Saturday, October 22, 2016


     After reading the commentary below, please express your own thoughts.  Instructions on how to do so are written at the bottom of this column below my photograph.  Thank you.

     If Donald Trump has a bugler on staff...he should instruct that person to play taps.  Because at the third and final Presidential Debate, Trump slammed shut and then nailed his campaign coffin closed, so that it is now ready for burial.

     The Republican nominee's campaign hearse should be positioned for its proceed en route to the cemetery...following Trump's disqualifying moment on the University of Nevada, Las Vegas debate stage - Wednesday night, October 19th, 2016 - 

when the real estate mogul refused to answer moderator Chris Wallace's point blank question...if he will "absolutely accept the results of this election."  Trump's response was more than disturbing.  "I will look at it at that time."  But the Fox News anchor elaborated with his crystal clear inquiry - not to imply, however, that Trump is going to be defeated...or that he is going to be victorious - yet reminding him that "there is a tradition in this country" that there "is the peaceful transition of power...that the loser concedes to the winner."  Wallace tried very hard to give Trump the opportunity to be Presidential...and even though he hasn't been all throughout his campaign...Trump blew it big-time.  Instead of reacting to the veteran journalist in a positive, gracious and graceful manner...Trump doubled-down.  "I will tell you at the time.  I'll keep you in suspense."

     But Trump didn't end it there.  He - for some sick reason - wanted his campaign funeral to be extended in to a second day.  On Thursday, October 20th, Trump made matters worse when he pledged to abide by the outcome of the election...but only "If I win."

     Trump has for some time been spewing venomous allegations that the Hillary Clinton Campaign...the Democratic Party...and the media...have "rigged" the election.  And therefore - according to his campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway - Trump will not concede the election...if he loses..."until results are verified."  And if Trump is insinuating that the Electoral College must certify the election before he concedes - if he loses - then that wouldn't be until December 19th...which is when the Electors meet.  And that would disrespect and demean the American way.

     Donald Trump is an embarrassment to the United States.  He has brought shame to our country for more than 16 months.  But Trump's verbal exchange with Chris Wallace...that he would not definitively acknowledge an acceptance of the perhaps the most dishonorable words uttered by a Presidential candidate...about the democracy of our nation.

     Trump's harrowing statement is unprecedented...and - quite frankly - beyond insanity by the GOP nominee.  How dare Trump dispute the decision of our country's citizens!  This is not what America is about.  But then...nothing Donald Trump has said or done since day one of his campaign for President is what America is about.

     Trump's attitude horrendously portrays the American election process as an exercise in cheating...which, of course, it is not.  And such behavior by the nominee of the Republican Party is disgraceful.  It is the first time in our nation's history that a candidate for President would express allegations of fraud and dishonesty...prior to an election.

     "That is not the way our democracy works," Hillary Clinton countered at the debate.  The former Secretary of State went on to say..."We've been around for 240 years.  We've had free and fair elections.  We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them.  And...that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election.  Let's be clear about what he is saying and what he means.  He is denigrating.  He's talkin' down our democracy.  And I, for one, am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position."  

     Later that same night...speaking to reporters aboard her campaign aircraft, Secretary Clinton bluntly noted that "somebody wins and somebody loses."  And the Democratic nominee called Trump's remarks..."horrifying."

     Donald Trump has been tagged as...unfit...offensive...hateful...a bully...a narcissist...a misogynist...and a xenophobe...among other labels.  But I have come up with a two-word phrase that perfectly describes Donald Trump.  He's an obnoxious jerk. 

     Throughout three debates, Trump has vigorously attempted to rattle Hillary Clinton, but he has failed each and every time.  She - on the other hand - has obviously gotten under his skin.  However...not even with Trump's interruptions and lies has Mrs. Clinton appeared bothered.  That is to say until The Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner.

