Thursday, July 28, 2016


     After reading the commentary below, please express your own thoughts.  Instructions on how to do so are written at the bottom of this column.  Thank you.

     Underestimating people is not something any of us should ever subscribe to...and that is more evident and certain today than ever before in our history. 

     In June 2015...I proclaimed that "Donald Trump is a superstar."  Regular readers of The Controversy are well aware that my politics are totally against those of Trump...and that I have been a staunch supporter of Hillary Clinton for 25 years.  Although I did not think that the billionaire businessman would ever make it to the finish line as the Republican Party's nominee for President...I did state - more than a year ago - that his "celebrity and stardom" would not only be attractive to a wide range of individuals in our country...but that his determination and aggressive nature would appeal to a much larger group of people than most in the media - in fact most in our country - ever thought.  That being said...I never expected Trump to achieve his goal as the GOP nominee...nor did I ever think he would spend the last thirteen and a half months spewing venomous and toxic insults to everyone from Latinos to Muslims...from women to the disabled...from a federal judge to a hero of the Vietnam War...and so many others.  In fact...I had figured that Trump would have buried himself...politically speaking...after each atrocious attack...after each despicable and reprehensible remark.  But, for whatever the reason - and to my astonishment and shock - enough Republicans were able to buy in to Trump's loathsome lunacy.

     Donald Trump is not in any way qualified to be America's President.  He is absolutely and categorically unfit to be the Commander-In-Chief of our nation.  And Donald Trump must be stopped. 

     The way to do that...the way to put an end to the political aspirations of a man who shouldn't even receive more than one vote - his own - is by every American casting their ballots on November 8th for Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine to be the next President and Vice President of the United States.

     We as a country...we as a society...cannot allow Donald Trump to get his grimy hands or his slimy mouth anywhere close to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  We as Americans need to keep Trump far away from The White House and nowhere near The Oval Office.  And I am confident...with Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine on the Democratic Party ticket...that we can...and that we will.

     The Republicans at the GOP's convention in Cleveland, Ohio focused their four-day forum on unfair and unwarranted criticism...detestable lies...and hateful hearsay about the honorable former Secretary of State.  But Mrs. Clinton and Senator Kaine must now forge ahead and not stoop to the barbaric and Neanderthal levels of Donald Trump, Governor Mike Pence and their crackpot cronies.  Instead...Secretary Clinton and Senator Kaine must show Americans - Democrats...Independents...and yes, Republicans too - that to be the leader of the free world...the job of President of the United States cannot be successful by doing it "alone" Trump has emphatically stated.

     With Hillary Clinton as our President...and Tim Kaine as our Vice President...working with and for each and every American...we are...and will always be..."stronger together."

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Photo credits: (Republican Party Nominee for President, Donald Trump), (Democratic Party Nominee for President and former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton), and (Democratic Party Nominees for President and Vice President, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senator Tim Kaine #1), CBS News, 60 Minutes and (Republican Party Nominees for President and Vice President, Donald Trump and Governor Mike Pence) and (Democratic Party Nominees for President and Vice President, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senator Tim Kaine #2)

Copyright 2016 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. I find it interesting that you take everything said about Trump as fact, yet everything said and proven about Clinton you say is “unfair and unwarranted criticism...detestable lies...and hateful hearsay about the honorable former Secretary of State”. The Washington post gave her 4 Pinnochios’ for her answers to Chris Wallace on her emails and FBI Director Comey’s statements to Congress:
    GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails either sent or received. Was that true?
    COMEY: That’s not true.
    GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said, “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material.” Was that true?
    COMEY: There was classified material emailed.
    Comey basically called her a liar! She is unfit to be President.
    I am not a big Trump fan, he in fact in many ways he scares me, but Hillary Clinton and the far left wing democrat party platform terrifies me. That platform is borderline Un-American. That’s not how America was built. The left has gone too far, it does not take a village, it is not the governments right to tell me how to raise my children, how and when I can pray, how I spend my money, what doctors I can go to and a host of other things the left want to control. They want safe zones on college campuses which take away people’s free speech, they want to take away the 2nd amendment. America is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Not if the left gets their way, they wants it a government controlling the people, regulating the people and for themselves.

