sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. And she testified that President Clinton never "coerced" her or "pressured" her in any way to do anything with him. But enough about this. It's 20 years ago and is not germane to anything to do with Donald Trump. Bill Clinton is not running for anything today. Trump, on the other hand, said these things 12 years ago and then ran for President. If Mr. Clinton was running today, Republicans would have a field day criticizing him. You Republicans chastise him when he's not running for office.

      4 - You can say what you want about Vice President Biden and Senator Reid, but you are wrong. By the way, the Gallup Poll shows that Mr. Biden had a 61 percent approval rating when leaving office. He is loved. He may decide to run for President in 2020 and whip Trump's ass.

      5 - You're doing your "spin" again. You can't spin the Access Hollywood video. You can't do it. Trump said what he said...and because of WHAT HE SAID...that - by legal textbook definition - is "sexual assault." The matter has nothing to do with "consent."

      6 - You still don't get it and you never will. Democrats do not "hate" Donald Trump. And we are not angry because he beat Hillary Clinton. I'm being repetitive because it's obvious - and I'm sorry to say - that you must be educationally challenged, but as I have stated before...we would be disappointed if the Republican nominee had been anybody...and if that person had beaten Mrs. Clinton. We could accept any other Republican - as we did with Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush...even Richard Nixon. But it's Trump's offensive behavior, his insulting demeanor and what he wants to do to destroy the rights of Americans that makes us angry.

      7 - Your final comment about people who are liberal progressive Democrats - or what you want to call "leftists" disgraceful. So go away. Don't read my columns. Do not comment. You're a HATER...and there's nothing more to say.