     The Al Smith Dinner is intended to be an evening of fun with self-deprecating humor by the two Presidential nominees.  On Thursday night, October 20th, Trump began his "stand-up comedy act" and was, in fact, funny...and, at times, hilarious.  But that was only for the first part of his monologue.  Trump then became if he was at one of his campaign rallies.  He personally attacked Secretary Clinton with downright despicable language, which was inappropriate for the time and place.  Trump was loudly booed by many of the distinguished Americans who attended the annual white-tie event at the luxury Waldorf Astoria in New York City.  And Mrs. Clinton seemed rightfully irritated.

     A fundraiser for Catholic charities, the Al Smith Dinner supports "the neediest children of the Archdiocese of New York, regardless of race, creed, or color."  And despite the fact that the formal affair is hosted by His Eminence, Cardinal Timothy Dolan - the Archbishop of New York - who was seated next to Mrs. Clinton...Trump got down and dirty...slinging slanderous slurs at his Democratic opponent.

     "Hillary is so corrupt...she got kicked off The Watergate Commission.  How corrupt do you have to be to get kicked off The Watergate Commission?  Pretty corrupt?" - Donald Trump

     "Hillary believes that it's vital to deceive the having one public policy...and a totally different policy in private.  Here she is public...pretending not to hate Catholics." - Donald Trump

     And..."Everyone knows, of course, Hillary's belief that 'It Takes A Village'...which only makes sense, after all, in places like Haiti...where she's taken a number of them." - Donald Trump

     Yes.  Donald Trump is an obnoxious jerk...and one who has no business representing a generally well-respected Republican Party.

     Towards the conclusion of the debate in Las Vegas...Chris Wallace presented a question about raising taxes to save Social Security and Medicare.  Let us all remember that Donald Trump - earlier in the debate - admitted...inadvertently as it may have been...that he has not paid income taxes for years...which confirms an October 1st report by The New York Times.  So Hillary Clinton answered Wallace's question.  "We need to put more money in to the Social Security Trust Fund.  That's part of my commitment to raise taxes on the wealthy.  My Social Security, payroll contribution will go will Donald's...assuming he can't figure how to get out of it."  Well...while Secretary Clinton continued to speak...Trump interjected..."Such a nasty woman."

     Not that we needed any additional confirmation that Donald Trump should not be allowed anywhere near The White House...his over-the-line insults at both the Las Vegas debate and The Al Smith Dinner...have hopefully convinced more and more Americans to decide that Hillary Clinton is the only person to vote be elected the 45th President of the United States.  

     As I've said elsewhere in this column...Donald Trump is an obnoxious jerk.  And in nearly two-and-a-half centuries...America has never been subjected to anyone running for Donald Trump.  And please God...we never will again.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Photo credits: CNN, WSMV Channel 4 and (Republican Nominee for President, Donald Trump #1), PBS (Chris Wallace), and (Kellyanne Conway), (Democratic Nominee for President and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #1), and (Republican Nominee for President, Donald Trump #2), and MSNBC (Democratic Nominee for President and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #2), Yahoo and (Democratic Nominee for President and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with Republican Nominee for President, Donald Trump and Cardinal Timothy Dolan) and Western Free Press and (Democratic Nominee for President and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #3)

Copyright 2016 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. GBD you are back to your standard name calling. As for your statement as well as similar statements by the mainstream media which is part of the Clinton campaign, that Trump may not accept the results on November 8th, do you all forget Al Gore being unwilling to accept his defeat, he took it all the way to the US Supreme Court, which the court by following the Constitution, Article II ruled for Bush on December 12, 2000 and then Gore still did not fully accept it. At an event in early 2001 Gore was introduced as the un-inaugurated President of the United States, disgraceful. As for Trumps taxes, I truly believe it is your right and obligation to pay as little as legally allowed, can anyone show that he did anything illegal with his taxes. He has been audited every year and the IRS has not found anything illegal. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t take every deduction they are legally entitled to. As for the complaining about WikiLeaks they had no problem using stolen tax returns that the NY Times published, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. I would agree he may be some of what of what you say he is, and maybe he might not be a great choice for President, I must say I rather have using your words a “obnoxious jerk” then a woman that heads with her husband a criminal enterprise that has sponsored “pay for play” and that they have made millions of dollars off of this crooked endeavor and should be investigated for RICO violations. I and most conservatives and other members of the GOP will never get behind her, never support her policies and she will never be able to unite this country. Her policies are too much against what America is and stands for. She as do you from what I read do not respect or honor the US Constitution as it was written and amended. The left believes you interpret the Constitution which is incorrect the courts are to apply it not interpret it. The words are there to apply not interpret.

