Sunday, October 27, 2013


     Applause, applause and a standing ovation to Howard Schultz - the founder, chairman of the board, president and chief executive officer of Starbucks.  The coffee shop giant - whose brand name is on 20,891 outlets in 62 countries around the world... including 13,279 in the United States - is telling its customers that guns are not welcome in their stores and outdoor seating areas.  Granted...I don't see eye to eye with the Starbucks boss...on

all of his political views - after all, he is against "Obamacare" - despite the fact that he supported President Obama's re-election bid in 2012 - but Schultz deserves kudos galore for "respectfully asking" his Starbucks not enter his cafes...while carrying a gun.

     Not too long ago...I was shopping in an internationally known discount store when an extremely attractive, middle-aged couple walked passed me.  The gentleman was distinguished looking and impeccably dressed.  The lady, at his side, was stunning.  To say that she was beautiful would be an understatement.  She was absolutely gorgeous.  Her photograph belongs on the cover of a fashion magazine.

     It was not, however, their combined beauty that caught my eyes.  It was the very large revolver that was holstered to the man's belt.  At first, I thought to myself that he must be an off-duty policeman...or perhaps an on-duty, plain-clothes detective - maybe even an FBI or other federal law enforcement agent.  But there was no shield of any plain sight...attached anywhere to his clothing.

     I, therefore, immediately approached a manager to advise him that a man with a gun was strolling throughout the store.  After all...just because the couple was spectacular by appearance...didn't mean they couldn't be the "Bonnie and Clyde" of the "jet set."  However...when I described to the manager what I had seen - that is, the gun - he calmly noted that I was in a state, which has an "open carry" law...and, as such...allows anyone with a licensed carry it...unconcealed.  That being had startled me when I had observed an individual...having a gun parked on his hip...who was not wearing a police officer's uniform...or who was not - at the very least - displaying a cop's badge.

     A number of days later...I was making a purchase in a convenience store... in the same state...when another couple entered.  They were wearing sweatsuits...and it was evident that they had just come from working out...perhaps at their local fitness center or possibly from jogging in a public park.  Both the man and woman - I would guess in their mid to late twenties - had pistols strapped to their waists.  I, of course, was now aware of the "open carry" law, so I was not shocked by the two guns.  But although I may not have been spooked by the pair of weapons...many of the other customers in the store...including the two clerks behind the counter...were obviously...quite frightened...and I...admittedly...was still concerned.

     When the young couple left...there was a whole lot of negative conversation about the guns.  Much of the criticism included the discomfort that was forced upon the men, women and children as they were buying their 6-packs of beer, quarts of milk and chocolate candy bars.

     It is clearly understood...that both of the couples noted above...were more than abiding citizens...who presumably had permits...and therefore ...Constitutionally...were allowed to carry their sidearms into the retail establishments.  But those four people...and others like them...who wear guns on their person as if they lived in the wild west of the late 1800s...don't they have any regard for the sensitive feelings and psychological emotions of other people?  The youngsters - the little kids - not to mention the adults...both male and female...were genuinely shaken up and understandably nervous by seeing guns inside a convenience store.  The anxiety in that shop was intense, as most people don't know about "open carry" gun laws. 

     Just because the United States Constitution provides a Second Amendment right so Americans can own firearms...and just because 44 of our 50 states recognize some form of "open carry" law...businesses such as department and discount stores...supermarkets...convenience stores...and other public establishments...should consider that when most Americans view a gun...they expect it to be carried by someone wearing a badge.  There have been too many times - in recent years - where a deranged madman has entered a school...a fast-food restaurant...a movie theatre...or other public place...and has shot and murdered innocent people.  With "open carry" can anyone know...if the person standing next to you on line in the convenience there to buy a pack of chewing gum...or if he is going to kill you?  And with a dozen or more people making a quick purchase...are they all thinking the same thing?  Is that man with the gun...simply buying lottery tickets...or is he going to shoot to death...each and everyone of us?

     Although it is nearly every state in the walk into a retail store...with an unconcealed sidearm...the "big gun" at Starbucks told Charlie Rose, Nora O'Donnell and Gayle King...on the October 23rd, 2013 edition of CBS This Morning...that "I just don't think a weapon should be part of the Starbucks experience."  Howard Schultz says, "We are not pro or anti gun.  We just don't think it's part of what we do."  Schultz believes - and I think rightfully so - that "most customers of Starbucks...and most of our people (the Starbucks employees)...are somewhat see somebody walk in with a gun."  Schultz states there isn't a "ban" on guns at Starbucks..."we just respectfully asked people - please don't bring a gun in Starbucks."  And Schultz says, "they responded positively."

