Monday, November 7, 2016


     After reading the commentary below, please express your own thoughts.  Instructions on how to do so are written at the bottom of this column below my photograph.  Thank you.

     Although about 50-million Americans - according to NBC News - will have cast their ballots in early's now less than 24 hours - as this column is being published - before the rest of the country will start going to the polls on Tuesday to select their pick for President.  So, I begin my final commentary before Election articulating the importance of choosing the one person who can move the United States in a forward direction...and not in to purgatory...or perhaps worse.

     Some of you may not be fond of Hillary Clinton.  And it's been apparent that many of you wouldn't trust her as President of the United States.  Obviously I cannot see eye to eye with any of you who are not in favor of Mrs. Clinton...but those of you who do oppose her...need to push aside your personal opinions of the former Secretary of State...and focus on the fact that she is by far the best choice...and actually, the only choice of the candidates running...who has the qualifications necessary to be our President and Commander-In-Chief.

     I understand that what I'm about to state has been beaten to death for many months...but Donald Trump is - without question - dangerously unfit to be handed the nuclear codes.  We cannot allow Trump to have the power to control our troops...or to dictate policy from The White House.

     I emphatically warn anyone who is reading this column...that if you have any intention of voting for will be crying your eyes out with regret...before he is in office one year or less.  And to those of you who are Democrats... but are fed up with this entire election cycle...and - as a result - are planning to stay home tomorrow - Tuesday, November 8th - then tears of sorrow will be pouring out of your eyes...on Wednesday, November 9th...if Donald Trump wins.  Therefore...if you are a Democrat...or an Independent...or even a Republican who is against the election of is crucial...that you get off your butt on Election Day...and vote for Hillary Clinton.

     I have written the following in other commentaries...but if you won't take my word for it...then have faith in our current President...who the majority of Americans are giving high approval ratings.  President Obama has repeatedly told Americans that if you don't vote, then you're in fact helping Donald Trump.

     You may be someone who thinks Hillary Clinton has faults.  Well, guess what...we all do.  Nobody is perfect...not even the President of the United States.  No President has ever been perfect.  And no President...ever will be.  But if nothing else...I hope Americans have learned one thing over the course of the last 17 months.  The foulmouthed, toxic-tongued, offensive, degrading, demeaning and insulting behavior of Donald Trump are not the characterizations of someone that should sit behind The Oval Office desk.

     Say what you want about Hillary Clinton...but she will indeed represent our country with class and dignity.  And while doing so...a President Hillary Clinton will have the backs - as she always has - of children...of families...of women...of African-Americans...of Latinos...of the LGBT community... of the disabled...of the middle-class and poor...and of everyone else who has been - and will again be - Donald Trump.  And just about everybody in the United States.

     Secretary Clinton tweeted - on October 29th, 2016 - that "Equality is on the ballot.  Justice is on the ballot.  Our progress is on the ballot.  Our future is on the ballot."

     I have always been confident that Hillary Clinton will defeat Donald Trump and she will be elected our nation's 45th President.  And my confidence level remains high at this late date.  But for those of you who don't share my optimism...but instead...grumble and need to know this.  Complaining now about Trump...and blubbering later if he is victorious...are not the 

answers.  As President Obama has communicated time and time again...since his July address at the Democratic National Convention..."Don't boo.  Vote."  I think that's the best advice anybody can give.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

One of the chief goals of a of the major reasons to publish a to entice others to express their opinions about the subject for which the author is writing.  The Controversy is being read by a tremendous amount of people throughout the United States of America and all around the world.  If you agree or disagree with my commentary...your views are welcomed.  Tell me that you find pleasure in reading what I write...or that it's not your "cup of tea."  Give your name...make up one...or remain anonymous if you prefer.  The Controversy is your outlet to speak your mind and to say what you want about the topics discussed.  Please share The Controversy with others by posting it on Facebook, Twitter and on other social media forums.  Please also pass a link to everyone in your e-mail directories.  The Controversy wants to know your thoughts on the column above or on any other editorial or essay written on this blog.