    1. If you don't feel that Donald Trump's behavior at both the last Presidential Debate and the Al Smith Dinner qualifies him to be called "an obnoxious jerk" then too bad. Believe me...I - and others across the United States - could call Trump much, much worse. Apparently, however, you don't know your history or you don't want to acknowledge facts, which I'm finding many Republicans this year are not willing to do. Vice President Al Gore rightfully challenged the Florida vote in 2000. Florida was called by every single television network in favor of Mr. Gore. Then that was reversed and Florida was "too close to call." Finally, the networks called Florida for George W. Bush. The fact that "The Sunshine State" was so, so close, there was every reason for the recount. I think you should read my column from Wednesday, October 19, 2016 - VOTE FOR HILLARY. NO THIRD PARTY. NO TRUMP. Al Gore won the nation's popular vote in 2000 so there should be no objection that he questioned Florida's vote, especially with all the issues that developed on election day in Florida. As you will read in that column, Vice President Gore should never have given-in on having only 3 counties counted in Florida. Every single vote in every single county in Florida should have been recounted. The U.S. Supreme Court handed the election to Mr. Bush without definitive proof. But Mr. Gore is a true gentleman - unlike Donald Trump. Vice President Gore - although he did not agree with the U.S. Supreme Court, he did concede the election graciously and told America that "President Bush is my President too." So your remarks about Al Gore above are inaccurate, unfair and totally untrue. As for your ludicrous comments about President Bill Clinton and Secretary Hillary Clinton - this is why I continue to call Republicans like you "haters." There has never been any proof of "pay for play" regarding the Department of State and the Clinton Foundation. But you go ahead and make up your lies and your ridiculous stories because in less than 15 days, Hillary Clinton will be the President-elect of our country. And it is because her policies are exactly what most Americans want. Democrats - including me - respect and honor the U.S. Constitution. What you don't seem to realize is that the Constitution was written more than 200 years ago and the world and our nation was different. Nothing from two centuries ago can be 100% the same today. That is why the courts - including the U.S. Supreme Court - are able to interpret certain laws and amendments to fit the times. GBD

  2. I think it is funny that you as well as many left wing Democrats still try to perpetuate the myth about the 2000 election and that the US Supreme Court gave the election to President Bush. It once again shows how you and the left are uninformed and do not honor the Constitution. Florida election law requires any recount to be completed in a certain amount of days, seven to be exact. The US Constitution says in Article II Section 1: Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress. The Florida legislature passed a law saying recounts must be completed in seven day and whatever is completed at that time is certified. The SC correctly ruled the Constitution gives that power to the state legislature, as long as that law doesn’t violate the Constitution then it is what rules. As for hating the Clintons, I don’t hate them, I just believe them to be criminals out for themselves and if it wasn’t for the President and the AG she would have been indicted, all the evidence shows she is guilty. You always talk about that she has never charged or convicted so therefore she is not a crook. Al Capone was only charged and convicted of tax evasion does that mean he wasn’t a murderer and criminal mob boss? As for your comments: “her policies are exactly what most Americans want” is laughable, if the media didn’t lie and cover for her and if the GOP had picked a better candidate she would be 30 points back. As for the Constitution, if it doesn’t fit the times you amend it, NOT REINTERPRET it. The biggest thing the left ignores is the 10th amendment : Tenth Amendment - Reserved Powers. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. STATES RIGHTS ! PEOPLES RIGHTS not the Federal Government! If you and the left do not honor that then you dis-honor the Constitution!

