Thursday, October 13, 2016


     After reading the commentary below, please express your own thoughts.  Instructions on how to do so are written at the bottom of this column below my photograph.  Thank you.

     I begin this commentary with the focus on an oxymoron.  Can our next President bring a divided United States together?  How can something...that is by definition... "United" "divided?"  But many is.

     We have a Republican nominee for President who - in the Sunday, October 9th, 2016 debate - threatened to put his opponent in jail if he is elected President.  And in a Lakeland, Florida campaign rally on Wednesday, October 12th, Donald Trump doubled-down.  "She has to go to jail."  Trump also - on the St. Louis, Missouri debate stage - labeled Hillary Clinton... "the devil."  By making a satanic reference to Mrs. Clinton...and accusing her of committing a crime...for which she should be "locked up"...when there is no evidence or proof whatsoever that she performed any illegal wrongdoings...are just two more confirming examples why Trump is mentally unfit to occupy The Oval Office.

     Donald Trump has offended, disrespected and insulted women, Mexicans and all Latinos, Muslims, African-Americans, the disabled, prisoners of war, the media and so many others.  And now this week...Trump has declared war on not just Hillary Clinton...former President Bill Clinton...President Obama...and all Democrats...but on leaders and senior members of the Republican Party.
     I am on the record - as early as editorials published in December 2015 - for comparing Donald Trump to the "vile and vicious abomination by a malicious madman" who "spews vindictive venom with raunch and vulgarity."  And I was chastised for my points of view by many readers of The Controversy - Republicans...and Democrats too.

     But I'm sure everyone remembers Trump's despicable words when he announced his candidacy on June 16th, 2015.  "When Mexico sends its people...they're not sending their best.  They're bringing drugs...they're bringing crime...they're rapists."

     I'm not usually an "I told you so" type of person, but ever since the real estate mogul characterized Latinos in a disparaging way...I knew that he was not someone that anybody in the United States should ever want as our President and Commander-In-Chief.  But still...there were enough Americans who voted for Trump in the primaries.  And even though he has continued to verbally attack...degrade...and demean...various groups who represent millions of people...there remains millions of others...who will vote for him on November 8th.  I can only wonder why.

     At a campaign event in Newton, Iowa...on Tuesday, October 11th... Trump running mate, Mike Pence was faced with a woman who told the Indiana Governor, "If Hillary Clinton gets in...I, myself...I'm ready for a revolution...because we can't have her in."  But Pence countered quickly.  "No. Don't say that."  The Republican Vice Presidential nominee performed properly - better than the guy at the top of his ticket has ever done.  Pence followed in the footsteps of John McCain when he was the GOP nominee for President.  You may recall...that during a Lakeville, Minnesota town hall meeting on October 10th, 2008...a supporter of the Arizona Senator called then-Senator Barack Obama..."an Arab."  But McCain rightfully opposed the woman's remark...and he did so with great sincerity.  "No ma'am.  No ma'am.  He's a decent family man citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues...and that's what this campaign is all about.  He's not (an Arab)."

     Wow!  What a difference eight years make!  The Republican nominee defending the Democratic nominee.  Now though - in 2016 - all the GOP nominee wants to do is assault Hillary Clinton with wretched words of he attempts to defame her.

     On Tuesday, October 11th...Donald Trump tweeted..."It's so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to."

     Donald...I have a question for you.  Who put the shackles on you?  You seem to do everything you want.  And you certainly say whatever you want.  So if you're reading this column...or if someone in your campaign is reading it...please drop me a note and tell me.  Who shackled you?  It's obvious - to this point at least - that nobody tells Donald Trump anything.  But I assure you...that Americans will...on election day.  And it won't be what you want to hear.

     So after an ugly campaign...where a narcissistic misogynist/xenophobe...has presented himself much like a dictator...and with racist's going to be a monumental task for Hillary Clinton - should she defeat Trump, as I have always predicted with complete confidence that she will - to "unite" the people of the United States.

     There is a vast difference of opinions by the people of our country.  We are all aware of that fact.  As such...America is a polarized republic... and it will take the strength...the power...the desire... the belief...and the heartfelt compassion of a bring our nation together.  I know...deep in my soul...that Hillary Clinton is the only person who can accomplish such a lofty goal.  However...there won't be a magic wand for the former Secretary of State to wave...and - should she be elected our 45th President - it is going to take time...for those who unfortunately find fault in recognize that Mrs. Clinton is the best choice to move the United States forward...and to heal our land.

