Saturday, October 8, 2016


     After reading the commentary below, please express your own thoughts.  Instructions on how to do so are written at the bottom of this column below my photograph.  Thank you.

     Having campaign staffers construct a prepared script - for which Donald Trump read off a teleprompter - was not the apology that the Republican nominee needed to express...following the release of a vulgar video, whereby Trump used lewd language about two different women.  A much broader and much more earnest atonement for his sins was necessary.  Trump, quite frankly, should have been almost in tears...begging Republicans...women...and all Americans...for forgiveness.

     Trump needed to appear live...before the media's cameras and pour his heart out with all the sincerity he could muster.  But if Trump had done that...would we even believe him?  Would we think he was simply acting?  That least it would have been better than his recorded 90-seconds that were posted on Facebook.

     It was Friday afternoon, October 7th, 2016, when the 2005 video from the nationally syndicated television show, Access Hollywood, was obtained by Washington Post reporter David Fahrenthold.  Just after midnight, Saturday, October 8th, Donald Trump made the first public apology he's ever given in his life.  That is if anyone can really call his recorded Facebook statement a genuine apology.  Because I certainly do not. 

     For in that minute and a half - which was also aired on the cable news networks - the extent of Trump's acknowledgment of fault was, "I said it.  I was wrong.  And I apologize."  There was no honest sounding remorse.  Oh Trump admitted, "I've said and done things I regret."  But that pittance of an apology is not what I - or most people, I think - expected...or deserved.

      Throughout the Access Hollywood video, Trump not only spewed crude conversation about women, but while talking with NBC's Billy Bush - who eleven years ago was a co-anchor of Access Hollywood - Trump boasted about actually wanting to engage in sexual activity with television personality Nancy O'Dell - now a co-host of Entertainment Tonight, but who then was Bush's co-anchor on Access Hollywood.

     Unbeknownst to Trump, a "hot mic" - one that is turned on - picked up shocking dialogue between Trump and Bush...where the real estate mogul noted his desire to have sex - he used a profanity - with "Nancy."  "I did try and f--- her."  And Trump joked about being a "magnet" towards "beautiful" women.  "And when you're a star, they let you do it.  You can do anything.  Grab 'em by the p---y.  You can do anything."  This man is not only disgusting and disgraceful, but disturbing.  His offensive comments - if and when acted upon - could be considered sexual assault...a felony.

     On an Access Hollywood tour bus...on the back lot of NBC in Burbank, California...Trump continued to brag about his downright craving for women... while gawking at Days Of Our Lives actress, Arianne Zucker...who was waiting outside the meet with Trump who was making a cameo appearance on the NBC daytime soap.  Concerned about his breath, Trump boasted to Billy Bush..."I better use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her."  And off the bus, Trump did embrace Zucker...and with that hug, he gave her a peck on the 

cheek, saying, "Melania said this was okay."  I wonder what Mrs. Trump is saying to her husband today about his nauseating and obnoxious behavior on the Access Hollywood bus.

     After Trump was caught on tape saying horrifically abhorrent and despicably atrocious words...he issued a short, written statement on Friday afternoon.  Trump wanted everyone to believe that his repugnant and reprehensible remarks in the Access Hollywood video was nothing more than "locker room banter."  I - for one - along with numerous Republicans in Congress and probably a good amount of Americans nationwide - Republicans, Democrats and Independents...don't agree.  Plus...writing "if anyone was offended" could not really be considered a bona fide apology.

     But Trump's after-midnight on-line announcement was no apology.  It became a political punch after 22 seconds...and led to an abusive verbal assault on both Bill and Hillary Clinton.  Instead of a heartfelt expression from deep down in Trump's inner core...the billionaire businessman attempted to turn his mess around by bringing up the past and by attacking former President Clinton for his marital infidelities from decades ago.  Trump also took the opportunity to criticize Mrs. Clinton for supporting

her husband.

     Trump is not competing against Mr. Clinton in the upcoming election and, therefore, the 42nd President's alleged philandering should have nothing to do with Campaign 2016...and it was certainly inappropriate for Trump to include any allegations of - fooling around by President Clinton - during an apology for which Trump was supposed to be recognizing his faults and his guilt.

     But in his recorded statement...Donald Trump avoided two extremely important words...I'm sorry.  Oh he claims to "apologize"...but saying, I'm sorry...needed to come off his tongue and through his lips. 

     "I've never said I'm a perfect person...nor pretended to be someone that I'm not."  Trump wants Americans to think that "These words (in the video) don't reflect who I am."  Yes they do, Donald.  We've seen and heard your true self in other videos and on audio recordings from various times over the last quarter of a century.  But they were nothing like we observed with the Access Hollywood tape. 

     Donald Trump has destroyed the Republican Party.  And - as I wrote many months ago - the GOP and their other 16 candidates who were challenging Trump during the debates...should have come down hard on Trump long before the primaries began.  This is a monster that could have been stopped.  But for some odd reason... the others who were running for the Republican nomination...didn't have the guts to stand up to the barbaric savage that is Donald Trump.  The Access Hollywood video might not kill Trump's campaign for President, but he has caused the death of the GOP...and buried the Republican Party for at least this election cycle.

     Trump believes that the Access Hollywood video "is nothing more than a distraction."  But it has been Donald Trump who has been the distraction throughout all of Campaign 2016.  And now...Republicans on Capitol Hill...and elsewhere throughout the country...are condemning Trump's actions...with some retracting their endorsements...and others demanding he withdraw from the Presidential race as the GOP nominee.  I have no doubts that there will be many more the coming days...who will abandon ship...and who will leave Donald Trump sink in to political oblivion.

     Trump's so-called apology is not what people are going to be talking about over this last month before the election.  What all Americans are going to remember is that Access Hollywood video...and Trump's obscene comments.

     Degrading women - as Donald Trump has done time and time again for years - is not only offensive to females...but to any decent men who care and have feelings for women.

     I have been confident throughout all of this election season that Hillary Clinton will defeat Donald what I predicted months ago to be... popular vote and Electoral College landslides.  I think now...that's inevitable.  I don't want Trump to step aside as the Republican nominee.  I want Mrs. Clinton to win big on November 8th...and I know she will.

     In what has been described as an apology...Trump promised the following. "I pledge to be a better man tomorrow."  No, are never going to be a better man.  No matter what you say...or how hard you may can't be a better man...and you never will be.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Photo credits: (Republican Nominee for President, Donald Trump), and (David Fahrenthold), (Billy Bush and Nancy O'Dell), (Republican Nominee for President, Donald Trump with Arianne Zucker), (Melania Trump), (Former President Bill Clinton), Reuters and (Democratic Nominee for President and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #1) and (Democratic Nominee for President and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #2)

Copyright 2016 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

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