Monday, November 14, 2016


     After reading the commentary below, please express your own thoughts.  Instructions on how to do so are written at the bottom of this column.  Thank you.

     I truly don't believe that Republicans understand what is happening in our country.  A reader commented on my last editorial...and accused Hillary Clinton supporters of being..."spoiled brats reacting to something they never experienced... losing."

     Democrats, in general, have never before reacted in the past with such firm opposition when the GOP candidate has won the Presidential election.  I've lived through 16 such races and have voted in 11 of them.  I was too young for the others.  All that being said...I cast my ballots for those Democrats who rivaled the following Republicans:  Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984...George H. W. Bush in 1988...and George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004.  Was I upset when my candidates - President Jimmy Carter...Vice President Walter Mondale...Governor Michael Dukakis... Vice President Al Gore...and then-Senator/now Secretary of State John Kerry - lost?  Sure.  Obviously.  But the Donald Trump electoral vote victory over former Secretary of State completely different than wins by President Reagan...President Bush 41...and President Bush 43.  Despite my political disagreements with Mr. Reagan, Mr. Bush and Mr. Bush...they were/are honorable men.  Of course I don't agree with hardly anything that any of them did as President...but I liked them as people.  I respected them for what they accomplished in their personal lives...and that they lived...or are living their lives...with dignity and integrity.  I can't say the same for Donald Trump.

     In less than 67 days...the person who will apparently be occupying The Oval not worthy of sitting behind the desk - symbolically - of George Washington...Thomas Jefferson...Abraham Lincoln...Theodore Roosevelt...or, for that matter, any other President of the United States.  Anybody who has treated women...the way Trump has - allegedly throughout most of his adult life - cannot be considered anything representing our Stars and Stripes.

     As current Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid - Democrat of Nevada - noted in a written statement on Friday, November 11th, 2016..."If this is going to be a time of healing...we must first put the responsibility for healing...where it the feet of Donald Trump, a sexual predator who lost the popular vote and fueled his campaign with bigotry and hate.  Winning the Electoral College does not absolve Trump of the grave sins he committed against millions of Americans."

     Another reader of The Controversy...responded to my last column by writing... "There is no proof he (Donald Trump) ever groped anyone."  I say to that person... are you kidding me?  Have you been living in a cave for the last several weeks?  Trump a video recording with Billy Bush, who - at the time - was the co-host of Access what Vice President Joe Biden called..."the textbook definition of sexual assault."  In an interview with Meet The Press moderator and NBC News political director Chuck Todd - on Sunday, October 16th - Vice President Biden went on to say..."It's not just that he said it...but his instinctive abuse of power.  I live in the penthouse.  I'm a billionaire.  I'm a star.  And I can do what I want.  That's the most disturbing piece."

     And as I wrote about Donald Trump in my last commentary...which I feel compelled to repeat again..."Come January 20th, 2017...his new found power will enhance his already enormous ego in to thinking he can say and do anything he wants.  Just imagine what diabolical thoughts are now whirling around in his pompous, arrogant head...knowing that he will be the most powerful person on the planet Earth."

     So it's not a matter that Democrats - or Hillary Clinton supporters, in particular - are against Donald Trump because he beat our candidate.  That's not the case at all.  It's that Trump spent nearly a year and a half...offending races of people and ethnicities.  His demeanor and his temperament have been so unbalanced...that there is no way he is mentally be trusted as President and Commander-In-Chief.  Trump's access to the nuclear codes...and his finger on the so-called... "button" frightening Americans nationwide.  Furthermore...during his campaign... he incited violence...he incited racism...he incited bigotry of all kinds.  And Trump disrespected brave military veterans and Gold Star family members.  So when you add it all up...and combine his venomous language with his degrading behavior...while bragging about women in a disgusting, nauseating and vulgar's puzzling to me...that any Republican...any woman...or - quite frankly - any one...could have voted for him.  But they did.

