Wednesday, November 9, 2016


     After reading the commentary below, please express your own thoughts.  Instructions on how to do so are written at the bottom of this column.  Thank you.

     I'm not embarrassed to admit that when I learned from MSNBC - at 2:43 a.m. on Wednesday, November 9th, 2016 - that Hillary Clinton placed a telephone call to Donald Trump to concede the Presidential election...I cried.

     Regular readers of The Controversy are well aware of my staunch support for Mrs. Clinton.  You also know of the sincere admiration and the genuine respect that I have for the Democratic nominee. are so many millions of people throughout our country today - including most of my journalistic colleagues - I am in stunning disbelief by the shocking result of the 2016 Presidential election.

     I was totally prepared for Mrs. Clinton to be be elected the first woman President of the United States.  I had written - prior to the Tuesday, November 8th election - what I had intended to be...a victory column for the former Secretary of State.  Obviously...I - and practically every broadcast and cable television network, newspaper and other media outlet - were not only confident...but convinced...that Hillary Clinton could not be beaten...and that she would indeed become...the 45th President of our country.  But somehow...some way...those of us who had made such a prediction...were wrong.  And I'm not about to lay blame - at this point - in this commentary.

     Donald Trump was successful with his campaign.  And at 3:03 in the morning - while Mr. Trump was delivering his victory speech - MSNBC declared the Republican nominee to be the NBC News had called two more states - Pennsylvania and Wisconsin - to take Mr. Trump over the top of the 270 required electoral votes.  A few minutes later - as Mr. Trump began his exit off the stage at the New York Hilton Midtown Hotel in Manhattan - my emotions were drained by sadness because of the election outcome.  

     Accordingly...I am extremely disappointed.  Thus, I debated with myself whether I would write and publish a post-election commentary of any kind.  I came to the conclusion that I would still compose a column, but I would include the last couple of paragraphs that I had written some time ago...for a Hillary Clinton win.  Therefore, the following are those two passages.  And I publish the hope...that Mr. Trump makes a valiant accomplish what our country desperately needs.  And to I illustrate below...and as he vowed in his speech following the election.  "I pledge to every citizen of our land...that I will be President for all Americans."  But Mr. Trump must apologize to those he has offended over the course of the last 17 months...including Secretary Clinton.  And he must prove to those of us who did not vote for him...that his apology truly comes from the heart.  If he cannot do's going to be impossible for him to be accepted as President.

     That all being said...let us all - as a nation - come sensible, compassionate and reasonable people.  Let us follow in the footsteps of the dog and cat...who share a home...and not only learn to live with each other...but despite some of their differences...they end up liking each other. 

     Americans cannot continue the verbal viciousness.  As Secretary Clinton declared at a campaign rally in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Monday, November 7th..."We need more love and kindness in America."   Even when we don't see eye to eye...for the good of our country's future...Democrats now need to join with Republicans...and that goals are reached...and America can move forward over the next four years.  And as Secretary Clinton expressed enthusiastically throughout her campaign...we are "stronger together."  That is a key to America coming together.  We cannot remain a divided republic.  We cannot continue to be a society that is filled with hate.  It's time that we hug it out.  The United States of America is a (small "d") democratic nation that leads the free world.  We are a country that has earned the respect of our neighbors around the globe.  It is imperative and crucial that we understand...that although many of us think differently as Americans...we are not different as human beings.  Our thoughts...our mindsets...our philosophies... and our outlook on the world...may not always be in sync with each other...but whether our skin color is white, black, brown, yellow or red...whether we pray with The Old Testament, The Old and New Testaments, The Quran or with any other religious holy book...whether we're straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian or transgender... whether we are rich, comfortable, struggling or matter how we are different...we are the same.  We are members of the human race.  Let's act like it.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again." 

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Copyright 2016 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. A) I knew this was coming. I didn't want to acknowledge it, but I felt it deep down inside. The reasons are many and varied.
    C) there is no coming together around a fascist.

  2. GBD, it is time to move on, accept the fact that Donald Trump on January 20, 2017 will be the President of the United States. The politics are over; it will be time to govern. I don’t believe there will be any apologies in the sense of saying “I’m sorry”. I never heard an apology from President Obama for playing the race card on Bill Clinton or from the Hillary campaign for in 2008 questioning Obama’s “American roots” , I never heard one from Obama for making fun of John McCain’s inability to send emails because of his “tortured fingers”, not to mention all the lies and name calling done against President Bush. It’s all politics. Trump’s acceptance speech on Wednesday morning said it all asking for the Country to come together and asked for everyone’s support and “I'm reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country”, that should be enough. It is time to move forward, I hope that President Obama’s staff is as helpful and gracious in the transition as the Bush White House was in 2008/2009 unlike the Clinton White House was in 2000/2001 transition. Whether you like him or not on January 20th he will be President and the office deserves the respect even if you don’t believe the man does. Name calling and disrespect will get you nowhere, if you (the Democrats) wish to have any input into his policies, such as the replacement for Obama care, immigration, taxes and more it is up to you, this things will get done with or without you. I will close with one last thought, I hope that President Obama on or before January 20, 2017 will sign a full pardon for Hillary and Bill Clinton for any possible criminal acts involving her emails and or the Clinton Foundation, let’s put it all behind us.

    1. It's not - as you say - "all politics." Donald Trump's offensive actions and disgusting behavior over the course of the last 17 months are unforgivable. By the way, President George W. Bush and the Bush 43 Administration is on record as commending the President Bill Clinton Administration of a smooth transition in 2000/2001. Mr. Bush is quoted as saying about Mr. Clinton..."I am humbled and honored, and I can't thank the President enough for his hospitality. He didn't need to do this." Furthermore, there is no reason for President Obama to pardon Secretary Hillary Clinton and/or President Clinton, as they did nothing illegal. And the only way anyone can be pardoned is by first being convicted - which neither Bill or Hillary Clinton has been, as they have not been indicted on any charges - or if a person admits guilt. Don't argue that point with me as I've already been through a similar discussion with somebody else this week. Lawyers and Constitutional scholars have stated that what I wrote above is true. That being said, neither Hillary or Bill Clinton will ever admit guilt because they never committed a crime. GBD
