Thursday, November 10, 2016


     After reading the commentary below, please express your own thoughts.  Instructions on how to do so are written at the bottom of this column.  Thank you.

     In my post-election column - published at 3:36 a.m. on Wednesday, November 9th, 2016 - I made a strong and conscious effort to do what I thought was the "right thing."  I articulated a need for our country to come together and move forward.  I had written those words many weeks ago...for a commentary that I had hoped would be a victory column for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton...thinking that she would be the new President-elect.

     I have tried all my life to do that which is do the..."right thing."  But we all make mistakes along the way.  After giving it much thought though, since early Wednesday morning...and literally being sick over the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election...I have to get some heavy weights off my chest...and speak my mind the way I really feel.

     I am devastated and heartbroken about this election.  I shared my personal feelings in my post-election commentary...noting my staunch support for Secretary patriotism as an American...and my professionalism as a journalist.  And although I wrote that a divided America...a fractured America...must be healed - and I do pray that can happen - I'm worried that certain liberties in our country might be in jeopardy.

     The election of Donald Trump may tragically assault the rights and freedoms of many Americans.  For 17 months...Republicans nationwide...focused on supporting the offensive behavior that was unbecoming of a Presidential candidate...and - quite frankly - unbecoming of any American.

     The U.S. Supreme Court is going to drastically change over the next four years...possibly with up to four nominations for Justices.  We know there'll be one appointment and Senate confirmation within the first 100 days of Donald Trump's administration.  Therefore...equality rights may disappear with a conservative High Court.  Roe vs. Wade and the Affordable Care Act are likely to be overturned.  Women will be forced to get abortions by butchers using a wire coat they did before the "Pro Choice" law was in force.  And some 20-million Americans - including myself, who has suffered with numerous pre-existing medical conditions - could lose our health insurance.  There will be no real progress in our country.  And our future will be doomed for generations.  Now if I sound overly be it.  But this is how I really feel.

     Racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia and prejudice of any kind is not what I am about.  So it frustrates me that the next President of the United States has many times proven his guilt as a vulgar bigot.

     I don't think I need to spell out all of the vicious and venomous verbiage that spewed off the toxic tongue of Donald Trump since he began his campaign.  There is a familiar expression that "a leopard doesn't change his spots."  Trump is not going to change just because his address changes to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  This is a 70-year old man who has apparently insulted his way through life.  And come January 20th, 2017...his new found power will enhance his already enormous ego in to thinking he can say and "do anything" he wants.  After all...he admitted to groping women...and then laughing about his inappropriate actions...because he was a famous celebrity.  Just imagine what diabolical thoughts are now whirling around in his pompous, arrogant head...knowing that he will be the most powerful person on the planet Earth.

     It displeases me to think...that we don't live in the country that I always thought was our home.  And it disturbs me that the people of our grand republic...could actually elect a person to be our President...who has been so horrendously repugnant to so many different people.  What does this say about our country?

     When Americans cast their ballots for a man...who has degraded women...and treated them in such disgusting ways...what am I - or anyone who agrees with me - suppose to believe?  To acknowledge...that not all, but certainly an overwhelming majority of the people who voted for Donald Trump...are on the same page with him and his demented thinking...and that being a reckless narcissist is acceptable to them for the person sitting behind The Oval Office desk...deeply saddens and agonizes me.

     We apparently live in a country that is filled with a tremendous amount of narrow-minded people who don't care that the man they would vote in to The White House...has been intensely the disabled...and to numerous others for nearly a year and a half.  What does that mean for America?  And how did any person from those for Trump?

     Each and every time that Donald Trump's demeanor became worse...I thought to myself...his campaign is over.  The straw just broke the camel's back.  But it never happened.  Trump's disparaging remarks about a Vietnam Prisoner of War - who is now an honorable United States Senator - and Trump's disrespect towards a Gold Star mother and father...should have crushed his chances at anyone wanting him to be our Commander-In-Chief.

     How did the country I love...elect a man as our President...when he has belittled everybody who doesn't agree with him?  This is why I wrote - long before it became routine by others - that Donald Trump does not have the temperament to be President.  He is without question...dangerously unfit to our Commander-In-Chief.

     There are going to be many of you who will cheer me on...and rave about what I have written in this column.  Others of you are going to probably criticize me for being as harsh as you may think I am.  But I can't keep quiet.  I tried with my first post-election commentary...but now...I can't hold back.

