Sunday, December 29, 2013


     I have been deluged over the last two-and-a-half months with e-mails to my personal e-mail address - for those of you who may know it - with e-mails to The Controversy e-mail address...and with comments that have been posted on the blog site itself...from people who are expressing their views...and blasting me for my thoughts...that Hillary Clinton will be the 45th President of the United States.  

     First of I indicated in my column from Sunday, October 13th, opinions are only based on whether the former Secretary of State decides that she wants to run for President again.  Of course...I believe that she will...and I believe that Mrs. Clinton will not only beat any Republican challenger...but that she will win in a landslide that will be unlike any other election in the history of the United States.

     Since reader comments and e-mails were sent anonymously...and without identifying themselves as Democrats or Republicans...I can only assume that most of the remarks were written by conservative members of the GOP.

     I am always puzzled, however...when people criticize me...for applauding the former Secretary of State...First Lady...and United States Senator...for all her accomplishments during the 8-years that her husband - President Bill Clinton - was Commander-in-Chief...for all her achievements while she was representing the State of New York in the U.S. Congress...and during her tenure as President Obama's primary foreign affairs representative and chief diplomat.

     I'm going to do something a little differently with my column this week.  I'm going to repeat part of what I wrote in my earlier commentary about Hillary Clinton...but specifically explain why I feel the way I do.  I'm doing this because so many of you just don't seem to get it.  One person actually e-mailed me and stated..."Anyone who reads (your blog) would swear you are a paid operative for the far left wing of the Democratic National Committee.  Why don't you change the name (from The Controversy) to THE I HATE CONSERVATIVES AND REPUBLICANS BLOG.  I WILL LIE, CHEAT OR STEAL TO MAKE MY LEFT WING POINT."  It amazes me that anyone would make such a statement.

     I shared that anonymous comment with another journalist...and he was - for the lack of a better phrase - "totally pissed off" by the person's harsh words.  I...on the other hand...feel sorry for anyone who would write such an opinion.  I didn't think by being an American...and supporting our leaders... makes me a "paid operative."  And the suggestion that I should include the word "HATE" in the title of my insulting - considering that I myself have chastised and chided Congressional Republicans for being "HATERS."  I certainly do not HATE Conservatives...Republicans...or anybody else.  And furthermore...I will NOT "lie...cheat...or make my left wing point."

     My ideal choice to run our country beyond President Obama and his Administration - besides Hillary Clinton - is a man who unfortunately... Constitutionally...can never become President again.  And that's President Bill Clinton.  If I had my druthers - and...according to many polls...millions and millions of other Americans agree - Bill Clinton would be elected President of the United States...for LIFE.  Knowing that can't happen, however...the person I supported in 2008 for a lock to get the Democratic nomination in 2016.  And that's my favorite political gal...who is married to my favorite political guy...and that's...Hillary Clinton.

     President Bill Clinton is arguably the best politician America has ever seen.  And on the campaign trail for his wife...Mr. Clinton would be an asset that cannot be equaled by anybody else.  President Obama realized that in 2012. 

     Now the truth is - and please understand me clearly - it's obvious that with Hillary...we do get Bill.  But I would vote for Hillary Clinton for President if her name was Hillary Rodham...or Hillary whatever her last name was.  With or without Bill...Hillary Clinton in the single best candidate the Democrats have...and for 2017 and beyond...Hillary Clinton is the single best person to be President of the United States. 

     All eyes are on Hillary Clinton...and I believe it is inevitable that she is going to run for President in 2016.  Mrs. Clinton will be a formidable and tough candidate.  Women want to see a woman President...and men do too.

     Those of you who are regular readers of The Controversy are well aware of my sincere devotion and the colossal support I have for President Obama.  Democrats nominated Mr. Obama on August 27th, 2008 at their national convention in Denver, Colorado...and the country elected him on November 4th.  But to be was Hillary Clinton who I privately campaigned for that year.  And when Mrs. Clinton interrupted the official roll call at the Denver move that Mr. Obama be selected by acclamation...I knew the former First Lady and U.S. Senator from New York... had eight years to do it all over again.