     In a perfect world...our next President would indeed unite our nation.  But we don't live in a perfect world.  Therefore...I don't believe that my hope for harmony and solidarity will be realized anytime soon.  Not even by a President Hillary Clinton.  But she will do her best to try.  And if those who vote against her...and have little or no faith in what she can accomplish...will open up their minds...and their hearts...we will come one nation at peace.

     Former National Congress of India President Sonia Gandhi is quoted as saying... "Together we can face any deep as the ocean...and as high as the sky."  Henry Ford expressed the sentiment that..."Coming together is a beginning.  Keeping together is progress.  Working success."  So my fellow Americans...let's do it.  Let's put aside the harsh divisiveness that has been born out of this campaign 

season.  As Hillary Clinton says..."We are...stronger together."

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Photo credits: (Democratic Nominee for President and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Republican Nominee for President, Donald Trump), (Former President Bill Clinton), VentureBeat (President Barack Obama), The Des Moines Register and (Republican Nominee for Vice President and Governor Mike Pence), MPR News (Senator John McCain), (Democratic Nominee for President and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #1), (Former National Congress of India President Sonia Gandhi), Wikipedia and (Henry Ford) and Imgrum (Democratic Nominee for President and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #2)

Copyright 2016 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Once again you distort the facts, when you say “no evidence or proof whatsoever that she performed any illegal wrongdoings” the Director of the FBI Jim Comey stated on July 5, 2016 “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information” that is illegal wrongdoing, just because he said no prosecutor would take the case does not change the fact that there was evidence of potential violations. As for his statements, it is now being reported that many of the career investigators and attorneys at the FBI had recommended charges being brought against the former Secretary but without reason were overruled by Mr. Comey. Was the fix in, less than a week before Director Comey’s announcement former President Bill Clinton meet with Comey’s boss the AG of the United States? Was a deal made; maybe if Hillary is elected she gets to keep her job or maybe goes to work for the Clinton Foundation for a big salary? Maybe Comey got the same deal? We will never know! As the old saying goes "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck" I will say first I am not a big fan of Donald Trump but I believe our Country can survive 4 years of Trump but am not sure we can survive 4 years of Clinton, what she will do to the Supreme Court, our Taxes, our Foreign policy and of course bringing in potential terrorist with refugees. As for uniting this country there is no way she can unite the 25,000,000 people that she called deplorable and irredeemable to her way of thinking. And to end this, I truly believe if it was ever put before a honest and fair jury she would be found guilty and sentenced to jail! For her so called service to our Country the sentence should be commuted. She is a liar and one who totally disregards the law for her own power and financial gain and is unfit to be president! It is a sad day when our only choices are a crook or a man that can’t control his mouth. God help America!

    1. I suppose when I created The Controversy - nearly 4 years ago - that I expected to receive comments from people like you who want to make up stories and put your own spin on political issues. But then, that's why this forum is titled The Controversy. However, after a certain period of time, I would think that reasonable people with some honest thinking would realize that they can't keep telling falsehoods just for political gain. You are the one who has "distort(ed) the facts." FBI Director Jim Comey has stated that Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI. And there is no evidence of illegal evidence of a crime acted upon by Mrs. Clinton...because if there was...then no matter what you may think, she would have been charged with such a crime. She was not...because she did NOT willfully or intentionally do anything illegal. And I refuse to discuss matters of e-mails and servers, which I, Mrs. Clinton and the United States government have already answered. You can claim all day long about quacking ducks, but Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong. And there is not a prosecutor...judge...or jury in America who could honestly and fairly convict her for anything. We could NOT survive Donald Trump behind The Oval Office desk. He is a mentally unbalanced person who needs medical care in the hope that his disgusting and despicable behavior can be cured. And I'm not saying that to be funny or flip. I'm serious. Donald Trump - for all the reasons noted in my commentary above and other editorials throughout the last year - is totally unfit to be President of the United States. He has numerous problems that the people of our great country - and yes we are great - should not be subjected to for four years. We've been subjected to them for 16 months...and he's not President. At the risk of me sounding like Richard Nixon...Hillary Clinton is not "a crook." But Donald Trump "can't control his mouth." And God will help America by giving Hillary Clinton all the strength necessary to heal our nation when she is sworn in as our President on January 20th, 2017. Now...I have a feeling - from the words that you write - that you have responded to my columns on many occasions. I appreciate and welcome your responses. But if you are a regular reader of The Controversy...come up with some different comments please. It really makes no sense for me to go back and forth with someone who makes the same remarks over and over again. Pick out other parts of my commentaries to either disagree with...or - even as a Republican - I'm sure you can agree with something. After all, I complimented the 2016 Republican nominee for Vice President and the 2008 GOP nominee for President in the column above. Perhaps you can break from your confrontational approach and respond in that fashion. GBD

