Friday, October 7, 2016


     After reading the commentary below, please express your own thoughts.  Instructions on how to do so are written at the bottom of this column below my photograph.  Thank you.

     Attention Millennials:  I have one comment to make to youFREE COLLEGE TUITION.  And yes...I have capitalized the letters in those words...and put them in the hope to strongly get across my point about who you should vote for in the Presidential election.

     And if you're a parent of a Millennial... or a parent of a child who will be going to college in the near future...I have one comment to make to youFREE COLLEGE TUITION for those kids.  That's right, moms and dads.  If your combined income is 125-thousand dollars or less - which is 83 percent of families in the United States - then your children will be able to go to college...tuition free.  That is if you vote for Hillary Clinton for President and only Democrats for the United States Congress.

     Let's put some numbers in to perspective.  Politifact has fact-checked with the Internal Revenue Service that 98.2 percent of all working Americans earn less than 250-thousand dollars a year.  Now in the grand scheme of things...and with the costs of everything else in the world going up, up, up...a quarter-of-a-million dollars is really not a great deal of money.  Or is it?  Well...if you're only making between twenty-thousand and fifty-thousand bucks a year...then 100-thousand...150-thousand...200-thousand...or 250-thousand dollars... sounds mighty fine to the overwhelming majority of Americans.

     Now I'm pretty sure that some of you are more than likely questioning my words..."majority of Americans."  So let me provide you with a bit of information that perhaps you may not have known.

     The Social Security Administration discloses some staggering statistics...thus the following are critical reasons why we MUST - as a country - provide FREE COLLEGE TUITION.

     The Social Security Administration says 38 percent of American workers earn less than 20-thousand dollars a year.  Oh read that right.  Nearly 40 percent of our nation's employed don't even have an individual annual income of 20-grand.  How on God's green Earth can the kids in those homes afford a college education?  After all...the federal poverty level for a family of five - that's two parents and three children - is $28,410.   

     College should be...and must be...a RIGHT...for every single American.  College should a privilege.  Every person - young or old - who wants one...should have a way to attend college...without having to pay for it for the rest of his or her life.

     But how can everybody go to college...when one in two people - 51 percent of our working population - are paid a yearly income of less than 30-thousand dollars?  That's half the country.

     Nearly two-thirds - 62 percent of American workers - earn less than 40-thousand dollars a year.

     And the Social Security Administration reveals that 71 percent of employed U.S. citizens are making an annual salary of less than 50-thousand dollars.

     To go to college - under the aforementioned financial conditions - is practically impossible.  That is unless a person is willing to wind up in tremendous debt, which can take decades to pay off...if ever at all.

     Now maybe you're one of the fortunate few who have parents who were able to save money - from the moment you were born - so you could receive a college education and not have to rely on student loans - or, if you're lucky - scholarships or grants.  But signing those financial aid documents at 17 or 18 years of age...and knowing that is the only way you can go to unfair to mostly every American student.   

     That is why MarketWatch reports that Americans owe nearly 1.4 trillion dollars in student-loan debt.  Let me repeat that number, as it is not in the millions...not in the billions...but 1.4 trillion dollars.  That is insane.  And there is no reason for kids 21 or 22 years of age to be saddled with such debt.  Those of you - like me - who were forced to take student loans in order to go to college...know exactly what I mean. 

     Hillary Clinton's plan - as President of the United States - is to immediately give students...whose family income is 85-thousand dollars a year or less...a way to attend and graduate from a 4-year public college or public university at zero tuition cost.  And by the year 2021...the Democratic nominee's plan will allow that income to 125-thousand dollars or less.

     Donald Trump opposes Mrs. Clinton's plan for free tuition.  Therefore, the Republican nominee deserves a failing grade when it comes to the education of America's students. 

      Please...go out on November 8th...and vote for Hillary Clinton to be elected the 45th President of the United States.  And while you're at what you can so that control of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives is returned to the Democrats.  Vote a straight Democratic ticket.  That way college tuition will be free.  Vacancies on the U.S. Supreme Court will be filled with more liberal-thinking Justices and NOT to judges who support a conservative Republican mindset, which will undoubtedly take away many Americans' rights.  By voting entirely for Democrats...our nation can move forward with a President and a Congressional majority...that cares for everyone...which Donald Trump clearly does not.