     A recent Quinnipiac University poll indicates that 66 percent...two-thirds of the people surveyed the Starbucks no-guns request..."a good idea."  Among individuals who live in a household where a gun is present...52 percent support Starbucks' position.  And the bottom line overwhelming majority - nearly three-quarters of the people surveyed - 72 percent...say that Starbucks' decision to ask keep their guns away from the coffee shops...won't make any to where they buy their coffee.

     According to a poll released by The Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence...most Americans are opposed to "open carry" laws, which permit people to visibly carry loaded guns in public.  The survey reveals that 52 percent of the people polled...are against "people in general"...who are openly possessing loaded firearms in public locations.  Only 44 percent are in favor of "open carry."

     If an American citizen...lawfully wants to carry a gun...loaded or a state that permits it...he or she is protected by the Constitution of that particular state.  But must you carry it in to a store?  If the business is held up...are you going to risk your life and draw your gun on the robber?  If you're a fool.  If it's your desire...your carry a gun...and the law allows it...then no matter what Howard Schultz... I...or anybody else're going to do it anyway.  But have some consideration for others.  Leave your firearm - unloaded - and locked in the glove compartment of your car.  Think of other people.  Think of the children...who may get the wrong impression...when they observe you wearing a gun.  Just the appearance of such a weapon...could emotionally scar a kid... for life.  Don't put people in unnecessary fear.  Respect others.  

     I praise and commend Howard Schultz...and the board of directors of Starbucks...for invoking a policy...that their coffee shops be gun-free zones.  Starbucks - as any business in America - has the freedom to insist that guns are not allowed on their property...and all retail establishments throughout the United States...should follow the path...of Starbucks.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again." 

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.  

The Controversy will make an effort to publish a new commentary every Sunday.  Unscheduled essays may appear, from time to time, on other days as well.

Please express your opinions in the comment box below.  You do not have to register your name and you can remain anonymous if you prefer.  The Controversy wants to know your views on the essay above and on any other commentaries written on this blog.  Just click on the word "Comments" below and write your thoughts in the box that appears.  Make sure please that when you finish your statement that you click on the word "Publish."  Thank you for your thoughts and thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2013 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


     As you know - if you're a regular reader of The Controversy - I have been very critical of Republicans...especially "Tea Party" Republicans...but - to be totally honest - Republicans in general - for shutting down the federal government...making a futile fuss...and a stupid stink...about a law - The Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") - that will never be changed and will never go away - and it shouldn't.  Furthermore...I have scolded Republicans...for not willing to come to terms of any kind...with the
President of the United States...and other Democrats...until a few hours before the doomsday bell was about to ring...that would have caused America - as a nation - to default on our debts.

     The question now is...could it happen again in just a few months?  After Uncle Sam put out the "Gone Fishing" sign for 16 days...will Republicans use their theatrical dramatics in an encore performance come early in 2014?  Congress and President Obama have only agreed - through legislation passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives...and signed by the President - to fund the government until January 15th.  The Treasury will have the ability to borrow above the 16.7 trillion-dollar debt limit until February 7th...or perhaps a few weeks Treasury officials using bookkeeping maneuvers to delay a default.

     Knowing all of that...will the United States suffer another government shutdown in about 3 months?  Will the debt ceiling be raised...and not just temporarily until sometime in February?  Will vicious verbal ammunition be Republicans and shoot up each other on the Washington battlefield...come the beginning of the new year?

      Let us all take note..and remember very carefully...that the cost of the federal shutdown was reportedly 24 billion dollars.  That - in and of itself - is pure insanity.  The Republican House of Representatives created a mess... and it's disgraceful...that they let it go so long...knowing fair well...that the price tag for closing the government's doors...would be astronomically high.  We must avert another crisis in 2014.  The government of the United States must operate... for at least the next year - but preferably...and obviously...much longer - with a solid budget.

     It is no secret that I am not a fan - politically - of Republicans.  And I am surely disappointed...and disgusted...with the Republican they are responsible for the stress and aggravation we all suffered...throughout the last few causing America to be on a brink of disaster...not knowing whether our country was going to default on our debts.
     But I agree with President Obama that "There are no winners here."  The President does accuse Republicans of harming the U.S. near catastrophe...since it was members of the GOP who spearheaded the government shutdown and "did more damage to America's credibility to the world."  Mr. Obama sternly stated that by closing down the "depressed our friends who look to us for steady leadership."   