     Senator Reid also mentioned in his statement that..."white nationalists...Vladimir Putin...and ISIS...are celebrating Donald Trump's victory...while innocent, law-abiding Americans...are wracked with fear."  Vast amounts of Latinos are terrified of being deported...while some African-Americans are scared they'll be attacked on street corners.  Women are afraid that their "Pro Choice" rights will suffer.  And gays are nervous that they will lose their rights of equality...and marriage.

     Protests are continuing across our numerous large cities and small on many college campuses including UCLA and Nashville's Vanderbilt University.  The mostly peaceful marches have been overshadowed by a smattering of violent episodes and vandalism...which I certainly disapprove.  Trump has tweeted that the demonstrations are "very unfair."  I guess he doesn't understand any more than his supporters why Democrats are protesting.  

     Americans are not ones to ever give-up.  So those who are demonstrating against Trump...may continue their protests...for four years.  And the world is watching.  Despite that in his victory speech...Trump pledged to be the President for "all Americans"...I'm concerned if he will actually stick to his word...since he is someone who - throughout his campaign - stated he believes in revenge.

     As this column is published, The New York Times says there are about 7-million ballots still to be counted.  Hillary Clinton has, so far, received over 600-thousand more votes than Donald Trump.  And according to "The Times"...when all is said and done...Secretary Clinton's popular vote likely to be 2-million votes greater than Trump...which would equal between one-and-a-half and two percentage points higher.

     We must be the laughing stock to other lands around the they've got to be asking how Mrs. Clinton won't be the next President of the United States.  Other nations don't see the logic - in 2016 - for the Electoral College.  And neither do I.  

     The Electoral College is absurd in the 21st century.  It was established at a time - 1789 - when according to and nation's founding fathers were suspicious of democracy.  Men like James Madison did not entirely trust voters.  Let us remember that when the U.S. Constitution was written...women weren't permitted to slaves could not cast any ballots...and only a specific type of man had the right to vote.  In some parts of America...a man had to be a property owner in order to vote.  That apparently showed that the individual was a person of good judgment.  Since none of the above is applicable today...our Presidents should be elected through the same simple process that we elect senators, congressmen and all other elected officials.  And for those who argue that smaller states would then not be contributing as much to selecting the President...that's not only illogical, but irrational...and should not matter.  We are one country...with one President.  And the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide...should win the election and become the next President.

     This is the second time in 16 years that other countries have been perplexed by our election process.  We all surely recall that then-Vice President Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000...but came up short with the electoral votes.  And as everybody knows...Mr. Gore didn't become President...George W. Bush did.

     Hillary Clinton - on Saturday, November 12th - reportedly accused FBI Director James Comey for being the major reason for her loss of The White House.  Mrs. Clinton blames Comey's letter to Congress...eleven days before the election.  With no proof or facts whatsoever...Comey wrote Congressional leaders on Friday, October 28th...that more e-mails were discovered...that were potentially connected to the already closed FBI investigation of Secretary Clinton's use of a private e-mail server.  Comey issued a second statement on November 6th - two days before the election - that there was absolutely no reason to re-open the Bureau's investigation as no criminal charges of any kind were warranted because of the new e-mails.  Thus, that reaffirmed the FBI's conclusion from July 2016.  

     Meanwhile...a source reportedly told ABC News...that during a private telephone conversation with her top donors...Mrs. Clinton pointed the finger at Director Comey's first it "killed momentum" in her campaign...and "boosted motivation for Trump."  According to the ABC News source...the former Democratic nominee feels the election results are a "very tough loss"...and that "this is painful... and it will be for a long time."  Secretary Clinton is said to be..."heartbroken."

     Following the third Presidential debate on Wednesday, October 19th...Mrs. Clinton was smooth sailing to the finish line...and all polls indicated that she was on her way to victory.  FBI Director Comey is in large part responsible for certain "blue" states turning "red" for Trump.  Comey should be ashamed of himself for influencing an election, which is against policy of the Justice Department.   

