Tuesday, December 29, 2015


       After reading the commentary below, please express your own thoughts.  Instructions on how to do so are written at the bottom of this column.  Thank you.

     "Go ahead.  Make my day."  Clint Eastwood made those five words legendary as Dirty Harry.  And although it's one of the most famous lines in motion picture history, it is the warning and the promise that Bill Clinton should use if Donald Trump is stupid enough to take on the former President.  But then...I hope Trump does.  Mr. Clinton will make mincemeat out of Trump.

     Nearly fifteen years after leaving The White House, Bill Clinton arguably remains the most popular person and one of the most beloved figures in our country and throughout the world.  So despite any gorilla poop - to use a clean phrase - that Donald Trump may try to hurl at President Clinton, the 42nd Commander-In-Chief has much more firepower in his verbal arsenal to torpedo the Republican Presidential Candidate in to oblivion.  But unlike Trump...Mr. Clinton will articulate with class and style; and by doing so, he will blast Trump out of the political waters.

     So, go ahead, Donald.  Target Bill Clinton.  Spend your millions.  Try to attack Hillary Clinton by spewing your vindictive venom at Bill Clinton.  But if you continue to flap your lips with raunch and vulgarity, both President Clinton and Secretary Clinton will reduce you to the little imp that most Americans believe you to be.  And that will make my day...and the day of all who support Hillary Clinton as the next President of the United States.  So for every dollar of your fortune that you unleash...in an effort to poison either Secretary Clinton or President Clinton...it will be you who will need the antidote to stay alive in the 2016 Presidential race.  But no matter the rescue attempt...The Donald Trump Campaign For President...will be dead.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again." 

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

One of the chief goals of a blog...one of the major reasons to publish a blog...is to entice others to express their opinions about the subject for which the author is writing.  The Controversy is being read by a tremendous amount of people throughout the United States of America and all around the world.  If you agree or disagree...your views are welcomed.  Tell me that you love what I write...or that you hate it.  Give your name...make up one...or remain anonymous if you prefer.  The Controversy is your outlet to speak your mind and to say what you want about the topics discussed.  Please share The Controversy with others by posting it on Facebook, Twitter and on other social media forums.  Please also pass a link to everyone in your e-mail directories.  The Controversy wants to know your thoughts on the column above or on any other commentary or essay written on this blog.

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Photo credits: weheartit.com (Clint Eastwood), politico.com (Donald Trump), thefederalist.com (Bill Clinton), abcnews.go.com (Hillary Clinton)

Copyright 2015 Gary B. Duglin and TheControversy.net.  All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, December 19, 2015


       After reading the commentary below, please express your own thoughts.  Instructions on how to do so are written at the bottom of this column.  Thank you.

     I have remained quiet lately about the 2016 Presidential race and have kept mum in criticizing the "clown car" of Republican candidates...despite the lunacy they have been spouting...especially the maniacal rubbish being spewed by the GOP front-runner, Donald Trump.  From daily sound bites on cable and broadcast network newscasts to the Republican debates...the nonsensical jibber-jabber and drivel for which Trump and others have been regurgitating is nothing but entertaining.  Entertaining because Trump and his comical competitors are so laughable.  With apologies to the 1960s popular performer with the big red nose...the hostility and verbally combative clashes among the Republican "bozos" are generating grins from ear to ear by Democrats nationwide...especially - I would bet - by Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley.

     If Aaron Sorkin - arguably Hollywood's best creator of political television shows and motion pictures - wrote a screenplay, which included some of the swill and stink that Donald Trump and other GOP candidates have spread around...I don't think most Americans would believe it.  That being said...I'm amazed that so many Republicans throughout the United States have been sucked in by Trump, as if what he is speaking...is gospel - which, of course, it is not.  

     There is no doubt that ISIS is a monumental threat to the United States and could possibly be perilous to Americans.  And yes, Democrats and Republicans agree that ISIS is a barbaric organization that needs to be destroyed.  But we cannot point the finger at Muslims.  There are millions of peace-loving Muslims throughout the world.  They live in countries that have nothing to do with terrorism or the radicalized bastards of ISIS and Al-Qaeda, who want to annihilate Americans.