     So when you enter the polling booth to cast your ballot...think of everything I have written in this column.  And...think of your bank account...think of how you're going to pay for college if you're a student...or if you're a parent of a student.  And remember three words.  FREE COLLEGE TUITION.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Photo credits: (Democratic Nominee for President and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #1), (Democratic Nominee for President and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #2), (Republican Nominee for President, Donald Trump) and (Democratic Nominee for President and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #3) 

Copyright 2016 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. FREE COLLEGE TUITION, nothing in this world FREE, so be honest, tell everyone you want to steal more from some to give handouts to others. I must say that it looks more likely that we will get the most dis-honest and corrupt person ever in mainstream politics to win the presidency, Hillary Clinton. That being said it is more than likely the House will stay in the hands of the GOP and if the Senate goes to the dark-side (Democrats) they will not have a 60 vote majority therefore things like this will never pass. You talk about rights, what about the rights of a family that makes $135,000 a year and has 3 kids going to college or making $250,000 to keep what they worked hard for and now will have to pay tens of thousands of more dollars in taxes to pay for her give away. You and the left want to turn this country into a socialist state. To hell with 240 years of the Constitution and democracy, should we rename ourselves the United Socialist States of America? Comes November 8th we all must vote for our Constitution which mean a vote against Hillary Clinton. If not put on a black arm band and mourn the death of our once great nation!

    1. I truly say the following with respect...but you don't know what the hell you are talking about. First of all, you can obviously believe what you want, but Hillary Clinton has not been dishonest to Americans nor has she ever done anything corrupt in her entire public life. There has never, ever been any proof or evidence that supports your right-wing and false thinking. Secondly, I am confident that Mrs. Clinton will be elected our 45th President and that control in the Senate will be returned to the Democrats with at least a 60-vote majority. I wouldn't be surprised if John McCain isn't re-elected in Arizona. As for the House, don't be surprised if the House goes Democratic too. But I will admit that I'm not as confident about that, but it certainly could happen. Thirdly, under a Hillary Clinton plan, NOBODY who earns less than $250,000 a year will have any increase in taxes. The taxes that Secretary Clinton talks about increasing will be ONLY of those people earning more than an annual income of $250,000. And those Americans on the low end of that income range will not be taxed as much as someone in the category defined as the so-called "super rich." It is the multi-millionaires and billionaires who will be taxed the most. Therefore, a person who earns $135,000 won't pay a dime towards free college tuition. That family will be paying for their kids' college education, but not in any additional taxes towards the free college tuition plan. Fourthly, your following comments are disgraceful "You and the left want to turn this country into a socialist state." (UNTRUE, but we have had very successful socialistic programs for years. What do you think Social Security and Medicare are?) You say, "To hell with 240 years of the Constitution and democracy, should we rename ourselves the United Socialist States of America?" (Democrats support the Constitution, but we realize that there was no crystal ball 240 years ago, so certain elements of any plan sometimes need improvements or, at least, a tweak or two.) You say, "Come November 8th we all must vote for our Constitution which mean a vote against Hillary Clinton." (Hillary Clinton supports the essence of the U.S. Constitution, as do all, if not most, Democrats.)And you say, "If not put on a black arm band and mourn the death of our once great nation!" (That is a despicable statement for anybody to say. The United States of America IS a great nation and it will continue to be great...and even greater...with Hillary Clinton as our President.) What a shame that you have such hate for Hillary Clinton and such hate for Democrats, liberals and anybody who doesn't agree with your conservative Republican views. What a real shame. GBD

  2. Anyone who believes Hillary has never been dishonest to the American people or never done anything corrupt is one of three things, first: oblivious to the real world (I’m being nice), second: is so infatuated with her it doesn’t matter or third: lies to others and themselves , there is a fourth but unlike you I don’t like to name call. As for the Senate I don’t believe and the polls back me up that the democrats will take 60 seats and the polls show the House is most likely safe in the GOP hands. As for her tax plan which is totally unfair, right now the top 20% of workers’ pay 84% of all federal income tax while earning 51% of all wages, the bottom 20% of workers earn 5% of wages and pay a negative 3%. Paying 84% isn’t enough for you, you want to steal more. Just remember even if she only raises taxes on those earning more than $250,000 (which many don’t believe, more like $150,000 or even less) to cover those taxes prices will go up for everything. If an owner of a business is making himself $500,000 and you raise his taxes $50,000 he will raise his prices to compensate as will everyone. I have to laugh that you mention “very successful socialistic programs for years” Social Security and Medicare have nearly gone bankrupt 3 times in the last 30 years and are headed that way again. If you believe that this shows success you should be praising Trump for his casino failures. I stand by my statements the Democrat party has not honored the US Constitution for over 30 years maybe longer. As for being a great nation we are not as great as we once were and headed down hill fast over the last 7+ years, we are not respected or feared. We command nothing in the international world, we have a President that apologizes for America every chance he gets, plays the race card and gender cards, he has divided the country more than it has been in 40 years and the liberals have helped and cheered him on. I know you like to throw the word hate around to anyone who won’t bow down to the Clintons but I don’t hate anyone. I don’t have as you say “conservative Republican views” I have CONSTITUTIONAL views, those little things you don’t believe in like fairness and justice!