    1. Everything you say confirms the fact that you are a "hater." A hater of The Clintons. A hater of Democrats. Everything you have stated above is false. There is not one iota of truth in your remarks. How dare you compare Hillary Clinton to Al Capone. You are a disgrace to everything American when you accuse the President of the United States of obstruction of justice. And that's what you do when you write..."As for hating the Clintons, I don’t hate them, I just believe them to be criminals out for themselves and if it wasn’t for the President and the AG she would have been indicted, all the evidence shows she is guilty." There is no evidence or proof whatsoever that Hillary Clinton committed any illegal wrongdoing, so stop already. You can make your excuses about Donald Trump all day long, but the Republicans could have brought Ronald Reagan back from the grave and Mrs. Clinton today would still beat the GOP. The fact is - if Secretary Clinton wins two weeks from today - which I am confident she will - then her policies ARE exactly what most Americans want. You can say that is "laughable" but if she wins then my statement is a fact. You can quote the U.S. Constitution 'til you're blue in the face, but if every single vote in every single county in Florida was recounted and if the U.S. Supreme Court didn't stop the recount (which it did in 2000) then Al Gore would have been elected President, not George W. Bush. Those are the facts. Now go away. We are done with this subject. See what you can do with my World Series column. You'll probably try to make that political too when politics doesn't enter in to it. GBD

  3. I will not debate the issues with you, I will say I am not a disgrace to everything American, in reading your blogs I am much more in line with what America is and as an American then you will ever be. Yes, I believe the President and or the AG did obstruct justice! Just to educate you the Supreme Court did stop the recount because that is what the law required. The Florida law requires the vote to be certified within 7 days or to be turned over to the Governor to appoint electors to the Electoral College that is the law. As for if the recount had continued there NO proof anywhere that Gore would have won. I will say one last thing your comments above shows how little respect and honor you have for the Constitution. The Constitution should be respected for the words that are written not for you to interpret for your political use!

    1. The following reply comes in three parts. When you accuse the President of the United States of obstruction of justice, when there is absolutely no evidence or proof that Mr. Obama did anything of the sort, then you are a disgrace to America.

      Please do not say "Just to educate you" because your education is worthless and untrue. You have no idea what you're talking about. The following comes directly from the U.S. Supreme Court. George W. Bush, et al, Petitioners v. Albert Gore, Jr., et al 531 U.S. 98 (2000) states as follows - as published by Wikipedia. "The Florida vote was ultimately settled in Bush's favor by a margin of 537 votes when the U.S. Supreme Court, in Bush v. Gore, stopped a recount that had been proposed by the Florida Supreme Court. That in turn gave Bush a majority of votes in the Electoral College and victory in the Presidential election." END OF PART 1 - GBD