     Hillary Clinton is the most popular woman on the planet Earth.  That's not merely my opinion...but a fact, based on a survey of Americans in a Gallup Poll.  Barbara Walters - in her ABC television special - The 10 Most Fascinating People Of 2013...which aired on December 18th...named Hillary Clinton the most fascinating person in the world.  Mrs. Clinton has a glowing reputation...and is by far the most stellar of all Secretaries of State.  She is immensely admired and passionately respected.  Hillary Clinton is an intelligent individual who has the drive and the ambition to go to the top...and she has the strength and the power to accomplish whatever she sets out to do.  Her track record...with a string of noteworthy successes - throughout her four years in office as Secretary of State - proves Mrs. Clinton can make things happen.

     Hillary Clinton was an exemplary Secretary of State...and - without question - was the most active Secretary of State in American history.  She traveled more often...and visited more countries than any Secretary of State before her.  As a result... Hillary Clinton was an American presence in 112 foreign nations.  By doing so, her frequent flyer miles topped the magic one-million mark.  

     Hillary Clinton is responsible for creating and cultivating new relationships with dignitaries all around the globe.  And for relationships already established with the United States...Secretary Clinton advanced American interests...and always made sure that we will have - as she once said - "a seat at every table that has the potential for being a partnership to solve problems."
     As Secretary of State...Hillary Clinton was instrumental in the foreign policy successes that were achieved during the first term of President Obama's administration.  She had a strong hand in helping the President end the War in Iraq.  She played a major role in planning the SEAL Team 6 raid that killed Osama bin Laden in May 2011...and the dismantling of leadership of al Qaeda.

     For more than a year...many Republicans have put in their "2 cents"...that Hillary Clinton will never become President...because - on her watch - was the deadly attack at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya on September 11th, 2012...that killed four Americans...including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens. extensive investigative, bombshell report by The New York Times - published today...Sunday, December 29th, 2013 - provides tremendous doubt on allegations that al Qaeda played a key role in that fatal assault.

     The New York Times says that "contrary to claims by some Members of Congress"...the attack at Benghazi was "fueled in large part by anger at an American made video" that criticized Islam.  Therefore...when U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice...on September 16th, 2012... told anchors on the Sunday morning news programs...that the raid on the American diplomatic compound was in fact a "reaction" to the video...she was berated.  The fact is...Susan Rice was right.  President Obama was right.  Hillary Clinton was right.

     The New York Times says there is "no evidence that al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault."  The newspaper reports that "the attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO's extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi."

     Since the assault...which was sparked by the on-line video...and was not the responsibility of a terrorist element, but by local militia with no ties to al Qaeda - The New York Times article - without actually saying so in "black and white" - rightfully indicates that any blame on the Benghazi attack should be removed from the Obama Administration and specifically from Hillary Clinton... who was Secretary of State at the time...and who has been given a great deal of undeserved heat.  Republicans owe Secretary Clinton an overwhelming apology.

     Economically, Hillary Clinton helped to improve America's economic growth with her foreign policy conversations...which aided U.S. companies to increase business overseas.  Along with President Obama...Secretary Clinton rebuilt and restored the respect of other nations...which America had lost during the President George W. Bush Administration. leaders have faith again in the United States of America.

     Hillary Clinton is a master negotiator - which as President - would not only be an advantage for her around the globe with other heads of state...but nationally with members of the Republican Party.

     Hillary Clinton tells it like it is.  She did as Secretary of State...and she will do so as President.  It's how she rolls...and how she gets the job done.  Mrs. Clinton has no fear in telling another superpower that they are wrong.  Mincing words is not her style...and she proved that when going head to head with leaders of Russia, China, North Korea, Pakistan and Libya.

     "It's 3 a.m. and your children are safe and asleep... but there's a phone in The White House and it's ringing...who do you want answering the phone?"  That question was asked in an ad during the 2008 Presidential campaign.  I know I'd sleep damn well knowing that President Hillary Clinton would be answering that telephone.