     Still, the President doesn't believe that the deadlock will be repeated in 2014.  But not everyone is as optimistic as Mr. Obama.  I...on the other hand... have to agree with our Commander-in-Chief.  Despite the fact that in previous commentaries...I have accused CERTAIN Republicans of being "haters"...and "crybabies"...and that I have used phrases such as... "conservative culprits" and "Tea Party Tyrants"...I have got to believe - or at least, want to be hopeful - that the majority of GOP members - in both the House and the Senate - have learned an important lesson over the last that a "Republican ruckus" will not be replicated next year.

     That being said...I unfortunately still believe...that it is the goal of SOME destroy the Democratic Party and Barack Obama's Presidency. I also unfortunately still believe...that SOME Republicans - a select few -  will continue to act like "spoiled children" - as a recent CNN/ORC International poll indicated - and their more sensible colleagues will have to put those...bitchy little the corner...for a "time-out"...while cooler heads prevail.  

     Some "Tea Party" Republicans...such as Senator Ted Cruz of Texas...will likely continue with antagonistic ways.  After was Cruz who led the tie the defunding of "Obamacare" closing the doors of the federal government.  And Cruz still says he will continue to do "anything" he "stop the train wreck...that is Obamacare."  But there are some smart members of the GOP... who - as honorable Americans - want to help move our country in a positive direction.  I would like to feel confident...that THOSE Republicans... will work in tandem...with their partners across the aisle...and with the avoid any further confrontations and commotion.

     It is refreshing that some Republicans are actually pointing the finger at other GOP members for their shameful and slimy ways over the last month. 
But can we trust Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell - Republican from Kentucky - when he says he will not be involved...and he will not participate anything connected to another government shutdown?  I want to believe we can. 

Can we have faith that Senator McConnell and Speaker of the House John Boehner - Republican from Ohio - will not allow Senator Cruz and pursue more despicable actions...that can only hurt the United States?  I want to believe we can.

     The job approval rating for Congress is horrendous.  According to a recent Gallup Poll...only 11 percent of Americans approve of the work being done by both Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill.  The American people are thoroughly fed up and appalled with the politics of Washington, DC.  

      One of the best game shows in television history was created by Merv GriffinThe government of the United States has been playing an extremely bad version of that game...and it is obvious that our country is in very serious "Jeopardy."  But will Round 2 of our nation's poorly played game show...receive higher ratings?  Congress...and the President...have got to realize... that if America - in early 2014 - loses in "Double Jeopardy"...there will be no "Final Jeopardy."  The "answer" will be...a government in default...a country in distress...a nation in danger of death.

     We MUST move forward...and in a bi-partisan fashion.  Therefore...if I were to recommend anything to President Obama - that is if I may respectfully be so bold to think that the President of the United States would take my advice - I would suggest the following.  I would advise the President to ask a dozen or so Republicans - along with a few key Democrats - to stop by The White meet behind closed total and complete privacy.  Secrecy must be absolute.  I would not tell The White House staff...and I certainly would not tell the press or anybody in the media.  When inviting these Senators and House Representatives...I would advise President Obama to encourage his guests to be casually dressed - in jeans and sweatshirts - that they will be eating hamburgers and hotdogs... drinking a beer or two...and watching a football game on television.  It would be Barack calling John, Mitch, John and others... not President Obama calling 

Speaker Boehner, Senator McConnell, Senator McCain and so forth. 

     While hanging out in the Presidential "man cave"... these Sunday afternoon "buddies" that the President welcomes in to his den...can hash out how the people of the United States of America are going to come together as one.  We must go back to   

solving the nation's problems as Republican President Ronald Reagan did with Democratic Speaker of the House Thomas "Tip" O'Neill...

and as Democratic President Bill Clinton did with Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.  

     A divided government has worked in the past.  It can...and it so again.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.  

The Controversy will make an effort to publish a new commentary every Sunday.  Unscheduled essays may appear, from time to time, on other days as well.

Please express your opinions in the comment box below.  You do not have to register your name and you can remain anonymous if you prefer.  The Controversy wants to know your views on the essay above and on any other commentaries written on this blog.  Just click on the word "Comments" below and write your thoughts in the box that appears.  Make sure please that when you finish your statement that you click on the word "Publish."  Thank you for your thoughts and thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2013 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


     Okay, so here it comes.  We, as Americans, should not have to live our lives in this country...with Democrats and Republicans attacking each other to such a degree...that nothing ever gets done.  We SHOULD NOT have to...and we CAN'T.  The fact of the matter is...that in the eleventh the brink of our nation nears the death and demise of our government...the Democrats and Republicans will come together...and they will resolve the debt ceiling issue...and the GOP - who is responsible for closing our nation's capital for the last 13 days - will eventually re-open Washington for business.  But as to when...exactly when...that's still a question that remains unanswered.