     Anti-Trump protestors...demonstrated peacefully - in many areas of our polarized nation - on Wednesday, November 9th...and Thursday, November 10th...and such marches in New York City, New York...Los Angeles, California...Chicago, Illinois... Philadelphia, Pennsylvania...Seattle, Washington...Oakland, California...and elsewhere...will likely continue for quite awhile.  Protestors are displaying signs that state..."Dump Trump"...and..."He's Not Our President."

     I cannot physically participate in any this column is my peaceful protest.  My genuine hope is that we don't see those lawful public spectacles...evolve in to riots in our streets.  There is no need for violence and civil unrest.  But if soldiers and tanks suddenly appear...God help us all.

     Twice in the last five Presidential elections - 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016 - the Democratic Party's nominee...has won the popular vote...but lost The White House.  We embrace a U.S. Constitution that our founding fathers penned more than 200 years ago.  And although most of that precious document is satisfactory in do need amending.  The Electoral College needs to be dismissed... permanently.

     While hosting a political radio talk show...I commented in 2000 - when former Vice President Al Gore won the popular vote, but lost the electoral vote - that the Electoral College...should be shown the door.  Now...Hillary Clinton has fallen in to the same trap as Vice President Gore.  In reality...more Americans voted for Secretary Clinton.  Yet George W. Bush and Donald Trump were declared the winners because of our structure with the Electoral College.  It is time that our election process is updated to a popular vote system.

     Unlike certain people...who desire total failure for Donald Trump...I have mixed feelings.  I, of course, oppose his outlandish immigration plans, so don't want them to be successful.  And I could make a list of other Trump notions where I don't concur.  But I do not want our country to sink economically...or be troubled with any security problems.  For the good of America...I hope Trump keeps our nation safe from any harm...that he does not enter us in to any more war zones that would risk the lives of our brave armed forces troops...and that we prosper financially.  Hurting all Americans...just to make Trump look not good for our country as a whole.  

     I want to believe...deep in my soul...and deep in my heart...that Donald Trump will not engage in some of the absurd and preposterous policies that he argued throughout his campaign.  If Trump's threats become realities...the people of the United States will never come together...and our country will never heal.

     Trump needs to apologize to all the people he has offended since he began his campaign...including to Secretary Clinton.  And he must promise to the American people...that his days of repulsive and reprehensible conduct are done and over.  Not that we will trust him - as uttering words need to be followed with years of decent and prudent actions - but it's still something that I want him to say.

     Now that I've said my peace...and obviously I realize there is nothing that can be done to change the outcome of the 2016 election...I hope that we can move forward.  So I'm going to repeat part of my closing...from my previous commentary... for those who might not have read it. 

     As Secretary Clinton declared at a campaign rally in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Monday, November 7th..."We need more love and kindness in America."  And as she expressed enthusiastically throughout her campaign...we are "stronger together."  We cannot remain a divided nation.  We cannot continue to be a society that is filled with hate.  Although many of us think differently as Americans...we are not different as human beings.  Our thoughts...our mindsets...our philosophies...and our outlook on the world...may not always be in sync with each other...but whether our skin color is white, black, brown, yellow or red...whether we pray with The Old Testament, The Old and New Testaments, The Quran or with any other religious holy book...whether we're straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian or transgender...whether we are rich, comfortable, struggling or matter how we are different...we are the same.  We are members of the human race.  Let's act like it.