     With a country that is as America has been for some's possible that in future elections...the Republican nominee...could win the popular vote...while the Democratic Party's chosen candidate...actually is elected by winning the electoral vote.  Maybe then...after that...the GOP will agree...that it's time we abolish...the Electoral College.

     Twitter is blanketed with #NotOurPresident.  Summing up with just five words...another reader of The Controversy reacted to Trump's triumph with this description.  "He's worse than an animal."

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Copyright 2016 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Gary, who are you to judge who is worthy or not worthy to be President? I find it interesting that you talk about dignity and integrity in a candidate and or a President and condemn Donald Trump for unproven actions, yet you applaud Bill Clinton who is an admitted serial cheater on his wife, has been sued for sexual harassment and has been accused by multiple women of rape, is that dignity and integrity in you book? As for anything Harry Reid says, this is the man who stood up on the US Senate floor and out right lied saying he had proof that Mitt Romney had not paid taxes in 10 years. As for what Trump said to Billy Bush, he never said he did these things and on the debate stage said he never did, I don’t know if he did or not and neither do you. I know I have been in many locker rooms, bars and around workplace water coolers (an old term) where many man from high school age in the locker rooms to men 18 years into their 50’s and beyond talk about their sexual conquest. Most being exaggerated or fantasies being said to impress their friends and co-workers.
    I did not know you had such insight to the rest of the world to know that we are the “laughing stock” about how we elect our President, let’s see who might be laughing: the UK doesn’t do direct elections for their Prime Minister, the President of Italy is elected by an “Electoral College”, the Israeli Prime Minister is not elected by the direct election, the German Chancellor is appointed by the winning Party, not elected by popular votes, Japan’s House of Representatives elects their Prime Minister from within, no direct election, the list goes on and on, so I ask who is laughing? All above are Democracies, none with direct elections. The Electoral College is a vital piece of the American way of electing a leader, what Donald Trump proved was that “fly over country” has rights and a place in our political future. If it was a straight popular vote why would any candidate campaign in states like Maine, Wyoming, Vermont or Montana where combined they barely have over 3,000,000 people, less than 1% of the country but 13 electoral votes gives them almost 5% needed to be president and now are important, without the electoral college 20 or more states would be ignored. You need to remember we are not just one Country but 50 States and part of the reason for an Electoral College was to guarantee all the states a say in the Presidential election.
    As for FBI Director Comey’s involvement, did it affect the outcome who knows, let’s remember that just 4 days before the 1992 Presidential Election the Justice Department/Special Prosecutor announced additional indictments against Caspar Weinberger and Candidate Bill Clinton did a press conference to discredit Bush 41 tying him to Weinberger, it’s called politics, it’s a dirty business. Like Oprah said “everybody take a deep breath”. Let’s give him a chance and see what happens. Like it or not January 20, 2017 he will be your President!

    1. Part 1 of 3 - Who am I to judge who is worthy or not worthy to be President? I think I made that point very clear in my column. But I'll say it again this way. I am an American. And nobody who has been as offensive and as disrespectful towards women, towards various ethnic groups and races, towards a military hero and a Gold Star many others who Trump has spoken of in a disgusting and disgraceful way...should not ever be President of the United States...and not "worthy" to hold the most powerful position in the world. As for President Bill Clinton...I wish you Republicans would stop falling back on bringing up Mr. Clinton's alleged infidelities with women. Bill Clinton was not running for President this year...and he won't be running for President ever again. We all know about the one - and only one - infidelity that President Clinton has admitted to...but there is no proof for anybody else. All of those other women who have "accused" Bill Clinton of any kind of sexual harrassment, I don't believe since there has never been any criminal charges made against Mr. Clinton. As for being "accused" of rape...I, again, charges. He's never been indicted of anything of the sort. But even if there was...any "cheating on his wife" should have only been the business of Mr. Clinton and Mrs. Clinton. Hillary Clinton has stayed married to her husband despite any "cheating." And many spouses stay with their husbands or wives when similar circumstances have occurred. But the thing is this - President Clinton never bragged on national television - as Donald Trump did - about being a celebrity who is able to do whatever he wants because he is a star. For Trump to say that it is okay to "grab 'em by the p---y" and many other despicable comments he has made to and about women...are reasons enough that Trump should not be America's President. All I will say about Senator Harry Reid is...he's 100 percent on the ball. End of Part 1 - GBD

