Monday, December 17, 2012


     As someone who has spent nearly his entire adult life making a living in the world of broadcasting and entertainment, I am quite familiar with the old saying, "The show must go on."  But in show business - at least in most stage productions - a performer has an understudy who can take over the role when the regular cast member is ill.  When producing a movie - scenes can be filmed out of order; giving time for a particular actor to get better.  In television - a character can be written out of the story for a week or two.  And in radio - another talk show host or disc jockey can fill in for the personality who is under the weather.  However, none of that is the same for writing a blog.  At least not when the blog is written by one person.

     If you're a regular reader of The Controversy, you know that I usually compose a commentary everyday.  Unfortunately, a nasty virus hit my upper respiratory system on November 29th and boy did I get a doozy of an infection.  In plain English - I've been mighty sick.

     As I am still recovering from my recent kidney surgery - which I discussed at length in my first essay on Thanksgiving Day, November 22nd - I didn't need an attack from the bronchitis bug, which took every bit of strength out of me - but that's what happened.

     All that being said, I'm better now, so please bear with me and I plan to resume my daily editorial with another article to follow this explanation. 

     Please stay tuned.  Thanks very much.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

Copyright 2012 Gary B. Duglin and All Rights Reserved.

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