     As I wrote in my last editorial...tears flowed from my eyes following the political earthquake on Tuesday night, November 8th and early Wednesday morning, November 9th.  But Hillary Clinton's painful loss at becoming our 45th numbing.  I truly am - to a certain degree - in shock.  As such...we are indeed a country in chaos.  To survive it...may take a miracle.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Copyright 2016 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. GBD, I understand your feelings I felt much of it in 2008 and 2012. You as you said you were and are a staunch supporter of Hillary Clinton, maybe if she was not perceived as a liar and being corrupt by more the half the country, November 8 may have been different. The people who voted for President-elect Trump did not vote for him because as you say he is a racist or bigot or homophobe or any of the other lies you tell, they voted for him in my opinion for two major reasons one his policies two they voted against Hillary Clinton. People want a leader for ALL Americans not as we have seen over the last 7 plus years a leader for the left only. People are tired of the lefts policies; people want an America first policy not a global policy. As for your fears, yes there will be change, we hopefully will get a much more originalist Supreme Court that honors the Founding Fathers, will Roe v. Wade be overturned it might be, I don’t think it will but if it is all it does is return it to each state. It does NOT make abortion illegal. Remember the very liberal Democrat Constitutional Lawyer Alan Dershowitz has said the Court had NO Constitutional basis for the Roe v. Wade decision. Our Supreme Court’s job is not to determine right virus wrong, fair or unfair, its job is to determine if something is Constitutional or Unconstitutional, that’s it. It would be nice if you stopped adding your interpretations to what Trump has done or said, he wasn’t talking about all Latinos, he was talking about illegal aliens, people who broke American laws coming here, I have never heard him say anything homophobic, not supporting gay marriage does not make you homophobic, I personally don’t think the government should be involved in marriage at all, the government should issue a civil union contracts to any 2 adults that wish to grant each other rights as a couple, leave the marriage part to the clergy. I could continue but it is not worth it, you seem to be a Trump hater, from reading your past writings you are also a Bush hater, basically a person that hates the conservative right and the GOP. As for the Electoral College it should never be abolished, if anything it should be changed to what Maine does by Congressional districts that is up to each state. We are one Country but we are also 50 states and we have many different needs in these 50 states and one of the foundations of our country is States’ Rights! Getting rid of the Electoral College takes away a States right in participation of the election of the President. Remember to eliminate the Electoral College you need a Constitutional Amendment, you will never get 37 states to pass it. You say we are in chaos, what we need is for Hillary supporters to stop acting like little kids that didn't get there way and give Trump a chance, whether you want to admit it or not come January 20th he will be the President of the United States.

    1. 1 - Hillary Clinton is NOT a liar. 2 - If you voted for a man who has the repulsive characteristics that Donald Trump has, then as a voter, you are approving of his groping of women, his mocking a disabled reporter, his profanities on live television before a campaign rally, his disrespect of veterans and their family members, and on and on and on. 3 - President Barack Obama has been a true leader of ALL Americans. I doubt - based on his policies - that Trump will ever be that. Donald Trump will never reach the heights and standards of President Obama 4 - The Constitution needs some tweaking. Our country cannot survive if we adhere to every word as written. There must be changes. Minor that they may be in some cases, but changes just the same. I can only hope that any Supreme Court Justices who had thought of retiring will hold on for another four years when a Democrat WILL return to The White House and when the Senate (and possibly the House of Representatives) are controlled by the Democrats. Our only hope is that Chief Justice Roberts will do as he has in the past and continue to vote in favor of such laws that are supported by the Democrats. 5- If Roe vs. Wade is overturned, I already explained in my column above what will happen because there are certain states that won't pass a state law to allow abortions. What happens to those women who can't afford to travel to another state? They end up with the butcher and his wire hanger. 6 - Supreme Court Justices have debated your comment for years, but some will definitely argue that their responsibility is indeed to "interpret" the laws and to "determine" "right" from "wrong" in their eyes. 7 - Same-sex or gay marriage is a right as are all other rights and freedoms in our country. The Supreme Court ruled correctly with their decision. 8 - You amaze me when you accuse me of being a "Trump hater" and a "Bush hater." I certainly do not hate George W. Bush. I blame him for a lot of problems in our country. I believe he was a terrible President (and history will reflect that fact). But I in - NO WAY - hate...President Bush. I was totally against most of his policies, but I did not hate the man. As for Donald Trump - I don't...hate...him either. I despise the repugnant things he has done. I loathe his disgusting, foulmouthed, arrogant manner of how he treats other people. And as I stated earlier...anyone who voted for a man - such as this - to be the President of the United States, then obviously walks the same walk and talks the same talk as Donald Trump. Thus, it is those people who elected him. 9 - The Electoral College needs to go. Whether that will ever happen is something we'll have to wait and see. I'm so tired of Republicans always bringing up the "states' rights" card. I'll leave that point at that. 10 - Our country is in chaos. Just look at New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Seattle, Oakland and many more cities that will be protesting tonight. What you don't seem to understand is that "Hillary supporters" are not "acting like little kids that didn't get their way." This was not an election where Trump solidly won. If Secretary Clinton ends up winning Michigan, which is very likely, she will wind up with 248 electoral votes and she has already won the popular vote. She would have then lost the Presidency by 22 votes and Trump would have won by 20 votes, as he has 290. I already stated that we should move forward. That would be giving Trump a chance. Unless something destructive happens to prove illegalities in Trump's past - and that is not probable at this point - then I realize that he will be sworn in on January 20th as our country's President. But just remember...there are only 1,453 days before Election Day 2020. Countdown has begun so Trump better not get too cozy and comfortable in The Oval Office chair. A Democratic President will be evicting him...before he knows it. GBD