    2. PART 2 to response above - "The Gore campaign, as allowed by Florida statute, requested that disputed ballots in four counties be counted by hand. Florida statutes also required that all counties certify and report their returns, including any recounts, by 5 p.m. on November 14. The manual recounts were time-consuming, and, when it became clear that some counties would not complete their recounts before the deadline, both Volusia and Palm Beach Counties sued to have their deadlines extended. Eventually, the Gore campaign appealed to the Florida Supreme Court, which ordered the recount to proceed. The Bush campaign subsequently appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States, which took up the case Bush v. Palm Beach County Canvassing Board on December 1. On December 4, the U.S. Supreme Court returned this matter to the Florida Supreme Court with an order vacating its earlier decision. In its opinion, the Supreme Court cited several areas where the Florida Supreme Court had violated both the federal and Florida constitutions. The Court further held that it had "considerable uncertainty" as to the reasons given by the Florida Supreme Court for its decision. The Florida Supreme Court clarified its ruling on this matter while the United States Supreme Court was deliberating Bush v. Gore. At 4:00 p.m. EST on December 8, the Florida Supreme Court, by a 4 to 3 vote, ordered a manual recount, under the supervision of the Leon County Circuit Court and Leon County Elections Supervisor Ion Sancho, of disputed ballots in all Florida counties and the portion of Miami-Dade county in which such a recount was not already complete. That decision was announced on live worldwide television by the Florida Supreme Court's spokesman Craig Waters, the Court's public information officer. The Court further ordered that only undervotes be considered. The results of this tally were to be added to the November 14 tally. The recount was in progress on December 9 when the United States Supreme Court, by a 5 to 4 vote (Justices Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg and Breyer dissenting), granted Bush's emergency plea for a stay of the Florida Supreme Court recount ruling, stopping the incomplete recount. About 10 p.m. EST on December 12, the United States Supreme Court handed down its ruling to stop the recount. Seven of the nine justices saw constitutional problems with the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution in the Florida Supreme Court's plan for recounting ballots, citing differing vote-counting standards from county to county and the lack of a single judicial officer to oversee the recount. Five justices held there was insufficient time to impose a unified standard and that the recounts should therefore be stopped and Florida be allowed to certify its vote, effectively ending the legal review of the vote count with Bush in the lead. The decision was extremely controversial due to its partisan split and the majority's unusual instruction that its judgment in Bush v. Gore should not set precedent but should be "limited to the present circumstances". Gore said he disagreed with the Court's decision, but conceded the election. Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris's certification of the election results was thus upheld, allowing Florida's electoral votes to be cast for Bush, making him President-elect." END OF PART 2 - GBD

    3. Part 3 of 3 - So if you read carefully what is part of the official documents, as ruled by the United States Supreme Court - the High Court "stopped" the recount. They, therefore, handed the election to George W. Bush. The Florida Supreme Court had first ruled to continue the recount. If the recount had continued - many Democrats including myself believe Al Gore would have had more votes in Florida and, therefore, the former Vice President would have been elected President by winning "The Sunshine State." But, as I noted in an earlier response, Vice President Gore was a gentleman and he graciously and gracefully conceded the election, and he said, "President Bush is my President too." I doubt Donald Trump will say that about Hillary Clinton when she wins on November 8th. Finally, the U.S. Constitution has been "interpreted" for more than 2 centuries. No one can be sure as to the exact meaning of every word, phrase, sentence, paragraph or clause that was written over 200 years ago and in a time that was totally different than it is today. It is shameful for you to say that Democrats don't respect the Constitution. Truly shameful. END OF PART 3 - GBD

  4. I am not a disgrace to America; the man in the White House is a disgrace to America and an embarrassment to the world! So are those who support and follow him. If you were not so brainwashed by the left you would be open to the truth. The SC did stop the recount because it was not legal, this is also from the US Supreme Court decision: “In Florida, the legislature has chosen to hold statewide elections to appoint the State's 25 electors. Importantly, the legislature has delegated the authority to run the elections and to oversee election disputes to the Secretary of State (Secretary), Fla. Stat. Ann. § 97.012(1) (Supp. 2001), and to state circuit courts, §§ 102.168(1), 102.168(8). Isolated sections of the code may well admit of more than one interpretation, but the general coherence of the legislative scheme may not be altered by judicial interpretation” the key words here are “may not be altered by judicial interpretation” meaning a Court may not change what the legislature passed. I know you don’t like facts you prefer the lies of the left but the facts are that the Florida Court had NO authority to extend the recount. Once again the US Supreme Court did what the Constitution demanded enforced the law as written and passed but the state legislature. As for the Constitution it is what it is and should be honored as written, almost every right and meaning was explained by James Madison and others, what you and the left have tried to do is take 2+2=4 and say it now is 2+2=5.I’m done now; all I will say is you should open your eyes and learn to love America not the un-American ways of the far left!

