Sunday, November 25, 2012

Enough Is Enough! President Obama Was Born In The United States And IS An American Citizen.

     I was sitting in the kitchen of my sister and brother-in-law's home on Friday afternoon, November 23, 2012 when the telephone rang.  My sister placed the call on speaker so everyone in the room could hear what was being said.  It was a robocall from a conservative group that apparently will not give up on its despicable accusation that President Barack Obama

was not born in the United States and, therefore, is illegally President, according to our nation's Constitution.  The caller I.D. showed that the call came from a Washington, D.C. telephone number - (202) 558-3148. 

     The recorded male voice spewed disgraceful and outlandish claims that President Obama's birth certificate is
"computer generated" and is not an actual document from the State of Hawaii.  The caller maintained that Mr. Obama's birth certificate is a forgery and that his true birthplace is Kenya.  The voice asked for a donation of $3 to help "expose President Obama as a fake" and to prove that he is not an American citizen.  The caller also declared  that, as a result of the alleged phony birth certificate, Mr. Obama is "an illegal alien" and, therefore, this group is demanding that the President be impeached.  "Our only recourse," the caller stated "is to move forward with the full impeachment of President Obama.  We suspect that Obama is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and that there may be grounds for impeachment as is laid out in the Constitution."

     The caller goes on to say, "Further, he may not even be a U.S. citizen because nobody - I mean no one - has seen an actual physical copy of his birth certificate.  Impeachment is our only option."

     This is insane; totally and absolutely insane.  I have heard others over the last four years - many of whom insist they are patriotic Americans who love this country - fabricate stories filled with untruths and hatred about the President of the United States.  It's time to put a grinding halt to bashing President Obama.  Those of you who are responsible for these electronic attacks of the President are disrespectful, detestable and disgusting.  Your claims and your calls are offensive; and you are beyond contempt. 

     Why won't these lunatics give it up already?  Enough Is enough! President Obama was born in the United States and IS an American citizen.  Can't these so-called "birthers" go away and stop with the nonsense that President Obama is not a natural born citizen of the U.S.A.?  These people are radical racists who are nothing but horrible haters.  These vile, vicious and vindictive voices must be ignored; and I hope anyone reading this commentary will share my views with others and that you will disregard the deplorable and reprehensible actions of those who clearly want nothing more but to destroy our great country and the President who has now twice been legally elected.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

Copyright 2012 Gary B. Duglin and All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. Just because you disagree with them doesn’t make them lunatics, I may not agree with them or you but I don’t call them or you names. My big question is why is it that anyone who dares to disagree with this president is labeled a racist? Over 60 million American didn’t vote for this President are they all racist?