  2. First, I didn’t say she was a liar or corrupt, I said that over 50% of America perceives her as being a liar and corrupt. Personally I believe she is both. Just because someone voted against Clinton and for Trump and his policies does not mean they approve of groping women (there is no proof he ever groped anyone) and I don’t approve of mocking anyone. As for his use of profanity on live TV, VP Joe Biden said “ This is a big f-king Deal” on live TV. As for President Obama I believe he is a failed leader, the ACA is a failure, his mid-east policy is a failure, his Russian reset was a failure, his Iraq policy gave us ISSI and fighting them has been a failure, I could go on and on but I think you get my point. If your party believes the Constitution needs to be changed then do what has been done 33 times in the past Amend it, don’t by-pass the law. I won’t get into the Roe v. Wade issue with you, I personally believe safe abortions should be available to women within a limited time frame for most but I don’t believe it is a Constitutional right to have abortion on-demand anytime. As for gay marriage, I already stated I believe everyone should have a right to a civil-union and the government should stay out of marriage. You may be tired of “States Rights” but that was one of the major things this country was founded on, just read the 10th amendment. Your statement about over 59,000,000 Americans is disgraceful “obviously walks the same walk and talks the same talk as Donald Trump”, we voted for his policies and against Clinton! Your comments are disgusting and disgraceful. You have a very hateful heart and need help. You seem to hate everyone who disagrees with you, you don’t honor the Constitution or our laws, and you dishonor our elections. You are doing the same thing that you claimed in one of your past columns was wrong when Mitch McConnell said he wanted Obama to be a one term President. As for the electoral count Trump now stands at 290 and looks like he will get 16 more from Michigan making 306 and maybe 4 from NH, he could get to 310, that my friend is a mandate! If he gets beaten in 4 years so be it at least the Supreme Court will hopefully be safe for generations to come. Please get professional help for your hate issues you could be a happier person.

    1. Number One - No...not "over 50 percent of America perceives her (Hillary Clinton) as being a liar and corrupt"...because Secretary Clinton won the popular vote. In any other country, Madam Secretary would be Madam President-elect. Number Two - I guess you've been living in a cave over the last several weeks because Donald Trump admitted to groping women. He admitted on national television to what Vice President Biden called, "the textbook definition of sexual assault." Are you kidding me? How can you say Trump never groped women? Number Three - Mr. Biden's use of the words "big f--king deal" was said in a whisper to the President that happened to unfortunately be picked up by a live microphone. Donald Trump, on the other hand, in talking about ISIS at a campaign rally said, "And you can tell them to go f--k themselves." A big difference than what Vice President Biden said. Number Four - I won't even comment on your awful remarks about President Obama who has been an outstanding President. Number Five - I will never understand how anyone could vote for a man who has said and done what Trump has said and done unless they agree that he was not wrong. And if that's the case, then that does equate to being someone who "walks the same walk and talks the same talk as Donald Trump." Could you be friends with someone who has acted as horrendously as Trump has to women and others? Maybe you could. But I couldn't. So therefore, how do you vote for a person to be President of the United States when that individual has been so offensive to so many people? You can say you didn't vote for Trump, but that you voted against Mrs. Clinton. That's a cop-out. I don't buy it from you and I don't buy it from anybody. Number Six - The likelihood is that Mrs. Clinton will win New Hampshire and Michigan, which would give her 248 electoral votes to Trump's 290. But be that as it may, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. There is NO mandate by Trump. You are ridiculous if you truly believe that nonsense. And even if Trump were to get those 20 votes...bringing him to 310...still NO mandate. Number Seven - Don't be surprised if there are no more Justices retiring (unless of course by death unfortunately) until 2020. And remember...Louisiana could still elect a Democrat in the run-off election next month. If that's the case, there'll be 49 Democrats and 51 Republicans in the Senate. And there's always the possibility that Senator Chuck Schumer as the new Senate Minority Leader will be able to sway two moderate Republicans to not confirm a Supreme Court Justice. We could end up for four years with an 8-Justice U.S. Supreme Court. So in my view, once a Democrat wins The White House in 2020...then...the Supreme Court will be "safe for generations to come" with mostly liberal Justices. Number Eight - You need to get "professional help for your hate issues." GBD

  3. The following comment was made by a reader of the above column who e-mailed Gary B. Duglin on Thursday, November 10th, 2016. The reader prefers to remain anonymous.