  2. As usual you are unwilling or unable to discuss the truth: the Director of the FBI Jim Comey stated on July 5, 2016 “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information” that is a fact! We have no idea if she lied to the FBI because the interview with her was not under oath or recorder in any way, they didn’t even take notes, and it is all hearsay. As for your claim that no prosecutor would take the case, at least 6 former Federal Prosecutor said they would take the case as a special prosecutor. High ranking FBI officials in fear of being fired or disciplined have stated “No trial level attorney agreed, no agent working the case agreed, with the decision not to prosecute -- it was a top-down decision,” so why did Jim Comey make the decision he made? Was it on orders from Loretta Lynch or the White House, what was the deal made or what threats were made? Who did the Clintons pay off? I think you should take your own advice “I would think that reasonable people with some honest thinking would realize that they can't keep telling falsehoods just for political gain. You are the one who has "distort(ed) the facts” The Clintons do everything for their own political and financial gain and don’t give a hoot about who they hurt along the way. There is no way that Clinton can heal or unit this country with her policies, her lies and her disgraceful actions and words, calling 25,000,000 Americans deplorable and irredeemable. We now know she lied about wanting to secure our boarders, she said in a speech “"My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders”. I don’t want to say what I think of that statement, I will just say a country without boarder or as she said with “open boarders” is not a sovereign nation and will not last. If she is elected we will need God’s help for our country to survive Clintons and the Democrat Party’s plans. They will take us down a hole that we may never be able to dig our way out of. She will appoint a Supreme Court that does not honor our Constitution because she and her followers don’t honor it. We are looking at bad times for America and it sickens me. Please start looking for the truth and stop blindly following your Queen Bee!

    1. You obviously didn't read my response to you so I cannot - and refuse - to have a conversation with you. You repeat yourself over and over and I won't waste my time anymore. I will not subject my forum for your obscene agenda that is nothing more than repetitive rhetoric with no basis for truth and no evidence of fact. Your comments are ludicrous and untrue. We are done here. GBD

  3. Talk about being dishonest, you should rename this blog to "we love Hillary" a blog that will do as she does: lie, cheat or steal anything to get you way. When confronted by facts just call them names and say they are deplorable and irredeemable. Then payoff people, if they will not take your bribe, threaten them, so they will lie about your opponent. You may even get the NYT to print your lies. Remember the mainstream media will cover for her and lie for her. You really should rename this because you don't like controversy, all you do is lie and deny! I doubt you will print this, the truth hurts!

    1. Oh yes, I indeed published your drivel. You sound so foolish with your remarks. You truly are a hater. What a shame! I told you before...we are done here. GBD

  4. Gary why do you seem unwilling to accept certain facts that have come out regarding Secretary Clinton that your reader brought up to you. All you seem to do is to call his/her comments falsehood. I read his/her comments and he/she never said Clinton lied to the FBI but that is your defense, Jim Comey did say that there was evidence of violations of statutes, that’s on tape there can be no question he said it. It is now coming out that most of the agents and lawyers working the case wanted the case referred to the DOJ for indictment. Why Comey did what he did is a mystery to many people. You claimed one of your readers was subjecting your other readers to having an “obscene agenda that is nothing more than repetitive rhetoric with no basis for truth and no evidence of fact” for quoting Hillary Clintons own words about “open trade and OPEN BOARDERS”. Why is that obscene or without any evidence of fact, it is a direct quote of hers? It is one thing to have disagreements about policy, but to claim facts as falsehoods when you must know them to be true is beneath you. Also please stop calling people names just because you disagree with them. Just because someone is totally against Clinton’s policies and believes she is untrustworthy and most likely broke the law and got away with it, does not make them haters, maybe they just have a better concept of the facts then you do.