     I am a Jew.  And I am proud of my religion and my religious beliefs.  And as a Jew...I know about bigotry.  I'm personally familiar with anti-Semitism and the horrendous prejudice by others who detest me because I am Jewish.

     Six-million of my Jewish brothers and sisters were slaughtered and gassed by the despicable and heinous lowlifes of Nazi Germany.  And as we all know...because of the tyrannical dictatorship of Adolf Hitler...he instructed and mastered his elite troop of SS guards to imprison Jews in concentration death camps.  Hitler ordered the massacre of Jews by using his anti-Semitic ideas and philosophies to spurn hatred all throughout Europe.  And he convinced his followers that the Jewish people were responsible for Germany's economic problems.  Hitler believed that Jews were inferior to all other humans...and as a result of his ignorance and his loathsome animosity...he commanded his SS military to totally exterminate and eliminate every Jew.  I mention Adolf Hitler in this commentary not as a comparison to terrorism by ISIS and Al-Qaeda.  Nothing in global history could be compared to the Holocaust.  However, I reference Hitler to illustrate the prejudice which faced Jews during World War II...and now...the injustice that some Americans - including Donald Trump - support, which violates the rights of Muslims.

     The United States of America - undoubtedly the majority of the planet Earth - will never allow another Holocaust.  The persecution of Jews during World War II was a vile and vicious abomination by a malicious madman.  There is no debate about that.  At least, there shouldn't be.  So, as a Jew, I could never attack Muslims - orally or in writing - as Donald Trump and others have recently.  Muslims are not America's enemies.  Their religion, their faith, their holy and sacred devotion...are not adversaries of the United States or the American population.

     Donald Trump - and other Republicans who agree with his warped thinking - must stop going after Muslims and all of Islam.  The U.S. has Muslims serving in Congress.  We have Muslim school teachers, Muslim doctors, Muslim police officers and Muslim firefighters.  Muslims live and work throughout our country.  There are Muslims who are "the good, the bad and the ugly."  But there are Christians, Jews and persons of other religions...who can be described in the same way.  I shall also remind you that there are thousands of patriotic and brave Muslims who are wearing the American flag on the uniforms of our Armed Forces and serving our country with pride, dedication and loyalty.

     Donald Trump - as well as certain Republican individuals throughout the United States - must leave Muslims alone. The radicals of ISIS and Al-Qaeda are terrorists.  Not all American or non-American Muslims are terrorists.  A ban of every Muslim is not the answer.
     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

One of the chief goals of a blog...one of the major reasons to publish a blog...is to entice others to express their opinions about the subject for which the author is writing.  The Controversy is being read by a tremendous amount of people throughout the United States of America and all around the world.  If you agree or disagree...your views are welcomed.  Tell me that you love what I write...or that you hate it.  Give your name...make up one...or remain anonymous if you prefer.  The Controversy is your outlet to speak your mind and to say what you want about the topics discussed.  Please share The Controversy with others by posting it on Facebook, Twitter and on other social media forums.  Please also pass a link to everyone in your e-mail directories.  The Controversy wants to know your thoughts on the column above or on any other commentary or essay written on this blog.

Now, please express your opinions.  Just click on the word "Comments" below and write your remarks in the box that appears.  Make sure please that when you finish your statement that you click on the word "Publish."  Thank you for your thoughts and thank you for reading The Controversy.

Photo credits: Steve Machalek/CNN (Donald Trump), hollywoodchicago.com (Bozo The Clown), maguzz.com (Hillary Clinton), huffingtonpost.com (Bernie Sanders), linkis.com (Martin O'Malley), fortune.com (Aaron Sorkin) and crimemuseum.org (Adolf Hitler)

Copyright 2015 Gary B. Duglin and TheControversy.net.  All Rights Reserved.