     It's disgusting that the GOP has let it go so far...let it go this holding America "hostage" - to use President Obama's word - but 

when push comes to shove...Speaker of the House John Boehner...Republican from Ohio... will have to do what is right...and will call for a take down the "Gone Fishing" signs...on all federal buildings.

     Will Boehner and his conservative cronies...agree with President Obama and other raise the debt a long standing fashion...and in a so-called "clean" way...or will there be strings attached?  That is yet to be seen.  Or...will they first come to terms on some sort of a temporary increase...with the promise by the President...that he will at least agree to talk...and to consider negotiating?  Again the question is...negotiate about what?  The Affordable Care Act CANNOT be ANY...that's ANY compromise or negotiations.  "Obamacare" CANNOT...SHOULD NOT...AND WILL NOT be touched.  And the President would be a fool to back down now.  And say what you want about President Obama.  You can disagree with him politically - which, of course...I don't.  You can dislike him personally 

- which, of course...I don't.  But President Obama... is no fool.

     Reopening the government...and raising the debt ceiling...are not matters of...IF they will be done.  It's a matter of...WHEN they will be done.  I simply can't believe that Speaker Boehner and his raucous Republicans...will allow the absolute destruction of the United States of America.  The political pissing match will have to end...and end soon.  But unfortunately...three months from now...six months from now...a year from now...and all the way through the remainder of President Obama's second term...the GOP - especially "The Tea Party Tyrants" - are going to try to trample the Democrats and the President... and every single one of Mr. Obama's positive plans that he and The White House hope to order to move America in a direction that is for the best.

      As a result...come 2014...this is what has to happen.  The Democrats have got to take over the House of that with a Democratic House...a Democratic Senate...and a Democratic President...Mr. Obama can fulfill all of his dreams on his Presidential agenda...and take the United perfection...or at least to...near perfection.  That being said, however...there is a BUT.  And that BUT is...that Americans are fickle.  And although the polls continue to give the lowest approval ratings in history to Congress...and survey after survey has shown and has proven...that a vast majority of Americans are blaming the Republicans for the government shutdown...and for the mess that was created by such brash and bitchy boneheads...I'm not quite sure whether Americans nationwide...will vote out the whining, cranky culprits...who are to blame for this shutdown...and for the despicable embarrassment that our nation has had to face.  But if they do in 2014...will Americans keep Republicans out of office - out of The White House...the Senate...and the House of 2016?  Will the people of our great country...forgive and forget?  Will they have a short memory?  Or will Americans realize and remember...that it was the Republicans' responsibility for crippling our government in 2013?  We obviously won't know those results until next year...and two years after that.  

However...President Obama is strong enough to achieve his goals...and is smart enough to compromise - within reason - while battling the GOP.  And it's a shame that I am compelled to use the word "battling."  But that's exactly what it is...a battle.

     In this world this country seems apparent...that in order to get anything a timely fashion...or in a way that is going to be accepting by all parties concerned...the President, the Senate and the House of Representatives need to be of one party.  Obviously...for me...that party needs to be Democratic.  But maybe it's time...innovation takes over.

     The single best person to run our country...beyond President Obama and his a man who unfortunately...Constitutionally...can never become President again.  And that's President Bill Clinton.  If I had my druthers - and...according to many polls... millions and millions of other Americans agree - Bill Clinton would be elected President of the United States...for LIFE.  Knowing that can't happen, however...the person I supported in 2008 for a lock to get the Democratic nomination 

in 2016.  And that's my favorite political gal...who is married to my favorite political guy...and that's...Hillary Clinton.  

     Now the truth is - and please understand me clearly - it's obvious that with Hillary...we do get Bill.  But I would vote for Hillary Clinton for President if her name was Hillary Rodham...or Hillary whatever her last name was.  With or without Bill...Hillary Clinton in the single best candidate the Democrats have...and for 2017 and beyond...Hillary Clinton is the single best person to be President of the United States.  But will a President Clinton - a President Hillary Clinton - have any more success with a Republican House of Representatives...that is if the Democrats don't win back the House in 2014...or if they do...but don't retain majority in 2016?  A lot can happen between now and then.  So, that being said...America...and Americans...need to get creative.  And here's how we do it.

     Those of us who are Democrats...along with the Independents...and perhaps even some Republicans...elect Hillary Clinton as the 45th President of the United States. the same time...we elect as Vice President...Hillary's running mate...New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.  Yes you read right.  And although some of you may be saying to yourself..."Has Gary completely flipped his lid?  Is he absolutely whacky?  Has he gone totally bonkers?" me, I haven't.  A Clinton-Christie ticket is an unbeatable team.

