Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Angus T. Jones Deserves A Second Chance After Apologizing For His Harsh Criticism of TWO AND A HALF MEN

     Mistakes are made in life; and sometimes it takes a bit of growing up until one learns from those blunders.  Hopefully a degree of maturity has come to Two and a Half Men star Angus T. Jones as today he apologized for his YouTube rant earlier this week; whereby he described the CBS sitcom as "filth" and begged viewers to stop watching the show.

     In a statement released by his publicist, Jones said, "I apologize if my remarks reflect me showing indifference to and disrespect of my colleagues and a lack of appreciation of the extraordinary opportunity of which I have been blessed.  I never intended that."  The 19-year old actor, who plays Jake Harper, the fun-loving and sex-crazed son of Jon Cryer went
on to say that "I have been the subject of much discussion, speculation and commentary over the past 24 hours.  While I cannot address everything that has been said, or right every misstatement or misunderstanding, there is one thing I want to make clear.  Without qualification, I am grateful to and have the highest regard and respect for all of the wonderful people on Two and a Half Men with whom I have worked; and over the past ten years who have become an extension of my family."

     CBS, Warner Bros. and the Two and a Half Men production company have not commented on how Jones' remarks could affect the show overall, but it has been reported that the series is shooting only two more episodes before going on hiatus for the upcoming holidays and that Jones will not appear in either program.  Reportedly, the scripts for both episodes were written prior to Jones' bitterly disturbing criticism of Two and a Half Men.

      In his apology today, Jones did not detail what  motivated him to make his comments in the online interview, but in the video tirade itself, Jones had implied that the message of Two and a Half Men conflicted with his personal and religious beliefs as a Christian.  "I'm on Two and a Half Men and I don't want to be on it," Jones said.  "You cannot be a true God-fearing person and be on a television show like that.  I know I can't.  I'm not okay with what I'm learning, what the Bible says, and being on that television show.  You go all or nothing."

     Jones' comments come nearly two years after Charlie Sheen was fired from Two and a Half Men; after he verbally attacked
executive producer Chuck Lorre
in a public rage.  Today, the 47-year old star of the FX comedy, Anger Management responded to his former on-screen nephew's offensive outburst and said, "It is radically clear to me that the show (Two and a Half Men) is cursed."  Sheen then laid out a welcome mat to Jones at the "Anger Management home anytime."

     Jones reportedly is paid $350,000 for each episode of Two and a Half Men; thus earning him an annual salary of 8.4 million dollars.  As he made an effort to atone for his recent gaff and lack of judgment, Jones reached out to Chuck Lorre, Warner Bros. Television president Peter Roth
and others at both Warner Bros. and CBS by crediting them with being "responsible for what has been one of the most significant experiences in my life to date.  I thank them for the opportunity they have given and continue to give me, and the help and guidance I have and expect to continue to receive from them."

     It would be a shame to see a talented young actor have his entire career destroyed by a stupid mistake.  Obviously, Angus T. Jones' words were unkind, hurtful and insulting.  But hey...we all deserve a second chance.  And in some cases...even a third, fourth or fifth.  Jones needs to be given his second chance...and hopefully he'll get it.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

Copyright 2012 Gary B. Duglin and All Rights Reserved.

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