     There is no doubt that Hillary Clinton would be an invincible force should she decide to run for President in 2016.  And even some Republicans believe that she can win The White House.  Recently, former Speaker of the House and a 2012 GOP Candidate for President, Newt Gingrich stated that it would be "virtually impossible" for Hillary Clinton to lose the Democratic nomination.  And Gingrich added that in its troubled condition...the Republican Party would be "incapable" of competing against Mrs. Clinton in the 2016 general election.

     From the get-go...Hillary Clinton has two major states behind her - New York and Illinois.  Chicago claims the former Secretary of State and First Lady as one of their she - Hillary Diane Rodham - was born in "The Windy City."  And "The Big Apple" - in fact, "The Empire State" as a whole...loves Hillary Clinton for her work as a United States Senator. 

     Beyond the politics...beyond the seriousness of Washington DC, The White House and the Presidency...Hillary Clinton can have fun.  The President of the United States - our Commander-in-Chief - needs to know when to work...and when to play.  Hillary Clinton can do both...and she makes Americans comfortable by knowing that she can do both.

     No human being is perfect.  No human being is shielded from illness or injury...not even the President of the United States.  Hillary Clinton has proved that she's a trooper...and she doesn't let anything or anybody get her down.  Mrs. Clinton always moves forward and pushes herself with super strength so that she still can take on the job at hand.  It is a remarkable testament to her work ethic.

     Hillary Clinton is a person of rights.  She has made great strides for the support of human rights worldwide...and she endorses gay rights...religious rights...women's rights...immigration rights...and the rights of all people.

     Hillary Clinton is beyond charitable...which links her to the average American.  Her environmental efforts have been enormous.  Did you know that three billion people - all around the world - cook food on stoves that burn fuel that pollutes the air by creating toxic emissions?  In 2010...Secretary Clinton launched the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.  There are 4 million deaths every year...from household air pollution...resulting from cooking smoke.  Mrs. Clinton and the Alliance have worked with enthusiastic diligence so that by 2020...100 million homes will have clean cookstoves...and that by 2030... there will be zero deaths from cooking.

     Republicans need to stop their bellyaching.  America is substantially better since President Obama took office on January 20th, 2009.  Republicans seem to have amnesia about how bad life was when our nation was crippled with an economic collapse under the administration of President George W. Bush.  With President Obama and the Democratic Party on top in The Oval Office these last five years (almost)...we have had to face the challenges left by the Republicans.  There have been rough patches...and tough times...where we've had to struggle and suffer through...but it would be a fantasy to think that President Obama could "kiss the boo-boo"...that was created by eight years of George W. Bush and his inept administration...and that our 44th President could "make all better"...the festering sores and the cancerous destruction that gnawed at the core of 

America's body and spirit.  Not even Superman... Batman...former President Bill Clinton...or anybody else - in a near catastrophic recession - was going to wave a magic wand...and solve the magnitude of economic problems and the vastness of other debacles that were caused by President George W. Bush... 
Vice President Dick Cheney...and their cronies.

      President Barack Obama and his administration - including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton - have made life in this country better.  

Always remember the words of Vice President Joe Biden...spoken to a cheering crowd of thousands of people in Detroit, Michigan in September 2012..."I've got a little bumper sticker for you.  Osama bin Laden is dead...and General Motors is alive."  But President Obama...Vice President Biden...Secretary of State Clinton...and others in the Obama Administration were left with a "mission impossible"...that Jim Phelps himself could not have accomplished with least not yet.  But there are still three years to go with President Obama...and additional achievements will be made.  After will be President Clinton...President Hillary Clinton...and perfection will return.