    "Well put, Gary. Good for you."

    1. Thank you very much. I do appreciate your kind words. GBD

  4. The following comment was posted on Gary B. Duglin's Facebook page at 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 10th, 2016. The writer's name was posted on Facebook, but The Controversy is only posting his first name here.

    "The miracle is the GOP in charge and they will set the Country on the right path and make America great again! Have faith in them and give them all a chance!" - Wayne

    1. A GOP miracle is no miracle at all...not with Donald Trump in charge. GBD

  5. The following comment was posted on Gary B. Duglin's Facebook page at 3:53 p.m. on Friday, November 11th, 2016. The writer's name was posted on Facebook, but The Controversy is only posting his first name and last initial here.

    "The 'love & peace' Hillary spoke of has been taken to the streets causing untold damage to business owner property. Is this the way those that lost the last 2 elections should have reacted? The protestors actions only illustrates how far down this country has gone. They are the result of policies where everyone wins or gets a 'Participation Award' so no ones feeling are hurt. It all adds up to spoiled brats reacting to something they never experienced - losing!" - Jim S.

    1. I will be elaborating on your "spoiled brats" comment in my next commentary. However, I will say this for's not a matter of "reacting to something (Hillary supporters) never experienced - losing". I can't speak for every single protester who are demonstrating throughout the country in numerous cities, but I will say that - for me personally - my objection to Donald Trump has nothing to do with a Republican winning. It has to do with someone being President of the United States who has been as offensive as he has to women and others. I will leave it at that for now, but stay tuned for a more elaborate response to your remarks in my column next week. GBD

    2. The following comment was posted on Gary B. Duglin's Facebook page at 9:39 a.m. on Saturday, November 12th, 2016. The writer's name was posted on Facebook, but The Controversy is only posting his first name and last initial here.

      "And I didn't appreciate Hillary's comment calling Trump supporters 'Deplorable'!! I consider my self an independent and could have voted either way (if I could vote - long story - it has to do with the timing of our move to Pa.) She is not innocent when it comes to name calling." - Jim S.

    3. It's not only Trump's verbal offensive remarks, but it's the way he has treated women. He admitted to groping women. On a national television show, Trump admitted to "grab(bing) p---y" and he said he's able to "do anything" he wants because he's a celebrity. Vice President Biden described Trump's actions as "the textbook definition of sexual assault." As I said earlier, I will be focusing on a lot of what you're debating in my next column...coming up in the next several days. GBD

  6. GBD, too bad you don’t accept the truth, the latest polls show that over 20% of those that voted for Clinton felt that she was liar. They liked her policies or didn’t want Trump or for some other reason voted for her. I don’t know what cave you live in but I don’t believe he ever admitted to groping anyone against their will. As to Trump or Biding using bad words, who cares, grow up! I don’t care if you comment on what I said about President Obama, you can live in your own dream world but they are all facts. You keep wanting to make this election personal, it’s not, it’s about policy. I could have voted for almost anyone over Clinton that had policies I agreed with. I want boarder security, I don’t want 11,000,000 illegal aliens given the right to become citizens, give the ones with clean records legal status but NEVER citizenship, I want a wall, I don’t want un-vetted Syrian refugees allowed here, I want Obama Care repealed and replaced, I want lower taxes, I want a strong military, I want the keystone pipeline built, I want a Supreme Court that protects the Constitution and the Second Amendment, I could continue but I think you get my point. This is what I wanted and Hilary Clinton wanted none of it, I vote on policy not personality! As an American I could never support the abolishment of the Electoral College, you get rid of it, you disenfranchise about 40% of American Citizens from having a say in the president. What candidate would go to Iowa or Montana or Maine or any of the other 30 or so states that don’t have big populations? All they would care about is the big states and cities NY, California, Florida, Texas, Massachusetts and maybe 8 or 10 others, that’s not America. Our Founding Fathers knew what they were doing, maybe we should tweak it and go with the way Maine does it by Congressional District and top vote getter in the state gets the 2 extra votes. You wouldn’t want that because if you went with that Trump would have had gotten over 370 votes. As for President Obama pardoning Clinton your statement “the only way anyone can be pardoned is first by being convicted” makes me laugh, did you ever hear of the Nixon Pardon, he was given a full pardon from President Ford and was never convicted of anything. As for the Supreme Court we will have a full Court and who know that 9th Justice could be Ted Cruz, not my first choice but it could happen. You and the disgusting rioters (they need to be jailed) need some real help for your hate issues, please get some you’ll be a much happier person!

