Tuesday, November 1, 2016


     After reading the commentary below, please express your own thoughts.  Instructions on how to do so are written at the bottom of this column below my photograph.  Thank you.

     So what's next?

     When the Democratic National Committee headquarters...at the Watergate office complex in Washington, DC...were burglarized on June 17th, 1972...Democrat Bill Clinton was two months shy of his 26th birthday...he was a student at Yale University Law School... and he was dating his future wife, Hillary Rodham - who wouldn't turn 25 until the next October.  Miss Rodham - well in to the 1960s - was a registered Republican...and she was president of the Wellesley College Young Republicans during her freshmen year (1965 to 1966).  Imagine Donald Trump and his Republican backers...creating a lie before Election Day 2016...that in 1972...Mr. Clinton and Miss Rodham...were both secretly in bed - figuratively not literally - with the G.O.P....and, therefore...were responsible for the Watergate scandal.  Such a tale would not only be false, but outlandishly ludicrous.  So what's next?

     On November 22nd, 1963...Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham were only 17 and 16 years old respectively.  But suppose - during the next week - Donald Trump and G.O.P.-leaning law enforcement officials across the country...were to accuse the now Bill and Hillary Clinton of being involved in the plot that assassinated President John F. Kennedy.  Such a conspiracy theory would be an insane allegation that obviously would have no truth whatsoever.  So what's next?

     And just think if the Republican nominee for President - along with other members of the G.O.P. - were to point the finger at President Clinton and former Secretary of State Clinton...for participating in some way...with 9/11.  That notion would not only be fictitious, but moronic and loathsome.  So what's next?

     Given the proven hatred of both Bill and Hillary Clinton...by Donald Trump and some Republicans...and the wild stories and lies that have been spewed over the last 16-and-a-half months by Trump and his campaign...who knows what they could be capable of saying next...just for their own gain?

     I received the following text message from the Hillary Clinton Campaign on Monday evening, October 31st, 2016.  "Trump's team is coming after Hillary with everything they've got.  Conspiracies, lies, anger."

     Ever since October 3rd, 1991...when then-Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas...announced his candidacy for President of the United States... Republicans have been out to "get" the Clintons.  For 25 years, there have been members of the G.O.P. who have concocted fantasies...and fabricated whatever else they could...to make Americans think that the Clintons were corrupt and crooked.  But there has never, ever been evidence... that President and Secretary Clinton...committed acts of crime.  There is no proof...that the Clintons have performed any illegal wrongdoing.  And don't start in with me about Mr. Clinton's impeachment.  The President was acquitted by the United States Senate.  Therefore, he was not guilty.  

Furthermore, Mr. Clinton was not indicted for making - what prosecutors thought - were false statements under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky.  He did surrender his Arkansas law license, but President Clinton was never convicted of a crime.  Besides...he should never have had to answer questions about a consensual relationship.  That is...except to Mrs. Clinton. 

     For their accomplishments - through both their lifetimes of public service - Bill and Hillary Clinton deserve applause... congratulations...and praise.  There are no credible reasons to accuse and blame them for anything criminal.  Donald Trump and the Republicans...should have recognized that fact from the beginning...and Campaign 2016 could have been a civil competition among all the candidates...and between the two nominees...where both of them - not just one...(Hillary Clinton) - would focus on the best way to tackle the issues...that will help Americans...and America.  Plus...it makes no sense for Trump to be verbally attacking President Clinton.  He's not the one running for office.

     I made a pledge - at least to myself - in my Saturday, July 16th, 2016 commentary, titled No More Talk About E-Mails...that I would never again discuss in a column...a political matter that I - and the vast majority of Americans - are sick and tired of hearing about.  Regretfully, I'm breaking that promise.  It is a travesty...that the issue of Hillary Clinton's e-mails...has once again become the center of attention...with less than a week before the Presidential election.

     Let us all remember that Secretary Clinton testified before a Congressional hearing - for eleven hours - on Thursday, October 22nd, 2015...with a good part of that tedious session being focused on Mrs. Clinton's e-mails.  A subsequent hearing on Thursday, July 7th, 2016...

had F.B.I. Director James Comey testifying before Congress.  The e-mail controversy was supposedly resolved...after America's "top cop" swore under oath...that there was "no evidence" that Secretary Clinton "willfully" or "intentionally" did anything "unlawful."  Comey also testified that "no reasonable prosecutor" would take such a case in to court.  But, as of Friday, October 28th, 2016...Mrs. Clinton's e-mails became "Breaking News" once again...and headlined the upcoming election...when there is no valid reason to do so.  Of course, the television networks, newspapers and other media outlets need to report what may be thought to be important to the American people...but this has been a political witch-hunt all along...and it is a disgrace that Hillary Clinton is being persecuted in such a devious manner.  So what's next?