     I was never much of a fan of Governor Christie until October 31st, 2012... nearly a year ago.  But New Jersey's chief executive has proven to me over the last eleven and a half months...that he is one of the few Republicans - albeit the fact that he is outside Washington, DC...(at least for now) - who is willing to recognize that doing what is best for our country...and doing what is best for his most important.  Governor Christie demonstrated that he cared more about people...than he did about politics.

     Two weeks before the 2012 Presidential a campaign event for Republican nominee Mitt Romney...Governor Christie questioned President Obama's leadership...calling Mr. Obama...someone who is "blindly walking around The White House...looking for a clue."

     When Hurricane Sandy pounced the New Jersey shore...and crushed coastline communities with death, devastation and destruction...the Democratic President came to the rescue of the Republican Governor and the people of "The Garden State"...bringing with him...quick assurances of federal aid.  A battered state brought together these two political opponents...and formed a relationship...that replaced nasty insults...with generous praises.

     At a news conference on Halloween day, 2012...with President Obama at his side...Governor Christie expressed his heartfelt sentiments for the President.  "I cannot thank the President enough for his personal concern and compassion for our state and the people of our state."  Governor Christie told reporters that Mr. Obama was "outstanding"...and "deserves great credit."  Meanwhile...the President returned the compliments...and thanked the Governor "for his extraordinary leadership and partnership."

     Now I certainly don't agree with Governor Christie on all political issues...but I discovered an enormous amount of respect and admiration for him when he cared more about the people of New Jersey...and more about rebuilding his state...than helping to get Governor Romney elected President.  "I have a job to do in New Jersey that is much bigger than presidential politics.  There will be some folks who will criticize me for complimenting him.  But the fact is...I don't care.  I speak the truth.  That's what I do.  I say what I feel and what I believe.  And I'm just doing the same thing with the President of the United States."

     Those of you who are regular readers of The Controversy are well aware of my sincere devotion and the colossal support I have for President Obama.  Democrats nominated Mr. Obama on August 27th, 2008 at their national convention in Denver, Colorado...and the country elected him on November 4th.  But to be was Hillary Clinton who I privately campaigned for that year.  And when Mrs. Clinton interrupted the official roll call at the Denver move that Mr. Obama be selected by acclamation...I knew the former First Lady and U.S. Senator from New York... had eight years to do it all over again.

     The question of course - always - was...would she do it?  Would Hillary Clinton ever run for President again?  From the moment she was sworn in as Secretary of State...on January 21st, 2009...I was confident...that Mrs. Clinton still held on her own Presidential ambitions.  And everyone...from the citizens all across the this day...continue to wonder.  Will she...or won't she?

Governor Christie last week...practically came right out...and told the world...that he will be seeking the Republican nomination for President in 2016.  "I can walk and chew gum at the same time," Christie told his gubernatorial opponent...Democratic State Senator Barbara a debate on October 8th.  "I can do this job...and also deal with my future.  And that's exactly what I will do."  And with the overwhelming lead that Christie has over every poll to's a no-brainer that the New Jersey Governor will be re-elected...a little more than 3 weeks from now...on November 5th.

     But what about the Presidential election in 2016?  Could Chris Christie beat Hillary Clinton?  Could anybody beat Hillary Clinton in 2016?  If Secretary Clinton wants the job...if she is still hungry enough to become the first female President of this there any Democrat...who can take that nomination away from her...and is there any Republican...who can defeat her...when Americans vote on November 8th, 2016?  I doubt it.  And I think Democrats know that.  The question Republicans?  The question is...does Chris Christie?

     How can we unite a country...that is so polarized...and so passionately divided?  Imagine this.  And ponder this with me for a moment...before - as I noted earlier in this column - you think I've gone off the deep end.  Suppose... just suppose...the following scenario.  A telephone call from Hillary Clinton to Chris Christie.  "Hello, Chris.  It's Hillary Clinton.  How would you like to be my running mate in 2016?"  No matter what happens to the Senate and the House of Representatives...whether the Democrats retain majority in the Senate... and the Republicans keep the House...or whether the Democrats win enough seats to take over control of all of paraphrase the opening of the original Star Trek television series...a Clinton-Christie White House... would boldly go where no White House has gone before.

     But if Hillary Clinton is to be assured...if she is to be guaranteed the Democratic nomination for President...she must declare her candidacy as soon as possible.  In other words...very, very order to avoid...if not altogether eliminate...a fight in the state primaries.  The Republicans would then be off to scuffle and skirmish with each other...and to try to figure out who they feel is mighty enough to beat one of the nation's - one of the world's - most popular people...female...or male.

