Monday, October 10, 2016


     After reading the commentary below, please express your own thoughts.  Instructions on how to do so are written at the bottom of this column below my photograph.  Thank you.

     Will there be a constant barrage of "October surprises" in the 2016 battle for The White House?  A better question might be...will there be a "November surprise" the day before the election?

     But was the essence of the Donald Trump/Billy Bush/Access Hollywood video...a real surprise?  Oh sure, we were all flabbergasted by the existence of the bombshell tape.  But nobody should be shocked to hear Trump degrading women with lewd language, vile vocabulary and offensive insults.  Obviously, he's been doing it for years...and - in particular - this year.

     There are undoubtedly more revelations that will try to knock your socks off over the next 28 days.  As such, Donald Trump is - without question - waiting for this whole campaign to be over.  He knows - at this point - that there is little or no likelihood of him ever becoming President of the United States.  But then...I've never thought he had any chance of defeating Hillary Clinton.  And although I'm not one who holds much stock in the potpourri of was good to see - on Monday, October 10th, 2016 - that the NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll shows Mrs. Clinton now walloping Trump...46 percent to 35 percent in a four-way

competition that includes Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and the Green Party's Jill Stein.  However... in a head-to-head match-up between only the Democratic and Republican

nominees...Hillary Clinton is wiping the floor with Donald Trump's hair.  Mrs. Clinton has a 14-point lead over Trump...52 percent to 38 percent.

     Those of you who are regular readers of The Controversy and who also read my responses to those who express their own views at the bottom of my are well aware that I have been writing for many months that Hillary Clinton
will defeat Donald Trump by between 8 and 15 percentage points in the popular vote.  And that Mrs. Clinton will trounce Trump in the Electoral College.  I would not be amazed if the former Secretary of State winds up with between 350 and 400 Electoral votes...or more.  A "HUUUUUUGE" - to use Senator 

Bernie Sanders' favorite word - landslide for who I am confident will become the first woman President of our country.

     I suspect that Donald Trump is not only anxious for the Presidential race to come to an end, but I bet he is waiting for the so-called "other shoe to drop."  And those who are more scared of additional shoes dropping...are Trump's kids.  After all...along with their father...the Trump offspring should be concerned whether the real estate mogul's vulgar and nauseating behavior will blast his brand in to smithereens.  So I do wonder how Trump's children are reacting.  Let's face it... "Daddy Donald" is supposedly worth a fortune...and his five kids - in 10, 20, 30 years from now...whenever their father departs 

from this Earth - will inherit...along with Trump's wife, Melania...every penny that's remaining in the Trump treasure.  But how much will be left - when that time comes - if the Trump brand deteriorates, as a result of "The Donald's" disgusting demeanor?

     Donald Trump knows what he has said...and what he has the past.  Therefore - with computerized archives - Trump is probably chewing up his fingernails with nervousness that more video and audio recordings will surface...and that they will reconfirm more of the truth that he has - throughout his adult life - disrespected women.  And don't be stunned if some of those females come accuse Trump of obscene actions.

     Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th.  But doomsday for Donald Trump just may come the day before...if not sooner.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Photo credits: Access Hollywood, The Washington Post and (Billy Bush with Republican Nominee for President, Donald Trump), (Republican Nominee for President, Donald Trump), (Libertarian Candidate for President, Gary Johnson), (Green Party Candidate for President, Jill Stein), (Democratic Nominee for President and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #1), (Democratic Nominee for President and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #2), and (Senator Bernie Sanders) and (Melania Trump)

Copyright 2016 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

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