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Photo credits: and Getty Images (Democratic Nominee for President and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #1), (Republican Nominee for President, Donald Trump #1), and (Democratic Nominee for President and Former Secretary of State #2), (President Barack Obama #1), Pinterest and (Republican Nominee for President, Donald Trump #2), (Democratic Nominee for President and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #3), (Democratic Nominee for President and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #4) and (President Barack Obama #2)

Copyright 2016 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. GBD you don’t seem to get it, take away all the name calling and all the nasty things said and done on both sides and there has been many from both and look at the policies. You ask everyone on the right to give up their core beliefs and vote for Clinton. It is very hard for me to find a single policy of hers I can agree with so how could I vote for her. I want only originalist Judges appointed to the courts especially originalist Justices to the Supreme Court in the likeness of Antonin Scalia, I do not want 11,000,000 illegal aliens given the right to become citizens of our country, I do not want the tax and spend policy of the left, I don’t want the lefts gun control policies, abandoning the second amendment. I don’t want higher taxes for anyone, I want a fairer tax system and fairer doesn’t mean higher taxes on the so called rich, I would go with a two or three stage flat tax on everyone, yes I mean everyone who has an income has to pay, everyone needs skin in the game. I don’t want a President who believes in globalization over America, I want a President that believes in America first, period. I want Obama Care repealed and replaced, it is costing a fortune and killing our healthcare system. I don’t want tens of thousands of refugees brought to this country, I want a President who will standup and call our enemies what they are Radical Islamic Terrorist. I want a strong military. I could keep going but hopefully you get my point. This is all without talking about scandals, lies and possible illegal actions that would haunt her presidency if she is elected. For all the reasons listed and many more I will be voting for Trump, with all his flaws, and he has many I believe him to be a better choice for America.

    1. Obviously, I don't agree with one word you wrote, so therefore, it makes no sense for me to go point by point with my thoughts. All I will say is the following. I guess you would prefer a President who is a narcissist, a misogynist, a xenophobe, a racist, and an insulting, offensive madman who belittles anyone who doesn't agree with him. It amazes me how you feel. What a shame. And don't tell me I'm name-calling because I am merely describing how Donald Trump has acted over the last 17 months. Those are the facts. GBD

  2. I will say it again “you don’t get it”! It’s not about personalities, it’s about issues and policies and on the issues and policies Hillary Clinton is wrong for America. To answer your question, YES, I would rather have Donald Trump with his faults, some that you mentioned, most of what you said is false, I don’t believe that he is a racist, xenophobe or a madman as for being a narcissist I think most people who rise to his level have a bit of narcissism in them, the Clintons are probably two of the most narcissistic people on this planet. Forgetting all her scandals and unlawful acts as I already stated it is her policies I’m against, turning the courts away from the Constitution, her tax plan, her amnesty plans for immigration, open boarders, gun control, Obama Care and much more. For these reasons no conservative, Constitution loving American should ever vote for Hillary Clinton. It is a shame that we had these two people running because I truly feel no matter who wins, the left would never support and unite around a President Trump and the right would never support or unite around a President Hillary Clinton. Our country will be divided for years to come, thanks in a big part to the mainstream media and the press.

    1. I can't believe that you believe what you do (or don't) about Donald Trump. But I've said it before in this forum to others and I'll say it again now. There has NEVER been any proof of any "unlawful acts" performed by Hillary Clinton. As for her tax's awesome. Her immigration's what America has always been about. Her gun control plan...yep, yep, yep. Remember though that Hillary, the Democratic Party and I do not want your guns to be taken away from you. We just want stronger and more commonsense gun control laws. The Affordable Care Act needs improving, but not repealing. And if the Republican Congress had gone along with what President Obama wanted, we probably wouldn't have as many problems today. Plus...the U.S. Supreme Court needs to be more liberal in thinking. We don't live in the late 1700s. We live in 2016. A President Hillary Clinton will unite our country. It will "divided for years to come." And I don't think it will be. GBD