And again...with Hillary...we do get two Clintons for the price of one.  Not that Bill would be involved with the day to day operation of the country - I don't believe that for a minute - after all...Hillary Clinton is her own person.  But with other Commanders-in-Chief...The First Lady - or in the case of Bill Clinton...The First Gentleman - the President's spouse is his...or her...personal Confidant-Counselor-Consultant-and-Companion-in-Chief.

     Hillary Clinton has strength and intelligence...and she has a track record that proves she can make things happen.  She did it as The First Lady...she did it as a United States Senator...and she did it as Secretary of State.  But Bill Clinton is arguably the best politician America has ever seen.  And on the campaign trail for his wife...President Clinton would be an asset that cannot be equaled by anybody else.  President Obama realized that in 2012.  Unfortunately, it's a shame that  
Al Gore didn't grasp on to that notion in 2000. If he had...the former Vice President would have no doubt won one more state - perhaps his home state of Tennessee - and therefore...the Presidency.  

     Think about how our country would be different...if Vice President Gore - who I supported then and still support today - would have accepted President Clinton's help in 2000.  George W. Bush wouldn't have been President...there would have been no Iraq war...economically, the United States 

would never have tanked, as it did...and a memo... written eight months before the September 11th attacks by the chief counter-terrorism adviser on the National Security Council, 

Richard Clarke...warning the Bush White House about a threat against the United States by al-Qaeda...may not have been ignored.  Clarke's correspondence on January 25th, 2001 to
then National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice stated, "We urgently need such a principals-level review on the al-Qaeda network."  Of course we don't know for sure whether the terrorists who hijacked the airplanes on 9/11 would have been stopped if Clarke's memo was taken seriously...but it is possible...that the World Trade Center towers may still be standing today...and more than 3,000 people would be alive...if the Bush Administration had paid close attention to its top counter-terrorism expert.  But I digress.

     As for Hillary Clinton as President...she is a leader...and she has the experience - both domestically and in foreign affairs - to encounter and solve the problems - whatever they may be - here at home...and abroad.  She is perhaps the most powerful woman in American history...and was without question...the most active Secretary of State.  Hillary Clinton has the wisdom...but also the lead the United States.  She has an intellectual mind...but also a thoughtful demeanor.  Mrs. Clinton can communicate as a diplomat...and as a decision maker.  While the U.S. under President Obama will continue to improve economically...stay out of all war zones anywhere in the world...and bring peace, happiness, better healthcare (through "Obamacare") and opportunities for prosperity to all Americans... there is no person - male or female - better suited to be our NEXT President... than Hillary Clinton.

     As for now...our current President...has his work cut out for him.  Mr. Obama and Congress are coming down to the wire...this Thursday, October 17th...when disaster will strike.  Democrats and Republicans must...must... must come to an agreement to end the government shutdown.  But as President Obama stated last Tuesday..."We can't make extortion part of our democracy." America nears doomsday...the question remains...are the President and Congress getting closer to re-opening the government...or is the possibility of default...not only looming over our heads...but becoming more and more likely?  

     Will there be a final solution to America's fiscal fiasco by Thursday?  If in just four days...the United States of America...for the first time in our 237-year history...defaults on our debt...the negative impact is going to be horrendously tragic for all Americans.

      However...I am optimistic that cooler heads will prevail...and Congress will vote to end the government shutdown...before we go over the cliff.  And  

then...President Obama is going to get us out of the hole that Congressional Republicans have dug.  But as the President definitively noted last week... Congress has to "vote to meet our country's our bills... raise the debt ceiling."  And I'm hopeful...that the smart and sensible people - and I know there are some - in the House and Senate...both Democrats and Republicans alike...will finally join forces with the that this week...this year...and over the next three years...America can move forward - which again brings us to 2016.

     So my Democratic and Republican friends...can you say...President Hillary Clinton?  Can you say...Vice President Chris Christie?  Can you think... can you embrace...can you completely accept...and can you vote for President Hillary Clinton and Vice President Chris be in the same White House?  Don't just think it.  Do it.  Love it.


     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.  

The Controversy will make an effort to publish a new commentary every Sunday.  Unscheduled essays may appear, from time to time, on other days as well.

Please express your opinions in the comment box below.  You do not have to register your name and you can remain anonymous if you prefer.  The Controversy wants to know your views on the essay above and on any other commentaries written on this blog.  Just click on the word "Comments" below and write your thoughts in the box that appears.  Make sure please that when you finish your statement that you click on the word "Publish."  Thank you for your thoughts and thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2013 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


     What does our country need?  The United States of America must return to a time when Democrats and Republicans disagreed politically...but did not hate each other.  You heard me right.  Or read me right.  I used the word HATE.  It's not a word I often use.  It's not a word that I relish.  But it is beyond despicable that our elected officials oppose each other with such loathsome hostility.  Democrats and Republicans must come together and compromise on issues - but not after the fact.  President Obama and Congressional Democrats negotiated and haggled with Republicans...before the Affordable Care Act became law.  Republicans had their chance three and a half years ago to debate debate "Obamacare."  

