Tuesday, April 26, 2016


     After reading the commentary below, please express your own thoughts.  Instructions on how to do so are written at the bottom of this column.  Thank you.

     Are we looking at a Ted Cruz/John Kasich or John Kasich/Ted Cruz Republican ticket?  With the Texas Senator and the Ohio Governor joining forces, so to speak, on Monday, April 25th...in an effort to stop Donald Trump...has there been a deal made by Cruz and Kasich, so that come the Cleveland convention, such an alliance could overtake the real estate mogul from securing the GOP nomination?  Have the Conservative Cruz and the Moderate Kasich made a pact...that if polling shows the Republicans have a better chance of beating Hillary Clinton in the general election...with Cruz at the top of the ticket...then that's the way it will be?  But, if polling indicates that to defeat the former Secretary Of State...the GOP needs Kasich as the nominee for President... have the two candidates agreed to that plan?

     If you read my commentary from Saturday, April 23rd, 2016, you know I'm not a big fan of polling.  Of course, that doesn't mean the Republicans feel the same way.  After all, since they more than likely don't see eye to eye with me on anything, I doubt this matter is any different.

     What the GOP doesn't realize is that any political partnership - whether Cruz/Kasich or Kasich/Cruz - will not be victorious over Hillary Clinton.  The Republicans - since June 16th, 2015 - have shot themselves in the feet...and stabbed themselves in the backs - by the dirty, nasty campaigns that most of the original 17 candidates ran.  And who's to blame? Sixteen of those 17 candidates. 

And why?  Because everybody from Ted Cruz to John Kasich...from Marco Rubio to Jeb Bush...and all the other GOP candidates...should never have put up with the bullying, bellyaching and bitching by Donald Trump...which began on that June day last year.

     I'm a lifelong Democrat...and admittedly..I'm more left, more liberal and more progressive than Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Ted

Kennedy and Mario Cuomo combined.  But I'm realistic in my thinking...and I don't believe that in Washington, DC... and throughout our country...that Bernie Sanders could achieve most of his Socialististic goals.

     As regular readers of The Controversy are well aware...I am a staunch supporter of Secretary Clinton...and I am completely confident that the former New York Senator will not only win the Democratic nomination, but that she - the former First Lady - will be moving back in to The White House on January 20th, 2017...after being elected the 45th President Of The United States this year on November 8th.

     All that being said, it's the fault of Donald Trump's original 16 competitors...who allowed the billionaire businessman...to stomp all over them.  Cruz and Kasich ganging up on Trump now...is something they should have done...a long, long time ago.

     So can the GOP stop Trump with a pairing - one way or the other - of John Kasich and Ted Cruz?  Possibly.  But more importantly...Cruz and Kasich...Donald Trump and a running mate...or any Republican-nominated duo...will be stopped in the general election by Hillary Clinton and her yet to be named Vice President.

     Thankfully for the Democrats...the Republicans have verbally pummeled each other for nearly a year now...and by doing so...they have assassinated (metaphorically speaking) not only themselves...but their entire political party.  It's an "Old Party"...that - for more than a century - has called itself..."Grand."  But instead...it's now..."Gone."

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Photo credits: abcnews.go.com (Governor John Kasich and Senator Ted Cruz), reuters.com (former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton #1), nationalreview.com (Senator Marco Rubio), latimes.com (former Governor Jeb Bush), thefederalist.com (former President Bill Clinton), freebeacon.com (President Barack Obama), foxnews.com (the late former Senator Ted Kennedy), hereandnow.wbur.org (the late former Governor Mario Cuomo), huffingtonpost.com (Senator Bernie Sanders), comicvine.gamespot.com (Mr. Donald Trump) and theblaze.com (former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton #2)


Copyright 2016 Gary B. Duglin and TheControversy.net.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. To the reader who responded, but used profanity - please note that any comment that includes profanity will not be published. If you would like to re-submit your comment and omit the vulgar word you used in reference to Hillary Clinton, then your comment will be published. GBD

  2. Right now if I had to bet I would say Trump will be the GOP candidate. I don’t think there is any deal between Cruz and Kasich for president or VP. They are looking to stop Trump. Personally I think if it goes to an open convention it will not be Trump or Cruz, it may be Kasich. I think it could be an outsider. If you believe that the GOP race was dirty and nasty, wait and see if it is Trump vs Clinton, I don’t think we know what dirty and nasty is until we see that. Trump will take her into the gutter if needed and show America what she really is. As Sanders has said she is not qualified to be President. She has been bought and paid for by Wall Street, businessmen, lobbyist and foreign government. Trump will show that as a businessman he was able to buy her and have her do his bidding and has the checks to prove it. Nothing illegal but to show everyone that she is as corrupt as much of Washington is. I must ask are you or were you in favor of Sander un-American Socialistic Goals? You being a Hillary supporter you shouldn’t be so confident, the GOP is not gone and as you said Trump stumped all over the other 16 candidates, he will stomp all over her. We will see Benghazi, we will see email scandal, we will see all her foreign affair failures, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, the growth if ISIS from the JV team, her involvement in one of the worst deals ever the Iran deal, all her lies and flip flops and if Bill get involved we may even see Monica. It’s going to be dirty.

    1. As I have written in numerous commentaries, I'm still not so sure that Donald Trump can secure the 1,237 delegates needed to clinch the Republican nomination. And if Cleveland does become a contested, open convention, the GOP may wind up selecting John Kasich or we might end up seeing Paul Ryan, Mitt Rommney or even Newt Gingrich. I won't comment much on your remarks about Hillary Clinton except to say that your words are ludicrous. Secretary Clinton is extremely qualified to be both President and Commander-in-Chief. She did nothing wrong regarding Benghazi (a 14-hour testimony proved that to the Republican committee), and she did nothing wrong with the e-mail issue. As for Bernie Sanders, I addressed the question you ask in my column above. Although I don't think some of his goals could ever be achieved, he does have some very good ideas. But I did say, "some." As for a Clinton-Trump election (if Trump were to be nominated by the Republicans), Secretary Clinton will not stoop to Trump's level, but she will put hiim in his place...and fast. I have no doubts that Hillary would beat "The Donald" in a landslide. GBD