    1. You are the definitive definition of a "hater." Such a shame. President Obama is an outstanding President. He has nearly a 60 percent approval rating (58 to be exact, but climbing). He is beloved. He is not a disgrace or an embarrassment. As for the 2000 Election, you can believe what you want and tell your stories and lies, but a more liberal U.S. Supreme Court - which it will be in the not too distant future - would have allowed the recount - as I stated - in Florida, in 2000. But because conservative Justices in the Highest Court in the land did what they did, we ended up with "the great recession" and 9/11. Now...we are done. You need to love America and the American ways of "the left." You'd be happier. GBD

  5. GBD, I am not a “hater” of people, I may hate their policies, I may hate their actions but not the people, I don’t know them so I don’t hate them. You on the other hand seem to “HATE” everyone who disagrees with the left wing progressive policies of the Democrat party, you seem to hate Conservative Republicans that respect and honor the Constitution and the Founding Fathers, you hate the Justices of the Supreme Court because they upheld the law and the Constitution. You seem to hate the truth and your only defense is to call it a lie, if as you say a “more liberal U.S. Supreme Court” would have continued the illegal recount in 2000, you indorse unconstitutional acts which boarders on un-American. You must really “hate” President Bush to spread the lies you tell about the election and 9/11. It tells a lot about a person who hates a good man like President GW Bush and idealizes a man that is an accused sexual predator, accused rapist, a man that was found in contempt of court for lying to a Federal Court, Bill Clinton! I do love American and the US Constitution and am a very happy person; I just wish our country was in better shape. I know that if Clinton wins we will continue to go downhill with higher taxes, more regulation, more unaffordable Obama Care killing the health care in the country and a Supreme Court that would want to rewrite our Constitution to make us into an antireligion, antigun, anti-free speech country, not to mention allow millions of illegal aliens to become citizens and tens of thousands of refugees and possible terrorist into our country. You should seek help for your hate issues.

    1. You cannot be serious. You're a funny, funny person. If I actually thought that the drivel you expressed was on the level, I would recommend you find psychiatric therapy. I am not the one who "should seek help for hate issues." What you don't seem to understand is that I don't hate Republicans. I have many friends who are conservative and we can have civil - and even pleasant - political conversations. But they never utter the nonsense that you do. I - and I believe all Democrats - honor the U.S. Constitution. I'm not going to discuss any further the 2000 election. You know my feelings - and the feelings of many Democrats across the country with regards to the Florida recount. But how can you say that you're not a "hater" when you constantly make up stories and tell lies about one of the greatest Presidents in our country's history? Bill Clinton is not a sexual predator. He is not a rapist. You can use the word "accused" all day long, but that doesn't mean President Clinton is guilty. When Hillary Clinton is our President, America will continue to go UPHILL not "downhill." Since I don't know who you are - as you continue to be anonymous - I don't know how much money you make. But if you earn $250,000 or less, you will NOT have an increase in taxes under a President Hillary Clinton. Health care will improve as Mrs. Clinton will make "Obamacare" better. And despite what you may think, the Justices nominated by a President Hillary Clinton will be perfect. Your comment is ludicrous. Democrats are not anti-religious, we are not anti-gun (we just want better commonsense gun control laws), we are certainly not anti-free speech, but we do welcome "certain" refugees and other foreigners in to our country as that is what America is about. After nearly 2 years of vetting by no fewer than 6 federal government agencies, "Uncle Sam" is about as sure as possible that the people granted entrance in to the United States are not terrorists. Persons who are not refugees can enter our country - and if they are inclined to perform a terroristic act, then they might not be on any Homeland Security or FBI radar, so what would you do about people like that? Are you suggesting that no foreigner be allowed in to the United States? Sorry...but that's not America. How can you not call yourself a "hater?" GBD