    1. You say you're not a hater, but you either lie - because you know the truth and you have to lie because you know Hillary Clinton is telling the truth...or you lie because you believe everything Donald Trump says so you lie on his behalf...or you just don't know what the hell you're talking about so, therefore, you're not lying, but you're just not accurately informed. So for you to say that I am "oblivious to the real world" - that's a joke. There has never been any proof or evidence (you can't show me any because there isn't) that Mrs. Clinton has ever been dishonest to the American people or that she has done anything corrupt. As for your so-called polls...I'm not one who holds much stock or faith in the polls. Polls that show Mrs. Clinton just a few points ahead of Trump are laughable. I have said - and have written - that Hillary Clinton will defeat Donald Trump by at least 8 points and perhaps up to 15 points. She will win in an electoral college landslide and a popular vote landslide. About Secretary Clinton's tax plan, when she is hopefully President Clinton, your thoughts are totally incorrect. But I refuse to debate that issue with you anymore. And yes, Social Security and Medicare are successful programs and yes, they would be considered socialistic programs. The Democrats - including me - always honor the U.S. Constitution, but, as I have said in the past, the Constitution was written more than 200 years ago by founders of our nation who did not have a crystal ball to envision the future. I am a great believer that if our forefathers were around today that the Constitution would not have included some of the wording that it does. As for President Obama - he has been an outstanding President. Your comments about Mr. Obama are absurd. President Obama, Secretary Clinton, Democrats - including me - believe in "fairness and justice" for EVERYONE - which is something Donald Trump and the Republicans in Congress do not support. GBD

  3. I don’t lie and I’m not a hater. As for Hillary where do you want me to start:, during the 2008 campaign she claimed to have come under sniper fire in Bosnia, didn’t happen, she lied, her campaign side she misspoke. She claimed in a book she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first men to climb Mt. Everest, one problem he didn’t do it until she was 6 years old. She lied to the families of the Benghazi victims saying it was all from a YouTube video, she told the president of Egypt it was a terrorist attack, she lied to one of them. She has claimed many times that ALL (4) of her grand-parents were immigrants, fact is only one of them was an immigrant. When First Lady she lied about travel gate. We now know she lied about boarder security saying she dreams about one day having OPEN BOARDERS, in a speech she said “So, you need both a public and a private position “which position is the truth which is the lie. Lies on how she would fix Wall street, just look at the newly released emails and transcripts, all lies. Should I go on? As for being corrupt hundreds of millions of dollars given to the Clinton Foundation in trade for access to the Secretary of State, pay for play which is corrupt.

    1. Nope, nope, nope. So you don't lie. That means you're ill-informed about everything you stated about Hillary Clinton because she doesn't lie either. As for Mrs. Clinton being corrupt, she never traded for access to her while Secretary of State in order to obtain hundreds of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation. You Republicans just like to spew your venom when there is clearly no proof whatsoever to back up your accusations. Besides, neither Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton or Chelsea Clinton receive a penny from any money donated to the Clinton Foundation. They raise money to help people. That makes them philanthropic. Not corrupt. GBD

  4. I'm always amazed that you and other Republicans want to continue to spew your venom when there is not one single shred of evidence...not one iota of proof...that President Bill Clinton is "a known rapist and sex offender." Mr. Clinton has never been charged with any such crime and you are a despicable disgrace to make such an accusation of a former President of the United States. I would never make such allegations about any President - Democrat or Republican - unless there was definitive proof and that the Commander-In-Chief was convicted in a court of law. As for all your so-called "facts" about Hillary Clinton...I remain firm that you are ill-informed. I am not a "liar or a fool" because I know the truth. If you and other Republicans want to make up stories, then go right ahead. On November 8th, Hillary Clinton will be elected the 45th President of our country for the next four years and Bill Clinton will be in charge of the economy. Maybe after the great success of the President Hillary Clinton White House, Republicans will realize how wonderful the Clintons truly are for our nation...and for our world. GBD
