Sunday, March 31, 2013

The United States Constitution Says Americans Are All "Equal." Then Why Not Gays?

     The United States Supreme Court heard arguments last week in cases involving two high profile laws that put the issue of same-sex marriage, front and center, before the nation. 

     Gay marriage is legal in 9 states - Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont and Washington plus the District of Columbia.  Homosexuals can also "tie the knot" in Canada, Argentina, South Africa, most of Mexico and in many countries on the European continent.  Unfortunately, in America, 38 states have anti-gay marriage laws or constitutional amendments banning the recognition of same-sex weddings.

     Now I have already written an indepth essay on equal rights for gays - (Equal Rights For All...Including Gay Boy Scouts, February 6, 2013) - but recently, I have been receiving many e-mails from readers of The Controversy asking why I have not re-visited the issue to focus primarily on same-sex marriage.

     As the highest court in the land ponders over California's Proposition 8 and the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, a new CBS News poll indicates that the majority of Americans now support a marriage between a man and man, and a woman and a woman.  Fifty-three percent of U.S. citizens think it should be legal for same-sex couples to marry, while 39% disagree with such a union.  Eight percent of Americans have no opinion.  Meanwhile, a whopping 73% of Americans under the age of 30 feel gays should have the right to get married.

     But polling the American public should not have any bearing on whether gays should be legally allowed to wed.  This is a matter of civil rights; and despite what the naysayers think...same-sex marriage IS a civil right for homosexuals.

     Our founding fathers - including such honorable men, who also became President of the United States - John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, known as the "Father of the Constitution"...stipulated most clearly in the U.S. Constitution...that "all men are created equal."  If that is to be true...then two men...or two women...should have the right to join together in a same-sex marriage.  Polls and public opinion should not even be part of the issue.

     If all Americans are supposed to be equal under the law, how can any American - who believes in the Constitution of this nation - be contradictory and say that gays should not enter in to a legal and binding marriage?

     Why should only one group of people - homosexuals - be disregarded as equal under the law?  It is preposterous and utterly absurd to think that "the law of the land" should be able to pick and choose as to who can marry and who can not.  Until gays are treated with the same equal rights as straight individuals then we are not doing justice to the writings of Madison, Jefferson, Adams and our other founding fathers who stated equality for all Americans.

     Same-sex marriage is inevitable in the United States...and rightfully so.  Otherwise, our country will appear to be supporting a prejudiced notion that not every American is created equal under the law.  And there is no reason whatsoever that any homosexual person should deserve anything less than the same equal rights as heterosexuals.

     Although there still remains bigots and people who are prejudiced against others because of their race, religion, ethnicity or for any other reason...for the most part...we - as a nation - have accepted people of color as equal, non-Christians as equal, and members of other minorities as equal.  So why not gays?

     Interracial marriages were frowned upon - and in many areas were illegal - not too long ago.  And it isn't that many years back...when "Negroes"...were slaves.  But thankfully, black Americans are now recognized, by most Americans, as equal.  After all, we twice elected an African-American to be our President.

     In the not too distant past, anti-semitism was rampant.  Today, for the most part - at least I want to believe - that Jewish Americans are equal.

     And although there are certain ignorant individuals who still make up the "haters" of the world...and who are hostile towards blacks, Jews, Hispanics and other Americans...and who never will recognize anybody different from equal - the law states...that we are all equal.

     Blacks are not slaves...Jews are not being persecuted...and the rights of Americans are supposed to be applied to ALL Americans.  Then why not gays?

     The notion of marriage...and the ceremony and celebration that generally follows...may have been considered a tradition for only a man and a woman.  But it shouldn't be anymore.  If two consenting adults - whether a man and a woman, a man and a man, or a woman and a woman - want to create a permanent bond in a relationship of love...they should have the right to do so.

     If you are against same-sex marriage...what or who gives you the right to decide who can get married or who can not?  God created all of us in His own image, so says The Old Testament; and the United States Constitution proclaims that all of us are created equal.  Therefore, when God and the law of the land agree that Americans are all equal, then it seems to me that everyone in this country should be protected with the same rights and provided the same privileges.
     It's about time that gays and lesbians are totally equal - in every way - as all other Americans - including giving them the right to lawfully wed in a legal and binding marriage.  If we don't... then our Constitution becomes bogus.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

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Copyright 2013 Gary B. Duglin and All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. I also think it important in this situation to list the following quote from Thomas Jefferson:

    "I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and Constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors." -Thomas Jefferson

    To that effect, the Constitution is a GUIDING document, and should not be looked at as an absolute doctrine inspired by God, or gods.