    1. This will be a two-part response to your above comment. PART 1 - Your comments are not only insulting, but moronic. You have no clue about anything that is factual. I'm not going to continue having this conversation with someone who clearly does not know what the hell he or she is talking about. Since you insist on remaining anonymous, I don't know if you're a male or female. First of all, you made a remark from a point I made to reader in a previous column...not the one above. But you can laugh all you want about Richard Nixon's pardon, but what I said to another reader below my previous column is this..."the only way anyone can be pardoned is by first being convicted - which neither Bill or Hillary Clinton has been, as they have not been indicted on any charges - or if a person admits guilt." Richard Nixon admitted guilt by resigning the Presidency. I clearly stated that for a person to be pardoned he or she would have to be indicted or convicted of a crime...or...admit to guilt. Neither Hillary for Bill Clinton will ever admit guilt because they are not guilty. So to compare Nixon's pardon with anything to do with the Clinton's is not only wrong, but ludicrous. You can also say what you want about lying, etc., but the fact of the matter is...more than half of the country voted for Hillary Clinton...not Donald Trump. I'm not getting in to the whole Electoral College bit, but to quote Harvard graduate, political analyst, MSNBC program host and respected journalist, Lawrence O'Donnell - "The Electoral College is one of the most enduring mistakes of the founding fathers." Check out the following monologue from Lawrence's show THE LAST WORD. - I'm sorry to have to say this, but either you're a fool or just plain stupid when you say that Donald Trump never admitted to groping anyone. He admitted it to Billy Bush in that now infamous Access Hollywood recording. You don't remember Trump saying that when you're a celebrity, you can "do anything". And he stated to Billy Bush that he did "grab p---y." Vice President Biden called Trump's actions..."the textbook definition of sexual assault." As for your comment for me to "grow up" with regards to profanity used by Trump or I said...Vice President Biden was whispering a comment off to the side to President Obama and just happened to be picked up a live microphone. Should the Vice President been more careful given the location they were at where microphones were nearby...yes, he should have been more careful, but it was not like Trump who stood in front of a huge rally that included children and said about ISIS that he would say..."And you can tell them to go f--k themselves." I certainly am "grown up" enough to handle hearing that word. But small children shouldn't. And nobody...NOBODY...should hear that word from someone running for President of the United States. Again, I'm not going to spend any time defending President Obama because he doesn't need any defending. You're the one living in a "dream world." Mr. Obama has been an outstanding President and Commander-In-Chief. Period. END OF PART 1 - GBD

    2. PART 2 OF 2 -
      Now to answer some of your other comments, which is perfectly within your right to think this way, but I totally disagree. First, all 11-million undocumented immigrants should be allowed to stay in the United States with a path to citizenship. Second, there should never be a "wall" built on the U.S./Mexico border...and there never will be. Trust will never be built. Third, vetted refugees should be welcomed. Fourth, the Affordable Care Act needs improving, but not repealing and replacing. Fifth, under Hillary Clinton's plan, no person who earns less than 250-thousand dollars a year was going to have their taxes increased, but with Donald Trump, the rich are going to get tax breaks and the middle-class and poor are going to have to pay more in taxes. I'm not a tax expert or an economist, but "hundreds" of tax experts and economists - according to The New York Times and The Washington Post plus independently respected economic organizations - have stated that Trump's tax plan is the worst plan in American history. Sixth, we have a strong military and we would have continued to have one with Hillary Clinton, so your comment about our armed forces isn't applicable to the conversation. Seventh, the Keystone Pipeline is not good for the environment and would bring risks of all kinds to local communities in its path. Eighth, I want a more liberal U.S. Supreme Court - for reasons that I've discussed over and over again, so I will not again here. Ninth, Ted Cruz will never get confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice. I repeat what I stated in an earlier response...Don't be surprised if there are no more Justices retiring (unless of course by death unfortunately) until 2020. And remember... Louisiana could still elect a Democrat in the run-off election next month. If that's the case, there'll be 49 Democrats and 51 Republicans in the Senate. And there's always the possibility that Senator Chuck Schumer as the new Senate Minority Leader will be able to sway two moderate Republicans to not confirm a Supreme Court Justice. We could end up for four years with an 8-Justice U.S. Supreme Court. As for your comment about "disgusting rioters." Anyone who incites violence should be arrested. Donald Trump has incited violence for more than a year. I suppose - based on what you've written - that Trump should be "jailed." Wow. I didn't think you'd think that way. By the way, 99-percent of the people protesting have been peaceful and lawful demonstrations are permitted in our country. At least they are now. Who knows what kind of executive order Donald Trump might try to do. With his dictatorial style, who knows what Trump might "try" to do? GBD