     Americans go to the polls in less than 7 days.  As this column is being published, more than 23-million people have already cast their ballots in early voting.  Doesn't F.B.I. Director Comey ever look at a calendar?  There is a "60-day rule" at the Department Of Justice, which states that any perceived interference or possible influence in an election shall be avoided.  But despite that "rule"...Comey's letter - to eight Senate and House of Representatives chairmen - stated that..."Due to recent developments, I am writing to supplement my previous testimony.  In connection with an unrelated case, the F.B.I. has learned of the existence of e-mails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation."  Comey continued to write that the F.B.I. will "review these e-mails to determine whether they contain classified information."  Those e-mails are reportedly on a laptop computer that belonged to former Congressman Anthony Weiner who the F.B.I. is investigating for allegedly sending a sexually explicit text message to a 15-year old girl.  Weiner is currently separated from Hillary Clinton's campaign vice chairman and personal chief of staff, Huma Abedin...and she apparently had used her husband's laptop.  But Secretary Clinton...nor the American people...know who sent the e-mails in question.  After all...the F.B.I. has reportedly not yet read the e-mails...and as I tweeted in the early morning hours of Monday, October 31st..."E-mails that nobody knows anything about...shouldn't be labeled pertinent...when the content may be recipes for Christmas fruitcake."

     It was 2012, when then-Attorney General Eric Holder...formalized in a written memo that the Department Of Justice must safeguard their "neutrality and non-partisanship."  The F.B.I. Director is an employee of the D.O.J. and he is supposed to abide by the practices and guidelines implemented by that department.  But according to a Justice Department official who was interviewed by The New Yorker..."(Attorney General Loretta) Lynch asked Comey to follow Justice Department policies" and to, therefore, not write his letter to Congressional leaders.  The New Yorker says..."(Comey) said that he was obliged to break with them because he had promised to inform members of Congress if there were further developments in the case.  He also felt that the impending election created a compelling need to inform the public, despite the tradition of acting with added discretion around elections."  Shame on you, Jim.  You had no right to make such a decision on your own.  Your actions - eleven days before the Presidential election - were irresponsible.  One former senior Justice Department official - who also spoke with The New Yorker, but asked the magazine not to identify him or her because of ongoing cases involving the D.O.J. - responded to Comey's letter by saying..."You don't do this.  It impugns the integrity and reputation of the candidate...even though there's no finding by a court...or in this instance...even an indictment."  The bottom line is...Director Comey was wrong.

     And before my Republican readers scream and yell at me with their criticisms...I would express the very same thoughts if the F.B.I. was investigating a Republican.  Yes...even Donald Trump.  

     The Presidential campaign from hell is nearly over.  And despite evil efforts by  Donald Trump - and others who support him - I still believe that Hillary Clinton will be elected on November 8th to be our nation's 45th President.

     But given the obstacle course she has had to endure... Secretary Clinton's run for The White House... continues to be a challenge.  And until she crosses the finish line...with at least 270 electoral votes...the Democratic nominee cannot sprint her way to The Oval Office.  However...once this year-and-a-half long 

marathon event has ended... voters will have awarded first place...the blue ribbon...and the gold medal...to Hillary Clinton.  And Americans can collectively breathe a big sigh of relief...that our next President - like our current President (Barack Obama) - will be someone who cares for our country...and all the people... not just himself.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Photo credits: nydailynews.com (Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham), jfklibrary.org (Former President John F. Kennedy), wnd.com (Former President Bill Clinton with Democratic Nominee For President and Former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton #1), newyorker.com (Republican Nominee For President, Donald Trump), wsj.net (Governor Bill Clinton), abclocal.go.com (Monica Lewinsky), gannett-cdn.com (Former President Bill Clinton with Democratic Nominee For President and Former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton #2), PBS and cloudfront.net (Democratic Nominee For President and Former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton #1), huffingtonpost.com (F.B.I. Director James Comey), politico.com (Former Congressman Anthony Weiner), talkingpointsmemo.com (Huma Abedin), abcnews.go.com (Former Attorney General Eric Holder), lbtimes.com (Attorney General Loretta Lynch), Associated Press and abcnews.com (Democratic Nominee For President and Former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton #2), akomanet.com and motherjones.com (Democratic Nominee For President and Former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton #3) and slate.com (President Barack Obama)

Copyright 2016 Gary B. Duglin and TheControversy.net.  All Rights Reserved.

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