Monday, January 23, 2017


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     As evident by my first post-Inauguration column on Saturday, January 21st, 2017...I have made a change with The Controversy.  Whenever I write political editorials, they generally will be much shorter than in the past.  I will also be focusing my column, more frequently, on issues outside the political arena.

     As for this commentary...regular readers of The Controversy are well aware that I am totally against Donald Trump's policies and politics.  But this column will not discuss the specifics for my opposition to Mr. Trump.

     That being said...the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution makes it perfectly permissible for anyone - as President Barack Obama stated in his December 6th, 2016 National Security Address - "to speak (their) mind and to protest against live in a society that's open and free...(and to) criticize a President without retribution."

     Donald Trump is, therefore, fair game to verbally lambaste.  It is also acceptable - when necessary - to negatively comment about remarks made by Mr. Trump's four adult children - Donald Jr., Ivanka, Eric and they have been involved with their father's run for the Presidency and/or his business ventures...and, accordingly, they have spoken on behalf of their dad.  But HANDS OFF 10-year-old Barron Trump.

     Mr. Trump's youngest offspring did not ask to be thrown in to the lion's den of the national political scene.  Barron did not sign up to have photographs of his face splattered on the front page of newspapers or in magazines.  It was not his choice to be pushed in to the spotlight - whether it be to appear at venues with his father and mother...or randomly on television news broadcasts. 

     Barron's life has changed dramatically in the last three days.  But because it has...the press and others in the media need to be gentle with him.  If he is be it.  What youngster in his situation wouldn't be?  So when it comes to Barron, the media overall has no right to be harsh about anything whatsoever...from now until his father moves out of The White House...and then, still not until he is 18 years of age, if at all.

     For any reporter, TV or radio commentator or talk show host, comedian or any common citizen...anywhere in the make fun of...mock...or utter inappropriate opinions or expressions of any sort about Barron not at all proper...and is totally insensitive, inexcusable and unforgivable.  I am writing this column because of observations I have witnessed since Inauguration Day...both in the mainstream media and on social media.  A number of people have noted that Barron appeared "sleepy" on Inauguration Day.  Give the lad a break.  He's only 10 years old.

     I have never had any personal association with Donald Trump or any of his obviously I have never met Barron.  And like most of America...I don't know much about him.  But the Trump tween appears to be a sweet, nice guy.  He is someone who undoubtedly is loved by his mom and dad...and by his older siblings.

     Simply put...Barron Trump is an adorable little boy.  He doesn't know how to be anything...but a kid.  And he deserves to be just that.  Leave this child alone!

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin. 

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

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