  7. GBD, do you always revise history to make a point, that’s called lying! Richard Nixon never admitted any guilt of any crime (I believe he was) but he never admitted guilt, second go read the transcripts in the NY Times dated 10/8/2016 of Trump and Bush, Trump never and I repeat NEVER said he grabbed anyone by anything, what he said was: “Trump: And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Bush: whatever you want. Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.” He never said he had done it and if he had done it, it is not assault if “they let you do it”. So once again you are proved to be the fool or a liar! As for “vetted refugees the CIA, the NSA and the FBI have testified before Congress saying we cannot fully vet these refugees, period. As for Lawrence O’Donnell and his economics degree from Harvard College (the Liberal Arts College of Harvard University) he is a left wing democrat who as most left wing nuts don’t honor the Constitution or our Founding Fathers. As for the 11,000,000 illegal aliens, nobody who broke our laws to come here should be given the great honor and gift from this nation of Citizenship. Legal status but NEVER CITIZENSHIP! I will not even honor your comments about Trump having a dictatorial style when you support Obama and all the dictatorial executive orders bypassing the Congress and the law! You really need a lot of mental help and a lot of education, please take a US history course and learn about our country!

    1. Look...I'm not going to argue these points with you anymore, so we're done here. Richard Nixon resigned the Presidency. Impeachment proceedings were already underway. His resignation of the Presidency was his admitting guilt. You can try to spin this whatever way you want, but Richard Nixon admitted guilt. He resigned his office. And President Gerald Ford pardoned him. Period. End of story. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton will never admit guilt for what you and other Republicans claim they are guilty of, so therefore, there is no reason for a pardon since there's nothing to pardon them for. They are not guilty of any illegal wrongdoings. Period. End of story. As for Donald spelled out the words that Trump spoke. He talked quite definitively of "grab 'em by the p--sy. You can do anything." And he said, "when you're a star, they let you do it." He was saying...that's what he did. He admitted - as Vice President Joe Biden stated - committing "the textbook definition of sexual assault." Period. End of story. I am not the fool or the liar. Numerous government agencies and experts have stated that refugees being vetted over an 18-month to 2-year period can be vetted properly. Period. End of story. You are an insulting, offensive, liberal hater who wants to continually say that Democrats don't honor the Constitution. We do. I am sick and tired of hearing that from people like you. Period. End of story. All 11-million undocumented immigrants should be allowed the same freedoms and paths to citizenship as all of our grandparents or great-grandparents were given many years ago. That is what America is all about. Welcoming people to our country...not building walls. Period. End of story. If you really think that you can compare the disgusting, disgraceful demeanor of Donald Trump with the class and dignity of Barack Obama then you are totally out of your mind. President Obama is in no way "dictatorial." By virtue of so many things Trump has said and done over the last 17 months...he is without question dictatorial. Period. End of story. I don't want to insult all Republicans with what I have stated or am about to state because I know many Republicans who do not have the despicable hatred that you apparently have. And I have never had personal conversations with any Republican friends who speak as offensively as you do. How dare you to say that I "really need a lot of mental help and a lot of education" and that I should "take a U.S. history course and learn about our country." It is obviously YOU...who have no clue as to what the United States of America is all about. Now stop writing me with your moronic statements as I will not be answering them again. Period. End of story. GBD