    2. Part 2 of 3 - You can spin all you want about the Access Hollywood video with Trump and Billy Bush, but Trump admitted...absolutely admitted by the words he used...that he DID...what he said. You can't deny it. Remember that Vice President Joe Biden called Trump's actions - "the textbook definition of sexual assault." I agree with the Vice President. How you can equate a bunch of horny guys in a high school, college or fitness club locker room...or guys in a bar...who are boasting about their sexual being the same as the disgusting language being bragged about by someone who is in the public eye. Oh I realize that Trump was not running for President at the time, but there is a certain quality that "stars" should adhere to and abide by when they are being interviewed. Whether Trump knew...or didn't know...that the microphones were that Access Hollywood was recording...isn't applicable. Trump should never have had that type of conversation with Billy Bush. Remember, they weren't best-buds. As a professional broadcaster and journalist myself for more than 40 years, I would never, ever have that kind of conversation with any of my guests on a show...or with anybody I was interviewing at all. And if a guest of mine ever started talking about anything sexual, I would immediately change the subject. What Billy Bush did was wrong. He should not have involved himself in the conversation when Trump was saying what he was saying about women in the past and about the woman who they were meeting. The bottom line is that Trump was and has been a sleezeball. A scumbucket. And he's been nauseating with his speech about women. for America being the "laughing stock" of the world. Yes, we are. I suppose you don't watch the news and hear what people in other countries are saying about us. People in other lands of our planet are wondering how on Earth did Americans elect somebody - Trump - who has on more than one occasion use the word "f--k" at a campaign rally where small children were present...where he mocked a disabled reporter...and where he acting un-Presidential with so much throughout his campaign. End of Part 2 - GBD

    3. Part 3 of 3 - As for the Electoral College - including myself - there are more than 5-million Americans and climbing everyday who have already signed a petition to encourage the electors of the Electoral College to not vote for Donald Trump on December 19th. Also, Senator Barbara Boxer introduced legislation today (November 15th, 2016) to abolish the Electoral College. As Senator Boxer stated - which is basically what I discussed in my column - "The Electoral College is an outdated, undemocratic system that does not reflect our modern society, and it needs to change immediately. Every American should be guaranteed that their vote counts.” Twice in my life, two candidates have won the popular vote, but have not been elected President. This is wrong. Your example about states voting is ludicrous. And I explained why in my column. As I wrote in my commentary..."And for those who argue that smaller states would then not be contributing as much to selecting the President...that's not only illogical, but irrational... and should not matter. We are one country...with one President. And the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide...should win the election and become the next President." As for FBI Director James Comey's letter to was against the policy and guidelines of the Department of Justice. The DOJ clearly states that none of its employees should do anything that could influence an election within 60 days of said election. Comey was wrong in writing that letter 11 days before the election...especially when he had no evidence of any wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton. By the time Comey then said 2 days before the election that the July conclusion of the FBI's investigation remains with there being no new issues with the newly discovered e-mails...the damage was already done. Comey is a disgrace and I hope he can live with himself. It's true that there is a great probability (depending on what the Electoral College does) that Donald Trump will be America's next President. He will not be mine. And if you read my column above entirely...I clearly explain why not. Since I have given you my response to all of your comments, there is no reason to continue this discussion. There is no way that you are going to see eye to eye with me...and obviously, I am not going to agree with you. End of Part 3 and end of conversation. - GBD