    1. You have no clue as to what "the left" want. It's amazing how Republicans want to make up stories about Democrats. And as far as the Washington Post's 4 Pinocchios regarding Hillary Clinton's interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News...all I can say is that Mrs. Clinton didn't lie about anything during that interview...and her top campaign people have stated that the Post is wrong. As for your quotes from Congressman Gowdy and FBI Director Comey, that is not what Director Comey said during his testimony before the House Oversight Committee. In fact, Comey was very specific with his answer that Secretary Clinton did NOT lie to the FBI during their investigation. Hillary Clinton will be an outstanding President...and she will be elected on November 8th. And I stated in my column, "The Republicans at the GOP's convention in Cleveland, Ohio focused their four-day forum on unfair and unwarranted criticism...detestable lies...and hateful hearsay about the honorable former Secretary of State." Read my commentary from July 21st. The Republican convention was one big hatefest. GBD

  2. The “clue” I have to what the Democrats want is what your left wing party has in their platform, which as I said terrifies me. It wants to take away my rights and my freedoms, my money and run everyone’s life. As for my quotes from Congressman Gowdy and Director Comey, those are direct quotes from the published transcripts from the House Oversight Committee. Comey basically called her a liar! You should get your facts straight before making statements. She may not have lied to the FBI , but she lied to the American people and to the parents of the Benghazi terrorist attack victims. I don’t think she is fit to be president, I don’t feel she is honorable and as two thirds of this country says she is not honest or trustworthy. As for the GOP convention I would not say it was a “hatefest” it was very hard on Clinton because it was trying to define her for what she is, a liar, untrustworthy and someone who will do anything for her own personal gain. That’s not hate, its being honest!

    1. I've been trying to figure out if you are someone who I may know or if you're a random reader of The Controversy. But since I know several people who fit your hating demeanor, I can't quite pinpoint who you might be. Whoever you are, at least you're reading my columns. All that being said, however, you really must hate, hate, hate Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. I and every Democrat in this country - I will bet - along with the entire Clinton Campaign team...especially Joel Benenson, who is a senior adviser to Secretary Clinton...know for a fact that such venomous verbiage that you and others are spewing about Mrs. totally false. FBI Director James Comey testified before Congress that "EVERYTHING" Secretary Clinton told the FBI was "TRUTHFUL." Now I don't know what language you speak, but I speak and read the English language...and in the English language when someone says a person was "truthful"...that means they "DID NOT LIE." PERIOD. Hillary Clinton is totally fit to be President. There has NEVER been any proof or evidence of any kind whatsoever that Mrs. Clinton lied about anything - not Benghazi, not her e-mails...not anything. Hillary Clinton cares about our country so much that she will be a superb President. It is Donald Trump who is absolutely unfit to be President. Even the Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senator John McCain, among others, have condemned and denounced Donald Trump for his actions. You're going to see that eventually they too are going to say, as President Obama said today, "Enough is enough" and those high ranking Republicans will stop endorsing Trump. You say your words are not "hate" but "being honest." That's not honesty. That's simply despicable hate. What a shame that you and so many other Republicans have so much hate in your bodies. What a shame. GBD

  3. You once again don’t get it, what Comey said was EVERYTHING" Secretary Clinton told the FBI was "TRUTHFUL." The problem is we don’t know what she told the FBI, but when asked by Congressman Gowdy about what she told the American people and Congress he said was not true:
    “GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails either sent or received. Was that true?
    COMEY: That’s not true.
    GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said, “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material.” Was that true?
    COMEY: There was classified material emailed.
    I don’t believe the high ranking Republicans will back away from him and say as President Obama said "Enough is enough" because the bigger fear then Donald Trump is Hillary Clinton and her left wing policies. They know she will be worse and more unlawful then Obama using his “phone and pen” to supersede the Legislative Branch of our republic and our Constitution. I really wish you and the left and the media would stop the name calling “haters” , the right does not hate the Clintons we are against her and the rest of the left’s policies which are bad for America. We want America to be great, the home of the free and the brave, not the socialist home of the welfare state, where the federal government want to control from cradle to grave!

    1. We are just going around in circles. All I hear (or see) you say is "Blah, blah, blah, blah." You're never going to acknowledge the truth so let's end this conversation here. GBD

  4. Talk about someone who will not acknowledge the truth or the true facts, all I can say is instead of writing this dribble you should write fantasy stories, it seems what you are best at.

    1. I do acknowledge the truth...AND...the true facts. I do that in my commentaries...and I have done that in my responses to you and others. You'll be eating those words about "fantasy stories" when Hillary Clinton takes the oath of office as the 45th President of the United States on January 20th, 2017. GBD

  5. You apparently don’t know what truth and true facts are, she may get elected but that doesn’t mean your writings aren’t “fantasy” and dribble.

    1. Think what you want, but you're the one living in "fantasyland." I know the truth. I know the facts. It is disgraceful that Republicans continue to make up stories about Hillary Clinton that are absolutely bogus and false. And it is your "drivel" (it's drivel not dribble) that makes no sense whatsoever. GBD