And as President Obama reminded everyone this past Thursday, October 3rd...while speaking at a construction company in Rockville, Maryland..."It passed the House of Representatives.  It passed the Senate.  The Supreme Court ruled it Constitutional.  Last November, voters rejected the Presidential candidate (Mitt Romney) that ran on a platform to repeal it."  

     All three branches of government have given their stamp of approval... have given their "a-okay" to the Affordable Care Act.  And as I wrote in my column last Sunday..."Obamacare" is the law of the land.  The President used the same words on Thursday...and added, "It's here to stay."  There is no reason for President Obama to negotiate with Republicans if it means the destruction of the Affordable Care Act.  And to shut down the federal government - which is the fault of the Republicans - was reckless and irresponsible.

     In last week's column...I verbally blasted Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas for his fake filibuster...and for his childish attempt at destroying the Affordable Care Act.  But it is mind-boggling to a freshman senator...with less than a year in office...was able to craft a government shutdown...and make such a mess of our country.   

     It's quite frankly sinful...that Republicans will not re-open the government until the President agrees to tell one-fifth of the American population...20 percent of your friends, neighbors and relatives...that they can't have health insurance.  Such an idea is totally insane.  

     As President Obama stated on Wednesday, October 2nd in an interview with CNBC Chief Washington Correspondent John Harwood, "We've got a group of folks who think that they can hold Americans hostage for ransom that they can't win through an election."  As the President stated on Thursday...the government shutdown is not about spending or fiscal responsibility.  "This whole thing is about one thing...the Republican obsession with dismantling the Affordable Care Act...and denying affordable health insurance to millions of Americans."
     Republicans have no to the desires of the American people.  It's apparent...that Republicans are deaf and to what Americans want.  And as President Obama told the group in Rockville, Maryland on Thursday..."Through this whole fight...they've said...the American people don't want 'Obamacare' we should shut down the repeal it...or delay it.  But here's the problem.  The government's now shut down...but the Affordable Care Act is still open for business.  So they're not even accomplishing...what they say they want to accomplish."  

     As the old saying goes, "the proof is in the pudding."  On October 1st, 2013...the very first day that "Obamacare" became available through the exchanges and marketplaces...more than 6 million Americans visited to learn how to improve on their health insurance or obtain insurance that they have never been able to get before.  Yes, there were glitches with the Website.  So what.  But still...6 million people went traveling through discover how they can get health insurance.  Hundreds of thousands of people telephoned the call center on the very first day.  How can any Republican with an ounce of brains think that Americans don't want "Obamacare?"

     It's truly shameful - as we approach year two of President Obama's second term - that House Republicans are likely to reject every bill that the President attempts to pass through Congress.  Thankfully...the Democrats hold the majority in the Senate...and the mid-term elections are coming up in November 2014...with the hope that Democrats can regain majority in the House...and of course...keep the Senate.  But until then...if Congress would let President Obama perform the duties...for which he has already demonstrated...quintessential and praiseworthy abilities...I am confident...I am certain..that most - if not all - Americans will realize progress in our country...and that the President will reach every goal he has planned.  If Republicans would open their minds...and open their hearts...the super rich... the very rich...and the moderately wealthy...will still have plenty of money.  And the comfortable, but struggling...the middle-class who are just barely getting by...those who are borderline poverty-stricken...and those who are altogether poor...will find that their lives will improve to a higher quality... that is deserving of ALL Americans.

     We must unite our politicians...and unite our nation as a whole.  There is no question that President Obama has - to use his words - "bent over backwards" to work with the Republican Party.  Unfortunately, because of Congressional Republicans...who are acting like "spoiled children" - according to a new CNN/ORC International poll - I don't see America's national politicians agreeing on whether the sky is blue...let alone coming to terms on a spending plan...and therefore...the government remains closed.