     Hillary Clinton is perhaps the most powerful woman in American history.  She is a leader...and she has the experience - both domestically and in foreign affairs - to encounter and solve the problems - whatever they may be - here at home...and abroad.  Hillary Clinton has the wisdom...but also the warmth... to lead the United States.  She has an intellectual mind...but also a thoughtful demeanor.  Mrs. Clinton can communicate as a diplomat...and as a decision maker.  Meanwhile, President Obama's leadership will keep America growing in a positive direction.  The U.S. under Mr. Obama will continue to improve economically...our armed forces will stay out of new war zones and conflicts anywhere in the world...and by the end of 2014...combat troops will leave Afghanistan.  All in all...there will be peace, happiness, better healthcare (through "Obamacare") and opportunities for prosperity for all Americans.  As a result...there is no doubt in my mind that the Democratic Party will reign successful in 2016...thus re-electing a Democrat to the Presidency and a Democratic majority to both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives.  And when the ballots are cast for President...there is no person - male or female - better suited to be our NEXT President...than Hillary Clinton.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

P.S. - Thank you to all of you who have made The Controversy part of your weekly reading.  I hope you will continue to read my commentaries throughout 2014.  Happy New Year to each and everyone of you...with best wishes... wonderful health...and much prosperity in the year ahead and always.

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.  

The Controversy will make an effort to publish a new commentary every Sunday.  Unscheduled essays may appear, from time to time, on other days as well.

Please express your opinions in the comment box below.  You do not have to register your name and you can remain anonymous if you prefer.  The Controversy wants to know your views on the essay above and on any other commentaries written on this blog.  Just click on the word "Comments" below and write your thoughts in the box that appears.  Make sure please that when you finish your statement that you click on the word "Publish."  Thank you for your thoughts and thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2013 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. I must say that this piece once again shows your total disregard for the facts and that whomever said you would “I WILL LIE, CHEAT OR STEAL TO MAKE MY LEFT WING POINT “is totally correct. You talk about Hillary Clinton and her achievements (what achievements?) Only 2 laws passed in 8 years in the senate, as First Lady we all should remember Hillary Care ( that did well) how about travelgate? She did call out the right wing conspiracy when her husband was on TV lying to the American people. As Secretary of State we have Egypt, the Moslem Brotherhood, pushing a friend and ally out (President Mubarak), let’s not forget “leading from behind” and the never ending left wing lie about Benghazi. You quote the New York Times piece this week on Benghazi, there is not a single bit of evidence to back up anything the Times wrote, it is a piece meant to clear Hillary of any problems relating to Benghazi. There are Democrat Congressmen like Adam Schiff of California who agrees with Republican Mike Rogers that the Times' report is inaccurate. Schiff also contends that, contrary to the NYT's reporting, al Qaeda most definitely was involved. What has Hillary Clinton ever done to warrant being President? You gave her credit for helping to plan Seal Team Six’s attack and getting Osama bin Laden, that is an insult to our brave men and women that did the planning and the raid. One day you will decide to write things backed up by the facts instead of the left wing propaganda put out by the DNC and the left wing media.

    1. The commentary I wrote above is based on facts. You're probably someone who never thought Barack Obama could be elected President...and yet...Americans cast their ballots for him...not just once...but twice. You can speak your mind...and say what you want...but when Hillary Clinton is sworn in as the 45th President of the United States...know that the majority of people in our country...agree with me. GBD

  2. I didn't say she wouldn't get elected, as you said Barack Obama got elected (twice) and he is totally unqualified for the position. So you would have to believe that Hillary who is only mostly unqualified could also get elected. As for the majority of people, that doesn't say much, a majority of people have elected people like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and the list could go on and on for all the totally unqualified people that have been elected to our government. I only named the three easiest but there have been many many more both from the left and even some on the right.Good luck America is all I have to say, will it ever survive, will our constitution survive. I hope so but it is hard to believe with American eleting people like these to run and protect our nation.

    1. It's sad...very sad...that you are so partisan to believe that Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are not qualified people to be elected to the positions they hold or have held. How did millions of Americans elect these dedicated statespersons if they are so "unqualified?" The United States of America and our Constitution have "survive(d)" for nearly 238 years...and they will continue to do so...despite what you - with your narrowminded thinking - may believe. GBD