    1. You and other Republicans do not have the facts straight. Comments made by FBI Director Jim Comey were opinions and not facts. He gave his opinion on various thoughts about Hillary Clinton. However, Comey did NOT say that he feels Mrs. Clinton did anything illegal or that she could be prosecuted for any wrongdoing. That too is a fact. You Republicans can spin things whatever way you want, but this is why I call certain Republicans "haters." I don't do that to be "name calling," but it is obvious that certain Republicans have hated Bill and Hillary Clinton since President Clinton announced his candidacy back in 1991. There was no evidence that Hillary Clinton willfully or intentionally broke the law and Director Comey was very clear that he believes no prosecuting attorney would charge the former Secretary of State with any crime. Thus, there was no indictment because Mrs. Clinton did nothing illegal. Politifact - an independent fact-checking service says the following about what Mrs. Clinton actually said about open borders.

      Donald Trump repeated his claim that Hillary Clinton supports open borders. Is Trump right that Clinton really does want open borders? The leaked excerpt does contain the words "open borders," but that alone doesn't make (Donald) Trump's claim correct. Experts suggested Clinton could have been talking about free travel or open trade, or immigration policy. It's just not clear. What's more, Clinton's official immigration position does not contain a proposal for an open border. As evidence for Trump's claim, the Trump campaign referred us to Clinton's pledge to offer immigration legislation within her first 100 days in office as well as her support for sanctuary cities. We've looked into this before, and concluded that equating Clinton's immigration plan with "open borders" is NOT accurate. Clinton supported 2013 legislation (which never passed) that included a path to citizenship with conditions and billions for border enforcement for new surveillance equipment and fencing along the Mexican border, as well as adding 20,000 border agents. As a candidate, she has said she would focus on deportations for violent criminals or those who pose threats. Clinton, however, does want to make it easier for many undocumented immigrants to obtain a legal status. That’s not the same as getting rid of enforcement, of course, and it’s a far cry from Trump’s characterization: "Anyone in the world can enter the United States without any limit at all."

      So don't tell me that it is "beneath" me when I am the one who is actually providing facts and you, the other reader, and other Republicans are telling "falsehoods." Facts are facts. One person can't have "a better concept of the facts" than another person. As I said...facts are facts. And Politifact and other independent fact-checking operations have proven that the Democrats, the Clinton Campaign and I have expressed facts. GBD

  5. Once again you try to spin the truth, it was not Comey’s opinion, he stated that there was “EVIDENCE” that is a fact! I truly believe that someone got to him, the question is how high did it go, the AG, after meeting with her friend former President Clinton or did it come from the White House. As for the statements about no prosecuting attorney would take the case, did Comey poll them all because many have come out saying they would have taken the case. Next, the statement about Clinton that there was no evidence that she willfully or intentionally broke the law, that statement is irrelevant, the criminal statute on handling of classified or potentially classified material is very clear that intent is not a factor in prosecution. Miss handling information is a crime period. Why did Comey disregarded the law? Who knows, it goes back to who got to him and why.
    I don’t hate the Clintons and don’t believe that most republicans hate them, they disagree, they even may hate most of his and her policies, they may even hate many of his actions, womanizing while in the White House, sexual harasser and accused rapist, don’t compare his actions to Trump, even if any of Trumps accusers are telling the truth, which I don’t think they are, no one has accused him of rape.
    As for Clinton’s statement it was very clear reading the transcripts she said “open boarders” and that is what she meant. As for her so called policy on immigration, is that her public policy or her private policy, remember she said she has both, say to the public what they want to hear and do what her supporters want her to do, not the public. As for the illegal alien, that is what they are, not undocumented immigrants, I agree we need to get those that have been law abiding since getting here legal status, but NEVER make them citizens, they broke the law coming here and that should be their penalty. You can claim all you want about facts but her words that she tried to hide says it all.