     The trouble is...we have a House of Haters...who refuse to give Barack Obama an order to be successful with his Presidency.  Despite that...President Obama is already a success since moving in to The White House.  Now I'm not going to spell out every one of  his numerous achievements...including, but not limited to - "General Motors is alive...and Osama bin Laden is dead"...the end of the war in Iraq - (a war that never should have been started by the previous administration)...and a nation that was going belly-up (because of his predecessor) to an improving economy that has grown the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 8,000 to 15,000.  But those are just a few facts that prove that President Obama has moved our country in a positive direction. case you have any doubts about any of the President's other political masterpieces  - which I know many of you do - research for yourself.  Oh he has a lot more to do...but the fact is...President Obama has had many accomplishments beyond the Affordable Care Act...and he has the knowledge...the skill...the keen analytical mind...and the talents as a triumph throughout his second term as our Commander-in-Chief.  But to do so...temper tantrums by Tea Partying Republicans - not to mention certain other members of the GOP - need to stop.  The United States cannot continue to suffer because of the animosity that most - note I said "most"...not all - Republicans have for this President.  It is so obvious that they would rather see President Obama fail...then to make America flourish.  What kind of an American acts that way?  Is it because...President Obama is a Democrat?  Is it because...he's a liberal?  Is it because...he is black?  Yes, you read right.  I have broached the sensitive subject of racism. 

     Do Members of the House of Representatives - some, not all - want President Obama to fall flat on his that America hits rock bottom... simply because they don't want an African-American President...a Negro President...a black be victorious?  The conservative right wants to obstruct and block everything Mr. Obama wants to make our country better.  Why do they have such a distasteful grudge against a President who has a burning desire to help the middle class and the make life easier for people who are trying to stay make a buck...and to live happy and healthy lives?  Why must there be a fury of detestation and abhorrence towards President Obama?  Is racism driving that hatred?

     How can a polarized nation become united again?  If we have to wait until 2017...until a new President takes occupancy at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue... be him...or her...a Democrat...or a Republican...the United States of America may become so wounded...that no political doctor will be be able to save our nation's life.  We, as Americans, cannot allow our country...our deteriorate beyond repair.

     A cooperative Congress is crucial.  But in a week when Uncle Sam has closed his doors...a new CBS News poll reveals that 72 percent of Americans disapprove of shutting down the federal government over differences on the Affordable Care Act...and Republicans in Congress are receiving more of the blame for the shutdown.  Forty-four percent of Americans are accusing the GOP for putting out the "Gone Fishing" sign throughout the nation's capital... while only 35 percent are pointing the finger at President Obama and Congressional Democrats.
     On October 17th, 2013 - a mere 11 days from now - the United States of America reaches the debt ceiling...which is 16.7 trillion dollars.  Suppose...just suppose...the U.S. can make it through the rest of the month.  On November 1st...the Treasury Department is scheduled to ink out a check to Social Security for 25 billion dollars.  And on November 15th...30 billion dollars in interest is to be paid on Treasury securities.  Without an increase in the debt ceiling...those payments cannot be made.  Think about the senior citizens - and others - who won't be getting their Social Security checks.  That can be catastrophic for the moms and dads...the grandparents...and others... who depend on their Social Security order to live.

     Congress has got to act...and act now.  A government shutdown is bad enough...but if the U.S. fails to pay its bills on American wants to know what that will be like.  We don't want to explore those waters.

     Speaking to the crowd in Rockville, Maryland...President Obama warned the entire nation...that if Congress does not raise America's borrowing limit by the middle of this month..."an economic shutdown that results from default... would be dramatically worse."  And the fact of the matter is...if we do not raise the debt ceiling...the federal government...WILL default.  For the first time in this country's history...the United States of America...would default on our obligations as a government.  The thought alone...sickens me.

     But Speaker of the House John Boehner told George Stephanopoulos on the Sunday, October 6th edition of ABC's This Week...that "We are not going to pass a clean debt limit increase.  We are not going down that path."

      I - as are millions of other Americans - am thoroughly disgusted with the Republicans in Congress.  How does this all come to an end?  Will the United States default?  Is that what has to happen in order for Democrats and Republicans to FINALLY come together?  For the GOP to say that the government won't get funded...and Washington will remain closed...unless Republicans get their a disgrace.  The  "crybabies" of the GOP can stomp their feet all day long...but it's not going to work.  They need to stop threatening President Obama and other Democrats with mindless demands.  Congress has got to do its job.  In the end...Republicans are going to be forced to raise the debt limit anyway - and more than likely - a clean debt limit increase...with nothing tied to it.  Speaker Boehner...and the rest of the House leadership...need to schedule a vote to open up the government.  As the President said Thursday... "Take a vote.  Stop this farce.  And end this shutdown right now."  That sort of says it all, Mr. Speaker.  It's a do it already.  OPEN UP THE DAMN DOORS!

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.  

The Controversy will make an effort to publish a new commentary every Sunday.  Unscheduled essays may appear, from time to time, on other days as well.

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Copyright 2013 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.