    1. We're done here with this subject. You're going to spin the issues the way you want and not with facts and I can't keep going 'round and 'round in circles. None of what you are saying is true. FBI Director James Comey never said there was any evidence that Hillary Clinton committed a crime or any illegal wrongdoing. He should never have given his opinions. Comey should have stuck with facts and there is admittedly by him "no evidence" - none at all that proves any crime committed by Mrs. Clinton. As for your comments about Bill Clinton - you say you're not a "hater" but you repeat Donald Trump by calling President Clinton a "sexual harasser and accused rapist." Mr. Clinton was never charged, indicted or convicted with any such crimes. There is no proof whatsoever that he committed any such wrongdoing. Is he a womanizer? Perhaps. But that is not illegal. Was it wrong of him to cheat on his wife. Of course. But unfortunately - according to statistics - more than three-quarters of all married men do cheat at one time or another. But the fact that President Clinton got a b-job by a woman in a consensual meeting is between Mr. Clinton, that woman (ML) and Mrs. Clinton. The fact is that after a witch-hunt that resulted in an impeachment, which was a waste of millions of taxpayers dollars, President Clinton was not convicted. And historians and most Republicans surveyed today show that Mr. Clinton should never have been impeached. Democrats overwhelmingly believed in 1998 and 1999 - as we do now - that President Clinton did not commit a crime and that the impeachment was ludicrous and a witch-hunt by a hateful special prosecutor, Ken Starr. One more thing - which is something that most people don't realize and that Republicans want to make bigger than it is - an impeachment is equivalent to a person being indicted on charges. It does not mean guilt, proof of guilt or conviction of any crime. President Clinton was not convicted so, therefore, his impeachment means nothing. And, as for Mrs. Clinton's statement about "open borders" - again, you're putting your own spin on it. She said nothing wrong and her policy and plan for undocumented immigrants - and that's what they are - shows exactly what Politifact stated and that I quoted in my previous response to you. Personally, I think all 11 or 12 million undocumented immigrants should be granted citizenship. We are the United States of America and as long as they have been living here and working here without any incidents, they should be welcome and they should be granted citizenship. But I'm an ultra progressive liberal Democrat. Too bad everybody doesn't think my way. I've answered your remarks so let's move on. GBD

  6. I know you like getting the last word and being it’s your blog you get the last word. You once again are misleading your readers (I’m being nice), you said FBI Director James Comey never said there was any evidence, you should check your facts, Jim Comey said on July 5, 2016 “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information”. Where did you get the idea that he never said “EVIDENCE” , to use a sportscasters saying, let’s go to the video tape. As for Bill Clinton calling him a "sexual harasser and accused rapist" are facts, he was sued and settled by paying $850,000 without admitting guilt a lawsuit for sexual harassment, who pays $850,000 when they are innocent , and he has been accused by Juanita Broaddrick that he raped her in 1978 so that statement I made are true. As for your story (once again being nice) Clinton was of not impeached for getting a B-job, he was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice, which he was found in contempt of court for giving "intentionally false" testimony and paid a $90,000 fine and had his law license suspended. As for Hillary Clinton you did not respond to the fact she said she has both a private and public position on most issues, which is her real position. I’ll now give you the last word to tell “your story”.

    1. But here are the facts. President Bill Clinton did not lie. Obviously, his impeachment was uncalled for. He did not "HAVE SEX" with Monica Lewinsky, therefore, there was no "perjury." And to say there was "obstruction of justice" is ridiculous. The U.S. Senate found President Clinton to be NOT GUILTY. He was acquitted of the perjury and obstruction of justice charges. Again, being impeached is the same as being indicted. Just because a person is indicted does not mean guilt. Just because a person is impeached does not mean guilt. President Clinton was not convicted of anything. He is NOT GUILTY. The 90-thousand dollars was a citation that had nothing to do wit the impeachment. It came from a judge two months later. As for being accused of rape, anybody can accuse anybody of anything. But facts are facts. Bill Clinton has never been charged with a crime - not of rape, not of sexual assault, not of sexual harassment. He is NOT GUILTY unless proven otherwise. You seem to be somebody who wants to go along with the laws of our land and the U.S. Constitution when it fits your needs, but not when it concerns somebody you disagree with. Bill Clinton is not guilty of any of the allegations that you seem to believe. His law license was suspended for 5 years. He has not reinstated it, but he could have. I'm done talking about Jim Comey. He never said there was evidence of illegal wrongdoings or a crime. Facts are facts. If he felt Hillary Clinton committed a crime, she would have been indicted. She was not, she never will be. She did not commit a crime. As for Mrs. Clinton's "private and public position" - she connected her comment to the movie LINCOLN. Mrs. Clinton made the following statement in the second Presidential debate. "That was something I said about Abraham Lincoln after having seen the wonderful Steven Spielberg movie called LINCOLN. It was a masterclass watching President Lincoln get the Congress to approve the 13th Amendment. It was principled and it was strategic. I was making the point that it is hard sometimes to get the Congress to do what you want to do, and you have to keep working at it, and yes, President Lincoln was trying to convince some people, he used some arguments, convincing other people, he used other arguments. That was a great, I thought, a great display of presidential leadership." There was nothing wrong in what Mrs. Clinton said. And that is - as Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC would say - "The Last Word." GBD
